Spoiler I Seduced The Deceitful Duke 사기 친 공작님을 유혹해버렸다

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by november27, Jul 1, 2021.

  1. Ariary

    Ariary Sucker for isekai troupe

    Aug 2, 2020
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    It's when ml met her in the guild and proposed to her. He kissed her and and she asked for more. (Lol she's so funny and the manhwa draws made it better).
    I guess.. based on your previous spoiler.. she will joined him in the deceitful marriage. BUT, she still intends to look for "the real pink lady" that she thought really real. (It's all because the ml. Lol. He described it soo realll and she thought there's another pink lady. So she'll just pretends to be 'her' for now to deceive ml. Little that she knows, it's just ml's lie :v)
    When will she knows the truth btw?

    What happen after the married beside she met lil duke? (Events, in order?)
    Is this already finished?
  2. raxellayoo

    raxellayoo Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2021
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    is the novel slow paced? looking at how she get misscarriage just in the side story, and did the princess remaining "limp"? when did ML discovered she's faking it or did ML ever followed any of her wishes just bcs of guilt?

    tho i hate princess, kinda understand why there's none of the punishment, she is the root but what she done is merely a child play, like inciting someone to gambling and bribe an aide, but the consequences is severe beside her family is rotten and by that i mean the king, he really burn the whole villlagers i mean u can burn the village but villagers? so its highly understandable why the princess crime didnt get into light, and if it's uncovered there'll be the downfall of the royal, but its a romcom and not focused on that direction, so they just glossed over it

    now im wondering who is the villain, btw she didnt kill their baby, it's the fake pregnancy at the start of the story so basically our couple use princess as a scapegoat for their deceit
    Laerta, twilight_123 and Shion Lee like this.
  3. Riftan is a softie

    Riftan is a softie Spoiler Hunter

    Nov 8, 2020
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    Yup, he was the one who requested from the guild, poor our FL entangled in their sch
    Yep, she is. The reason she didn't get punished was because they hold each others' weaknesses, the ML and FL knew about the Princess's crimes, and the Princess also knew about their secrets; the ML became a child in midnight, their contract marriage and that the FL didn't pregnant. So they shut their mouths like nothing happened, because if they told anyone about their weaknesses, it'd be their own downfalls. And the FL wasn't pregnant for real, it was just their play

    Ah, that scene.
    After their meeting, the FL thought about reject the ML's offer, but then a money lender, another ML, came to her house and force her to pay her father's gambling debt, so she paid it with the money she got from breaking the ML's wedding, but it wasn't enough to pay for the interest, so Bant confiscated her music box. Because of that, she had to accept the marriage contract with the ML.

    As for the events, there's not really much going on in the story, as it was a slow paced plot, but here are some events that will happen in the story;
    1. After the marriage, they will sleep in one room, it was because they need to act as a loving couple, and beside that, the ML also had to make sure that the FL had slept at one hour before midnight, because he knew that if she didn't sleep, she'd wandering around the mansion to find out about his secret (as he knew that the FL was a person full of curiousity), so he'd hug the FL, pat her back and cast a magic to put her to sleep (but mostly, his magic didn't work to her).
    2. The Princess planted a spy in the duke's mansion as a maid to find out about his secret, the ML caught the spy red handed, but the spy killed herself by consuming the poison, but fortunately the ML was able to save her.
    3. Someone stole FL's music box again, and yeah, the perpetrator is the Princess
    4. The Princess sent Bant as the representative of the Duchy elders, replacing ML's grandfather, to stay in the duke's mansion for a month to investigate whethert they were really married out of love (The audacity to touch the duchy's internal affair and sent someone who even has no relationship with the duchy, I want to spit on her face :mad:)
    5. Bant gave the FL the message from the Princess that threatened her to find out about the ML's secret, or else, she won't get her music box back.
    6. The FL pretended to sleep and got out to the annex at midnight, and there she found the body of the missing maid (the spy) which looked like a corpse and was scared, the ML caught her red handed and 'threatened' her. Little did she know that it was ML's trick. ML knew that the FL would go out to find his secret, so he let her do that and think that it'll be easier to 'threatened' her so she'd never doing that again.
    7. Although she promised to never set foot in the annex again, she came again to the annex and found out about a 'child' in a greenhouse in the annex who was sleeping (no one can see the greenhouse, because the ML already cast a magic on it, but his magic didn't work on FL)
    8. The FL thought that the ML's secret was the child, that he had an affair with a maid and that their love couldn't be shown to public because of status difference, so she tried to connect the dots and realized that it might be the reason why the maids had been bullying her since she came, it was the mother of the child who did all of that.
    9. The FL approached the ML in the form of a child, the ML was shocked that she found out about his secret, he was about to tell her the truth, but the FL said what she thought first and made the ML stunned and said that she was so stupid, so he let the misunderstanding rather than clarify it (the misunderstanding is funny, lol)
    10. The FL told the secrets she didn't tell to the ML to the 'child', that's why the ML knew about the threat and FL's feeling for him
    11. The FL, ML and Labrador later tried to find out about the person behind the FL's misfortunes, then they found out that person who trampled the FL's father into gambling, the person who stole the FL's music box and threatened her were the same person, it was Theressa, the owner of the gambling house.
    12. And more stories about them trying to find out about the real identity of the misterious Theressa.
    13. FL's father was missing, the FL got kidnapped, the ML was also sent unconsciously to the place where they first met.
    14. The Princess confronted the FL in the forest where they first met and told her why she did all of those bad things to the FL, and she also found out about ML's secret because he appeared on his child form in front of the her. He learned about the fact that the FL was the little girl he saved in the forest. And everything was cleared here.
    15. Oh, and Bant also came to the forest, he still acted as the Princess' henchman, but in fact, he tried to save the FL and find her father, although he was caught and got beaten.
    16. After finding FL's father, Labrador came to their rescue and moved all of them to the capital.
    17. All of them (The FL's father, Bant and the Princess) stayed in the duke's mansion after everyone was health enough to get back to their own places. And the ML also needed to the Princess about everything, but this motherfucker didn't even feel the slightest guilt toward the FL.
    18. After got back to the imperial palace, the Princess announced that her limp had been cured by the ML's magic. The emperor held a banquet to celebrate it. The Princess should give the music box back to the FL, but she acted as if her hand slipped and the music box was broken. When the ML was about to say something, she screamed and pretended to be shocked to avoid it, so her knights and maids entered the room and bring the Princess out of there. (This bitch, until the end :mad:)
    19. And yeah, it's the end of the main story. The side story only tell about their revenge of the miscarriage, and it was the only punishment for the Princess.

    Yeah, it's a slow paced story. The ML found out about her fake limp almost at the end of the story, and he did almost everything she asked him, except accepting her feeling for him. He knew about ther feeling toward him, but he pretended not to know about it.

    The Princess always got everything she wanted, that's why when she couldn't get the ML, she became mad and it hurt her pride. She had to own everything she wanted, even if it's broken.
  4. Ariary

    Ariary Sucker for isekai troupe

    Aug 2, 2020
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    Thank you so so so muuuch! Such a comprehensive spoiler! Love it!
    Is the side story completed?
    Any spoiler how they become close? Confession? Kiss? Sweet moment?
    Priar likes this.
  5. Mierrash

    Mierrash Member

    Dec 1, 2022
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    Thank you for the spoilerrrr! I need to know is there any sweet moments? And how they become more closer?
    Priar likes this.
  6. Riftan is a softie

    Riftan is a softie Spoiler Hunter

    Nov 8, 2020
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    Yes, it's completed with only 2 side stories.

    Unfortunately there's not many sweet scenes between the FL and ML, but if I had to choose, the moments ML put the FL to sleep so that she won't wandering around the mansion are cute. Also moments where the ML became the child and the FL adored him and even pinched his cheeks are also cute. Oh and, it's rather funny than cute, when the FL lied about getting stomachache and needed to use toilet, but in fact she was reading a letter sent from the Princess, the ML waited in front of the toilet and because the FL didn't come out for a long time, he also jokingly recommended her to visit a doctor, and this toilet incident was repeated for 2 times, and the ML who always teased her about it, became worried whether she had a problem with his 'toilet matter' :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
  7. Pathetic Angels

    Pathetic Angels Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2022
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    Lol after all that spoiler I think I'll drop this story. I'm a vengeful person I can't see someone that ruin someone's life because of childish reasons unpunished haha. I pity their kingdom, they have a literal corrupt tyrants as the royal family which basically lead their country
  8. Desperate

    Desperate Desperate for spoilers <( °-° )>

    Mar 13, 2021
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    Just hearing the fact that the princess didn't get any punishments, I'm already out. What kind of bullshit is this. What even went on with the author's mind? "Like "mhm, and let's write this stupid ass person to never suffer any big consequences because she's just a child and she was only a root of it!! It's not like she told them what to do."... This mnhwa went 10/10 to 0/10 rq.
    Angelsmile, twilight_123 and nagibee like this.
  9. hastingsj

    hastingsj Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2019
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    Honestly, at least Labrador and Berry are real English names. I mean, they are not *cool* names, but at least they are actual names.
    Some fantasy Engrish names that I have actually seen: Blondina, Biche, Ashtarte, Clown
    edit (some new ones): omil pytono &
    Aquasteed Marineforest (yes ~waterhorse seaweed~ is his real name first, last. yes its a whole mouthful)

    Sometimes the names are just an insane collection of letters that just don't get put in that order in the English language.
    Naming is wild in all of the fantasy genre, let alone fantasy versions of other cultures for which you are a non-native speaker.
    Berry is the tamest most normal male lead name I have ever heard. Granted, I would expect to see a Berry @ a 9-5 job in an accounting office, not as a hot duke XD
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2023
    Laerta, twilight_123 and SkyLisette like this.
  10. Emma626

    Emma626 626 flavors of love, none for you~

    Apr 26, 2021
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    It was a good and funny story, yet I feel like I want to inhabit the FL or ml's body just for one week and beat the shit out of that princess. Not that I mind killing her but I just want to see her all bloodied and bruised. It's so not satisfying, her ending. It left me with heartburn.
  11. TheSkyIsFalling

    TheSkyIsFalling Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2018
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    Jeez, if they're not going to give satisfying revenge at least give us romance and kids at the end. Why does the author want to punish readers haha
    Angelsmile and salty25 like this.
  12. tylerdylan18

    tylerdylan18 Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    MTL DONE ;)
    niine37 and Emma626 like this.
  13. niine37

    niine37 Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2020
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    Thank you, can you please share it to us :)
    Alex 5678 likes this.
  14. smor

    smor Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2022
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    This plot line is not even matching with the manhwa at all! Fake review or posted review of another in the wrong forum.

  15. twilight_123

    twilight_123 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2021
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    Girl...pls check my post carefully!!

    I replied to the person because she got confused with another novel which had a manhwa....I wasn't talking about this novel which is 'I Seduced the Deceitful Duke'....

    I corrected her saying this novel at that time didn't hv a manhwa....she got confused n u can also see later she edited the post...

    That's why i told her about the novel/manhwa she was talking about which is 'A Deceitful Marriage' or 'Duke'...

    I hope u understand now ^^
    Hwat likes this.
  16. ManhwaFreak

    ManhwaFreak Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2023
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    I gotta ask but who hired the FL to ruin the wedding?
  17. Astellar

    Astellar Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2022
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    is there any ongoing tl?cant find any, and it seems even the tl for the manhwa also dropped.
  18. momomo5

    momomo5 Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2020
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    I am curious about the FL magic? Does she ever get her choker removed and is able to use magic again ?