Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by lostross, Jan 11, 2023.

  1. JustATalkingOwl

    JustATalkingOwl Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2021
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    The reason why I love Rosaline in this webtoon is because she is strong despite the shackles called social system.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2023
  2. NovelHopper

    NovelHopper Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2021
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    Okay wow chill everyone. Ill get back here when there's actual spoilers for this hahaha I wanna see the Romeo guy downfall hahaha
    Ai-Channie and lostross like this.
  3. Nah

    Nah Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2020
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    Its so frustrating the spoilers come bit by bit. Its like a teasing drops when you so thirsty. Because the original come from ongoing webtoon, not a completed or advanced novel chapters, there is no way to find further spoilers. Therefore discussions and speculations were born.

    My sole purpose come to this thread just to answer Romeo's reason of his action and how they're all will end up. I feel so disgusted how Romeo cs gaslighting their family's feud for the reasoning of their death deception. Normally I quite fond of cunning and manipulating character no matter they r hero or villain. But this Romeo, duhh I just wish to punch his head to bring him down to the earth. Juliet just a spoiled girl afraid of responsibilities. A victim of her own self. Yup reviewers above, they r birds of the same feather flock together. One thinks the world is in his hand and one thinks the world admire her. Together they just full of themselves, a narcisst. My only wish they reap what they sow.
    Asheza, vesperia, Elliana and 5 others like this.
  4. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    I find this manhwa kinda childish.

    Like how Rosaline talked with Tybalt and he changed his opinion of her as if she said something that great. And same with the grandmother. Almost every conversation is so cringe.

    How the plot is progressing is also not realistic. How Romeo and Juliet came back from death with no repercussions. Or how the prince is favoring Rosaline, who only brings disadvantages to him.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2023
  5. Danxxiii

    Danxxiii Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2020
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    Though I agree with you first statement, I think your second statement is not completely right. I think you have been reading too many princes and kings only have useful people besides them mangas. The truth is he is depicted as someone who is very bored and who wants to find someone interesting. (In this case Roseline) if you even read about princes and even kings, you will find that they often associated w/ people who had bad reputations. There were many princes who were ‘friends’ w/ divorced women. (Fucking on the low) King Henry the 8th was known to have impregnated some married noble ladies. He even recognized some of his children with them bc they were male. (Unfortunately only his legal wives could never give him male heirs while his mistresses gave him plenty) Although people would talk about the “bad people” the princes e specifically associated with, they would not dare say it to their faces. Sometimes they would be reprimanded by their parents for seeing such people but to no avail.
    Now what was unrealistic was unwed noble women going to social events with the bastard child. The parents would’ve rather beat her than allow the disgrace. In fact many time while the young girl was still pregnant they would arrange for her to go to the countryside for some “fresh air” and once she gave birth she was allowed to come back. The child would be pass as a relative of theirs or maybe something else.
  6. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Even if there were princes friends with divorced women, MC is literally the one and only person most despised by everyone in high society. Moreover, one would be suspicious of how pure her intentions of getting close to the CP are. In real life, it's almost certain that such a woman would want get close to the CP in order to use him (to better her own situation), but since MC is just a comic book character, she sincerely thinks of him as a friend
  7. Danxxiii

    Danxxiii Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2020
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    Have you not read the story? Getting close to the prince decide if she gets her grandmother’s recognition or not. While I do agree there are many historical inconsistencies like the ones previously stated, her being acquainted w/ the prince could be possible. But since you want to focus so much about what would not be historically consistent:
    -Grandmother or Women would not be involved in any politics surrounding their families. Their role was taking care of the house/ house finances and children. Only way this would happen was if their husband was bedridden n it was necessary for them to step up. Many times their oldest sons would take that role though
    -They usually furthered themselves by sleeping around w/ more wealthy men or their connections. Which is why parties where so important for young ladies. This is where they could establish connect and gain influence.
    -If any ever did wat Romeo and Juliet did, they would A)tell them they were better off pretending to be dead bc it would bring shame to their families, disown them B)since it happens during a party with other people present, disown them in private. Either way they would be disowned to save face. Juliet would probably be sent to a Monastery, and Romeo disowned while one of his brothers took over

    Have you not read the story? Getting close to the prince decide if she gets her grandmother’s recognition or not. While I do agree there are many historical inconsistencies like the ones previously stated, her being acquainted w/ the prince could be possible. But since you want to focus so much about what would not be historically consistent:
    -Grandmother or Women would not be involved in any politics surrounding their families. Their role was taking care of the house/ house finances and children. Only way this would happen was if their husband was bedridden n it was necessary for them to step up. Many times their oldest sons would take that role though
    -They usually furthered themselves by sleeping around w/ more wealthy men or their connections. Which is why parties where so important for young ladies. This is where they could establish connect and gain influence.
    -If any ever did wat Romeo and Juliet did, they would A)tell them they were better off pretending to be dead bc it would bring shame to their families, disown them B)since it happens during a party with other people present, disown them in private. Either way they would be disowned to save face. Juliet would probably be sent to a Monastery, and Romeo disowned while one of his brothers took over
    lostross and Jeenajin like this.
  8. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    You have not read my comments as this is not what I was getting at.

    I didn't even bother to contest the historical accuracy, as I treat this story as fictional. My only problem is to make the plot and characters make sense according to the premise of this fictional world
  9. Charlotteoxford

    Charlotteoxford Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2023
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    -Paris, Rosaline, and Mino run into Romeo and Juliet
    - Juliet notices Mino's green eyes and brown hair from a distance and possibly thinks it's the child of Romeo
    - Juliet is pretty friendly to Mino, she shows no hostility and even wants to be friends with Rosaline.
    - However, Romeo comes in and goes off on a sarcastic rant saying Mino's name is something he would come up with if he was his father.
    - Paris interrupts and takes Mino/Rosaline away from the scene
    - Romeo is angry that Paris stepped in but he can't do anything
    - The civilians nearby start questioning the legitimacy of Romeo and Juliet's sudden revival, they were even screaming out that they were the devil's spawn (really idk what Romeo was thinking? Dumb ass really thought people bought his resurrection bullshit.)
    - Romeo starts saying some high-class crap like "you insignificant peasants will all die"
    - Once Romeo and Juliet flee the scene, Juliet feels dejected that the people were treating them harshly so she tells Romeo to start "the plan"

    And the chapter ends with Romeo agreeing.
  10. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    Wtf lol. I'm gonna think this is some alternate history cause none of this makes sense or would have happened
  11. Charlotteoxford

    Charlotteoxford Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2023
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    Why are you here?
    It's been established 29 chapters ago that this isn't Romeo & Juliet
    This is "Go away Romeo"

    If you want to read the original play then bye
  12. Aiko_Tachibana

    Aiko_Tachibana Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2021
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    I really do wonder what Romeo wants from the world. Probably revenge for someone killed in the blood feud or something? Because he seduced both daughters of the Capulet household.

    Also, Juliet is the type of person who thinks the world will bend over backwards just for her. She proves her superiority by trying to be different from the norm society has made and then makes hypocritic decisions that only favors her.
    But, I am loving the "kid brings two people together" troupe. Count Paris, Rosaline and Mino are absolutely adorable!
  13. zenslover

    zenslover Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2018
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    I wonder what they're planning to gain people attention and sympathy, hope its not involving Rosaline but I guess its imposible
    Why Capulets Grandma doesnt kick Juliette out from the city or the cp forbid them in public? Maybe punish them and force them to join a circus as a clown or something
    lostross likes this.
  14. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    I'm surprised Juliet wasn't bewildered or angry when she suspected Romeo had a son with her cousin. I thought she loved Romeo and was fooled by him, but maybe not.
  15. Nah

    Nah Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2020
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    I got your point. Rosaline didn't made a great movement to get that favor. To this point (amazed CP, befriended Paris, winning, etc), its like the universe suddenly favor her. Everything she said, did, and done is fitted to gain favor from right figure. Well, MC halo indeed. If she was this influential, she ain't got that shit treatment for her past. The road will always open for her to give her most priced benefit. It just now she is crowned by universe so begin her wonderful journey ✨

    Exactly the truth I need!
    Why Romeo? Sad past? Seeking 'justice'? Need approval for oh so great controller him?
    There is first scene where Romeo hugging Juliet by her knees. I found it sweet. I like the art. Turns out he's not a sweet boy imagined

    Yep nope. She only 'loves' Romeo because he willing to be a dog for her. I don't know if she truly this naive; the type of clueless egoistical narcisstic or she is indeed has some agendas.
  16. CreativeCriticalThinker

    CreativeCriticalThinker Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2022
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    I just read Chapter 30 and Romeo & Juliet are both so goddamn annoying, entitled, insensitive and not very self-aware!

    I can't believe that Juliet is so stupid naive that she has no idea why Rosaline and Paris resent them or don't want to get involved them anymore.
    She believes everything her Romeo says and Romeo has the audacity to demand respect from anyone after all the bullshit they caused...

    These two delusional idiots really deserve each other. They both obviously suffer under a Victim Complex combined with an obvious Main Character Syndrome.

    I wouldn't be surprised when that obnoxious couple make FMC Rosaline their scapegoat villain when there is trouble in their trashy paradise.

    This webtoon plot is really made for lots of hate-watching.
    Elliana, lostross, Lenny Code and 3 others like this.
  17. Charlotteoxford

    Charlotteoxford Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2023
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    Personally i'm interested in the drama, I wanna see where Romeo's so called "master plan" goes.

    In the latest chapter(31) he seems to be conspiring with the priest.
    I think they might be planning a coup d'etat
  18. Deleted member 215174

    Deleted member 215174 Guest

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    I just binged watched it and I just can’t.

    the priest, Romeo and Juliet are all delusional:
    The Priest want to play god and take control of the city. But seriously what he was expecting when revealed that Romeo & Juliet alive?! That people will be in awe.

    Romeo is just going through a phase. He wants absolute power and want to do it in a a flashy destructive way. How old is this dude? He is acting like a rebellious teenager!

    Juliet: she just enjoy playing the role of the victim/martyr. And she loves being the center of the universe.

    I just love how the people of Verona are not buying Romeo and Juliet big comeback :blobpopcorn_cool:

    I cheer for people of Verona:meowpuffymelt:
  19. Farhana Ansari

    Farhana Ansari Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2023
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    The insane ones are always the people with names in stories. The nameless characters are always the logical ones lol
    vesperia, lostross and Jeenajin like this.
  20. Heyer

    Heyer Member

    May 20, 2023
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    Romeo gave Rosaline gloomy looks while she was dancing with the prince or while was exchanging knowing glances with Paris... Jealousy? Maybe there is awareness about a second mistake by picking the wrong Capulet girl for the second time?:sneaky:
    After all, even the priest considers Juliette useless.:hmm:
    Romeo ,speaking of the priest's suspicion on Mino's paternity, asserts that the child will be useful to him later .:blobthumbsdown:
    However I think that for realize his plans he should approach Rosaline (good luck Romeo!She hates you!:blobthinkingsmirk: ), pity that he still doesn't know that Luciana Capuleti has chosen Mino as own successor ...:blob3cevil:
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2023