Spoiler I’m a Villainess but the Capture Target is too Abnormal

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by elparis, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. Miralain

    Miralain Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2021
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    Hello just want to ask a question.
    Will there be a backstory on each of the servants that are somwhat obsessed with the FL? Like Melo (The Servant Girl), the cook, the gardener, the coachman. I really want to know. Thank you
  2. KazenoTsuyoi

    KazenoTsuyoi Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2018
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    Can someone spoil me about the janitor Ali?
    I’m kinda interested in this dude’s details
  3. ThemisWeeps

    ThemisWeeps Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2022
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    So vol 4 just came out today, Mystia REALLY doesn't have anyone NOT A SINGLE PERSON who is normal around her! I believe that the manga is diverting from the web novel, which is pretty common. I checked the WN last few chapters and the author stated that the LN ver will be edited since some of the contents was too much.

    I'm going to do a huge dump spoilers of Volume 4 that just came out today.

    • Before the sports festival when Mysta's class was supposed to paint their flag, all the paint was gone. The containers were empty and spotless. At the end of Vol. 3, we can see someone dumping out the paint and talks about Mystia. It's prob the janitor.
      • When he dumps the paint out, he talks about how he first met Mystia. It was when Feena got burned and Mystia told him to help her, etc. He talks about how beautiful she is like a goddess and how she'd never look at someone like her b/c he has no redeeming features or traits. That's why he's dumping the paint, b/c he's 100% sure it'll trouble her and she will have no choice but to come to him for help. He is the only one that can help her. And what happens when she's looking for extra paint? He appears with extra paint.
    • During the sports festival, Claus and Mystia have lunch together (it's more Claus is forcing her to). Basically the sports festival was Eric and Raid silently trying to one up each other on how close they are with Mystia. It really hit a sore spot with Eric, who says that he's never wanted to kill Raid until now. Anyways, during lunch Claus mentions a church which was shut down b/c someone found out that the priest was earning a profit by showing off an unusual kid in the shadows.
    • The only snipet of Jess [teacher] is when he sees Zard w/ Mystia and asks whose kid he is. He's relived when Zard introduces himself as Raid's younger brother.
    • New unknown male character that appears in front of Mystia and asks if she's enjoying her time at the academy to which she responds yes. She mentions that she has made good friends and has been talking to the janitor (Ail), this causes him to pause for a brief moment. But afterwards he leaves after a servant calls him "Master".
    • Eric and Feena run into each other during the sports festival, where it's kind of a verbal fight. Feena tells Eric that she knows that he thinks that she's in his way b/c she sees him the same. She asks Eric if it's his fault that a lot of the committee members pulled out the academy b/c they didn't think highly of Mystia. Feena warns Eric that if he messes around w/ Mystia and hurts her, she won't hold back. In response Eric tells her that once Mystia gets bored of Feena, he'll send her and her brother out of Mystia's sight.
    • After Feena leaves, Claus approaches Eric saying he has something to tell him and it concerns Mystia. Eric has a bad feeling about Claus, but ignores it and decides to hear out Claus. We don't know what was said.
    • The misunderstanding that Robert Weiss had about Mystia is finally cleared up after he explodes on her and the heroine steps in to clear Mystia of the crime that Robert is accusing her of.

    • Victor Nain [Feena's older brother] realizes that he's been running into Mystia quite often on his rounds, even tho he's heard from others that she's very difficult to run into or find. After he's done with his rounds and returns to where Feena is and papers become scattered b/c he opened the window. Feena talks to him about her plans on how to keep staying around Mystia after graduating. This causes Victor to ask Feena if she has permission to do all that from their father and she's like why do I need his permission. Victor finds it really strange b/c not too long ago she was desperately trying to get their father's approval of her usefulness. He starts to question everything that Feena is saying and then Victor finds out that he's been running into Mystia often b/c Feena has been sending him out to do his rounds at that time on purpose b/c she knows Mystia's walking route.
    • His sister wants him to marry Mystia or at least SOMEHOW get married w/ her so that they can be sister-in-laws. Victor is like aren't you guys friends and Feena just replies w/ how this is her first time making a friend and how she's heard that women's friendship are fickle and she wants smth more solid b/c she treasures their relationship. During that convo, Victor is thinking about what just happened and he realizes too late that his sister did all of this to make him accept her plan.

      • New transfer student
      • A girl who loves Raid b/c he stepped in to protect her from bullies [except he did it b/c he thought that's what Mystia would do in a situation like that] and instantly thought of him as her destiny. She was planning to get rid of Mystia b/c she wants Raid, but decides not to after Mystia says she has no romantic feelings for Raid.
        • BTW, Eric confronts her after that convo w/ Mystia in the bathroom and threatens Helen to not bully Mystia or he would kill her. He tells her that if she loves Raid, then to only keep her eyes on him and leave Mystia alone. His threats are something that Helen fully believes b/c she can tell that he is 100% willing to kill her if she harms Mystia.
    • Claus reveals that the current chairman is just a representative b/c the actual chairman can't take over until he's 25. So this representative has control for 1 year. He tells Mystia that she should think carefully about WHY Helen was allowed to transfer in when usually in the middle of the semester no one is allowed to transfer in and there should be no exceptions. It leads to Mystia's conclusion that either they [the school] couldn't refuse the request for transferring in OR someone called her to the school.
    • Claus tells her [very excitedly] that no matter the reason for Helen's transfer, it doesn't change the fact that she's a nuisance to the academy. So that once she's kicked out and if she's gotten close to Raid, it means Helen AND Raid will be kicked out with her.
      • Earlier, Mr. Jess apologized to Mystia (after he slipped on the stairs) but it didn't make any sense to her. But it's prob safe to say that he was sorry about Helen's transfer into his class b/c he knew things were about to get rough for Mystia and there's nothing he can really do.
    • After the misunderstanding is cleared up at the sports festival, it looks like Weiss (Robert) is very traumatized that he hurt Mystia so much that he says he's going to leave the academy to atone. That causes them to argue b/c Mystia doesn't think he should leave, but the conversation goes nowhere. So she asks to see his withdrawal form, which she rips up and makes him promise to stay... Idk if he's traumatized that he harmed someone so innocent... but he looks unwell but still promises her.
    • Mystia asks him for a favor, to attend the study session that Helen has invited her, Raid, and Alice and stand witness should anything arise. He agrees.
    • At the study group session in the library, Mystia starts looking for materials that might help Alice. She finds a book about the church incident that Claus was talking about and sees the mark that the children were branded with, which look familiar but before she can come to a conclusion Raid interrupts her w/ an invitation to by his home to see his little brother.
    • Things take a weird turn b/c Mystia finds a children book and mentions to Melo (who is there as her guard) how they used to read that book as children, however Melo doesn't recognize it at all.
    • Helen tries to throw away cookies that Alice made for them b/c she thinks Alice is trying to flirt w/ Raid. Mystia stops her from throwing it away and Helen just gets angry how she's only known for a pretty face and nothing else yet the stupid cookies made Raid happy. Mystia tells her that she doesn't think Helen is just a pretty face, b/c it must've take a lot of research and effort for Helen to learn how to show off herself in the best way. When Alice comes back, Helen just leaves after Mystia covered up for Helen's attempt to throw away the cookies.
    • Robert confronts Helen saying that she shouldn't be so aggressive towards Mystia and how kind Mystia is. This causes Helen to think about how everyone comes to Mystia's aid but no one ever helps her. Suddenly, she asks Robert what his relationship is w/ Mystia, does he like her? If so, then he should help her break Mystia and Raid up so that Robert and Mystia can be together. This suggestion causes Robert to get sick, like he is about to hurl.
    • Raid interrupts their conversation and tells Helen that Robert would never betray Mystia, not after he hurt her so much. And how Robert doesn't even have a chance w/ Mystia anymore, not after what he did. Helen takes Raid's interruption as help and gets happy about it, only for Raid to tell her quite harshly to stop hanging around him.

    That's where it ends, it's such a
    cliff hanger. But it truly shows that NO ONE around Mystia is normal sobs.

    The inconsistency w/ Mystia's memory of Melo was already seen in previous volumes where she doubts her memories b/c she remembers Melo's hair as a different color, but then brushes it off that her memories must be fading.

    He's an important supporting character who gives information to the heroine of Kyun-Love. He only acts when he thinks something will interest him. He's a troublemaker who always meddles and causes havoc.

    There's a slight background at least in the manga?

    Sol [coachman]:
    • He's from a village nearby Mystia's home
    • Sol had been abused by all the village members for many years. He was saved by Mystia when she caused the bullies (who were beating him up) to fall into a service hole. Afterwards, she brought him back to the manor and asked her parents to hire him for work.
    Melo [personal maid]:
    • She was born in the slums
    • Melo was captured when she tried to go to the capital and forced to become a child slave. She was put up for sale at the slave market, but met Mystia and her father who saved her. Melo was then sent to an orphanage that Duke Aren was involved in. There was able to live normally and learned how to read/write.
    • Once every 3 days, Mystia would visit her and Melo thought that Mystia would abandon her once she got bored of her but it never happened. She fell in love w/ how Mystia didn't avoid looking at her and looked at Melo for who she is. So she worked very hard to become a maid to stay by Mystia's side.
    • Mystia said that Melo once protected her from hot soup that spilled from the pot which left a bad burn on Melo's back.

    As for Lyas [Head Chef], Forest [Gardener], Luke [Butler], and Steve [Head Butler] they do not have a background story so far in the manga. But there is a small extra chapter where Luke talks about them. It's mentioned that the amount of servants at the Aren household is small in number and that the current servants want to keep it that way. They keep the numbers low by carefully separating the elimination into stages so that Duke Aren won't get suspicious. Luke continuously mentions that "there is not a single person [servants] in this manor who's normal".

    Lyas [Head Chef]: Purposely puts the applications that Luke brings near the fire so that it'll burn. Apparently, Lyas fired all of the former chefs b/c he couldn't stand Mystia eating food made by anyone else. So he single-handily prepares all the meals for the Aren family.

    Forest [Garnder]: The Aren family garden is so large that it normally needs to be tended by at least 5 gardeners, however Forest takes care of it alone. He even has time to spare while taking care of the garden b/c he does some research on the side. Luke mentions that the other gardeners were never fired by Forest or anyone, rather they handed in all their resignations after Forest arrived to the manor.

    Steve [Head Butler]: Luke mentions that the head butler doesn't even look at the applications. The head butler immediately writes letters to decline their applications even before Luke gives the applications to him. The only thing Luke knows about the head butler is that his regard for Mystia is unrivaled.

    We don't know anything about Luke since this chapter is told from his POV. We only know that he isn't normal either and that all the servants are obsessed with Mystia.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2023
  4. kaedeyuuki

    kaedeyuuki Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2019
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    Did the LN get licensed? I checked the Novelupdates page for this one and it says this got licensed.
  5. layyu

    layyu Adopt me plsss

    Aug 3, 2020
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    Ayyo... I wanna ask who's the ml....... Everyone of them gives me creeps

    Don't... I've read the spoilers and I think I needed a much break.
    Saisaka likes this.
  6. kyanma2605

    kyanma2605 Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2021
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    i can't........ it's too much :meowpuffydizzy: please spoil me about claus ending. this guy is kinda annoying and everyone around mysta is creepy as hell. I actually like raid more tho :blobhyperthink:
  7. Kirarapot

    Kirarapot Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2021
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    Anyone know the ending?? Can anyone spoil me? Advance thank you
    Lena36 likes this.
  8. Lena36

    Lena36 Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2022
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    The spoilers on page 4 talked about different endings the story has with one “happy” ending and 4 bad endings for each of the MLs scenario and honestly I don’t get how everything works in the endings
    she somehow ends up marrying everyone of the MLs. I honestly don’t get it
    I think the other bad endings are in pages 3&4
  9. ThemisWeeps

    ThemisWeeps Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2022
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    I believe it did in JP, but for EN readers it’s only the manga for now. I’m not sure if they’ll bring it over to EN :”)

    So, the way it works is that the author wrote the endings is like truly like an otome game.

    You have multiple love interests and instead of settling on one only, they opted to give everyone a path of good and bad endings just like in an otome or VN game. Each ending does not relate to another, they’re all separate based on the “choice(s)” that might Mystia make. So you can really say all of them are canon LOL. They’re kind of like parallel universes I guess.
  10. luuvmoonie

    luuvmoonie Active Member

    Aug 16, 2021
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    Does anyone have the MTL chapters for this novel??
  11. ZackUnder

    ZackUnder New Member

    Oct 12, 2023
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    Could someone tell me why Mystia's memory is fading?
  12. vannaokuzo

    vannaokuzo Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2020
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    Wait... Since when there's moderate yandere story? If there's any, I think it's not even yandere anymore, it's just a mere obsessiveness or protective which is quite common these days:hmm:

    Or maybe it's just me who read too much comic/novel with yandere theme from Japan that I consider their action of yandere-ness is still quite normal for me:blobxd:

    Even the bad ending from all of the MLs is common for me. "Oh the type who will either kill themselves, kill the MC, kill their family member, or confine them. Common route for these type of yandere-ness," that's what I think. There's not even murder's victim that being said clearly or showing too much blood:blobowoevil_horns:

    But I can get you a "moderate yandere" manhwa/manga list if you want that which the ML just shows the MC moderate obsessiveness and protectiveness
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2024
  13. Just_One_More_Chapter

    Just_One_More_Chapter Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2019
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    Please drop the list
  14. mmem

    mmem Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2016
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    Her memory fades? Of the game/previous life or of her current life?