What is your most hated romance Manhwa

Discussion in 'Manga Discussion' started by banana-bee, Aug 1, 2023.

  1. banana-bee

    banana-bee Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2023
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    As the title says share some Manhwas that you hate or just dislike due to something. Also share that something!!! For me it would be:
    My fair maid because of the ml.
    The abandoned Empress also because of the ml.
    Wished you were dead because I think it’s just sad. :blobsad:
    Please don’t cut anyone down due to their opinion or what they have to say about a certain Manhwa that you liked!!:blobsmilehappyeyes:
  2. DojaDoge

    DojaDoge Formerly known as Ms.EliteNEET

    Jul 2, 2021
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    I'm going to have to agree with you about Abandoned Empress.
    I have others, but those are manhua. In general, they are prettier to look at, but weak story wise.
  3. Beer_Kitty

    Beer_Kitty Just a very very drunk kitty that likes beer

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Searched for the title lol.

    The baby isnt yours.

    Plot is very confusing. It started nice where the FMC leaves the ML and hides that she was pregnant with his child. While the ML is the most powerful wizard and cant even find the FMC. Then theyre shoving things like the FMC is the child of the tree spirit of the Spirit King and theres demons and the like.

    Not to mention the art for the kid sucks. Seriously, a baby whos just born is as big as a toddler walking.
    datagirl, Nerine wa koko and imK like this.
  4. cupsidate

    cupsidate Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2021
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    Abandoned Empress is a VERY justified top pic that I share with most people, but I've got other stand-outs such as:
    Please Don't Concern Yourself With That Book
    I Don't Want to Be Empress
    I Got Pregnant With the Tyrant's Child
  5. saikoubi

    saikoubi Member

    Jul 27, 2023
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    This one is pretty old, but Goong. It kept dragging on for so long, and I just started hating most/all the characters. It was just too frustrating to read.
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  6. imK

    imK Artful Dodger

    Oct 20, 2018
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    Basically anything with dubcon/non-con in it :blob-blank-reading:
  7. SleepySloth

    SleepySloth Member

    Jun 14, 2023
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    GOONG. I was reading it as it came out, and oof- had such a good beginning, but then began to drag so much that I just rage quit. And yes! All the characters became super frustrating- I stopped reading black and white Korean manwha for long while after that (and Bride of the Water God) :facepalm:
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  8. datagirl

    datagirl Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2023
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    Camping to avoid reading trash.
    Here's the list that I dropped /hated
    1. what it means to be you. (Can't stand the ml, acts cruel to his suicidal wife)
    2.Bastian (ml is rapist, doesn't face any consequences.)
    3. Violet bloom (cheating FL and ml got happy ending),
    4. broken ring (cheating, std hazard, I can't stand hoe ml),
    5. I don't love you anymore (FL is annoying and too much victim complex, refuses to acknowledge her own fault, and her ex fiance suddenly changes his character and turns into a crybaby. The ML is too fruity.)
    6. I'm the queen in this life (FL pick me queen, refuses to acknowledge her own faults, only surface level. Very annoying and herbours a lot of misogynistic views herself. The writer dumbed down the villainess to make the FL look smart. mL is forgettable.)
    7. My beloved oppressor (the most despicable ML currently).
    8. Sadistic beauty (the FL is a r*pist pos who doesn't face any consequences, r*pes his ex bf multiple times, cheated on him, and later slept with the same man she cheated with who also r*ped her ex bf. And the side story is worse, the ex bf gets kidnapped by his r*pist and gets regularly r*ped, abused to the point he tried to coming suicide. In the end he ends up with his abuser. The author also endorsed the problematic behavior instead of admitting that those characters are bad. What's messed up is that the most abused character was written based on a real life person and the author wrote a whole r*pe fantasy for that person. Author is basically female incel.)
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2023
  9. Sheri_Yui_Chan

    Sheri_Yui_Chan Fighting my final semester battles ⚔

    Oct 14, 2019
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    Just the title beloved oppressor would make me run. (Why would beloved and oppressor be together that screams toxicity)

    Unless it is specified it was a healthy bdsm relationship which most of these manhwas somehow can never depict.

    Its a shame that bdsm is somehow mostly depicted in toxic unhealthy dynamics. I have read very less manhwa which depicts this as the healthy safe consensual system it is . While I don't engage in the bdsm comment I Don know they always emphasised consent always .

    Also I know people who enjoy toxic couples dynamic like they are aware its not healthy but that's their taste in fiction nothing wrong with that because these friends of mine are aware they just enjoy these fiction as their form of entertainment , but those who read these and glorify and romanticise such dynamics to real life is the problem (most of the readers who do this might be really young ones though so hopefully they can outgrow it.)

    I remember one really toxic romance manhwa I read its called Sadistic beauty (I don't like most of the characters except few of the innocent ones who really suffered from abusive partners ) but thankfully such manhwas really have the toxic tags specified nowadays so these tags are helpful in avoiding these.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2023
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  10. chefcheese

    chefcheese Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2020
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    Who made me a princess. The art is good and all that but thats it. The plot is typical and over used, cant understand the praises of why people liked it so much. Continued it for the art, but the plot was just meehhhh.
  11. Arechu_Nana30

    Arechu_Nana30 Active Member

    Jun 26, 2023
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    My beloved oppressor actually had a great character development especially the FL. She looks weak but strong inside and unlike the rest of FL who end up with the abuser/toxic ML, they all sometime forget to find their own self growth first but, this FL find her own goal first and push it toward the end and she's not afraid to do so even with during the crisis. Despite the trash mentally sick ML, the depiction of realistic character and how the character changed over time towards the ending make this story one of a kind. I understand not everyone going to like the story because there's a dark psychological trauma and war going on and the commit suicide etc but the story was not that bad. Towards the ending, it focus about healing and acceptance of the past and be better version of theirselves before finally end up happy together.

    I agree with you about the romanticise of toxic relationship and the young reader who naive and easily influence by this kind of genre. It concern me that some of the author use this troupe as a cash grab quickly without inserting any sense of negative impact about how bad and wrong this kind of romance (especially involve r***, heavy abuse, gaslight etc) . I don't blame the mature people who enjoy this troupe as an leisure time and that's their taste but those young one who had never been experience or don't know anything about this and fail to differentiate between fiction and reality are the one should be wary for. I wish the author take concern about this matter seriously.
    Melanyan and Sheri_Yui_Chan like this.
  12. Parth37955

    Parth37955 [Unavailable, go away] Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    ML is super loyal once married tbf.
  13. JamesBunny

    JamesBunny Well-Known member

    Jun 27, 2023
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    It’s more of my fault but I wasted so many hours reading about 150 chapters (it’s like super long chapter format) of like kaiko 97% or somthin idk name hoping the main couple would get togeather but it was still drama and love triangles where I left off
  14. CreativeCriticalThinker

    CreativeCriticalThinker Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2022
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    • My Fiance is in Love with My Little Sister
    • I Swear I Won't Bother You Again
    • The Justice of a Villainous Woman
    • Lady To Queen
    Sorry I had to mention these two light novels/mangas (My Fiance... + I Swear...).
    It's just very frustrating to see these FLs not able stand up against anyone who wronged them.
    And those who caused them lots of harm don't suffer any real consequences.

    I will never understand the logic of the FL in "Lady To Queen".
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2023
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  15. DojaDoge

    DojaDoge Formerly known as Ms.EliteNEET

    Jul 2, 2021
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    This is 99% of historical manhua. But I still read them.
  16. CreativeCriticalThinker

    CreativeCriticalThinker Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2022
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    Last edited: Sep 14, 2023
  17. datagirl

    datagirl Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2023
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    Eh he already cheated on her during engagement. He had his fill now he's setting. Not impressed
  18. Rifaman

    Rifaman Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2017
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    Honestly I read so many it's jumbled together now but I think the reason I will hate are :
    1. She getting abused/neglected by her husband/fiancee get second chance by reincarnation or getting away but still end up with him anyway
    2. MC is drama Queen and just my feeling my feeling but didn't do anything in the story and just endure the abuse or whatnot and just follow along, she didn't have to be sword swinging or a genius territory management or smth just do anything and make your own decision
    And the one that keep make me seething with rage are Abandoned Empress and My fiancee in love with my little sister. The first one especially because the art is good and the story is good until you know the second one is just torture your feeling
  19. Lillly

    Lillly Active Member

    Aug 6, 2023
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    I just hate the ML in the princess is bored again like I don't like his personality and also I don't like the romance between them isn't FL basically marrying her descendant?????
  20. Aliceyu77

    Aliceyu77 Member

    Sep 22, 2023
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    I have a list (Spoiler Alert)

    I agree with Abandoned Empress she suffered so much in her first life only to choose him back when she had so many candidates for the husband position if she wasn't changed in her second life she would have been treated the same by ML. If the whole story isn't stockholm syndrome then i don't know what is

    I Picked Up the Second Male Lead After the Ending - I don't like Fl is so obsessed with him it's rare to see a FL transmigrate into a loving family only to give up everything for ML who treats her badly I dropped at chapter 60.

    I Refuse to be Executed a Second Time - I don't like the fact that FL has no options she has no choice but to marry the useless prince just to live also I hate the rest of the royal family especially the queen who wants to use FL I also doesn't understand everyone's obsession with FL's sister

    Four Dangerous Brothers to My Rescue! - I dropped this because ML is one of FL's brothers, I know they are not biological brothers but FL grew up with them in both lives and in the second live they really looked like a family I can't get over the fact that she look exactly like their biological sister

    I Don't Want to Be Loved - I would have loved this story if I hadn't found out that ML is the one who caused her death in her first life
    i don't like when FL ends up with the same person who killed her in her first life no matter what excuse there is or how much ML regrets

    Adeline's Darkest Night - Fl loved him so much in her first life only to be killed by him because she didn't have the ability he needed after she went back in time and Fl swore never to love him again surprise he is the ML

    What It Means to Be You - I hate ML he neglected FL and ignored her for so long FL ended up taking her life more than one time and to switch bodies with ML and only then did ML start paying attention to her and after she managed to escape from there and to divorce and be better ML started to want to be together with her. Honestly FL deserved better

    I Want to Escape from Princess Lessons I don't like this for the same reason I don't like The Story of Hua Yan I don't like when FL is forced to marry into a royal family even though she hates it and ML knows and try to force her

    Also i don't like when FL suffers or is killed because of her family and chooses to forgive them in her second life and when FL gives up her plans and goals just to be with ML

    No Place for the Fake Princess - I think the emperor only started liking her after she stopped acting like a child her age
    The Little Lady Behind the Scenes - I dropped this because of the FL obsession with her sister

    I still have several that I have given up on for one reason or another but these are the only ones that I remember the reason why I gave up reading them