Spoiler Return of the Mount Hua Sect (화산귀환)

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Aoi Alice, Jul 6, 2021.

  1. GimmeAnswersNotSleep

    GimmeAnswersNotSleep 7 months away from having Nostalgia PTSD Memory

    Jun 14, 2023
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    Add some blobs and it'll seem cute:blobjoy:

    He isn't just crazy :blobmelt: he's the ancestor of the word crazy, his nature is crazy (bro literally abused people when he was 6)
    No no baekcheon maybe still isn't wise enough [Chung myung is rather too old(looks like his mental age has finally struck him he was far so long an overgrown child:blobpats: nah who stays like that even after 80+ years? Plus point it was refreshing:blobmelt: to see him act like an real old man) also he forgot baekcheon's wise side and decided to act like an old man and flips:blobdizzy:(why haven't died of an heart attack yet?)]
    Just how many times did I called him an old man:blobpeek:

    Nah he forgets common things easily
    Echan likes this.
  2. stefasa

    stefasa Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2020
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    Instinctively looking down at the falling rocks, Namgung Dowi, in a state of panic, clung to the cliff.

    Considering the esteemed position of Namgung Segaso, the head of the Namgung Clan, one might wonder if his frog-like sprawl with arms and legs spread on the cliff was an undignified act. However, right now, there was no room left in his mind for pride.

    "Why... why! Whyyyy!"

    Namgung Dowi shouted in frustration.

    "Why are we going this way!"

    His cry echoed in the air with a sense of despair.

    "Tsk, tsk, tsk."

    Then, Im Sobyeong, who had been hanging leisurely next to him, holding onto a rock with one hand while nonchalantly fanning himself with the other, chimed in.

    "Ah, come on! Stop being such a drama queen. Others are just being composed."

    "Who? Who's being composed?"

    "Can't you see over there?"


    When Im Sobyeong's fan pointed in a direction, someone's gaze met with Namgung Dowi's. Immediately, Namgung Dowi's mouth fell open.



    With one hand holding onto a jutting rock on the cliff and the other hand casually munching on a rice ball, Jol Gol looked awkwardly and hid the rice ball behind his back.

    "Oh, sorry. I was just a bit hungry..."


    "Well, it's a bit boring too."

    And it wasn't just Jol Gol.

    The Volcano members trailing behind them all looked at him with a bored expression as if saying, 'Oh, that human is causing trouble again.'

    "Aren't you scared?"




    Jol Gol shrugged nonchalantly. The moment he saw jol Gol shrug his shoulders, Namgung Dowi almost stumbled, nearly embarrassing himself.

    "Well, it's somewhat high here... But compared to a volcano, this place is almost flat."

    Even if I take the children from volcanom they play ball here"

    "Let's just move on quickly. Is this your first time on a cliff?"

    Tears welled up in Namgung Dowi's eyes.

    "...I said, be quiet."

    "Yes? What did you say?"

    AHA welcome to suffering Dowi...

    Apparently, there is a lot of fanart of DowiXImSobyeong on Twitter...I can see why. They do have an interesting dynamic
  3. GimmeAnswersNotSleep

    GimmeAnswersNotSleep 7 months away from having Nostalgia PTSD Memory

    Jun 14, 2023
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    Rule #96 of fandom of Hwangi
    Be obsessed with everything related to it

    Rule #01(unspoken)
    Chung myung is Chung myung
    You don't question anything about it
    Even gods decided to not to deal with him and threw him on earth (the story starts lol)

    Rule #69
    Almost everyone's a freakin' virgin (exception:- meang so, Tang gunak, etc)


    They chill lol
    someoneisangry and stefasa like this.
  4. stefasa

    stefasa Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2020
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    For some time I would lurk the spoilers forgetting what my password was
  5. GimmeAnswersNotSleep

    GimmeAnswersNotSleep 7 months away from having Nostalgia PTSD Memory

    Jun 14, 2023
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    Sorry not sorry for calling you a meany :aww:
    Instead have a cookie:cookie:

    I am gonna fill this spoiler sect with my rant and nobody stops me except study

    Me who writes her password in her brain

    stefasa likes this.
  6. stefasa

    stefasa Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2020
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  7. someoneisangry

    someoneisangry Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2022
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    aaa hahaha yess
    he finally just let the old man come out
    Must be annoying for the others to see their youngest (not) get angry and sick like this, only if they know they would be all sick

    idk when i log in its already theereee~

    its already there when i wanna log in so its fineee~

    i just had to come by for more spoilers from you guys (y)

    but rather than spoilers
    my notifications blowing up with the most nice and exciting messages/notifications

    thank you

    i wish i could add images here i would gift you with many baek-ah content

    GimmeAnswersNotSleep likes this.
  8. stefasa

    stefasa Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2020
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    A trembling voice reached him – it was Jol gol.

    In that instant, Cheongmyeong had a gut feeling. He sensed that the words that would come next were better left unheard.

    However, Jol Gol's voice relentlessly pierced his ears.


    Cheongmyeong turned his gaze. He confirmed the spot Jol gol was pointing at, and he froze.

    A rusted and diagonally inserted sword.

    The sword was so worn out that it was hard to even call it a sword anymore. At the end of its handle, there was a carving...

    "It's the Plum Blossom Sword..."

    He was referring to the small plum blossom pattern.

    In that moment, it felt like a piece of his heart and flesh had dropped away. Despite already having a good idea, the moment he laid his eyes on the crushed plum blossom pattern, his heart sank.

    It was a ridiculous thing.

    The worth of the lives lost here was no different from one another. Whether they fought under the name of Hwasan, under different banners, all those who had died deserved equal respect.

    So, there was no particular reason to emphasize the name Hwasan or the fact that the Plum Blossom Sword was buried here.

    Yet, he couldn't tear his eyes away from that plum blossom pattern... Perhaps because Cheongmyeong was still just an ordinary person who hadn't fully grasped the significance.

    Cheongmyeong looked up without saying a word.

    The members of the group were staring at him with expressions that were hard to describe. Cheongmyeong spoke briefly.

    "Bury it."


    "Tsk. We don't have time."

    In the end, Yoon Jong let out a long sigh. And then, he began to gather the exposed weapons and bones towards the center of the pit. It seemed like he was trying to make some kind of mound.

    Cheongmyeong didn't stop him from doing that. As a response, those who had been watching began to step forward and help Yoon Jong without a word.

    There was no point in standing alone, so even Im Sobyeongma quietly approached Yoon Jong and helped pile the earth over the mound.

    Cheongmyeong watched their actions for a moment before shifting his gaze. The sharp peaks of the Shiman Mountains were visible.

    "Memorial ceremony."

    Here, not only Hwasan's disciples but also Cheongmun's were buried. Cheongmyeong even remembered where they were buried.

    For others, it might have been a hundred years ago, but for Cheongmyeong, it was only a few years back. If he were determined, he might be able to climb up the mountain and retrieve Cheongmun's remains. If he could spare just a day, maybe it would be possible.


    Cheongmyeong lowered his head as if trying to restrain himself.

    "It's a pointless task."

    The dead were just the dead. Finding solace in their remains was only for the living.

    And the Cheongmun he knew wouldn't take comfort in that way. Rather, he would be the person to lament not being able to save his own life by wasting time on something trivial.

    Cheongmyeong absentmindedly drew the scene in his mind and let out a wry smile.

    There was no one left here to admonish him like in the past. Cheongjin, who used to nag him incessantly, Cheongmun who looked at him sternly, hoping he would walk the right path, and even those from the Tang Clan who always spoke out of turn, they no longer existed.

    Yet... Yet, the memories they left behind, the meanings they imparted, imprisoned Cheongmyeong's whole being stronger than any shackles.

    "It's harsh, truly."

    Cheongmyeong sighed softly. He observed the people making the mound. Their hands were full of sincerity as they created the mound.

    "A dignified grave indeed..."

    Hwasan, Namgung, Dangga, the Northern Ice Palace's palace lord, and Noklim... They were all remarkable figures. People were considered important, yet they were personally creating the mound. It wasn't a small feat.

    "An honorable resting place..."

    "Know that it's an honor, you damn bastards. My corpse is probably somewhere out there too."

    As Cheongmyeong was biting his lips, Yoon Jong finished covering the last empty spot on the mound with grass. He stood up, closed his eyes, and put his hands together. A solemn chant, accompanied by the solemn recitation by Hye Yeon, spread gently through the peaceful mountain.

    Until the short chant ended, Cheongmyeong continued to gaze infinitely at the distant high peaks hidden by the clouds.

    I spoke no lies with the spoiler name

    Why the big sad??? They haven't EVEN reached Haenam yet!!!!! :blobimfine:


    There was a sudden slam on the door, Dang Soso turned around, but there was no one to be seen. The door was wide open, and all that could be seen beyond it was the scenery of the courtyard.




    Dang Soso's gaze lowered, down, and even further down.

    "...It was you?"

    A single white marten was flicking its tail, wearing an expression of extreme displeasure.

    Thump! Thump!

    As if scolding herself for not recognizing it sooner, the marten banged the floor with her tail and then used her front paws to pick up the bowl placed next to her. She walked into the room holding the bowl with the medicine that Dang Soso had asked cheongmyeong to bring.

    "No, this guy......."

    Did she really have to ask a non-human creature to do such a simple thing? Moreover, what was it doing so obediently?

    At this point, it was hard to distinguish whether the problem was with the people or the animals.

    The marten, who had walked on two feet, set the bowl of medicine in front of Dang Soso with a little "thud". Then, like a person, it let out a deep sigh.

    "...You've worked hard."

    Although it wasn't something you'd usually say to an animal, for some reason, it felt like the right thing to say when seeing this sight.

    The magpie looked at Dang Soso briefly and then quickly turned around. It urgently closed the door that was wide open, rushed to a corner of the room, and laid down.

    A moment of stillness passed. The magpie glanced up and looked directly at Dang Soso. Its gaze seemed to say, "Don't get too smug just because I helped you out in a tough situation."

    "...Right. You must be tired too."

    Perhaps this creature was the one who had suffered the most and was exhausted here. After all, it was the one following Cheongmyeong around all day. It would be better to return quickly and not be tormented for no reason.

    'It's quite strange.'

    Why on earth did this creature follow Cheongmyeong around so closely?

    Back at Namman Yaksogung, it seemed to have enjoyed all kinds of privileges as a special being among special beings. But here, it was being treated worse than an ordinary magpie.

    When bored, it was kicked away. When cold, It could be used as a scarf, and when it was time to sleep, it served as a pillow. When the alcohol ran out, it became irritable, so it had to keep some alcohol nearby preemptively. It was assigned all sorts of errands...

    If he is bored, you'll get kicked out, he is feeling a little cold, he will use it as a scarf, use it as a neck pillow when you sleep, and become vicious when you run out of alcohol. … .

    "It must be nice to be sahyung..."

    "Um... a marten?..."

    At that moment, a surprised voice came from the woman. Her widened eyes were fixed on the marten.


    Well, to ordinary people, it probably seemed strange to see a magpie bringing medicine, opening and closing doors, and walking on two feet.

    "Don't worry. It's good... well, it's just a spirit creature."

    "A spirit creature.?"

    "Yes. Um... just think of it as a very intelligent animal."

    The woman looked at the magpie with a curious expression. Perhaps sensing her gaze, the marten turned its head slightly to meet her eyes.

    There was a subtle exchange of gazes between humans and animals. As if thinking something, the marten got up from its place. It approached the woman hesitantly, then suddenly jumped up and wrapped its neck around her using its body.


    Startled, the woman instinctively grabbed the martenwrapped around her neck but then released the grip due to the soft touch.

    "It's warm..."


    Dang Soso's eyes widened in surprise.

    Though it often acted like a pushover, in the first place, Baek Ah is a spirit creature and an animal with unusually strong pride. Was there one or two disciples of Hwasan who got claw marks on their faces while trying to tame him because they coveted the soft white hair?

    Other than Cheongmyeong, it never let anyone get close. Yet, it approached a person like this.

    "It's fascinating."

    Amidst this, the marten, as if displeased by something, playfully tilted its head, and then gradually lowered itself under the woman's neck, closing its eyes.

    "It's not... dangerous."

    "It will be fine."

    Dang Soso softly muttered, "Because It don't want to be in trouble with Cheongmyeong." But her words didn't reach the woman's ears.

    The relieved woman gently stroked the marten's back. From outward appearances, the fact that this small creature was definitely not a threat to humans seemed to bring comfort to her.

    Seeing the woman's expression soften, Dang Soso nodded her head unconsciously.

    "She has her uses."

    Well, to be honest, she did have quite a few uses. Especially when it came to Cheongmyeong.

    In a slightly softer voice, the woman said, "I've never seen a marten following a person before."

    "Ah, really?"

    Honestly, it was my first time seeing it too. Of course, whether it was really following a "person" was a question that needed some consideration.

    "...They say animals only follow good people."

    In response to the woman's words, Dang Soso's expression became so complex that it was difficult to explain.

    "Well, yes."

    But in the end, she closed her eyes.

    "I'm sorry. That might not be true."

    Well, there was no way that marten would stick close to Cheongmyeong. But whatever the truth was in this situation, it didn't really matter. As long as her heart was at ease.

    Baekah content to ease the suffering :meowpuffyblush:
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2023
    chioux and GimmeAnswersNotSleep like this.
  9. GimmeAnswersNotSleep

    GimmeAnswersNotSleep 7 months away from having Nostalgia PTSD Memory

    Jun 14, 2023
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    Baek-ah is atleast useful for readers :blobowoevil_horns:
    I was teasing you~ :blobpats: my little dumplings!
    someoneisangry likes this.
  10. Echan

    Echan Active Member

    Jan 8, 2023
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    Yeah well, that's because Baek Cheon is the second class disciple, sect has an order of position, sect leader, elder, first class disciple (Um disciple), second class disciple (Baek Disciple), and third class disciple (Chung disciple).
    so from here, we can see that the one who should be the sect leader is from the first class disciple.
    each sect has rules that must be followed and rank cannot be violated or disrespected arbitrarily, cheong myeong does not seem to respect second and third disciple, because we know Cheong Myeong's true identity, and he also teaches second and third disciple and he has made an agreement from Initially, he should not be considered the same as the other third disciples because he teaches without looking at each other's ranking.
    but for the sect leader, Elder and first class disciple their words are law for Cheong Myeong.
    cheong myeong is a person who likes to break the rules, but as for mount hua sect's rules, he never breaks them
  11. hibububu

    hibububu New Member

    Aug 15, 2023
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    Anyone know what chapter mount hua sect was attacked? thank you
  12. GimmeAnswersNotSleep

    GimmeAnswersNotSleep 7 months away from having Nostalgia PTSD Memory

    Jun 14, 2023
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    Ah! Another rule I forgot to mention!

    Rule #56
    Soso can rebel against Chung myung
    Just like how the sea is vast and sky is blue it is an similar concept that she is allowed to rebel.(Tang Bo is proud very proud)

    There is guide for chapters at page 33
    Between of 118-728?
    Idk but you should go there

    Ecchan elder straight to point!
    Claps :blobmelt:
    intiria and someoneisangry like this.
  13. merieva

    merieva Active Member

    Apr 12, 2023
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    chapter 389
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  14. GimmeAnswersNotSleep

    GimmeAnswersNotSleep 7 months away from having Nostalgia PTSD Memory

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    Can I have your profile pic?:aww:
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  15. someoneisangry

    someoneisangry Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2022
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    ooh, thank you that make sense more now

    oh there is a guide?

    you can post images???

    i Can too Lets share pictures

    isnt this in like ch715+

    it feels really sad, i don't want to read it

    specially chapter 718 we get to see CM in pain.. damn

    but gosh i love baek-ah this white little scarf :X3:(y)
  16. Wandering Ghost

    Wandering Ghost Active Member

    Jul 31, 2023
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    Noting that down!
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  17. merieva

    merieva Active Member

    Apr 12, 2023
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    it belongs to @/waveoffk on twt!!
    GimmeAnswersNotSleep likes this.
  18. GimmeAnswersNotSleep

    GimmeAnswersNotSleep 7 months away from having Nostalgia PTSD Memory

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    Thank you!:cookie:::bloblove::
  19. someoneisangry

    someoneisangry Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2022
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    so um right now

    any spoilers on what is happening next?
    or there is nothing new yet? if so

    what are the current events
    ive read about what happened in chapter 1561(?)

    as i remember that was the chapter number
    but still... IIKE HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A NOVEL LIKE THIS, can't stop myself not knowing and asking the same thing over and over even when i know wth is going on

    we gotta be careful or else all of us will brainless
    GimmeAnswersNotSleep likes this.
  20. 1_whiteknight

    1_whiteknight New Member

    Aug 15, 2023
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