Spoiler Return of the Mount Hua Sect (화산귀환)

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Aoi Alice, Jul 6, 2021.

  1. stefasa

    stefasa Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2020
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    Episode 1268: "Don't Worry About Those Manbang Kids!" (Part 3)

    "Cheongmyeong Dojaaaaaaang!"

    A piercing scream erupted from behind. The voice resonated clearly even in Cheongmyeong's ears.

    But he didn't pay it much attention.


    He glanced briefly behind, noticing that the ship was speeding away from the shore. The unmanned men were rowing with all their might, and they would soon secure a safe distance. However, a little more time was needed.

    Cheongmyeong stared at the approaching Manbangdo group in front of him. The sight of them, numbering in the thousands, flashing their eyes and gasping for breath as they charged, even made Cheongmyeong's hair stand on end.

    If the Manbangdo guys overran those retreating, the damage would be undeniable.

    'I need to buy time, right?'

    It was an absurd idea. They weren't just anyone; they were the Manbangdo's elite fighters. No matter how skilled Cheongmyeong was, facing off against nearly a thousand Manbangdo fighters alone was impossible.


    As he watched the Manbangdo fighters charging toward him with half-crazed roars, Cheongmyeong smiled.

    "It's been a while..."

    His lips curled upwards, revealing fierce white teeth.

    "I like it simple!"

    No need to think.

    What the hell those brats were seeing, what they were experiencing, whether they really understood or comprehended, how Abi Kyuhwan's spirit was warping even at this moment, and so on.

    All the complex thoughts that had been boiling in Cheongmyeong's mind disappeared as if evaporating, replaced by sensory input.

    The pungent smell of blood that paralyzed his nose, the deafening screams that muffled his ears, the skin-crawling sensation of someone yelling right next to him, the intense energy that made his skin tingle. And in front of him, enemies, enemies, only enemies.

    It was a scene Cheongmyeong was all too familiar with.


    The sensation of the sand underfoot, the momentum building up, surged up his body, exploding from the tip of his head.

    Thud! Thump! Thwack!

    With each step, his stride grew wider, his speed faster. Holding the sword in reverse, Cheongmyeong lowered his body and became a streak of black lightning that pierced into the midst of the Manbangdo fighters' oncoming tide.

    The Manbangdo fighters widened their eyes.

    'Volcano Swordsmanship!'

    It was an absolute powerhouse who wouldn't even dare to be an opponent if he were alone. But right now, Cheongmyeong was the Volcano Swordsmanship. He had no reason to fear.


    Those who were roaring, releasing their pent-up strength to spread their shoulders instinctively and swing down the sword, pouring out all the strength they could muster. The sword struck with the fierce aura and the cruel malice, aiming for Cheongmyeong's small body, and fell like a straight line into the midst of the Manbangdo flood.


    The combination of power and sharpness, ignoring balance and control, created an explosive burst as the swords, brimming with the will to tear apart the opponent, hit the sandy beach.

    The sand crumbled into dust, and a billowing cloud of white dust surged upward.

    'Where is he?'

    As his vision momentarily blurred, one of the Manbangdo fighters twisted his face. The opponent was the Volcano Swordsmanship.

    For just a brief moment of losing the track could result in an irreversible outcome.

    Although the slightly cracked sand grain, as small as a sesame seed, had dug in, the Manbangdo fighters didn't feel it at all.

    Rather, they widened their eyes and lifted their heads as far as they could.


    In an instant, the Manbangdo fighters' senses caught Cheongmyeong's movements and position to make their efforts worthwhile. However, the emotion revealed on their faces wasn't relief and joy but astonishment.

    "Behind? Wh-when..."


    At that moment, a stinging pain was felt in his neck. Fear surged in. As he half-instinctively tried to grab his neck, a horrifying sight unfolded before him.

    A crimson line appeared, drawn as if by a fine brushstroke, on the necks of his colleagues in front of him, and soon, blood spurted out like a fountain.

    The prickling pain that felt like cutting fingers while turning pages gradually heated up and eventually engulfed him in a heat as if he would suffer burns.

    That heat spread from his neck to his shoulders. The Manbangdo fighter finally realized why he was feeling the heat on his body.

    There was no way. The Manbangdo fighter wanted to laugh.

    "Blood... it's hotter than I thought..."

    However, he collapsed before he could even finish his laughter.


    Blood spurted like fountains from the necks of around ten people.

    Those who had managed to avoid the danger behind turned wide-eyed in shock. While the outcome was clear since they saw it with their own eyes, they hadn't properly witnessed the process.

    In their eyes, Cheongmyeong, who had been charging forward, suddenly disappeared and then reappeared right next to them, and their comrades who had charged ahead just seemed to collapse suddenly, blood spraying.

    It was a scene that defied the common sense of swordsmanship.

    For someone who achieves what they know to the highest level, they feel reverence. But for those who engage in deeds beyond understanding, it is a way to feel fear.

    And even greater fear overtook them. The Volcano Swordsmanship was right in front of them this time.

    "Uh, Aaah!"

    If those who had been at the front had martial intent in their swords, those who were now embedded with horror.

    Cheongmyeong didn't miss the tremor and crack.


    The outstretched sword sliced through the grip on the sword at the wrist. The sword, which had been lifted upward, spun like a top without transitioning its momentum downward and shot up.


    Cheongmyeong's sword cut through the neck of the person who hadn't yet realized his wrist had been severed. The heat of the wound seemed to get hotter and spread, covering his neck with the sensation of being burned.

    And that heat spread from the neck to the shoulders. The Manbangdo fighters finally realized why they were feeling the heat on their bodies.

    There was no way. The Manbangdo fighters wanted to laugh.

    "Blood... it's hotter than I thought..."

    However, they collapsed before they could even finish their laughter.


    Blood spurted like fountains from the necks of around ten people.

    Those who had managed to avoid the danger behind turned wide-eyed in shock. While the outcome was clear since they saw it with their own eyes, they hadn't properly witnessed the process.

    In their eyes, Cheongmyeong, who had been charging forward, suddenly disappeared and then reappeared right next to them, and their comrades who had charged ahead just seemed to collapse suddenly, blood spraying.

    It was a scene that defied the common sense of swordsmanship.

    For someone who achieves what they know to the highest level, they feel reverence. But for those who engage in deeds beyond understanding, it is a way to feel fear.

    And even greater fear overtook them. The Volcano Swordsmanship was right in front of them this time.

    "Uh, Aaah!"

    If those who had been at the front had martial intent in their swords, those who were now embedded with horror.

    Cheongmyeong didn't miss the tremor and crack.


    The outstretched sword sliced through the grip on the sword at the wrist. The sword, which had been lifted upward, spun like a top without transitioning its momentum downward and shot up.


    Before the person whose wrist had just been sliced could fully realize his wrist was severed, Cheongmyeong's sword cut through his neck in a single breath.


    Once again, blood spurted out. To those behind, all they could see were blood, blood, and more blood.

    "This... bastard... Kuh!"

    Just as he was about to shout, Cheongmyeong's sword thrust into his mouth. It was so fast that it seemed as if Cheongmyeong's sword had appeared in that space by tearing it apart.


    Before his spirit and soul, severed from his body, could fully leave, the sword that had pierced through his throat burst out like a hungry snake, charging towards its next prey.


    With a sound like scraping ice rapidly, Cheongmyeong's sword cut through the air. In an instant, the bodies of the Manbangdo fighters were cleaved apart.

    Slice! Slice! Slice! Slice!



    The sound of a sharp blade cutting flesh and severing veins mixed with agonizing screams. Blood splattered in all directions.


    Wherever Cheongmyeong passed, it seemed as though red flowers blossomed like mist. The blood that had soared toward the sky fell onto the white sand with a splatter.

    The blue sea and the white sandy beach, the black waves sweeping over the beach, and in between, the spreading red of blood.

    If one were to look at this scene from above, it might resemble a painting of the world drawn by a brushstroke in the grand scale of a volcanic eruption.

    However, for those in the painting, it wasn't a beautiful sight.

    "Hee, heeik..."

    Those who had been charging forward with overwhelming force were now wavering.

    As Cheongmyeong approached with his entire body dyed red, his presence was the only thing that appeared distinct.

    Sight is the most direct and intense sense of all.

    Even those who were excited by the heat of their comrades' blood, those who were relieved because they were in a dominant position, and even those who had indulged in the vain fantasy that they might be the ones to take down the monstrous figure of the Volcano Swordsmanship... all they could feel in the face of this massacre was the chilling sensation of blood cooling.


    The blood-drenched tip of Cheongmyeong's hair dripped droplets of blood.

    His appearance was almost enough to make one believe he had risen from hell itself. Between his hair, blood dripped, and in his eyes, like a northern breeze, a frigid glare showed, stirring up emotions that should never have been present in the hearts of the Manbangdo fighters, emotions that erupted in screams.



    The sound of two people's backs and shoulders colliding could be heard. It was a faint sound, but on the battlefield, it carried a lot of meaning.

    "Sto... Stop..."

    As someone tried to speak, Cheongmyeong's sword created dozens of afterimages, freezing those who had stopped moving in their tracks.


    Suddenly, like a dam breaking, the fighters swept up in the sword's wake were flung in all directions.

    "Hee, heeik!"

    Of those within its range, only one managed to evade the sword strike. With a pale face, he was thrown backward. No, he tried to throw himself backward.


    But Cheongmyeong's sword was faster. Before the man could straighten his bent knee, Cheongmyeong's sword reached right in front of his neck. However much effort he put into twisting his sword, his throat was pierced before he could respond.

    But the man showed why he was a Manbangdo fighter at that moment. Just as Cheongmyeong's sword was about to pierce through his throat, he grabbed the blade with both hands and stopped it.

    "Guh, guheuk..."

    His quick thinking in the moment of life and death saved the man's life. At the instant before his throat was completely pierced, he succeeded in stopping the sword.


    With his eyes bloodshot, he desperately pushed the Ammae Sword forward.

    But at that moment, the corners of Cheongmyeong's mouth twitched upward.


    With the sound of skin and metal friction, Cheongmyeong's sword began to move forward, slowly but surely.


    With the strength of a massive impact, the hand split apart like a bamboo scroll, and the sword pierced through the bone.

    Clank! Clank!

    Even the bone was ground as Cheongmyeong's blade dug deeper into the man's throat.

    "Kku... Rruuk..."

    Red blood gushed from the man's mouth like a waterfall. Amidst this, his hand clung desperately to the sword handle.

    It was a sight so terrifying that it was hard to believe. Even in this moment, Cheongmyeong's eyes remained cold, devoid of any signs of excitement.


    The man's body trembled with spasms. Cheongmyeong's sword was slowly but surely piercing through the man's throat.


    His eyes were so full of strength that all the blood vessels burst, turning the whites of his eyes red beyond recognition.

    The blood that sprayed mixed with his tears, covering his face.

    "Sa, save..."

    The foam of blood boiled, making his words incomprehensible, tangled into incoherence.

    But Cheongmyeong understood it perfectly. Seeing the desperation in the man's eyes, Cheongmyeong revealed a smile.

    "Not even funny."


    At that moment, Cheongmyeong's sword was pulled at a speed that defied imagination. Simultaneously, the man's hands, which had been desperately gripping the Ammae Sword, were severed and shot into the air.

    "Ah, no...”


    Following that, the man saw Cheongmyeong's sword descending toward his head at an astonishing speed.


    As the sword and the man's head collided, a deafening explosion erupted. It wasn't a cutting strike; it was a shattering blow.

    Upon impact, the man's head exploded, and shattered pieces of his skull scattered like fireworks.


    The body without a head collapsed like a rotten pile of straw.

    A moment of silence passed. An indescribably cold air chilled everyone's hearts.


    Cheongmyeong absentmindedly stretched out his sword and resumed his steps.


    His blood-soaked appearance wasn't frightening.


    The bloodied sword, the blood trickling down from that point, and the warm, bloody scent emanating from the person with bloodied body – it was all the same.

    "Uh, uhhhh..."

    But those eyes were the issue. Despite having brutally slashed numerous foes, those cold, unyielding eyes were impossible to endure.

    "Uh... Uhh, uhaaaaah!"


    As someone let out a loud scream, those in the front started turning around, gripped by fear, and began to flee with expressions of horror.

    "What, what are you doing? Move aside!"

    "Get out of the way! Move, you bastard! Aaah!"

    Those overcome by fear swung their swords at the fleeing ones. Those trying to escape and those trying to block each other got entangled in the chaos.

    They were no longer members of the Maninbang or the Sapado. They were merely weak animals lashing out and running away at the sight of a bloodthirsty predator.

    Seeing this, a short laugh escaped Cheongmyeong's lips.

    "More... than I expected."

    As he drove his sword into the backs of those trying to flee, his entire body once again became soaked in blood. Even his white forehead turned crimson.

    SO SCARY:blobsweat_2:

    I love these scenes like these that show his cruelty
  2. Lillly

    Lillly Active Member

    Aug 6, 2023
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    Me too!:aww:
    I especially love these parts that I reread them almost everyday:blobcheeky:
    stefasa and GimmeAnswersNotSleep like this.
  3. GimmeAnswersNotSleep

    GimmeAnswersNotSleep 7 months away from having Nostalgia PTSD Memory

    Jun 14, 2023
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    It was amazing!:blobpopcorn_cool:(and so cruel too! I Wonder how LICO will draw them.)
    By the way.. thank you so much for those spoilers!::bloblove:::meowflower:
    stefasa likes this.
  4. someoneisangry

    someoneisangry Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2022
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    its so cruel but aaa its COOL
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  5. Wandering Ghost

    Wandering Ghost Active Member

    Jul 31, 2023
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    Agreed! Watching his cruelty and his sword slice through everything without a wasted movement is so satisfying. Especially the comments like ‘his sword is so cruel’, ‘its as if he has lived on the battlefield’, etc.
  6. someoneisangry

    someoneisangry Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2022
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    whenever i come back to the manhwa and see him as that dude who would punch someone to death, and then see what happend in the novel chapter 400

    like wow how could i forget he was in war before and slashed many of those bishops, its cruel but Amazing and exciting LIKE TIME TO SHINE
    chioux and GimmeAnswersNotSleep like this.
  7. Lillly

    Lillly Active Member

    Aug 6, 2023
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    When are exams gonna be done:blob_teary:
    Anyways just a question I know someone else said it before but since we came a long way.....
    What was your favorite part in return of the mount Hua sect????
    Mine was probably when Chung myung found the beggar it was just so funny:blobjoy:
  8. chucknorrisinf

    chucknorrisinf Member

    Aug 11, 2023
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    You have a discord channel? Where u share translated chapter?
    GimmeAnswersNotSleep likes this.
  9. Uncopyright

    Uncopyright Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    There are discord servers for Return of Mount Hua, one is from mylasted and the other is composed of creative people who draws and write things related to it. But what I meant on that post is actually Voldemort because last year Voldemort was so active in getting chapters hence the gap between Naver and Voldemort will only be a week apart.
    Echan and GimmeAnswersNotSleep like this.
  10. someoneisangry

    someoneisangry Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2022
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    but there are more

    - when dangsoso chased CM to marry him
    - when CM went on full rage mode in chapter 400+
    - baek-ah wearing mount-hua suit, and CM reaction to it
  11. stefasa

    stefasa Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2020
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    I LOVE how in the haemam arc, we are getting small scenes of Im Sobyeong caring for CM :blobsob: he either gets angry when he is hurt or his hands shake when baekcheon ordered them to ignore his situation. Our bandit king caring for CM touches me so much.
    This was honestly so unexpected I wasn't excepting him to care for cm. It was just a beneficial relationship and now he cares :blobimfine:. Im sobyeong is weird tho for caring for the guy that beats him up for dumb reasons lol. I guess he is just like the hwasan now welcome officially to the gang Imsobyeong

    "Who said they want to sacrifice that brat and survive? You're spouting nonsense. Hwasan isn't a place for that!"

    "Then are you going to die? Leading everyone?"

    "Of course..."

    "Then understand!"

    Unexpectedly, Im So Byung shouted with anger.

    "The alliance you all talk about, where you just chatter on, is nothing more than a spectacle of throwing your lives away for things that aren't even important! If you were willing to accept that, it would mean that anyone else doing the same thing should be recognized!"

    The surroundings grew chillingly quiet for a moment. Im So Byung muttered with a scornful face.

    "You should have understood that, you foolish humans."

    Jogeol stared at him wordlessly. But soon he noticed something. He saw that Im So Byung's hand, half hidden in his wide sleeves, was trembling.
    intiria, chioux, yoy06 and 1 other person like this.
  12. GimmeAnswersNotSleep

    GimmeAnswersNotSleep 7 months away from having Nostalgia PTSD Memory

    Jun 14, 2023
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    -Chung myung telling his sect leader sahyung to beat yakson up
    - the 'horses'
    - almost having heart attacks at the end of 24 plum blossom (in which chung myung makes it) arc
    - The 'No descendants kicks'
    - chung myung was feeling so cold he decided to a become a roll (start of north sea arc)
    - baek-ah packing and screaming (all moments of baek-ah they're hilarious)
    - All flashbacks!
    - 'In this place there are beast-like human and human-like beast - Baek Cheon (during the cheomuwang announcement arc)
    - chung myung being yokai
    - scary chung myung (chapter 745,6,7,8,9 and more him being normal is a nightmare please just cause chaos, it's one job you have please)
    - chungmyungnification
    - fear of chung mun sahyung
    - iseoul being protective
    - Soso's needles ( I'll die rather than then turn into hedgehog after being treated by her)
    - yoon Jong 'jo Gul shut' and Jo Gul 'no what wrong did I commit,...?'
    - all llso appearances

    It's the right hand man incoming!
    It's always jo Gul who notices the details or is it just me?:blobpeek:
    chioux likes this.
  13. someoneisangry

    someoneisangry Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2022
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    cm is the only one who will beat someone to death and still they would be by his side.
    GimmeAnswersNotSleep likes this.
  14. chioux

    chioux Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2020
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    read chapter 1394 im sad again
    so they were asking each other if theyre gonna go back to tang family/mt hua after the war and db was like do u want to go on a cruise with me? and cm said thats not a bad idea and like :blob_teary::blob_teary::blob_teary::blob_teary: CRYING THEY DESERVED SM BETTER IM NOT OKAY I NEED DANGBO BACK
  15. stefasa

    stefasa Well-Known Member

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  16. GimmeAnswersNotSleep

    GimmeAnswersNotSleep 7 months away from having Nostalgia PTSD Memory

    Jun 14, 2023
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    Stefesa don't- :facepalm::blobjoy::blobjoy::blobjoy:
    Lin-Ji likes this.
  17. trustea

    trustea Member

    Aug 19, 2023
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    hi guys!! I love this novel so much! but the translation is a bit bad in the last chapters that I'm reading, I'm using two places, when I don't understand in one I check the other, but there's one thing that left me very confused!! I'm in chapter 372 and the monk who was with them just disappeared, did he left already and I missed it? why is he not helping in the fight against the evil sect (with that captain red snake that is trying to attack Xian)?

    people here are much further but someone remember this arc Im talking about?
    I like this monk character, I keep waiting for him to apper but I think I'm lost :blobsweat:
    or maybe this is because monks don't fight like that? dont kill and such things?
    is this also why shaolin keeps pushing mount hua to do the things? they're pretty shameless asking them to check the demon sect over the north sea ice palace instead of going themselves!

    anyway, what I like the most in this novel is that the MC is spiteful, finally one like that! I've had read too many novels where they forget the grudge and I always hate that but I have to accept it, while this one always impresses me positively every time i think the mc will finally go that way he doesnt, its so satisfying, I love him! and it's also very funny. its becoming one of my favorites I think. chapter 322 one of the best chapters ever, I waited so much for this talk and it was much better than I imagined :aww::aww::aww:
    GimmeAnswersNotSleep likes this.
  18. GimmeAnswersNotSleep

    GimmeAnswersNotSleep 7 months away from having Nostalgia PTSD Memory

    Jun 14, 2023
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    Hae yeon..um how do I say? Well you see the fake monk is not a discipline of the Mount hua sect so he didn't himself mingle with them he is just kinda sticking with Chung myung and slowly and slowly he will stick mount hua and get adopted!

    And you can just check the pages or curator's note for spoilers and if you can't find the specific topic you were looking for, please then ask:blobcheeky:

    I just imagined the most cannon reaction of ogum reaction to CM's identify reveal :blobowoevil:and was feeling bad to keep it only to myself so let's share!

    CM tells them his past and conditions in a normal and peaceful atmosphere they would just verbal abuse him and then comfort him about it. (By verbal abuse I mean they would say how idoitic they might have seemed because of cm not telling them anything about himself :blobjoy: and tease him to death about being an ancestor born into a saje body :blobjoy:)
    This first is the most cannonical reaction I can see:blobpopcorn:

    And other um..there are fanfics i assume..

    And cm regretting and ogum looking at him like that, they drag his leg more LOLOL
    someoneisangry and trustea like this.
  19. trustea

    trustea Member

    Aug 19, 2023
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    thanks! it's good that he's going to be adopted, I'd like to see him fighting again, I liked his fights

    Yes, I'm already using the dictionaries from here too, it's so well organized, thank you!

    and also the map, the map made me a little confused at first because I had thought that the beasts palace and ice palace would be far away but in the same direction, like even because of the name 'palaces beyond the wall', but its on the other side of the map with everything in the middle. :blobdizzy:

    this is also a conversation i always imagine, it would be really funny if they teased him about being an old man trapped in a child's body like you said
    i hope they don't treat him differently even after they find out, he needs friends and to feel part of the current world, right

    I also don't know how they still haven't found out or don't ask because he always says things like if it were me of the past I would have killed or something like would be much more cruel, and such, and they met him when he was a still child :blobrofl:they must think he's really crazy or just talks nonsense sometimes.

    and sorry for my english, it isnt very good :blobpensivepray:
  20. someoneisangry

    someoneisangry Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2022
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    no, i just think about the shock on their face when the figure put that they cursing and being disrepectful most of them time to that one person they never thought it would their ancestor, not just an ancestor BUT plum blossom saint :eek:

    like baek cheon soul might come out

    infact whenever they wish for their ancestors come to take this monster away when he is that ancestor

    imagining this hurt :unsure:
    Lin-Ji and GimmeAnswersNotSleep like this.