Spoiler Return of the Mount Hua Sect (화산귀환)

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Aoi Alice, Jul 6, 2021.

  1. merieva

    merieva Active Member

    Apr 12, 2023
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    nope not alone but they were trying to rescue the haenam disciples+our gang was injured, thus grandpa used himself as bait so the others could escape
    their mad ancestor has been quiet lately :lordmeow: he hasn't shown up much in the latest chapters, it's still about the the gang's battle against bdk
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2023
  2. someoneisangry

    someoneisangry Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2022
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    i know right?? he can't die before cutting that dude head for the 3rd time.

    oh where is he? if they are in a battle shouldnt he be with them?

    oh where is he? if they are in a battle shouldnt he be with them? or because of his

    chapter 1336 and 1396 are both different events?

    if yes or not, still sad, gosh he finally said it
    that its really cruel and that he want someone to feel sorry for him, i sti think he should jusy die in peace this is so sad i almost cried...
    GimmeAnswersNotSleep likes this.
  3. stefasa

    stefasa Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2020
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    Yes they are different events. Cm recovered some of his injuries from 1336 I think 80% of them? Grandpa is pushing himself too much already.
  4. Wandering Ghost

    Wandering Ghost Active Member

    Jul 31, 2023
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    he needs to remember his limits!! I feel like gramps constantly has a mindset of ‘only i can do it’…
  5. GimmeAnswersNotSleep

    GimmeAnswersNotSleep 7 months away from having Nostalgia PTSD Memory

    Jun 14, 2023
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    Ah come on ghost you know it to it's not that...
    Our grandpa just doesn't want to see more of his loved ones die..he saw and remembers everyone's dead...like literally..
    Our Gramps got Last Survivor guilt. A very bad one at that!:blobconfounded::meowsadlife:

    He is so eager to be the first one to die..
  6. chioux

    chioux Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2020
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    im on chap 1431 did the girl who was talking to the elder end up joining hwasan? i hope sooooo
    someoneisangry likes this.
  7. Uncopyright

    Uncopyright Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    Gunak offered for Dangga Women to learn Dangga's technique(poisons and hidden weapons), if they wanted so which is a very big deal for a family like Dang. But honestly, Biga didn't elaborate much, last I remembered most of the still plans to enter Hwasan because when Gunak was talking about Dangga's wealth, he mentioned that Hwasan will be taking many Dangga members so it was a win-win situation accdg to him which CM refuted it was not, CM was only pacified when Gunak mentioned they still have 1/3 of wealth that remains to which will be fully given to Cheonumaeng lol. But with Jeongpa-Sapa war on-going in the current arc, I don't know if they are placed on Soso's medical group for now.
  8. chioux

    chioux Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2020
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    does jongnam make an appearance again after ch1440? do they fight with them in the jeongpa arc?
    GimmeAnswersNotSleep likes this.
  9. Uncopyright

    Uncopyright Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    Yes! They will make further appearance after they unlocked their gates. Look forward to:
    - Hwasan cosplaying as Jongnam disciples and being caught by I Songbaek :blobjoy:. This is too funny.
    - Then Hyeong-nim and Dongsaeng crumbs. I swear the following interactions between Gold and Bronze Dragon are so cute(? For the lack of better descriptions. Actually I think I was influenced by Songbaek's rose tinted glasses when reading about them). Anyway, I was always looking forward in their interactions these days.:blobpopcorn::blobmelt:
  10. someoneisangry

    someoneisangry Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2022
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    how awful...
    GimmeAnswersNotSleep likes this.
  11. chucknorrisinf

    chucknorrisinf Member

    Aug 11, 2023
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    how long it took you to catch up?

    Any tips on how to best use chat gpt to translate chapter?
  12. Lillly

    Lillly Active Member

    Aug 6, 2023
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    Just gonna put a random video here:blobspearpeek:

    Anyways I kinda want Chung myung to die....
    A haha hahaha he should die!!!!!!:blobdevil::blobdevil:
    Go meet you sahyung in hell!!!!!!!!!:blobtorch:
  13. chioux

    chioux Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2020
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    did haenam end up joining cheonumaeng?
    someoneisangry likes this.
  14. stefasa

    stefasa Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2020
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    "Quiet down. Can't you see the Sect leaders are having a conversation?"

    "...It's a bit unfair, Sasuk."

    "Unfair, is it?"

    Baekcheon was about to say something more.

    "So it's not a baseless claim."

    A voice that was all too familiar, yet a harsh tone that had grated on him his whole life, pierced his ears. Baekcheon furrowed his brow slightly and turned his gaze.

    So similar, yet so different.

    That's why the face before him brought both comfort and discomfort simultaneously.

    Meeting the slightly downward gaze, Baekcheon let out a deep sigh.

    "It's been a while."

    In response to Baekcheon's words, Jingeumryong simply gazed at him as if exploring. The sharp gaze of Jingeumryong, like a blade, and the serene gaze of Baekcheon, like a lake, entwined in the air.

    Before long, a crooked smile appeared at the corner of Jingeumryong's lips.

    "So you're still alive."


    "Having excessive greed compared to one's ability leads to such outcomes. People should know their limits."


    Just as Jogeol was about to retort, Baekcheon grabbed him firmly by the back of the head, pressing down.

    "Sa, Sasuk!"

    "I agree with that sentiment as well."


    Baekcheon released the hand that was pressing on Jogeol 's head and rubbed the back of his own neck.

    "Engaging in reckless acts that go against one's abilities might indeed lead to one's demise. But what can you do? It's only natural to stand by the side of a troublemaker when it's fitting with the way of the world."

    Baekcheon glanced briefly at Cheongmyeong before turning back to Jin Geumryong, grinning.

    "I simply hope to get hit a bit less painfully."

    Jin Geumryong stared at Baekcheon in silence. Seeing his younger brother's smiling face with an underlying sense of discomfort, he spoke coldly.

    "Don't believe in your insignificant reputation and run amok. You might end up dead."

    "I'll put in the effort."


    Just as Jin Geumryong was about to retort, someone swiftly approached and interjected.

    "After a long time, it seems that Sasuk is really pleased to meet his younger brother."


    "Seeing Sasuk talk so much is quite rare. Hahaha."

    As I Songbaek awkwardly chuckled, Jin Geumryong furrowed his brows.


    Then, he turned around and distanced himself from them.

    Baekcheon let out a long breath and rubbed his forehead, as if just meeting Jin Geumryong could invigorate him.

    Lee Songbaek muttered under his breath, "I may have interfered clumsily, but I didn't just say that for no reason. I truly am pleased to see you."

    "...Because I know that, it must be a problem."

    Jin Geumryong was always like this.

    To put it in a kinder way, this time he was warning against overreaching due to his higher reputation and ending up dead.

    Was there anyone else in the world who could make a statement so aggravating?

    "It's nice to meet you again, Baekcheon Dojang. Do you remember me?"

    "...Of course, I remember, Songbaek Sohyeop."

    It was impossible to forget.

    To some, Lee Songbaek might just be an ordinary inspector of Jongnam, or someone who had left a memorable impression during the martial arts competition.

    However, the significance of Lee Songbaek that Baekcheon remembered was different from that, so he couldn't forget.

    'The martial artist recognized by that damn guy.'

    "He admitted it, even though he's not someone to easily acknowledge things, hanging up there in the sky. He acknowledged the Jongnam inspector, not even from another faction. What more needs to be said to describe this person?"

    And even if he hadn't known the essence of the art until now, from this moment on, he wouldn't be able to forget.

    'A sword..'

    A sword that couldn't be described by words.

    It's not intimidating, but it's heavy. Looking at its heaviness, even Lee Song-baek, who is not particularly acquainted with him, feels at ease.

    The problem is that that sense of security strangely irritates Baekcheon.

    'Is this the sense of the volcano swordsman who sees Jong-nam's swordsman in the first place?'

    Baekcheon had no choice but to intuitively understand why Jongnam and Hwasan could not get along so well.

    "Um... well..."

    Songbaek seemed like he wanted to say something, but he repeatedly opened and closed his mouth. Seeing this, Baekcheon furrowed his brows.

    He wasn't looking at him. Although it was an action that could be seen as dismissive, Baekcheon wasn't particularly bothered by it.

    Sometimes, there are things more important than formalities.



    As Cheongmyeong was trying to find a chance to jump into the conversation between Jongnam and Hyunjong, he turned his head aggressively.

    "Come over here."


    "...Just come."


    Cheongmyeong walked towards them as if annoyed.


    "Um... well..."

    Iee Songbaek seemed like he was about to say something but hesitated to speak. Seeing him like that, Cheongmyeong widened his eyes.

    "Huh? You...?"

    "Cheongmyeong Dojang! It's been a while. Have you been well during this time?"



    Cheongmyeong's head turned awkwardly to the side.

    "Who... was he again?"

    There was a moment of silence.

    Iee Songbaek's shoulders drooped. The heads of those who had been discreetly observing their meeting also dropped.

    Baekcheon's face grew hot.

    'Guess I had high expectations.'

    Recognition, my foot...

    "Um... uh."

    A deep sense of bewilderment spread across Lee Songbaek's face. Seeing him like that, Cheongmyeong burst into laughter.

    "Hahaha! Why are you looking so serious? Of course, it was just a joke, a joke!"

    For a moment, everyone held their breath, looking at him with anticipation. It couldn't be that this guy betrayed their expectations just once or twice... but still, maybe?

    "So, that... your name is... I Geum... Baek?"

    "...It's Iee Songbaek."

    "Hahaha! A joke, of course. A joke! Of course, I remember! Jongbaek!"

    "It's Iee Songbaek."

    As if to say that such small matters didn't need to bother him, Cheongmyeong patted Songbaek's back lightly. Everyone's heads drooped again at the sight.

    They wished they could crawl into a hole and disappear.

    Yoon Jong looked at I Songbaek with a pitiful expression. Of course, Cheongmyeong hadn't truly forgotten Iee Songbaek.

    'He probably just can't remember the name accurately.'

    With Jin Geumryong, Jin Eunryong, and Jin Dongryong running around nearby, would there be room in his head for a name like I Songbaek's?

    This wasn't Cheongmyeong's fault, but rather a mistake on the part of the Jin Clan... no, Jin Chobaek.

    "...You seem to be doing well. I'm glad."


    "Your wounds are too deep."

    I Songbaek glanced at Cheongmyeong's body as he tapped his back. There wasn't a single place that wasn't sore. It was to the point where he thought he was being naive to think he could have a casual conversation with him.

    However, Cheongmyeong spoke with an unconcerned face.

    "Don't worry about it. It's a common thing."


    "Yeah, common."

    Iee Songbaek gazed at Cheongmyeong in silence. Observing the strange smile on his face, I Songbaek nodded heavily after a moment.

    "I understand what you mean."


    "In the past, it would have been unimaginable for the Sapa faction to invade this place. But now, that's the world we live in. A world where it's natural for the unarmed to get injured."


    "...Are you saying that we have to withstand that kind of world?"

    Cheongmyeong took a step back from IeeSongbaek as if he were retreating. Iee Songbaek spoke seriously.

    "Don't worry, Dojang. If I hadn't been prepared for that much, I wouldn't have left Bongmun in the first place."

    "I've never been worried. Why would I be worried that a Jongnam brat like you might forget? It'd be nice if you were all wiped out in the middle of a war."

    It was more than a malicious remark, it was almost like a curse. However, I Songbaek didn't get angry; instead, he chuckled heartily. Seeing his reaction, Cheongmyeong quickly turned to look at Baekcheon as if he were a mischievous puppy.

    "Sasuk. What's wrong with this kid?"

    "Bring your hyung along. I can communicate with him better."

    "...I don't want to do that."

    Both Cheongmyeong and Jin Geumryong were headaches individually. Having them together? Just imagining it made his stomach ache.

    "It's just to prepare ourselves mentally. There's no need to see it so strangely."

    "Even if you're willing to do it, who's going to suffer?"

    "Well, that's true, but..."

    Baekcheon glanced at Yi Songbaek and opened his mouth again.

    "It doesn't seem like you have a lot of confidence without a plan."

    Cheongmyeong closed his mouth for a moment. Even if it were curses about Jongnam, which he could spew for three days and nights without stopping, he couldn't retort to this.

    “It looks like the Bongmun effect is good.”

    "Why are you bringing up that topic now? And how do you know whether it had an effect or not? Before that, you were nowhere to be found."

    "If there was an effect, wouldn't his strength be even more troublesome?"

    "...Damn brat."

    Seeing Baekcheon's frustrated expression, Cheongmyeong chuckled. However, his eyes were carefully examining Yi Songbaek.


    Cheongmyeong could sense a firm determination from Yi Songbaek.

    If simply practicing the Bongmun formation could make you stronger, then where among the countless factions in the world would there be a faction that could rival the Bongmun? Even if you lock the door, how much stronger you become within it depends entirely on your own efforts.

    And right now, Yi Songbaek was proving with his determination that he hadn't wasted his time.

    "Um... Well."

    At that moment, Yi Songbaek seemed like he was about to say something, but he let out a deep sigh instead.

    "It's a bit embarrassing."


    "To be honest, I wanted to brag a little. I really worked hard in my training."

    There was no need to say that out loud. Even if one couldn't feel that determination, just by looking at his hands covered in wounds, one could imagine the effort he had put in.

    "But... seeing the Hwasan disciples like this, I don't think there's anything to brag about. I thought I closed the gap a bit, but..."

    Yi Songbaek let out a bitter smile. It wasn't just directed at Cheongmyeong. It was a sharpness that even Baekcheon, who was covered in injuries and hard to approach, couldn't easily match. It made Cheongmyeong wonder if he could have faced this person if he were in a normal state.

    "Moreover, it's not just him, I suppose."

    Looking at Jo Geol, who was looking at Yi Songbaek with a strangely dissatisfied gaze, and Yoon Jong trying to calm him down from behind, there was a lot more going on beneath the surface.

    "If simply practicing the Bongmun formation could make you stronger, then where among the countless factions in the world would there be a faction that could rival the Bongmun? Even if you lock the door, how much stronger you become within it depends entirely on your own efforts.

    "I should have been ahead of them. During the time I practiced the Bongmun, I thought I pushed myself hard enough, but instead of catching up, I feel like I've been caught up to."

    At that moment, Cheongmyeong spoke in a slightly mocking tone.

    "Tsk. Anyway, the Jongnam kids have no luck."


    "How about it?"

    Cheongmyeong asked bluntly.

    "Did you find your sword?"

    His question made Isongbaek's gaze slightly dim. After a moment's hesitation, he spoke in a small but firm voice.

    "Although it's embarrassing to call it my sword, I think I know what kind of sword I should make."


    "And...don't feel too relieved, Cheongmyeong Dojang. I'm not the only one who has found their own path in Jongnam."

    Cheongmyeong's eyes turned to those standing behind Isongbaek. It was clear that there were others who had similar fervor to Isongbaek, though still amateurish. There was also a hint of sharpness in their eyes, which they couldn't possess while Isongbaek was still injured.

    "Moreover...don't assume this is a cause for celebration."

    "Something to congratulate?"

    "All thanks to the Dojang..."

    "Well, it's just returning to square one. Jongnam couldn't beat the Hwasan before, so what's different now?"

    "What's that?"

    "That guy?"

    The swordsmen of Jongnam who were listening from behind glared at Cheongmyeong. However, Cheongmyeong only grinned in response.

    "Why? Want to have a go?"


    The swordsmen of Jongnam continued to sharpen their swords but couldn't step forward.

    Now they can see it. The depth of Cheongmyeong they couldn't recognize before even though he was right in front of them. The power that could not be measured even with their skills, but was clearly felt.

    "Well, let's see...Hwasan..."

    "It's enough."

    At that moment, Jin Geumryong raised his hand slightly to silence the disciples who were about to blabber insults.

    "Talking won't change anything. Whether Hwasan is superior or Jongnam is superior, they will have to prove it to each other from now on."

    "Yes, Grand Senior."

    Baekcheon looked at Jin Geumryong with slightly surprised eyes.

    Was he capable of mediating in such a way? The only ones who had changed during the Bongmun were not only them or Isongbaek.

    "For Hwasan, it must be an honor. We have acknowledged them as enemies."


    Jongnam's disciples cast a final glance at Hwasan's disciples before turning away. Hwasan's disciples furrowed their brows slightly, and Songbaek subtly addressed Cheongmyeong and Ogeom.

    "While Jangmunin holds those thoughts, I don't necessarily share the same perspective."


    "And I'm not the only one who thinks this way."

    Songbaek smiled wryly as he looked at Cheongmyeong. This implied that the thoughts of the upper and lower ranks within Jongnam were not aligned.

    "Though we share a common goal, the path to achieve it can be different."

    Cheongmyeong's lips curved into a small smile in response. The differences in perspective between the different factions were something he was accustomed to dealing with. It seemed that the dynamics within Jongnam were more complex than they appeared on the surface.

    "There's no reason we can't join hands even while competing. In fact, because of the competition, we might need each other more. Similar things are already happening within Jongnam."

    Baekcheon nodded solemnly, seemingly understanding the implications of Songbaek's words.

    "So, well..."


    An icy voice interrupted, causing Songbaek to start and pause in his speech. He turned awkwardly to find Jin Geumryong giving him a cold stare.

    "Tone it down."

    "I apologize, Sahyeong."

    Songbaek added with a slightly playful tone.

    "Of course, it might still take some time."

    He shrugged, then turned to Hwasan's disciples and smiled warmly.

    "Then, until we meet again. We might be seeing each other quite often now."

    "It was a pleasure meeting you, Sohyeob."

    Ogeom extended his embrace in return. Songbaek shifted his gaze and looked at Cheongmyeong.

    "Cheongmyeong Dojang."


    "Thank you."

    With a deep bow, Songbaek showed his gratitude to Cheongmyeong. It wasn't just a show of respect within their factions but also a personal gesture.

    "What's this, out of the blue?"

    "It's not just the teaching you provided to our faction but also the lessons that awakened many things in me and in Jongnam. I wonder how I can repay this kindness..."

    "Stop with the nonsense. Why would I be kind to Jongnam? Watch out, all of you! Someday I'll set fire to Mount Jongnam!"

    Songbaek chuckled lightly.

    "Repaying this kindness involves diligently following the teachings. I'll consider that as the way to repay."

    "No, I've never given any kindness!"

    "Whenever I have the chance, I'd like to show you my sword. It might still be lacking, but you'll be able to see that I've changed."

    Cheongmyeong looked up at the sky with a dazed expression. Jo Geol, observing his drained demeanor, whispered softly.

    "Sahyeong... It seems there are natural enemies in this world."

    "...An eternal parallel. They never listen to each other."

    "Well, whenever you want."

    With a formal embrace, Songbaek turned and walked away. As Songbaek grew distant, only one person remained in place.

    "...Why aren't you leaving?"

    Baekcheon asked Jin Geumryong with a face that couldn't hide his irritation.

    Before Cheongmyeong appeared in Hwasan, Baekcheon's life had been dominated by Jin Geumryong. There was a time when his life's goal was solely to defeat Jin Geumryong.

    Now he was sure. He had already surpassed Jin Geumryong in terms of skill a long time ago. No matter how much stronger Jin Geumryong had become, there was no reason why he couldn't defeat him in a fight.

    However, oddly enough, this irritation didn't go away.

    Jin Geumryong, who had been staring at Baekcheon with a strongly discontented look, finally spoke up.

    "I didn't know."


    "He might be lacking, but I didn't think he was a complete idiot. But hanging out with weirdos seems to have made him lose his manners."

    Baekcheon's face contorted noticeably.

    "Stop causing a fuss and go on your way."

    "Father is over there."

    Jin Geumryong's words made Baekcheon flinch for a moment.

    "Even if you've received a pardon, you're still a member of the Jin clan. After so many years, aren't you even going to greet our father when you see him?"

    Only then did Baekcheon shift his gaze beyond Jin Geumryong. There, among the elders and senior disciples of Jongnam, was Jin Chobek himself.

    "If that's the case, it might be better to remove the 'Jin' from your name. It must be disappointing for our father to consider someone like you as family."

    "Even if we keep saying the same thing..."

    Baekcheon glared at Jin Geumryong with a displeased expression.

    "Of course, I am a member of the Jin clan, and I'm not a complete fool."

    Upon hearing his words, Ogeom muttered under his breath.

    "But aren't you a complete fool?"

    "That's right."

    "As I thought. They're like brothers, completely seeing through each other."

    "Stop it!"

    Baekcheon shouted out, his face turning red.

    "But it doesn't seem like it would be a good idea for me to go over there to see our father right now."


    "Now that the Bongmun matter is settled, I'll go and greet him properly. Please convey my regards."

    Jin Geumryong stared at Baekcheon with a stern look, then burst out laughing.

    "Indeed, you really lack any stubbornness. To think you're using your older brother to convey messages."

    "Oh, come on!"

    Baekcheon finally snapped. However, Jin Geumryong's attention had already shifted to Cheongmyeong.

    “Looking at your appearance, you seem to be having a good time.” (*CM has injuries all over his body*)

    "Oh, really? Your temperament seems to have worsened in the meantime. Or is it a trait of the Jin family?"

    "You little...! Stop meddling! Let go! Are you letting go?"

    As Baekcheon started to resist, Ogeom quickly subdued him and pulled him away. Jin Geumryong glanced at them briefly and then said with a wry smile,

    “I clearly remember the debt I owed in the past.”

    "Debt? What debt are you talking about?"

    Cheongmyeong tilted his head as if he really couldn't remember, then clapped his hands together with a sharp sound.

    "Oh, are you talking about when you got beaten up by Sasuk at the martial arts competition?"


    "And you've been cherishing that memory all this time? It would be better for your mental health to forget about it."

    In an instant, a blue aura radiated from Jin Geumryong. However, Cheongmyeong just laughed mockingly in response. Jin Geumryong said with a contemplative tone,

    "It seems like nothing has changed. That's a relief. I was worried what would happen if you had somehow become different. Looks like I'll have plenty of chances to settle the debt."

    Cheongmyeong playfully covered his ears with his fingers.

    "Well, it's your own feeling, after all... But can you rely on just your feelings? You need skills, skills. Unfortunately, with your skills over there, you still seem to be lacking."


    With a snort, Jin Geumryong glared at Cheongmyeong and unsheathed his sword.

    Startled for a moment, Baekcheon tried to rush at Jin Geumryong, but Jin Geumryong drew his sword faster and unleashed a dazzling white aura towards Cheongmyeong.


    A loud cry escaped from Cheongmyeong's lips.

    The released sword energy created a magnificent pattern above Cheongmyeong's head. Gazing at the dazzling aura, Cheongmyeong narrowed his eyes.

    "...This is?"

    "It's my new sword. No, it's the new sword of Jongnam."


    Cheongmyeong began to say something but then stopped himself.

    Seolhwasip-i Sik. A sword technique based on the twenty-four movements of Hwasan's Plum Blossom Swordsmanship.

    However, the sword Jin Geumryong now wielded was not exactly Seolhwasip-i Sik. The white aura, like snow, remained, but the traces of plum blossoms were nowhere to be found in that sword.

    Cheongmyeong's eyes shimmered.

    He wanted to challenge him with something, but he had nothing to challenge with. Even if it started with the Seolhwasip-i Sik, once they found their own intent and form, it became Jongnam's martial art. After all, all martial arts in the world developed in a similar way.

    "Even if you use fancy words... it seems like you can't understand simple words. Jongnam's sword..."

    "Why are you deciding that?"


    A puzzled expression flickered on Cheongmyeong's face. Jin Geumryong briefly glanced back at where his disciples were and continued speaking.

    "Indeed, there seem to be those who are affected by your nonsense. Jongnam must return to its roots. Everything of Jongnam is within the Cheonha Samryuk Sword. (Note: Cheonha Samryuk Sword refers to the thirty-six fundamental sword techniques.)"

    "...It's not a false statement."

    "No, that's a false statement."

    Jin Geumryong said, looking at Cheongmyeong with a furrowed brow.

    "Of course, the Cheonha Samryuk Sword is the foundation and basis of Jongnam. However, if we only blindly adhere to the past and seek to master it perfectly, Jongnam will remain as it was in the past."


    "Jongnam will become stronger. With the new sword that Jongnam has created."

    Retracting his sword, Jin Geumryong's gaze turned cold.

    "Until then, you'd better polish your skills."

    "Even these days, young folks don't use such words."


    Jin Geumryong turned away decisively.

    "Then, I'm leaving. Keep your promise, Jin Dongryong."

    "Don't call me by that name!"

    As he said that, a cold breeze separated them from view. Watching Jongnam disappear into the distance, everyone let out a deep sigh.

    "...It's a good thing though."

    "Yes, we received help too."

    "Yeah. It's a good thing overall..."

    Baekcheon muttered with a face filled with worries from head to toe.

    "Now we really won't have any peace."

    "That's right, Dongryong Sasuk."

    Baekcheon's fist lightly tapped Jo Geol's chin. (*hehe*)

    There was a voice that eerily reached the group of those who had departed after Jin Geumryong.

    "How was it?"

    "What are you talking about?"

    "You were looking forward to reuniting with your younger brother, weren't you?"

    The one who posed the question was Yi Songbaek. Jin Geumryong turned his angry gaze towards him, but Yi Songbaek simply grinned.

    The people around them inadvertently tensed up. They say you can't spit when someone is smiling. However, while Jin Geumryong might not be able to spit saliva, could he not swing his sword at someone?

    "...Don't babble useless words."

    "Yes, Sahyung."

    Fortunately, Jin Geumryong chose not to say anything and let it pass. Some who were observing the situation let out a relieved sigh.

    'Well, at least he has a good personality.'

    Within this group of people from Jongnam, only Yi Songbaek would dare make such a joke to Jin Geumryong. Thanks to that, the atmosphere in Jongnam had become much more relaxed.

    "And what about you?"


    "Weren't you the one who was looking forward to the reunion more than anyone?"

    In response to that question, Yi Songbaek simply nodded his head.

    "That's true."

    "Any thoughts on the anticipated reunion?"


    Yi Songbaek had a peculiar smile.

    "Given the circumstances, I was a bit taken aback, but..."

    He paused, his words trailing off as he glanced briefly behind him. Standing there was Cheongmyeong, now barely visible in the distance.

    "Still the same as ever."

    "Not very exciting, I suppose."

    Yi Songbaek chuckled softly.

    Still the same.

    That statement wasn't merely about his personality. To him, Cheongmyeong still remained a towering mountain, an unreachable sky. Despite being covered in wounds and exhaustion, he appeared no less formidable.

    So it was gratifying and enjoyable. Like a mountaineer who discovers an endlessly climbable mountain.

    "It's a shame I couldn't comprehend the Dojang's sword. It surely would have held valuable teachings."

    "Now you'll see it clearly enough."

    "That's true."

    Yi Songbaek's calm response grew darker as his eyes dimmed.

    'Jang Ilso.'

    Though Sa Pa-reun had retreated somewhat awkwardly, the momentum they had briefly faced was vividly etched in their memories. Just recalling it sent shivers down their spines.

    Now, Jongnam would have to face opponents like them.

    Yi Songbaek lightly grasped the sword at his waist. They were formidable foes, indeed. However, his path was already set.

    "When we return, I'll have to resume training."

    "Aren't you tired of it?"

    "It's what needs to be done."

    Jin Geum-ryong's eyes sparkled with excitement.

    "I'll be the one to bring down the Hwasan Sword Union. I won't tolerate any interference."

    "...That's something we'll have to see."

    "What did you say?"

    "I'll go ahead."

    Yi Songbaek kicked the ground and surged forward, prompting Jin Geum-ryong to briefly sharpen his blade. However, his gaze soon turned from Yi Songbaek to behind him.

    'Jin Dong-ryong.'

    Though he still held resentment towards Baekcheon from their encounter at the martial arts competition, the Baekcheon he faced today was fully capable as a martial artist. In fact, he appeared even more martial-minded than his elder brother.


    Jin Geum-ryong clicked his tongue briefly and thought to himself that he should secure a suitable training ground upon their return.

    I like seeing the brothers bicker with each other

    IM 100% sure from now on I will be translating their interactions, even the smallest bits blobmelt_thumbs
  15. Wandering Ghost

    Wandering Ghost Active Member

    Jul 31, 2023
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    I love their interactionsss, thank you for sending this heeree!!
    stefasa likes this.
  16. stefasa

    stefasa Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2020
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    of course :meowinlove:


    Along the main street of Gaebong, where beggars and regular folks mingled, a group of individuals dressed in pure white attire walked confidently. The ends of their pristine white robes were decorated with a bluish tint like the sky. And on their chests were cloud patterns intricately embroidered.

    For those who saw this attire, the first two characters that came to mind were 'Jongnam.'

    The Grand Jongnam Faction, one of the ten factions of the Gupa Ibang that ruled the world. Among the ten major factions, it was one of the three that stood unwaveringly alongside Sorim and Mudang.

    Of course, to put it rationally, it's difficult to compare Jongnam's status with the Northern and Southern factions, Sorim and Mudang. However, that doesn't mean Jongnam's significance diminishes in any way.

    Now, the disciples of the Grand Jongnam Faction were strolling around this place.

    "Hmm. They sure have a lively spirit."

    "The disciples of Jongnam are certainly not ordinary. Seems like they've honed their skills during their time at Bongmun."

    "They stand out remarkably. Is it because they're all so radiant?"



    "Why does this make sense? Why?"

    This was the collective thought of those walking along the street's center.

    "Do the members of the Gae-bang lack common sense? Do I look like a Jongnam brat?"

    "Hey... be gentle with your words. We can block out the sound, but not the shape of your mouth."

    Jo-geol let out a deep sigh with an utterly disappointed expression.

    Could this really work? Wasn't the world just twisted? Could this truly be sensible talk?

    "Dressed in Jongnam attire, carrying a cloud-patterned sword, and sticking a shabby beard on my face—do you think they can't recognize us?"

    "You're in disguise, so they can't recognize you."

    "Is sticking on a beard considered a disguise? If we wore a mask, even our parents wouldn't recognize us."

    "Well, if you wear a mask, wouldn't people not recognize you?"


    Listening to it, that actually made sense...

    Jo-geol turned to look at someone.

    "...hyehyn your wig is crooked."

    "Oh, Amida..."

    "Please don't say 'Amida' now. You're a temple head, after all."

    "Mu, Muryangsu-bul!"

    "That's better..."

    Hye-yeon was even sweating under his wig, having gone to great lengths to fix it. Jo-geol let out a deep sigh.

    "Seriously, take a look. Isn't it really odd? Even a three-year-old would find it strange, right?"



    "To be honest... even if we walked around with legs attached to our faces, those gentlemen wouldn't suspect us."


    "We can't be suspicious, can we? It's just impossible, isn't it?"

    At Yoon Jong's words, everyone's gaze naturally focused ahead.

    The person walking a half step ahead. Wearing a perfect Jongnam outfit, confidently carrying a Jongnam sword at their waist. With their impressive height, dignified face, and even a slightly haughty smile.

    Whispering sounds could be heard all around at this very moment.

    "Isn't that person Jin Geumryong?"

    "Just as incredible as we heard. People said he has a slightly arrogant demeanor, and it seems fitting."

    "I heard he's going to be the next head disciple?"

    "Seems like that's why he's here at the main hall. His appearance is exactly like the rumors."

    "Well, his aura is quite impressive."

    Listening to all those words, the person standing ahead slowly lifted their head. To the eyes of others, he would appear as the dignified young lion of Jongnam, lifting his chin with an air of calmness.

    '... Jangmunin.'

    But dressed as Jin Geumryong... No, to be honest, with just a hasty change of hairstyle and wearing Jongnam attire, the tears were blurring Baekcheon's eyes, hidden behind the facade.

    "I want to die."

    Tears glimmered in the eyes of Baekcheon, disguised as Jongnam Jin Geumryong.


    "... Don't talk to me."

    "No, it's not that, Sasuk."

    "... Don't bother me with meaningless words."

    Eventually, Yunjong lowered his head, abandoning what he intended to say.

    'Does he really hate it that much?'

    Every movement of Baekcheon's was stiff. Even the touch of Jongnam's clothing against his body seemed repulsive. It's as if a loathsome insect was weaving through his clothes, but to evoke such a reaction was unexpected.

    "... How did I end up like this?"

    The sight of Baekcheon's despair tugged at everyone's heartstrings.

    However, it had been a long time since he experienced such humiliation.

    "Well, but now that we've done this, it's quite impressive. Father probably won't recognize you at this point. How could brothers look so alike?"

    “… … People become so unlucky just because their facial expressions and clothes have changed.”

    “Every time we said we were unlucky, he felt unfair, but if he put his mind to it, he could have been so lucky. You have been very patient.”

    "...Agari deumeulgeu...."(?)

    Baekcheon glared back with bloodshot eyes. Everyone subtly avoided his gaze.

    However, amidst this, one person's voice pierced through like a sharp arrow, despite everyone's efforts to ignore it.

    "By the way, Sasuk. I'm really curious, are you imitating Jongnam for real, or are you imitating Hyungnim... Kuk!"

    A strong jab into his side silenced the speaker. Jo Geol twisted his body like a squid on a grill in response to the jab.

    "...Prepare the whip, get the whip!"

    Dang Soso frantically rubbed her hand and stuck out her tongue. What's the point of fussing about such trivial matters at a time like this?


    "Shh. Someone is approaching."

    In an instant, tension gripped everyone's faces. A passerby had spotted them and was hesitantly approaching.

    "Oh! Aren't you Jingeumryong of Jongnamin?"

    Ogeom swallowed hard, looking at Baekcheon. Meanwhile, Dang Soso quickly reached out and adjusted the slightly crooked wig of Hye-yeon at lightning speed.

    "Do you perhaps remember me? We met once on Seomseo Island. We even had a meal together."

    "We're done for."

    "We're screwed."

    "I told you this wouldn't work, you idiots."

    Cold sweat dripped down everyone's faces. Even Cheongmyeong, who had been asserting all this, was now pouring cold sweat with a defeated expression.

    However, it was Baekcheon who calmly turned his gaze towards the approaching figure with a nonchalant expression.


    Glancing briefly up and down the approaching person, he casually spoke. Yet, his words were not directed at that person but at his companions.




    "Yes? Oh... Yes, sir!"

    Yun Joon quickly responded and bowed deeply.

    "Observe carefully. This is the rudeness that's easy to show within a gang."

    "…My dull nature makes it hard for me to understand your teachings, sir. Please blame my dull nature."

    Narrowing his eyes slightly, Baekcheon glared at Yun Jong and spoke in an unforgiving tone.

    "Whether you have a relationship with the other party or not, when approaching someone within the gang, you must first reveal your status and name. If you don't, it becomes a serious breach of etiquette within the gang. Remember that. If a disciple of Daegyeongnam makes such a mistake, I won't forgive it."

    "Y-Yes, I will remember."

    Just as Yun Jong was about to react further, the person who initiated the conversation spoke first with a pale face.

    "Uh, I am Go Ilsan from Hahnam Ehwamun (李花門)! A few years ago, I met with the Chief Disciple of Bonmun in Seomseo. I spoke rudely out of excitement. I apologize, Grand Master."

    "No need for apologies."

    Gradually, Baekcheon's expression softened into a smile. It was a gentle smile, but to someone observant, it had a slightly twisted quality, as if there was a subtle distortion beneath its softness.

    "What I mentioned was merely the courtesy that a disciple of Jongnam should uphold. There's no reason to expect the same etiquette from someone of a different sect."


    "However, unfortunately, it's been quite some time, so I must ask for your understanding that I don't remember you. I do remember the owner of Ehwamun, though..."

    "Well, yes. I was also present on that occasion. The impression of the Grand Master from that day was so strong that meeting you again in a place like this makes me very glad..."

    "I'm also pleased to meet you again."

    Baekcheon cleanly interrupted the conversation and gazed at Go Ilsan with an emotionless expression.

    Reading the hidden message in his icy gaze – "If you're done talking, you should leave already. Why are you still lingering here, you novice?" – Go Ilsan awkwardly changed his tone.

    "I offer my respect for Jongnam breaking the seal. Then, next time, I will visit with the Sect Leader."

    "We'll do our best to welcome you then. Best wishes."

    "Th-thank you for your blessings."

    Go Ilsan bowed deeply, his posture almost as humble as if he had flames on his back, before distancing himself.

    Astonished and amazed, those who had witnessed the scene couldn't hold back their admiring exclamations.

    "This is incredible..."

    "What on earth did I just witness?"


    Trembling slightly, Cho Geol whispered, "S-sasuk. He didn't even study it, so how did he suddenly manage that? It's truly unfortunate that being so perfectly alike is his bad luck."

    Baekcheon looked up at the distant sky with a bitter expression.

    "...I've seen it hundreds of thousands of times."


    He must have gone through so much trouble. Well, that's probably why he ran away in the first place.

    After a while, when Baekcheon turned into a narrow alleyway and confirmed that there was no one around, he clenched his clothes with both hands.


    "Don't tear that up!"

    "Whoa, whoa. Sasuk. Let's endure a little longer. There you go, good boy. Good boy."

    "Thats a bit excessive"


    Without a word, Yoo Isul, who had been handing over the bet, quietly withdrew her hand. Tears welled up in Baekcheon's eyes.

    What have I done...

    "But Sasuk, by the way, that person from earlier really seemed to have a connection with Jongnam. Is it okay to treat them that way? You're definitely going to arouse negative feelings..."

    "You know what? Insults are for Jingeumryong to take care of."

    ...To Baekcheon's nonchalant response, everyone nodded with pleased expressions. Clearly, this individual is also not quite normal.

    "See! I told you I wouldn't be suspicious, didn't I?"

    In a triumphant tone, Baekcheon's eyes blazed with anger. His gaze, now icy, locked onto Cheongmyeong, who was chuckling.

    "This... little rascal."


    He was almost tempted to rush over and stuff those accursed clothes down the laughing guy's throat. But if he did that, it wouldn't be the guy who gets embarrassed, but Hwasan. So he had to endure.

    "Is this what a person does?"

    "Why are you getting so flustered? These used to be your daily clothes."

    "Cheongmyeong, stop it. Sasuk might burst into flames at this rate."

    He's actually puffing up a bit.

    "More importantly, is what you're doing now going well?"

    "Wait a moment."

    Cheongmyeong tapped his chest, and a small white bundle emerged from it. The bundle raised its head, blinking its black eyes in a drowsy manner.

    "Hey, which way is it?"

    Cheongmyeong asked, and the white bundle extended its neck and quickly twitched its nose.


    Then, with a swift movement, it pointed its tiny paw towards the northeast.

    "Over there."

    "That's somewhat closer to the Chongdan."

    "Let's hurry. To be honest, even I feel like my disguise is getting twisted just by wearing this outfit."

    "Yes. Let's go, Sahyeong."

    "Wait a moment, Siju. My head keeps spinning inside this thing. Could you help me with it?"

    "So, don't sweat. Your head keeps sliding around and making the wig twist, right?"

    "In this situation, how am I supposed to not sweat?"

    "Try placing a towel inside."

    "But then it will increase the volume, making it look awkward, you idiot. Walking around with just a swollen head, isn't that weird?"

    Hyeyeon closed her eyes and sighed in exasperation.

    "Why should I suffer for some unknown crime? Life is unjust, existence..."

    "Somebody's coming behind us. Let's move quickly."


    The group resumed their convincing act as disciples of Jongnam, walking along. Passersby cast approving glances, without a hint of suspicion; instead, they seemed to admire the group.

    Yoonjong looked perplexed.

    "But, Cheongmyeong."


    "How on earth does this even work?"

    "What are you talking about?"

    "Well, no matter how you look at it, this is so amateurish. Yet, nobody suspects a thing... and we're in Geobong, of all places?"

    "Just stating the obvious."

    Cheongmyeong chuckled.

    "Naturally, there must be some who harbor doubts. But what are they going to do if they suspect? Besides, it's Geobong."

    "That's some weird reasoning. If people are suspicious, they'd naturally investigate."

    "Who would investigate?"


    Yoonjong started to say something but stopped. He had just understood.

    "If something seems suspicious, you would investigate to confirm, right?"

    "What if they confirm that Dongryong is truly Geumryong? What's that lunatic going to do if someone doubts his true identity? Just let them be?"

    "Wait, what are you saying? Of course, there would be suspicions. But if they suspect, they'd surely investigate, right?"

    Cheongmyeong's smile widened.

    "Even Geumryong is the next in line to become Jongnam's head disciple. In a place where the rumor about the upcoming change in leadership is spreading, if someone were to be disrespectful to Geumryong, it would be seen as disrespecting all of Jongnam. And what if some big shot were to come up and ask, 'Are you really Jin Geumryong?'? Those people would be silenced underfoot."


    Everyone nodded in understanding. However, suspicions hadn't completely vanished.

    "But does that mean we should just stand by?"

    "We won't just stand by. That's obvious. Already, letters must be flying like crazy. just to check if Geumryong really came here.”"



    Cheongmyeong let out a wicked grin.

    "By the time that's confirmed, we won't even be here anymore."

    Everyone exclaimed in unison. Oh, except Baekcheon.


    "That's amazing."

    Amid the praise, Cheongmyeong extended his stomach with a triumphant look.

    "This is a complete crime, a perfect crime."

    "Well, if you look at it once, your mind seems to work quite well."

    "The impressive part isn't my clever thinking, but the fact that those faces helped shape this plan. Seriously, looking at them again, they're so spot on. It gives me chills."

    "...Just shut up."

    Cheongmyeong was reprimanded.

    "Whether they resist or not, Cheongmyeong just proudly observed Baekcheon's squirming.

    "Anyway, in Gae-bong, there might be those who suspect us when they see us, but there won't be anyone who moves when they see us. So let's act confidently. Hehe. Just thinking about how much that guy Geumryong will kick up a fuss when he finds out about this, my decade-long congestion seems to be going away already. Kihkihkihki!"

    With devilish enthusiasm, Cheongmyeong took a step forward, followed by the rest, all suppressing their laughter.

    "Yeah. Anyway, well... as long as we don't get caught, it's all good."

    "We need to finish quickly and get out of here, Sahyung. If we're caught, what a disgrace it would be."

    "I'm ready to bite my tongue and die right away if I'm caught."

    It was at that moment, as the disciples of Hwasan exchanged awkward jokes while turning a corner, that they suddenly noticed something strange.




    The disciples of Hwasan froze in place like a picture.

    Before them were a group of beggars who were far from ordinary. Of course, it wasn't an issue at all. It was quite common for strong beggars to gather in Gae-bong.

    The problem wasn't the beggar group; it was the person standing with them.

    A pure white robe with cloud patterns.

    A neat head with a white hairband and cloud patterns. And wide-open eyes that seemed to be in surprise.

    It was a very familiar sight to the disciples of Hwasan. As if they had been splashed with cold water, they all froze when they saw him standing in front of them. He blinked at Baekcheon and looked at him in disbelief.

    "Sah... hyung? What?"

    Then, from Cheongmyeong, who had been frozen like a statue against the wall, a voice of genuine surprise emerged, almost like a whimper.

    "Iee... Song... Baek."


    Haha. Hahahaha...

    Why are you suddenly here?

    I'm going crazy, seriously...


    "It's ruined."

    "We lost!"

    "Why is this punk here of all places?"

    "I told you we were going to fail no matter what, Cheongmyeong you bastard!"

    Sweat poured down the disciples of Hwasan like rain.

    Who could have imagined that they would come across Yi Songbaek here, in this distant Gae-bong? It was beyond anyone's imagination that they would meet him in this situation.

    "What should we do? Should we run now?"

    "How can we escape in this situation!"

    "Moreover, why did we have to meet him with those beggars!"

    The even bigger problem was that Yi Songbaek was accompanied by the experts of Gae-bong. Isn't this situation similar to exposing their sect's secret location to them? The frozen disciples of Hwasan exchanged desperate glances with each other.

    However, as bewildered as they were, the astonishment on Yi Songbaek's face upon unexpectedly encountering them was beyond comparison.


    Yi Songbaek stared blankly at the figures in front of him.

    The attire worn by those inspectors was undoubtedly the uniform of Jongnam, and the figure at the forefront was unmistakably Jin Geumryong. But...

    'Who are they?'

    The individuals standing behind were people he had never seen even once. Could there be anyone among Jongnam's disciples he didn't know?


    As Yi Songbaek blinked his eyes, the faces of these individuals started to blur like a blank canvas turning paler and paler. Among them, the slightly shorter man at the back was twisting his body like an itchy puppy.


    Yi Songbaek blinked as he scrutinized the strange beard of the man in front of him. In an instant, his eyebrows twitched and his expression twisted oddly.

    "This, Sohyeop. Who are these people?"

    The beggar standing beside Yi Songbaek asked with a somewhat sharp voice. Yi Songbaek glanced briefly at the figures before him and then spoke.

    Baekcheon unconsciously tightened his grip on his sword at that moment.

    As the suffocating tension settled...

    "I greet Senior Brother."

    Yi Songbaek respectfully addressed Baekcheon, his posture impeccable. In the face of such genuine politeness, Baekcheon found himself blinking in surprise.



    Feeling someone jabbing their finger into his back, Baekcheon quickly adopted a conceited expression, realizing someone was watching him.

    "Indeed, Saji. It's been a while."

    Responding with an undeniably Jin Geumryong-like tone, Baekcheon gave Yi Songbaek a sidelong glance, laden with subtle anticipation.

    'Did he fall for it?' Well, even if Yi Songbaek is familiar with Jin Geumryong, he might still be momentarily fooled...

    "Yes, Saji. It's been a while."

    "But... You seem a bit excessive, Sahyung."


    "No matter how unworthy I am as a Saji, still... It's a bit much. Coming without even a word. Wasn't this task entrusted to me?"

    For a brief moment, Baekcheon's mind raced, and then he responded with a cold tone.

    "It's an order from the Sect leader. Understand that."

    In this situation, saying he had bad luck would be an appropriate response.


    However, upon hearing his response, Yi Songbaek furrowed his brows as if something was amiss.

    'Huh? Did I make a mistake?'

    Could it be that the mention of the Sect leader's order was somewhat twisted in context...

    "You tell me to understand... It's the first time I've heard you speak that way, Sahyung. Naturally, I thought you'd dismiss something like me as someone who knows nothing."

    Yi Songbaek's peculiar and somewhat amazed reaction caused Baecheon's eyes to twitch uncontrollably.

    "What kind of life are you living, Jin Geumryong, you crazy bastard!"

    His clothes were already damp with cold sweat. He hadn't anticipated being suspected even less, facing this absurd situation.

    Just as his forehead was starting to glisten with sweat, one of the beggars spoke.

    "So, this person is Jin Geumryong, the real successor of the Jongnam."

    To them, the recent conversation seemed rather inconsequential. The tension that the beggars had been holding seemed to have eased somewhat.

    Yi Songbaek spoke up, "Ah, yes. That's right. I should introduce..."

    "No need. We're in a hurry to go now as well. We can do the proper introductions later."

    "Ah, you think so?"

    "In that case, Daehyeop Lee must also have things to discuss with Jin Geumryong, so we'll make time for that later."

    "...Didn't you mention that you had something to do?"

    "That's all right now."

    With a slightly self-deprecating smile, the beggar politely excused themselves, "Then."

    "Ah... Yes. May you have a safe journey."

    The rest of the beggars also gave a nod of farewell to Yi Songbaek and Bai Cheon before quickly moving away.

    Only then did a collective sigh of relief escape from the lips of the disciples of the volcano.

    "We survived."

    "Oh, I think I went crazy for a moment."

    "He managed to pull through this. Now, even if we fall into hell, I have confidence we'll get out."

    Everyone shuddered. However, not all problems had been resolved yet.

    Bai Cheon, who had been watching Yi Songbaek's reaction with cold sweat, did his best to imitate Jin Geumryong and spoke up.

    "Anyway... I have a separate command from sect leader, so there's somewhere I need to go now. We'll talk later."

    "Do you think so?"

    Bai Cheon nodded firmly. He did his best to maintain a semblance of arrogance in his expression.

    "Sure. Then, later..."

    "Yes. Please take care, Baekcheon Dojang.."

    "Um... What?"

    As Baekcheon was about to turn away nonchalantly, he froze mid-motion. Turning his head with a creaking sound, he looked at Yi Songbaek, who was wearing a noticeably bright smile.

    "If that's the case, well... I assume Cheongmyeong Dojang must also be quite busy?"

    A surprised tremor ran through Cheongmyeong's shoulders, adorned with a rather unconvincing beard.

    "And the other members of the Hwasan are also probably busy?"

    Silence fell. Like a group of students caught red-handed by their teacher, everyone simply hunched their shoulders without saying a word.

    "While we did say we'd meet again, I didn't expect to run into you here. But everyone must be like that, right?"



    The disciples of the Hwasan mustered awkward smiles. Yi Songbaek chuckled wryly.

    "If you're all busy, I should probably take my leave. If matters require you to go to such lengths, they must be important."

    At that moment, everyone admired Yi Songbaek's character. Not losing his temper and charging at them with a sword already made him worthy of the title of a true master.

    "But... at least an explanation."


    Yi Songbaek flashed a gentle smile once again.

    Everyone flinched again. They had come to a clear realization. The corners of Yi Songbaek's eyes, bearing that kind smile, were utterly cold.

    "You might have some time to explain the situation before you leave, perhaps...?"


    "....Isn't that right?"

    "I apologize!"

    Bowing deeply with all the sincerity he could muster, Bai Cheon offered a profound apology.


    "...So it turned out like this."

    In a room, Yi Songbaek nodded as if he understood. He then carefully surveyed the individuals before him.

    "I apologize."

    "I was wrong."

    "I'm sorry."

    "I've committed a grave sin. Please spare my life."

    Looking at the hwasan's disciples, who were flattened on the floor with their heads bowed, Cheongmyeong grumbled with a pouty face.

    "Well, even if you've committed a crime, you don't have to grovel that much..."

    "You shut up!"

    "You annoying brat!"

    "Someday I will definitely kill you! Don't take that as a joke! I will really kill you!"

    Under the threat of their fierce energy, Cheongmyeong recoiled like a turtle, drawing his neck into his shoulders.

    Unbeknownst to himself, Yi Songbaek let out a deep sigh.

    "...You've been through a lot."

    His words of empathy and understanding caused tears to well up in everyone's eyes. How long had it been since they met someone who truly recognized their struggles?

    "But... no matter how you put it, impersonating disciples from other factions like this is a bit..."

    "...I have nothing more to say."

    "I had a feeling something was off when the people from Beggar Sect suddenly said they had somewhere to go together. I thought I might have done something wrong. So, that's what they were trying to confirm."

    "…There really is nothing I can say..."

    Baekcheon realized anew how flexible his back could be today. Every time Yi Songbaek spoke, his back automatically bent and straightened. But to be honest, even that was not enough. If Yi Songbaek hadn't astutely sided with them, they would probably be desperately escaping outside Gae Bang by now.

    Yi Songbaek let out a sigh and continued, "Actually, as a disciple of Jongnam, it's difficult for me to tolerate this. If we switch positions and I were caught posing as a volcano disciple in a volcano robe..."

    "In that situation, I would have killed him right there, that damn Jongnam brat!"

    "Shut up a bit!"

    "Think a bit before you speak, you brat!"

    "Someone shut this brat up!"

    Hye Yeon immediately removed the wig she had been wearing and stuffed it into Cheongmyeong's mouth. No one sympathized with Cheongmyeong. It was worth it even if he went through that.

    "So, my position is also quite difficult..."

    Yi Songbaek, his mouth blocked, looked at Cheongmyeong being beaten and chuckled.

    "Well, I'll just pretend I didn't see anything."

    "…Are you sure it's okay? In the end..."

    "To be honest, I have a somewhat clueless side to me. So, even if I mistakenly thought Baekcheon-dojang was Daesa-hyung, it won't become a big problem. I'll just take some insults."

    Baekcheon looked at Yi Songbaek with a slightly bewildered expression. However, Yi Songbaek only sent a neat smile without any hesitation.

    "It's because I believe that whatever Cheongmyeong-dojang intends to do won't go against justice."

    "So-hyeop...!" (*choking*)

    "...Of course, the approach is a bit problematic though."

    "I apologize!"

    Watching Baekcheon repeatedly apologize and show gratitude, Jo Gyeol whispered softly.

    "You might end up with hysteria at this rate."

    "...You probably already have it."

    It's not normal. After all, he's been through quite a bit.


    Yi Songbaek lightly scratched his head as if feeling awkward.

    "Right now, not only me but also other Jongnam's disciples are here in Gaebong, so please don't escalate the situation any further. If things get worse, I won't be able to do anything either."

    "Y-Yes, of course."

    Baekcheon continued to bow as if he would bow even more. Yi Songbaek looked a bit puzzled and awkward.

    "…Dojang. Please stop apologizing like that. I feel more uncomfortable when you apologize with that expression on your face."


    With Baekcheon at a loss for words, Yi Songbaek turned his gaze to Cheongmyeong. Hye Yeon happened to be twisting Cheongmyeong this way and that.

    "By the way, Dojang."


    "What are you planning to do now? Even if you managed to avoid Gaebong's gaze, you can't keep this situation up for long."

    "Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!"

    ... Baekcheon mumbled while covering his face.

    "Master. Please take off the wig that you shoved into my mouth. Let's only do this when we're alone."

    It's embarrassing to not be able to live like this, really.


    Cheongmyeong spat out the wig from his mouth, spit a few times, and pushed Hye Yeon away before shrugging his shoulders.

    "Ah, you don't have to worry about that."

    Cheongmyeong, looking pleased, tapped his own chest. Then, right below Cheongmyeong's chin, Baek Ah extended his neck forward and quickly pointed in one direction with his front paw.

    Sniff sniff!

    "Coincidentally, I think the smell is coming from somewhere nearby. If it's over there..."

    Cheongmyeong walked to one side of the room and opened the window wide.



    At that moment, everyone involuntarily opened their mouths wide. The view through the open window was truly magnificent.

    Before they knew it, the night streets of Gaebong, after the sunset, were shining brilliantly. The bright red lanterns that adorned the streets captured everyone's attention at once.

    "Found them, They're somewhere over there!"


    "Lucky in many ways."

    "Is it a pleasure district? It's a bit embarrassing."

    "Then let's go."

    Just as everyone confirmed their target and exchanged glances, ready to head outside, right at that moment,

    "Just a moment."

    Iseongbaek raised his hand slightly to stop them.

    "Huh? Why? Do you have more to say?"

    "... Are you going there?"

    "We're going. The scent led that way. What did you hear?"

    Iseongbaek's eyes twitched briefly.

    "Well... in those clothes?"


    "At night? In the pleasure district?"


    Cheongmyeong looked back and forth between his clothes and the outside scenery.

    If the disciples dressed in the attire of the Jongnam sect were to roam around in a place filled with gambling, deceit, and all sorts of pleasures...

    Cheongmyeong, whose gaze had finally settled on Iseongbaek, grinned.

    "Well, isn't that none of my business?"

    "The Gaebang folks... around here... Shh! Shh!"

    Baekcheon and Hyeyeon, who rushed in in an instant, blocked Lee Songbaek's mouth and subdued him.


    “Be quiet, sir. If you open your mouth, you will get hurt!”

    “Let’s tie him up for now.”

    "hmm! I can't help it.”

    The disciples of Hwasan laughed without hesitation. I thought this would happen, but I still feel miserable.

    Now they are tying up and threatening the seniors of Jongnam.

    'I'd rather go to Sapa.'

    But I've come too far to go back. Unfortunately… … .

    (I fixed some mistakes) :lordmeow:
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2023
  17. Lillly

    Lillly Active Member

    Aug 6, 2023
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    Oh no ooo do you need A hug:sweating_profusely:
    And by the way ticks can have read at your own cost
    1000 to 8000 babies at one time:blobfearful:
    Gives stefasa A hug and cookies
    stefasa likes this.
  18. stefasa

    stefasa Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2020
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    Thank you for the hug :meowpuffymelt:

    I am now changing my bedcovers and cleaning

    1000 to 8000 babies at one time!!!!! I think he came through my window, lets hope

    my body kept feeling itchy too, Im now just in panik mode and overthinking it
    GimmeAnswersNotSleep likes this.
  19. GimmeAnswersNotSleep

    GimmeAnswersNotSleep 7 months away from having Nostalgia PTSD Memory

    Jun 14, 2023
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    STEFESA! YOU CAN KILL THEM WITH 'ether-containing sprays' !!!!
    Have some medicines and rest! Here a cookie too! And heart!:cookie:::bloblove::

    But seriously imagining cm in jongnam clothes is wild :blobjoy::blobjoy:
    stefasa likes this.
  20. ooreoow

    ooreoow Active Member

    Aug 23, 2023
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    Can somebody tell me what happen after chapter 1336 and 1396? I want to know the other hwasan five swords reaction after seeing CM almost die:cry: