Spoiler the reincarnated great saint hides that she's a saint

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by moto, Jul 7, 2020.

  1. Sarah Rosemarie

    Sarah Rosemarie Active Member

    Jan 3, 2022
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    Thank you so much
  2. Aeiru28

    Aeiru28 Unchanged Melody

    Apr 23, 2017
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    Thanks for spoiler. So, the LN has confirmed that the Black Knight / Black Emperor was Sirius. (Of course, from WN I suspect him too, but Curtis is too silent and seemed doesn't want Fia know about Sirius's live after Serafina's death)
    Maybe Curtis hid the fact so as not to make Fia sad? After all Serafina was really close to Sirius (and I am thinking that Sirius is really love Serafina).

    Now, I need to know about Commander Savis (more to his coloring, Fia just questioned it in her thought but then ignored it thinking Savis is strongest. But with how Fia can be unreliable sometimes, maybe there is some hint to that.
  3. kavinh

    kavinh Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    New chapters show that the two clowns with Cerulean, the king are actually the dukes that run the country so basically the 3 most important people in the country, alongside Cyril and Saviz dress like clowns in public some of the time lol. They're pretty fond of Fia with one of them even going up to her surprising her and trying to make her wonder who he is by acting familiar without his clown costume.

    The chapters after that are all the knight commanders gathering for a meeting to talk about important topics and ofc it ends up being all about Fia.
    -Fia's contract beast being an actual black dragon she carries around with her since she brought zabrill back and presumably ditched the pigeon outfit
    -Fia being asked to bring some flowers by Saviz by the king and finding some extinct rose of the great saint, in the royal garden, which are basically a strain of roses imbued with the great saint magic power that Fia used to use for tea parties.
    -Fia, curtis blue and green running into a crested demon, the knights are all worried about it but when Curtis says they managed to defeat it most of them are in denial since it seems crested demons are on par with a black dragon and basically impossible to defeat in the modern day. Quentin makes a guess that because Fia was there and if she died so would zabill, they probably pitted the black dragon vs the demon along with Fia having gems that can store magic powers back from Cyril's territory they used that as a substitute to make up for not having a great saint with them. Curtis basically just lets them ponder and guess but doesn't affirm or deny anything.
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  4. kavinh

    kavinh Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    Looks like we're finally going to find out what the deal with Saviz is.
    latest chapter is finishing up the knight commanders meeting
    -Cyril tells the others about Fia's meeting with the king and how she mindbroke him but leaves out the part about the king's arm being cursed since that's kept as a secret even from the other commanders.
    We find out Saviz is about to get married to the "first saint" presumably the most powerful saint is given the title and so they need to go fetch his mother the current first saint for the ceremony. The current king cerulean due to his curse regressing his age is unable to have kids so it's planned for him to abdicate the throne to Saviz in the near future. If saviz becomes king his position as knight commander will go to Cyril, and there will also need to be a new unit of knights created to guard the new first saint.

    Cyril and the others are contemplating to put Fia in the unit or not, since her bright red hair will likely make other saintess jealous and she's treated as the great saint back in Cyril's domain. So Cyril's about to go bring her to meet one of the candidates for Saviz's bride/first saint who turns out to be the adopted daughter of his classmate to see how they mesh.
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  5. kavinh

    kavinh Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    Fia Cyris desmond, charlotte(saintess who fia helped make a potion back during the time she was healing the pets) are heading to the mansion of the candidate for the next first saint/Saviz's bride.
    duke Lyord Olcott;one of the clowns next to cerulean and one of the most powerful people in the country's residence because it turns out the saintess is his adopted daughter, Priscilla (16). Lyord is presumably the same age as Cyril so around 24.
    Lyord is incredibly friendly to Fia after getting to know her from the meeting between her and Cerulean
    the meeting is basically a tea party but we're introduced to Priscilla whose a bit stuckup and prideful.
    -Desmond is injured by a broken cup(implied to be due to wind magic cast by Cyril), Priscilla refuses to heal him or show her power because it'd be taking the miracle of saints for granted to waste it on a small injury, which leads to Charlotte healing him completely
    -This puts Charlotte on the radar for the knight commanders since she's got exceptionally strong powers for a modern saint.
    -Priscilla is asked by Cyril if there'll be problems with a knight serving her having red hair and straight up says saints can only be compared to saints implying there won't be any issues or jealousy over Fia's hair.
    -we find out Lyord had a sister who died 10 years ago whose portrait is still in his home, followed by a scene where Priscilla sorta disrespectfully says she's a saint she should've just healed herself which the duke comes back with "not everyone is as strong as you"
    -Lyord asks Fia to be his friend which she rejects because age and position difference but he goes on to ask her what her criteria for a friend is, she says as a work colleague, this is where we learn that he was originally planning to be a knight because he wanted to protect someone 10 years ago but has since refused it because presumably his sister is gone. It's also important because this is where Lyord talks about how Fia's existence is a miracle, being sharp enough to jump to the right answers along with bright red hair that high saintesses would die for but despite this isn't a saint. Which is when Fia notices that despite the praise for her what he's really feeling is extreme bitterness towards saints

    this is followed by another knight commander meeting first they summarize the events above
    -we also learn that Cyril being a member of royalty is set to marry the second saint.
    -there's some kind of wish from 10 years ago that will be fulfilled if the duke of Olcott's grants a queen which is presumably why Priscilla was adopted
    -might be a throw away statement but Clarissa makes a statement praising Saviz for willingly marrying a saint despite hating saints, which is followed by Desmond trying to shut her up.
    -Cyril having a different standard for saints because of his upbring which means he's in love with saints and would overlook their actions
    -We found out that the "Lament of Sutherland" event 10 years ago actually had a rippling effect and there were alot more events that led to several tragedies but we aren't told any actual details
    -Curtis is transfering to be the saintess's guard along with Fia, and monologues about how it was his original position in his past life and how saints' powers are special and need someone to lead them the right way referring to Fia in his mind.
    -the meeting concludes with the 5 commanders(excluding cyril and curtis) being told 2 people are going to have to go to the cathedral, to report about demons reappearing and that they defeated one in a box, while 3 are going to pick up Saviz's mother/ the current first saint. Everyone is dreading the cathedral job so they end up having a drink with some fruits with seeds to decide its not revealed whose stationed where.

    on a side note the LN vol 3 that came out in English recently had a couple of short stories not in the WN including one about Blue joining the search mission for the goddess/Fia. Which leads to the general in charge trading a heirloom sword wielded by the Black knight/sirius for a portrait of Fia when they find her family for a marriage proposal request, which eventually in the WN we know finds its way back to Fia.

    There's also a hilarious segment not in the wn about Desmond hearing the report about Fia being considered the reincarnation of the great saint by the Suntherlanders and going nutty and saying something along the lines of "there's no freaking way, if she's the great saint then i'm the strongest knight, Hey guys hahaha look at me i'm the black knight."
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2022
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  6. kavinh

    kavinh Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    Looks like the author went back and added in parts to the knights meeting right after Fia met with the king.
    -Quentin now has another familiar, a king griffin thanks to Fia and Zabil going and wrecking havoc in the griffin territory (presumably LN short story followup)
    -Most of the knight commanders except Cyril for some reason, received the stones that held healing powers Fia received back in Suntherland, The problem is the Stones are charged (by Fia), with the most powerful healing magic they've ever seen but everyone's terrified of asking Fia, who the saintess is because of Zabil.
    -Fia was asked by Clarissa(5th commander), who her type was, she answered something along the lines of hmm maybe Cyril, but Curtis is nice too, oh definitely the commander(Saviz) by a landslide.
    which i think is just the author shiptease or potentially foreshadowing how this arc since it has to do with Saviz's marriage to the first saint.
  7. kavinh

    kavinh Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    there's finally a image of Sirius alongside Serafina from the new prequel novel.
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  8. kavinh

    kavinh Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    Fia goes back to Cerulean asking to be his disciple
    when he asked why she said it's because he said they were an elite group (as in peerage king, duke, duke), Fia took it as an elite group of clowns/performers.
    Fia finally realizes that the other two clowns are Dukes and is mildly shocked
    Fia convinces him that as Saviz's big brother he should join her in a performance to celebrate his engagement.
    The costume they made for her because they thought it'd be hilarious was to make a red haired non-saint wear a saint costume.
    Fia's temporarily reassigned from guarding the "king" at Cerulean's behest to guarding cerulean and they want to go out in public while she's dressed in the saint outfit to enjoy the reaction.
    the 4 of them go to Cyril's office to ask for the reassignment, Cyril's shocked by Fia wearing a saint outfit, then gets tagteamed by Cerulean, and Dolly one of the clowns who persuade him to Ok the reassignment
    Cerulean tells Fia about his soon to be abdication of his throne to Saviz and explains that the country only has 3 dukes, 2 are tied to him and Cyril whose tied to Saviz which make up the two factions, and they're separated by a huge disagreement but won't say what.
    Fia asks and Cerulean confirms it's their perspective on the saints and that Cerulean's faction dislikes Saints while Saviz's faction continues to worships them.
    RaiLi, cabbagenyanko, Opelia and 2 others like this.
  9. CreativeCriticalThinker

    CreativeCriticalThinker Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2022
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    Do you perhaps know what exactly happened to Fia's former Hero Prince Lowlife Scum Brother from her 1st life?

    And here are access to the current Raw Manga Chapters ;)
    cabbagenyanko and Opelia like this.
  10. kavinh

    kavinh Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    It hasn't been revealed yet, we just know Sirius took over as the black knight formed the empire to conquer territories because he had a blood feud with the demons after Fia died. I thought the curse on cerulean's arm from the spirit king was suppose to be some kind of punishment but the latest chapter turned out that it's a self inflicted curse in order to save Lyord's sister who was his fiancee and was suffering from some illness, so at least for now seems like its unrelated.
    It's just a theory but we know from Sirius's interlude he refused to have offsprings, but borrowed the name Fia gave to her sister's newborn so i wouldn't be surprised if he found out the truth that her brothers abandoned her started a coup etat and left the throne to Fia's sister after he died. There's not alot of evidence of anything but I find it weird Fia would've been post humorously crowned grand saint, the saint worship culture and the flag color being changed to her (serafina)'s color if her brother had taken up the throne.
  11. chamchaworld

    chamchaworld Lazy Chibi

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Any spoiler about demon vice commander that torture Fia in her past life? And did anyone (beside Curtis) find out about Fia's power?
  12. DaoistKaname

    DaoistKaname Active Member

    Jun 17, 2020
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    So what about the Demon Lord's right hand man? Is he still alive or is he reincarnated? If yes to either of those will they ever meet?
    AnimeHuntress likes this.
  13. giseord

    giseord Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    Well, who is the ML then???
  14. kavinh

    kavinh Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    he hasn't shown up yet, we literally know next to nothing about him except that zabrill knows through seeing Fia's past memories and shared it with Curtis about her being scared of him.
    So far the only people who know about fia's powers are red green blue, Curtis Zabrill and the LN added in some bonus stories with Fia charging some of the stones for the Sunderland people so they know as well.
    It isn't set out yet If i had to guess it'd be Saviz the knight commander, the most recent chapters had Fia being invited to dinner by him to pay her back for helping out with the king's antics. During it Saviz opens up a bit saying that while Fia's ideal of the Saint is beautiful and might've existed 300 years ago the current saints are just vainful individuals not worthy of respect and seems a bit distraught that he's going to be marrying due to his royal obligations, Due to Fia starting by congratulating him on getting married to the future first saint.. In exchange Fia monologues about how Saviz mirrors and reminds Fia so much about Sirius but while Sirius had Fia to talk to for companionship Saviz is all alone. She makes a promise to Saviz that's along the lines of how even though he denies the current saints if one day, it can save him from despair and be his strength she'll show him her vision of a true saint.
    We know Saviz has some kind of trauma that made him lose his emotions 10 years ago along with an eye and his leg being injured, my guess is he might've woken up some past memories, since in both cases Fia and Curtis they get their memories back when they have a near death experience.
    RaiLi, chamchaworld, Kiriari and 2 others like this.
  15. chamchaworld

    chamchaworld Lazy Chibi

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Thank you so much for the answer! Awwww.. I kinda hope Cyril is ML. Commander Saviz is kinda too old (at least his face, lol)
  16. chamchaworld

    chamchaworld Lazy Chibi

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Finally someone translate until chapter 30, and I am totally crying when Fia recognized Curtis as Canopus. I will happily jump into Canopus ship because his love, respect, and adoration for Seraphina and Fia is so much and that's too sweet.
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  17. kaedeyuuki

    kaedeyuuki Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2019
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    Went here hoping to see more spoilers but turns out the WN is still ongoing lol. Picked this one LN at random to read and ended up enjoying it, too bad for me I only ended up with more questions xD