Spoiler The Older Sister Should Raise Her younger Sister/I Need to Raise My Sister Right

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by lilacforyou99, Jan 14, 2022.

  1. CreativeCriticalThinker

    CreativeCriticalThinker Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2022
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    Damn. That's a pity.
    But at least the FL is a very capable bold boss lady queen.
    She reminds me one of the forgotten or erased REJECTED PRINCESSES ;)
    Fostofina and Asya.M like this.
  2. Aqua_the_idiot

    Aqua_the_idiot my decisions are justified by my name

    Dec 24, 2021
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  3. RegisteredToAskAThing

    RegisteredToAskAThing Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2022
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    Do you have some spoilers? Does Liz (lil sister) end up with one of ML's twin nephews?
    Do ML and MC have children? How do they look like?
    Any big death? Who are the villains? Do they break the curse? Does ML's nephew also have a curse? Is Lil sister less psycho killer mode by the end of the novel?

    I'm loving the story so far, and the art is much better than I thought.
    I've never seen a manwha with so many brown hair characters.
    nicomcla1995, AnnHime and Dofu like this.
  4. Aqua_the_idiot

    Aqua_the_idiot my decisions are justified by my name

    Dec 24, 2021
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    as far as I remember, no they do not. Liz does not end up with anyone

    actually the story end with them hearing the fl is pregnant on their 3rd wedding anniversary! I saw on kakao that new side stories are being published so maybe we will see the children there.

    I kinda don't remember but the main villain was another duke who was related to imperial family thus wanted to become the emperor. The other minor villains were controlled by this duke too. (I am not sure about this, maybe I am mixing up with another novel lol)

    yes they do! it was an emotional scene ngl I cried haha

    fortunately no they don't

    nah she is possessive of fl but because of receiving love she doesn't turn out like that
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2023
  5. Bibidia

    Bibidia Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2022
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    What happens to Abigail and all the rats in the duchy? Can u spoil it
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2023
  6. Hypothon

    Hypothon Semi-known disqus/NUF smut/shoujo commenter.

    Mar 10, 2020
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    This is quite a rare poison/element plot where we lost the OGhost. I know the world building introduced magic but to even prevent being reincarnated (according to MTL), how do YOU exactly Research that portion of the poisonous plant. A man of science the way I see it most of the time won't consider the factor of souls in scientific research
    Maria otohime likes this.
  7. Aqua_the_idiot

    Aqua_the_idiot my decisions are justified by my name

    Dec 24, 2021
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    I think they were replaced after some time. Nothing too crazy. this happened early on in the novel so maybe in manhwa it would be shown soon.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2023
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  8. ellanica

    ellanica Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2020
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    • What's up with the ML's curse?
    • Why is it that the FL can cure it?
    • What happens to that blonde-haired villainess?
    • Is the Emperor evil? I think he is. What happens to him?
    • How does the FL and ML's relationship progress?
    Thank you! :blob_plusone:
  9. Yurong

    Yurong Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
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    Camping :blobpopcorn::blobcozy::blob_hands:
  10. ros.ciel

    ros.ciel Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2021
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    Iirc ML's curse was the fault of the first duke/head of the family. The first duke envied the powers of magicians/wizards and he wanted to be able to use it for himself. So, he had a powerful mage abducted and he was experimented on (more like tortured brutally). The duke was able to get what he wanted and he was able to manifest magic, but the mage cursed him. Yes, he will be able to wield his powers, but it will corrupt his being in the most painful way as time goes on. Then it will be passed on to his successor/descendants and suffer the same fate. Idk how best to explain it but the "ghost" of the mage lives on and is the one who drives every head of the family insane, to the point that they would usually commit su*cide to escape the pain. The ghost, driven by anger and malice, takes pleasure in seeing the descendants of the duke suffer. It was described as him not really being dead, nor alive. His body (or I think it was his heart) was hidden in the duchy and they can't kill the heart or something because it's basically the source of their power. Something like that. Just imagine a very tortured soul who can never find peace and rest because of what the first duke did. Basically, every time the duke (ML) uses his power, he experiences pain like seizures, etc. Iirc killing somehow relieves him of the pain. That's why the Dukes of ML's family had a long time standing deal with the imperial family where they will be sent to war. They needed an excuse to kill, and in return the land/territory of the imperial family increases. ML's dad committed su*cide in front of him when he was still a kid. Iirc he burned himself to death until he was nothing but ashes. He said sorry to ML because he could no longer endure the pain.

    As per my previous spoiler, FL was able to awaken magic as the side effect of surviving Pierrot's grass(?). She has the power to purify. Whenever ML is with FL his pain goes away and he could think clearly and is less irritable. This ability of FL will serve as the basis of their relationship at first. In the latter part of the story, when ML finally opened up about his family's dark history about the curse, FL will attempt to completely purify him. This did not end well and FL was unconscious for days. This made ML realize that it would take FL's life to completely purify him from the curse. Thus, ML will coldly push FL away, saying that she's done her part of their deal and that he's cured now (he isn't, he just lied cos he was scared FL might die because of him), this would prompt them to break up and it would take at least six months (in the middle of civil war) before they would speak to each other again (ML was already dying but FL didn't know)

    Oh she's an interesting read lol. She has this obsession to be loved by everyone and be seen as pure and good. She would try to set up FL here and there (ya know the usual playing the victim, telling people she loves ML a lot and wanting to pressure FL into saying she wouldn't pursue ML publicly) but FL doesn't play along with her, not to mention ML always disregard her and would unintentionally always make FL shine/be the talk of the town lol. Anyway, one of the turning point for her was when she asked her etiquette teacher before she debuted, to teach FL's lil sis. Everyone now knows FL has an illegitimate sister. The teacher didn't like it cos iirc her husband had an affair and got an illegitimate child as well. But miss blonde (forgot her name lol) was very manipulative and was able to make the teacher apply and teach Liz. The teacher would bully Liz and all that. Liz figured out miss blonde sent the teacher to fck FL up, so she always tried to get back at her lol like that one time the teacher asked Liz if there's anyone she'll recommend to help debut in to society (like the maids/daughters of the maids around Liz, this is per miss blonde's manipulation, she wanted to have someone close to Liz and make them her spy). Liz figured out what she was scheming and recommended a baroness iirc (she had a daughter). Liz was acting all innocent and naive so the teacher thought she was stupid lol. So long story short, miss blonde invited the baroness over tea. There were other ladies in there too and she announced she'll help them and their daughters debut. The baroness took offense cos her daughter just died and the other ladies in the tea party were disappointed in miss blonde because of how insensitive she was to the baroness and how come she didn't know that her daughter died. Because of that, her reputation was affected and miss blonde was so angry she had her dad murder the teacher. It's her and dad's modus operandi to use Pierrot's grass on the people they wanted to kill.

    Anyway, miss blonde sort of suspected Liz. So after the whole fiasco, miss blonde wanted to make it up to the baroness and volunteered at a small temple where the baroness was also volunteering. Liz happened to know this and told her sis that she wanted to go see and pray in the temple. She's with other kids iirc FL was busy working so she would just come pick Liz up. Liz wanted to get rid of miss blonde cos she's been bothering FL. Anyway, long story short Liz met miss blonde. Liz purposefully went out of the temple and miss blonde followed her. The baroness is quite close to Liz cos she reminds her of her daughter and that Liz acts innocent and kind to almost everyone except one of ML's knights lol. Anyway, the baroness felt something was off but brushed it off cos miss blonde was known as an angel. Outside, miss blonde confronted Liz and Liz admitted she manipulated the teacher like how miss blonde manipulated her. Liz kept on pushing her buttons until she finally snapped and attacked Liz, iirc she strangled Liz. And Liz made it look even worse cos she was using her magic on herself, like she's purposefully using her magic to drown herself to get the desired effect of miss blonde choking her to death. It turns out, the baroness followed them cos she was worried about Liz and saw miss blonde choking Liz, and Liz was almost passed out. The baroness screamed and everyone in the temple came out and witnessed miss blonde strangling Liz. Some of the priests intervened and dragged miss blonde away from Liz. Miss blonde was going crazy that point, she didn't realize people saw her and her only thought was to get rid of Liz. FL came with ML and found out what happened. ML figured out that Liz wanted this to happen. This ruined miss blonde's reputation since there were a lot of witnesses, children and adults, and her dad can't kill them all to silence them. She was locked up in a small room in the temple while her dad tried to negotiate her release. Her dad was so mad at her for ruining their family's reputation. He just wanted to marry her off quick so he could get rid of her. There in the small room, she saw the portrait of the last saint iirc there had been no saints for so long because it seemed like heaven's punishment to the church when they started a holy war (purging) long ago where they would kill innocents, accusing them of being demons/evil (it was just an excuse to further their influence and gain more power). Anyway miss blonde got so fixated on the picture that the saintess is loved by all and is beautiful and always seen as pure and beautiful. Yeah long story short she became delusional and thought of herself as the saintess. She agreed to be the test subject to become a saintess (her dad experiments on people and wanted to replicate the work of the first duke of ML's family). So, in short, the saintess in the ogstory is a fake and was just a product of an experiment. Miss Blonde became the saintess. I'll try to spoil about it later. I'm tired to typing lol.

    Their relationship progressed pretty fast imo. Although not emotionally, more on the physical aspect cos after the territorial war, FL felt so guilty about the lives killed, that ML allowed her to use him (as in his body and they snu snu immediately) as a means to distract herself from the guilt.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2023
  11. Dnyastar

    Dnyastar Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2018
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    Where did you guys read the novel?
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  12. ellanica

    ellanica Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2020
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    @ros.ciel Uwah! Thank you so much for the detailed spoilers! :aww::aww::aww:
    ros.ciel likes this.
  13. ros.ciel

    ros.ciel Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2021
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    From here!

    You're welcome. Although I'll have to proofread it, I saw a lot of typos lol.
    Neyva likes this.
  14. Aldis

    Aldis Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2018
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    Thank you so much for the spoiler!

    not the official one. The translation is a mess. Not to mention, to be honest, the webcomic pace/panelling is a bit bad. Combine with the very bad translation, I can't really grasp the 'political' side of the story.

    Will little sister meet northern twins and befriends them?
  15. ros.ciel

    ros.ciel Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2021
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    She will. Iirc FL initially wanted to be on good terms with the twins' grandpa for the benefit of the dukedom and she wanted to prevent the death of one of the twins so that the other twin wouldn't fall for the saintess in the ogstory iirc since FL wanted to prevent Liz from having enemies as much as possible. So she attended the twins' birthday party alone. At that time, Liz was just starting to learn about etiquette and some basic knowledge she needed so she doesn't get humiliated. FL wanted to make sure no one will look down on her, given that being an illegitimate child is already a huge flaw (in terms of societal standards).

    Iirc twins are considered ominous sign in FL's world. Something along the lines that they're only half good since two are born instead of one. The twins' parents immediately divorced iirc after the twins were born. The grandpa felt pity for his grandsons so he decided to take them in and remained in his estate, away from the eyes of high society and raised them in secret. Iirc ML is one of the few who knew about the twins' existence.

    Anyway, FL saved one of the twins when he almost drowned. The twins were supposed to be introduced to the society during the party. The guests' reaction had not been so great and someone insulted the twins that they're not going to be good at anything yada yada lol. Forgot the twins' name, but the more introverted one got hurt by that and ran away. His twin ran after him. Iirc the introverted twin threw his fave toy (a teddy bear, something his mom threw at him when he was younger iirc) or something in the lake cos he was ridiculed for still clinging to one at his age. The other twin dove into the lake to get it cos he knew how much his twin cherishes it. In the OG story the boy died of drowning and the introverted twin (one of the ML candidates) blamed himself all his life for his brother's death.

    The twins have a generally good impression of FL when they first met. The FL was frantically searching for the two when she heard the introverted twin's cry for help. Without thinking, she run towards the lake and jumped in, saving the drowning boy. After that incident, the twins liked FL even more, especially the one she saved. They sort of have a crush on her lol. And FL said her little sister resembles her so much and she's the kindest and purest little girl lol. So the twins got excited and wanted to meet their savior's little sister and be friends with her.

    Fast forward to when the grandpa and the twins went to visit FL and Liz. Iirc it's for some business FL was trying to establish. Anyway, FL introduced the twins to Liz and the kid FL saved was so taken by how Liz looks lol. The introverted one was initially fascinated by Liz until they were left alone by the adults lmao. Iirc Liz wasn't in a good mood that time cos FL is gonna be busy again and she wanted to monopolize FL's attention. So she sort of showed her true nature to the twins when they were left alone. The introverted boy was shocked cos FL had been bragging about how nice Liz was and he sort of figure she's only putting on an act iirc. The other twin had it down bad lol he was a bit confused why Liz wasn't exactly like what FL described, but he's kinda like a fool in love lol he does everything Liz told him to and Liz found it cute. I don't remember the details but by the end of their first meeting the twins liked Liz and the three became friends. Although in Liz's mind, they're like more of her underlings, but since FL introduced them to her, she decided to sort of take them under her wing :blobjoy: the three will interact more in the future, since FL wanted Liz to have more friends her age.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2023
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  16. Angelanene

    Angelanene New Member

    Jun 30, 2023
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    Cara quero muito esse spoiler kkk
  17. ros.ciel

    ros.ciel Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2021
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    I didn't realize I skipped this question lol.
    But yes he is. He was behind the murder of his brother, the previous emperor. He had the help of the marquis (I forgot if he was a marquis or a duke), miss blonde's dad (the villainess dad). They've been poisoning important supporters of the previous emperor. They've used Pierrot's grass on all of them, except FL's parents who were murdered disguised as a carriage accident. He had an extremely bad case of inferiority complex, that he always took it out on his nephew the OGML, the crown prince. He physically abused and neglected OGML. He relished in his suffering. I guess the start of him spiraling down even further was when Liz and the OGML met for the first time.

    FL didn't want Liz to meet the crown prince (CP), but the emperor wanted to manipulate FL through Liz by making her the crown prince's playmate. Like I mentioned before, this is more on the political side. By making Liz the CP's playmate, the emperor can put on a show that FL is on his side and he could manipulate FL's decision as duke by always calling Liz over to the palace (kinda like holding her hostage). That's what the emperor planned to do. But FL tried to wiggle out of it by telling him that playmates should get along, something along that lines, and that Liz and CP should meet first and they'll see if they'll be good friends.

    So, Liz was brought to the palace to meet CP. They were left alone while FL had an audience with the emperor iirc. Iirc Liz didn't bother pretending to be nice lol. Then the emperor's son (CP's cousin) heard that CP is gonna meet Liz and decided to barge in where the two were. The emperor's son tried to pick up a fight. Iirc he tried to hit CP but iirc Liz intervened. The emperor's son went away. And iirc Liz told CP he should learn how to get back at those who antagonizes him lol then she messed herself up, her hair and her dress and began crying lmaoo. And just then FL returned to pick Liz up and saw her all messed up and crying. She began acting pitifully how the emperor's son picked on her and the CP and how he attacked her lol she told FL a very exaggerated version of the story. FL became furious and expressed her displeasure to the emperor and left saying she won't permit Liz being the CP's official playmate because of what happened.

    Because of that, the emperor lost his only leverage over FL and became so furious he had his son punished. I'm not sure, but iirc he had also beaten up his son and put him on a permanent probation. He was to be permanently locked up in his palace. The empress was begging the emperor to forgive their son, but he just didn't care. He didn't want anyone going against him no matter who it was.

    His descent to madness seemed to start there. He became crueler and more of a tyrant each passing day. People being killed in the palace increased each day. The villainess' dad handles it and keeps everything hush hush. The emperor became drowned in alcohol, sex, and iirc drugs. The villainess' dad figured that he's no longer useful and only acts like he's still loyal to him. Iirc he planned to seize the throne from the emperor in due time.

    While all of that is happening, FL was recruiting the former emperor's supporters and other key figures. Since it's apparent that the empire will go into ruins under the emperor, they sided with FL. She also purified them from the poison. The emperor's tyranny is their justification for the civil war that would ensue. During that, FL will also be engaged to the son of one of the former emperor's supporters. I forgot why she needed a fiance, but yeah. That's during FL and ML's breakup for like 6 months or so.

    Anyway, long story short, the rebellion succeeded. The emperor died (I forgot if he was publicly executed or he was killed in action because before the public execution, there was an explosion targeting FL). Iirc the empress and her son managed to escape since the empress negotiated with FL.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2023
  18. Deeyodee

    Deeyodee Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2022
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    Thank you for the spoiler!!! That's so interesting!! Lmao! What happened to the fake saint tho???
    ros.ciel likes this.
  19. cloerofile

    cloerofile Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2019
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    I'm curious..
    so, what happened to blondie after the fake saint experiment?
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  20. novel_nerd23

    novel_nerd23 Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2022
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    I read this a while ago so…the blondie undergoes fake Saint experiment and becomes a saint "fake". The process is horrendous.

    Then she collides with high priest who is in line for becoming next pope ...well he is a corrupt asshole so he decides to make fake Saint officially a saint (here he knows that the blondie is not actually real saint but her magic is similar to saint ) to increase the power of temple. He also convinces other 8 priests along with him in this plan.

    There is one priest who doesn't agree with this but is being quite..didn't raise any objection and he has the unique power to see the soul of the person..this priest actually had met with FL first by chance to treat Liz when she was attacked by blondie in temple and at that time he sees both FL and Lizz's soul and says they are red coat of Agnus and very kind and powerful soul...he was also described as the priest who disagreed with Saint being a pure saint in the original and FL remembers this when blondie comes as a saint . Then the FL and the priest make plan to show the real face of fake saint.

    During official ceremony, the FL approaches saint and releases her power cause FL's magic is purification and during experiment of fake saint the main ingredient was perriot's grass which was initially used to poison and kill FL. So she uses her power and also with the help of priest I guess and blondie's body reacts and goes totally ugly and it totally starts to change. People all get scared by situation and the whole church is in chaos that time FL secretly gives the corrupt high priest a choice to get arrested or to put all the blame on blondie and her family and to persecute them. Obviously he chooses the later.

    Before official ceremony there was some time in between and the blondie was going around in society proving herself and also damaging the FL's reputation... Now after this circus no can say anything and FL's family name becomes more powerful like now everyone thinks twice before crossing her.