Mini-Game [Game of Idleness] Kingdom Royale - Game #40

Discussion in 'Community Games' started by AliceShiki, Oct 11, 2023.

  1. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    A failing kingdom
    And its people with their self interest​


    This is the 40th round of Kingdom Royale
    The GM this time is @AliceShiki
    What a bleak forewords.

    And this is a template.

    1. Each game has 1 main moderator and perhaps a second for backup. The moderators word is absolute, so don't disobey the moderator. If you feel they made a mistake please use your role pm to talk to them about it.
    2. Sign up in the Sign Up Thread. Each game will be hosted on a different game thread. Individual moderators will post when they are opening a new game, and this OP will be changed accordingly.
    3. No private messages between participants about the game (meta-gaming). Private messages for other purposes (say, webnovels, like this site is supposed to be about) are allowed.
    4. While I appreciate that RL takes precedence, please inform your moderator if you're going to disappear for a while. We are usually happy to accommodate any absences.
    5. Observers are forbidden from giving any form of clues/hints/or [Kingdom Royale] related remarks to the players. While you are not forbidden from chatting casually or joke around (in moderation) in the game thread and each secret conversation chat rooms, it is highly probable that you might accidentally slip some clues. So unless you are 100% sure that your post does not contain any of the mentioned above, please refrain from posting.
    6. Global forum rules apply.
    7. While a bit of friendly banter is acceptable, please try to stay somewhat on topic in the Kingdom Royale threads.
    Gameplay Overview (Resumed Version)

    This is where I'd usually go over the detailed mechanics of the game and what not, but uhn... They're kinda long, and my personal experience says people get very confused about them at first, so here is a super quick resume:
    1. This is a Free For All game, there are no teams, though you can make temporary alliances and it's totally possible for more than 1 person to win the game.
      • The game's objective is to kill all your enemies.
    2. Gameplay is split into two phases. (Day and Night) Each phase lasts 24h. (No, you do not need to spend all 24h online... Just try to stay logged-in for roughly 30 mins each day at the very least.)
      • Expect each game to last roughly one week btw.
    3. During the day, you can stab people, talk to people in the main thread, and choose someone to chat with during the night. (This does not need the other person's consent.)
      • If you feel like the day phase is being too dead or whatever... Don't worry, it's normal. Most of the gameplay happens during the night.
      • Stabs are weaker during the day btw, due to the defend mechanic that I'll explain in the full version of the gameplay overview.
    4. During the night, you can stab someone you're chatting with, use your role's superpowers against anyone (Activate them by telling the moderator in your role PM), and speak to the person you chose to talk with privately.
    5. When the new day starts, if you used your knife in the last day/night cycle, you get a new knife to stab people with.
    6. Game ends when everyone alive fulfilled their win conditions.
    And since I'm at it, might as well give a quick resume of what each role can do.
    1. Monarch: Sends a Murder order to the Sorcerer. (Or the Knight if the Sorcerer is dead) The Sorcerer may accept (or reject) the order and kill someone that the Monarch chose.
    2. Sorcerer: Has -2 HP. When the Sorcerer receives a Murder order, they may accept (or reject) it. If the Sorcerer accepts it, they will use Sorcery on the target chosen by the Monarch. Whoever is targeted by Sorcery dies at the end of the Night.
    3. Heir: If the Monarch dies, the Heir becomes able to send Murder. Also, the Heir is immune to Sorcery.
    4. Knight: Has 2 extra HP. Also, if the Sorcerer is dead, the Knight is the one to receive Murder orders instead. If the Knight accepts it, they will use Deathblow on the target chosen by the Monarch. Whoever is targeted by Deathblow dies at the end of the Night.
    5. Revolutionary: Can kill someone at the end of each Night.
    6. Spy: Can see who was the target of somebody else's super power.
    Gameplay Overview (Full Version)

    1. Day and night cycle take twenty-four (24) hours each, counting from the start of the phase.
    2. Before the [Day Phase] ends, each player may select another player to form a private chatroom for the night. This does not need the consent of the other player. Both players will then be transported into the private room, where they can talk, deal, scheme, or attempt to murder each other without anyone knowing.
      • If a player fail to specify a person, it will default to "no chat" option.
      • Skills unique to roles do not need the player to be on a night chatroom with their targets to be activated.
        • A skill may be activated by telling the moderator in your role chat PM. Most skills can only be used during the [Night Phase].
      • The moderator is the one that creates the private chatrooms. Don't go PMing other players on your own.
    3. Each role has a different victory conditions. The game ends when all surviving players have met their victory condition.
    4. All players start with 6 HP.
    5. All players will recover 1 HP at the beginning of [Day Phase].
    6. All players are given a knife, which can be used to [Stab] the other players regardless of roles.
      • [Stab] may be done once per cycle, either day or night.
      • The knife will disappear once it has been used it to stab someone.
      • A new knife will be given to each player who has lost it on the next day.
    7. Each [Stab] will reduce the remaining HP of the target by 3.
    8. Attacking with the [Stab] action during daytime will be announced to everyone.
      • Attacking at night will only be announced to the target (in the night chatrooms). However it can only be done to the attacker's conversation partner.
    9. Defend Mechanic:
      • If you still hold a knife (refer to point 6) and you're stabbed at the [Day Phase], you can 'defend' against stabs, and the damage received will be reduced to 2 HP.
        • Defending does not remove the knife of the stabbed person.
      • If a player set up stab, and is set up to be stabbed, at the same time through scheduling, I shall deem defend to not happen. All attacks will be received in full.
        • For example, if A scheduled to stab B at end if day and B scheduled to stab C at the same time, the scheduled stab to B shall be received in full (as in, it will deal 3 damage).
      • At the [Night Phase], the defend mechanic does not apply.
    10. You can schedule your [Stab] actions with a conditional order.
      • Here are some examples of possible stab schedules:
        • [Stab] @ by the end of the [X Phase].
        • [Stab] @ at the beginning of the [X Phase].
        • [Stab] @ if @ using [Stab] on @.
    11. Roles will NOT be announced upon death.
    12. If THREE cycles (day and night) have passed OR three players have been eliminated, sudden death will occur. During the sudden death, no HP will be regenerated.
      • Sudden Death triggers only at the change of phases. (As in, Start of [Day Phase] and Start of [Night Phase])
    13. If THREE cycles (day and night) have passed AND three players have been eliminated, double death will occur. During the double death, the [defend mechanic] is nullified, i.e. just hurry and die.
    14. If amazingly the game goes on for SIX cycles (day and night), the Mummy end is triggered (as in, you all lose and I win, because you took too long to kill one another, so you all became mummies).

    The game has 6 roles, each role is randomly assigned to each player. The roles define what are your super powers, who are your enemies and what is your win condition.

    The [Monarch] that ascended to the throne by assassinating the previous ruler and has carried out many invasions. Having a distrustful personality, they're scheming murder of the ones that threaten their throne. The [Monarch] doesn't notice that their distrust makes others lose their loyalty for them.
    The [Monarch] can request their subordinates to commit [Murder], but they cannot force said subordinates because they fear having the subordinates animosity become directed at them.
    A land ruled by a person who cannot trust others is unlikely to have a bright future.
    • During the [Night Phase], the [Monarch] may activate [Murder].
    • The [Monarch] can select a player they want to kill and request the [Sorcerer] to execute this action. If the [Sorcerer] is dead by the start of the [Night Phase], the order will go to the [Knight] instead.
      • It is highly recommended to send [Murder] orders on the first half of the [Night Phase], as the [Sorcerer] and the [Knight] can only accept the order if they are online... Sending the order too late into the [Night Phase] might end up having it be rejected because the other party might be sleeping.
    • Both the [Sorcerer] and the [Knight] are allowed to reject the [Murder] order if they so decide.
    • The target of [Murder] is killed by the end of the [Night Phase].
      • If killed by the [Sorcerer], the target will be turned into a charred corpse.
      • If killed by the [Knight], the target will be beheaded.
    To protect their throne: Death of [Heir], [Revolutionary] and [Knight].

    A subordinate of the [Monarch]. They're the teacher of the [Heir] in magic and also gets along well with the [Heir]. The [Sorcerer] is satisfied as long they can pursue their studies in magic and has no interest in the [Monarch's] throne whatsoever.
    No matter how much they raise their magic skills, nobody will value a person that secludes themselves in their shell.
    • [Sorcery] may only be activated during the [Night Phase].
    • The Sorcerer can choose whether to effectively kill the character that was selected by [Murder].
      • [Murder] can only be sent by the [Monarch]. Or by the [Heir] if the [Monarch] dies.
    • The targeted character will become a charred corpse by the end of the [Night Phase].
    • Has 4 Max HP.

    An ambitious person. They were originally only at the third place in the inheritance order of the [Monarch's] rank. But they took advantage of the [Monarch's] mistrust, to get murder orders towards the other heirs and moved up to the first place.
    The [Heir] acquired anti-magic to guard themselves against the [Monarch's] paranoia.
    If they come to the throne, this land is likely to turn into a worse dictatorship than it was before.
    [Throne Succession]
    • The [Heir] becomes able to use [Murder] once the [Monarch] dies (see the [Monarch's] section for details on how [Murder] works.
    • The [Heir] cannot be killed by [Sorcery]. In addition, they will be informed that they were targeted by [Sorcery] if it is used on them.
    To become the monarch and secure the throne: Death of [Monarch], [Revolutionary] and [Knight].

    A subordinate of the [Monarch]. While being a subordinate, they're plotting revenge on the royal family for they have ruined the [Knight's] homeland.
    The [Knight] firmly believes that they can only attain happiness by exterminating the royal family.
    As a matter of course, a person that has drowned in their own feelings of loss will only fall into the darkness of misfortune.
    • Starts the game with 2 extra HP.
    • [Deathblow] may only be activated during the [Night Phase].
    • The [Knight] can choose whether to effectively kill the character that was selected by [Murder].
      • [Murder] can only be sent by the [Monarch]. Or by the [Heir] if the [Monarch] dies.
      • The [Knight] will only receive the [Murder] order if the [Sorcerer] is dead by the start of the [Night Phase].
    • The targeted character will become a beheaded corpse by the end of the [Night Phase].
    To take revenge: Death of [Monarch], [Heir] and [Spy].

    They're the right arm of the [Monarch]. Because of their competence, they realized that this land is going to fall into ruin if things keep on going the way they are. Hence, the [Revolutionary] prepared themselves to take over the land.
    A ruler that has accumulated feelings of bitterness due to assassinations is incapable of leading a kingdom. At most they will be assassinated themselves.
    • During the [Night Phase], the [Revolutionary] may activate [Assassination].
    • The Revolutionary may select a player to assassinate.
    • The targeted player will become a strangulated corpse at the beginning of the [Day Phase].
      • As [Sorcery] and [Deathblow] trigger at the end of the [Night Phase], this means that [Assassination] will not be executed if you are targeted by either [Sorcery] or [Deathblow] (See the [Sorcerer] and [Knight] sections respectively for details on [Sorcery] and [Deathblow]).
    To become the monarch: Death of [Monarch], [Heir] and [Spy].

    A loyal servant of the new royal family.
    They don't care too much about who is the ruler for as long as the bloodline is kept pure.
    A person who works in the shadows and wishes to eliminate all who threaten the throne.
    Unsurprisingly, a person who is not loyal to any single person will never be fully trusted. They'll probably be the first to die once the internal conflicts end.
    • During the [Night Phase], the [Spy] may activate [Investigate].
    • The [Spy] may select a player that they want to investigate.
      • If an investigated player attempts to use any Skill, the [Spy] will be told about what player the Skill targeted, but not about what skill was involved nor about the roles of the players.
        • Even if the player's ability doesn't resolve properly, the [Spy] will still get the information.
          • Example: The [Spy] targets the player who is the [Revolutionary]. The [Revolutionary] tries to use [Assassination] on a given player, but said player dies to [Sorcery] instead of by [Assassination]. In this situation, the [Spy] will still get the information about the target of [Assassination].
      • [Investigate] can only get information about the targets of [Murder]; [Sorcery]; [Deathblow] and [Assassination].
        • When [Investigate] targets a [Monarch] and gets information on [Murder], the results of [Investigate] will point out towards the player that is the [Sorcerer] (or Knight if the [Sorcerer] is dead). It will not show who was the [Murder] target.
    To secure the health of the royal family: Death of [Knight] and [Revolutionary].

    Order of Operations

    Some things end up happening at the "same" time due to the way the game mechanics work. The intent of this section is to clarify the order at which some interactions happen.

    End of Day Phase:
    1. Stabs scheduled at the end of the Day Phase trigger simultaneously.
    2. Sudden Death triggers, if applicable.
    3. Night Chatrooms are set up.
    4. Stabs scheduled at the start of the Night Phase trigger simultaneously.
    5. Heir is notified that they can use Murder, if applicable.
    End of Night Phase:
    1. Night Chatrooms are locked.
    2. Stabs scheduled at the end of the Night Phase trigger simultaneously.
    3. Sorcery or Deathblow triggers.
    4. Assassination triggers.
    5. All living players recover 1 HP. (Unless Sudden Death was triggered at a prior moment)
    6. Sudden Death triggers, if applicable.
    7. Players that spent their knives in the last Day/Night Cycle receive a new knife.
    8. Stabs scheduled at the start of the Day Phase trigger simultaneously.
    9. Heir is notified that they were targeted by Sorcery, if applicable.
    Player List


    There are only two rules for players:
    • One stab per cycle.
    • No comment in the thread during the Night Phase.
    There are only two rules for observers and ghosts:
    • Don't talk if you don't know whats not allowed to be said.
    • Read and understand the first rule. Then read and understand the first rule again.

    So, let the blood flow In this failing kingdom
    Exitiumm and Agentt like this.
  2. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Role PMs will be distributed shortly. Please wait a bit longer.
    Exitiumm likes this.
  3. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Last edited: Oct 26, 2023
  4. Exitiumm

    Exitiumm Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2017
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  5. ReaderReader

    ReaderReader (◍•ᴗ•◍) [Important things must be said 2 times]

    Aug 25, 2020
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  6. sleepandeatallday

    sleepandeatallday [Goddess of Chaos] [An unprofessional therapist]

    Sep 2, 2021
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    *shyly waves*
    AliceShiki likes this.
  7. sleepandeatallday

    sleepandeatallday [Goddess of Chaos] [An unprofessional therapist]

    Sep 2, 2021
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  8. ReaderReader

    ReaderReader (◍•ᴗ•◍) [Important things must be said 2 times]

    Aug 25, 2020
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    AliceShiki and sleepandeatallday like this.
  9. sleepandeatallday

    sleepandeatallday [Goddess of Chaos] [An unprofessional therapist]

    Sep 2, 2021
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    AliceShiki likes this.
  10. Fossil

    Fossil 「Spooky」「Scary」「Skeleton」

    Jun 5, 2016
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    AliceShiki likes this.
  11. sleepandeatallday

    sleepandeatallday [Goddess of Chaos] [An unprofessional therapist]

    Sep 2, 2021
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    Good Night!~
    AliceShiki likes this.
  12. Fossil

    Fossil 「Spooky」「Scary」「Skeleton」

    Jun 5, 2016
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    This sounds like a threat.
    sleepandeatallday and AliceShiki like this.
  13. sleepandeatallday

    sleepandeatallday [Goddess of Chaos] [An unprofessional therapist]

    Sep 2, 2021
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    What! It's almost 12 a.m. here! What am I supposed to say!?
    AliceShiki likes this.
  14. Fossil

    Fossil 「Spooky」「Scary」「Skeleton」

    Jun 5, 2016
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    I’m just saying, when you say good night in a game like this it sounds like you’re gonna stab me when I sleep!
  15. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I wanted to point out that Sleepy-chan did not deny it being a threat~ :whistle::whistle::whistle:

    Night Chats:
    You have 18h left. Timer.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2023
    sleepandeatallday and Fossil like this.
  16. Fossil

    Fossil 「Spooky」「Scary」「Skeleton」

    Jun 5, 2016
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    Reading List:
    !roll 1,6
  17. justabot

    justabot NUF's Cutest Bot Bot

    Jul 15, 2016
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    NUF Dice Roller

    Min: 1
    Max: 6

    @Fossil, you rolled a 3
  18. Fossil

    Fossil 「Spooky」「Scary」「Skeleton」

    Jun 5, 2016
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    I visit Reader.
  19. Fossil

    Fossil 「Spooky」「Scary」「Skeleton」

    Jun 5, 2016
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    Actually. More fun way.
  20. Fossil

    Fossil 「Spooky」「Scary」「Skeleton」

    Jun 5, 2016
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  21. justabot

    justabot NUF's Cutest Bot Bot

    Jul 15, 2016
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    NUF Dice Roller

    Roll limits: -9999999999 to 9999999999

    @Fossil, an error has occured. To use the dice roller, please use the command "!roll min,max" without the quotes. Min being The lowest value to return and max being the highest value to return.

    You may also use "!roll min,max,num_of_dice" if you want to roll multiple dice at once. The maximum dice you may use is 100.
  22. Fossil

    Fossil 「Spooky」「Scary」「Skeleton」

    Jun 5, 2016
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    !roll 1,6,100