Spoiler Lips On The Tip Of a Knife

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Ahmya, Dec 13, 2020.

  1. mmem

    mmem Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2016
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    I just want to know, does FL leave the ML? I MTL some of the later chpts and apparently they’re stuck in some time thing??? And ML’s saying he wanted to destroy the Western Kingdom so FL would have to be with him??? And to kill him or be with him this is her last chance otherwise he’ll never let her go??? Having just read the webcomic what the heck happened to change the story’s tone so much???
  2. atlos

    atlos Active Member

    Sep 14, 2023
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    Thank you for sharing these. Would also like to hear more about Gerhan if anyone has spoilers
  3. Lulutetia

    Lulutetia Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2020
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    Summary (?) of the Spoiler after Manhwa ch. 50

    • Casian have some doubts about Arne being strong and it is proven strongly in the investigation result that the swordmaster is indeed Arne (look after ch. 50)
    • He kinda upset(?) bcs Arne hide the fact from him but he is still in denial, like "no way, bcs she looks so weak etc. etc."
    • BUT, bcs he still have some doubts, he start to teasing Arne lol. He visit Arne everyday and spend more time with her only for teasing her lol.
    • He told arne to drink tonic everyday bcs she is sooooo weakkkk
    • He attach more guard on her bcs she is soo weakkkk. The guard name is Fabio.
    • She mention it repeatedly that I'M STRONG NOT WEAK, smth like that. But Casian still in his denial phase, so he just responded it like "Okay, okay ^-^ ~ (my my so cute, her reaction)"
    • After a few days, he offer Arne to do self-defense training with him bcs she is sooo weaakkk.
    • Arne ofc refuse that, her face was like :wht kinda bullshit ya spoitin' "
    • But Cassian told her he will increase her guards number to 10 if she refused it . In the end she accept that training .
    • Anddd many (funny) things he did to teasing her. At this point he just wanna see her cute reaction, almost forgot his purpose lol.
    • The objective is to get Arne confessing herself that she is the swordmaster. But our pure Arne doesn't understand his intention lol, she is like "i know he have some doubt abt me but idk what is it about??? I've mentioned it to him that i'm really strong. I don't have anymore secret `^`. I'm not good in mind games like this" (this scene is actually funny not depressed or anyth, but idk how to describe it)
    • He thinking back again and found Arne did mention that she is not sick and actually far more stronger.
    • This time he is questioning his sanity (lol), like he admit that he can't thinking rationally and straight if it's about Arne. (Like she actually jump to the 3rd floor when they first met, climbing the trees, etc.)
    • He admit that he is the stupid one for believing the lie Arne is weak even after that many event and confession.
    • And after that many times he spent for teasing Arne, he found the fact that Arne isn't good at lying lol.
    • So, he racking his mind again. And indeed Arne never intentionally hide the fact/lying to him. She did mention many times that she is like super strong.
    • Finally, he accept the fact that Arne is indeed the swordmaster. He believes that she is not telling him clearly that she is the "Swordmaster" is bcs some condition from the Western Emperor she must fulfilled for their marriage to happen.
    • Like, he understand why would the emperor would be too kind to hand-over their strongest "weapon" to the country they've been hostile with. If Cassian want her for the marriage then he might have her only as a "woman" not as a "swordmaster" (that is what Cassian thinking)
    • In fact, the emperor hide the fact that Arne is swordmaster is just bcs Arne's mother told him to do that lmaoo.

    • Festival happen bcs North Emperor birthday
    • North empress send her invitation for tea party, Cassian told Arne to dismiss it.
    • Arne (ofc) shocked to heard she can just dismiss royal family invitation, but Cassian told her to be at ease. Bcs it is the empress that can't read the flow and learn to laying low (he implisitly called the empress is stupid lol)
    • He said that bcs the Empress public sentiment is negative now and the Emperor busy with some rebellion troops, the Arne's assasination, kidnapping incident, etc. (the main point is the royal family sentiment and power this time aren't quite in their favor. So, she is stupid for challenging Cassian in that kind of condition)
    • Instead, he asking Arne for a date that day ^-^
    • They ride a boat in the lake. Arne amazed bcs it is her first time.
    • Cassian wondering how could this be her first time? Aren't they have it in western empire too? (It's his inner monologue)
    • Arne asking that Cassian must've ride this often before. He told her that it's his first time too. In the past, many people want to drown him so he can't ride it.
    • Arne told him smth like, "Cassian, don't worry. I would strangle and kill anyone that wanna drown you `^`"
    • Cassian thinking, if anyone heard it they might just pass it and regard it as a joke. But, bcs he know her identitiy, he knew that she is super-serious with her saying and just smiling.

    • They are strolling in there, grasping skewer and many delicacy in the festival until it's dark
    • And there is 4 (unfortunate) thief blocking their way asking them for money
    • Cassian kinda looking pitifully at the thief, and he looking worried to Arne
    • Arne contemplating how should she get rid of them or just let Cassian handle it
    • They are chitchatting and arguing in the middle of the thief cornering them lol. They trapped on their own world
    • The thief trying to start to provoked them, bcs they ignored then. He tried to grab Arne's shoulder but Cassian blocked it and looking angrily at them. He then just sway his hand and his shadow knight appears and get rid of them and bring them to the guards there.
    • Arne kinda regret it, she should've just beat them a little and they will runaway and the problem is solved. Bcs of this, Cassian must left her a while for taking care of them (giving explanation to the guards, etc.). She then left there with Fabio. Crabe are in the castle to make an eye for Erica (that duvirce thingy still going on lol) and taking care of Evermore and Nevermore that truted to him for a while.
    • Arne noticed 'a lil bit' of murderous aura in the crowd. She thought it is directed on her, so she find a way to escape from Fabio.
    • She got the assasin and killing him with the skewer stick she had lmaoo. She just pin it to that assasin's neck.
    • Turns out, the assasin actual target is a 10 y.o. child. She misthought it as her (as the target).
    • The child thanked her. Later on it is revealed that he is a prince from Eastern Kingdom, smth like that.
    • Arne found thd child cute
    • Arne back to the spot Fabio getting depressed looking for Arne
    • Cassian comeback
    • Cassian KISS her here

    Arne felt strangely sad when he saw Theo leaving w ith his entourage. It was a short time, but it seemed li ke they had become attached. Theo was really cute to o. Arne was deep in thought, thinking that she had felt something similar before, but he felt her gaze and tur ned his head. And she made eye contact with Cassia n.


    It was a short silence. Cassian's blue eyes looked u nusually deep and dark. It's probably not just because it's night. The look in her eyes, as if she wanted to dis sect Arne and take out something inside him, heighte ned her nervousness. It was definitely something Arn e had never experienced before. Suddenly his throat b ecame dry. He swallowed dryly and that was when Ar ne tried to turn his head. widely. Cassian grabbed Arn e's arm as if he wasn't going to allow it. It was quite a n impulsive act.

    "Why, why?"

    Arne asked back, looking up at the calm eyes that c ontained him. Arne's voice was trembling slightly. It w as a strange thing. In the past, I thought it was natural that they were scared because it suited them so well. She thought it was natural to run away from her. But i s it because we now know his identity? She was just s trange. Why does someone who clearly has nothing t o fear show this behavior? It was so easy to read othe r people's emotions. She was used to it. So Cassian w as able to properly read Arne's emotions this time.

    '...... 'Because it's uncomfortable.'

    Cassian almost laughed without realizing it as he c hecked again and again whether the emotions he had read were correct. Even though he took the time to ap proach, Arne still felt uncomfortable. Despite all the ti me he put into it, there was still a solid wall between h im and Arne that could never be overcome. At first, thi s wall didn't bother me that much. Because of course there is a wall between humans. But now. I didn't like i t. It felt as if it was indirectly rejecting me, and I felt se cretly jealous. He couldn't understand Arne trying to p ush him away. I wanted to tear down that wall right no w and get Arne out of the other side. As soon as he b ecame aware of that desire, Cassian was able to reali ze that his condition was not normal.


    I thought Arne was strange. But Cassian only realiz ed it now. He was strange too. Controlling himself has always been easy for him. His method was to suppre ss his desires, hide what he wanted, and achieve it se cretly. But why? Why does Arne become impatient an d violent when he gets involved?

    "Don't avoid my eyes."

    I want to have this perspective. I want to have these eyes. I've never been possessive, but something insid e me kept clamoring for something so clearly. Arne pr obably noticed this and avoided eye contact for a bit. Of course you noticed. There was no way Arne would n't notice. Cassian had no intention of criticizing that. If you touch her a little more, she might run away as if she was really waiting.

    "Don't avoid it."

    So, even though it was an order, Cassian yearned fo r it as if he was pleading. Arne was depressed.

    But if I make eye contact with Cassian, I find m yself avoiding eye contact without realizing it."

    Arne pouted his lips as if he had no choice.

    "It's difficult"

    Cassian laughed involuntarily at the sight of Arne e xpressing his dissatisfaction. In an instant, everything that was holding Cassian back disappeared. It didn't d isappear. I just hid in Arne's words, saying it wasn't th e time yet. I felt a wall between me and Arne again. B ut this time, Cassian didn't feel violent nervousness ei ther. This wall was thick and solid. However, that did n ot mean that Cassian and Arne could be completely is olated. Because at least I can knock.


    Cassian's lips stole Arne's lips. It was a short kiss w ith no lingering feelings. After kissing him as a greetin g, Cassian grinned. At that moment, a ray of light burs t into the dark night sky. Paang. phut. Arne was instan tly distracted by the blue and red fireworks that decor ated the sky. No, maybe he was caught at that mome nt by the blue eyes smiling at him.

    "I know the best place to see the fireworks."

    Cassian pulled Arne's arm. For a brief moment, Arn e was conflicted about whether he should follow the I ead of this arm. An unknown tickling feeling kept pulli ng Arne into an unknown world.


    After some conflict, Arne eventually followed Cassi an's lead. A satisfied smile appeared on Cassian's lip s. phut. The world turned blue and yellow once again. In a landscape that was changing colors every mome nt, only the unchanging blue eyes were guiding Arne.

    *** And the next day. A delegation from the West
    ern Empire arrived in Grumium.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2023
    Melita_H, karaa00000, mmem and 2 others like this.
  4. Rinna17

    Rinna17 Active Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    You are a saint!!! :aww: do you read the novel in naver?
  5. atlos

    atlos Active Member

    Sep 14, 2023
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    Question is Arne’s mother the sister of the emperor ?
  6. Rhiannon22

    Rhiannon22 Member

    Dec 21, 2023
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    I think Arne's mom is the sister of the previous swordmaster, Gerhan. Arne's dad is the brother of the emperor and Duke Sarno.
    Melita_H likes this.
  7. twinkiebaby

    twinkiebaby Member

    Mar 22, 2024
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    Hi. Can someone give me some spoiler? The manhwa adaptation art was so good! :D

    Well I wanna know -

    1) Will Arne going back to his country due to some war (?) If I am not mistaken.

    2) Will Arne show to Cassian his swordmaster skilled? Like when Arne busy fighting, Cassian hiding somewhere, just to watch her. (If there anything happen like that cause I'm just delulu) or will Arne honest with Cassian that she is the swordmaster after all?

    As I see the manhwa til chapter 63, all of Western Empire people really needs Arne. I just want to know some spoiler.

    Basically from what I saw through comment, a lot of people dropped this manhwa due to some reason. But maybe I am
  8. whiteapparition

    whiteapparition Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2017
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    Man...some of the situational plotholes aren't even that hard to solve...To be honest, the Leads' children's story sounds much more intriguing than the main pair.
  9. twinkiebaby

    twinkiebaby Member

    Mar 22, 2024
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    Can someone give me spoiler is the CP Western Empire (Arne's cousin) die or no?
  10. tylerdylan18

    tylerdylan18 Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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  11. mewylve

    mewylve Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2021
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  12. sqdnesss

    sqdnesss Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2021
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    i will answer your questions
    so spoiler alerts i think
    and sorry if my 'explanations' are weird :blobpensivepray:
    Yes she will go back for her empire because she is the swordmaster which also means that she's somewhat the protector just like her uncle and her grandpa (Lewellgosa/Ruelgosa family thingz ), this part is also the start of an arc where ima just call it 'the so called divorce arc' and also the start of the final battle (chap 103 on novel). Then theres Cassian who was left all alone at the mansion OUCHH reading this chap hurt a lot because he even SHED A TEAR and huge ANGST right here like goddamn it if it werent for that rashulus guy.
    you can see his poor face on the novel illustration chap 104 & 105
    Its a yes and she 'showed' not just Cassian but some people her skills too because she had to protect people who were in danger because there was a large fire and some monsters and Arne being an angel couldnt just sit still. Even Reynold was like "You love brother in law right?" or something like that cuz the Duchess (Arne's Mom) told her to just live her life as an ordinary lady and also if a war broke down between the Northern and the Western Empire then the people who Arne helped could become their enemy, and ofc Arne doesnt give a darn about it and save them nonetheless.
    this happens on chapter 71 in the manhwa and chap 88 in the novel

    fortunately he is alive and well (y)
    he will marry Juliana in the end :D which is his guard lolol,
    it all started when the emperor of western empire or his father was thinking about when will he get married and the emperor even thought about finding him a bride from the northern empire :blobpopcorn:
    Reynold ofc panicking then suddenly at one moment he looks at Juliana and just bluntly asks her to marry him ‍♀️
    Juliana ofc rejected him and blablabla Reynold didnt give up until finally at the last of chapter special side stories so maybe 2 years(?) later Arne and Cassian received their wedding invitation which means Juliana finally accepts Reynold :bloblove:
    Melita_H, twinkiebaby, mmem and 2 others like this.
  13. twinkiebaby

    twinkiebaby Member

    Mar 22, 2024
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    Thank you so much for the spoilers! I've been dying wanting to know the spoilers! May God bless you & all those people who's wiling to give us some spoiler!

    Question again.

    1) Will they get divorce soon?

    2) Is Cassian also swordmaster? Is there will be any war between Northern - Western empire & Arne will be the one participate in the war between 2 empires?

    3) At the end, will Cassian & Arne be the Emperor & Empress?

    I really can't wait for the next chapter. If you have the novel which is the translation in english, please share to me.

    I've been reading since last year & keep repeating re-read it. Some people might not love with, but for me this manhwa is so good!
  14. sqdnesss

    sqdnesss Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2021
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    hello again i will answer ur questions again
    this question is a fun one, so Arne did ask Cassian to divorce her right and Cassian doesnt want to ofc, so technically they never had an official divorce :D BUTTT in the epilogue they will have a second wedding! most likely because of the 'divorce' and also definitely because their first wedding werent them being in love with each other and blablablabla you get the point (we can also just say that their second wedding its their official wedding)

    also ima add this cute moment about Cassian's proposal
    on chap 131 when the whole final battle situation ended, Arne and Cassian finally had their short 'honeymoon' vacation. There Cassian explains about what happened to Emperor Gijeppe because he finally defeats that son of a BASTARD emperor so that means Cassian is now the emperor :blobhighfive:. Then Cassian asked "Will you be my empress?" and Arne was just dumbfounded because like they were already married meowglare then Cassian said "Because we're divorced" and Arne casually asked "When did we get divorced" as if she didnt ask him a million times , Cassian just calmly replied "You left me behind" lol. Not long after this convo Cassian proposed to her (y)

    The sun with two sword crossed
    A ring bearing the motif of Arne
    Two black diamonds were put into work, and the sun.. was helion, the jewel of the sun shining
    Arne couldn't say anything because she was surprised
    Helion was a clear imperial jewel that only the Emperor of Northern and Western empires could have

    "Will you marry me again?"​

    that wouldve been a great plot twist but nope, our beloved Cassian is just a grand duke who has the right to take the throne
    Well i dont know if this counts as one so um i'll let yall decide on your own
    So Arne went back to Western Empire because the empire was under attack by the Eastern Kingdom Union and its been 10 years since a war broke down between the 2 which Arne defeats when she was 16.
    She brought the Golden Dragon Knights with her to this Guerangd Plains (mtl moment) where she met Georg the commander(?) of the Eastern Allied Forces. The 2 had a little chit chat, Georg told Arne to throw away her weapons if not then the prisoners who were being held hostage will die. Of course Arne calmly put her weapons down (Evermore and Nevermore). And then this bish Georg just kept asking Arne why didnt she just kill him off 10 years ago when she defeated the Eastern because its a disgrace and an insult for him who was still alive after the war. Arne calmly explains that the reason as to why she didnt kill him off was because he was Their spirits, the people of the Eastern Kingdom looks at Georg as their hero so if this little bish died then those people will fought for his honor and it wouldve been just war after war and after war, countless children will starve to death and there'll be people cry out in pain. Then after that Georg asked Arne if she could save/spare them WHEN ALL OF A SUDDEN an unidentified army came to the Plains, ofc its the Northern Empire and Cassian is the one who leads them.
    Arne and Cassian chatted for a bit here, theres a smol misunderstanding here because of that son of a gun Rashallus where before Arne went back to the western she left a parting letter for Cassian and she gave it to Alan, BUT THIS RASHALLUS GUY knocked out Alan and burn the letter AND TOLD CASSIAN THAT IT WAS ARNE WHO KNOCKED ALAN OUT :blob_thor:. Cassian asked Arne if she has something to say to him (as in like an apology for almost 'killing' Alan) and ofc she said no. Then Northern Empire Forces strikes both Golden Dragon Knights and Eastern Allied Forces so theres like a 'war' happening here and then yadda yiddi yadda everybody fighting and boom Arne pointed her sword to Cassian telling him to stop and then they talked again where Arne finally asked him abt the letter she left Alan to deliver which ofc was burned down by Rashallus. At this moment there were suddenly lots of monsters at the Plains (caused by a certain someone named Yurion shes in chap 73 of the manhwa) and so Arne parted with Cassian to help defeat them.

    HELL YEEEAAHH our beloved Cassian and Arne will become the next emperor and empress because our boy Cassian here successfully led the rebellion and took back his rightful place. He has planned this rebellion ever since he was born istg like Gijeppe deserves nothing but HELL.

    while we are talking about the northern,
    allow me to explain the whole Northern Empire imperial messy household
    so it all started with 2 brothers, the oldest brother became the crown prince meanwhile the second brother/second prince became the Grand Duke. The grand duke met a stunning woman named Isolt at a masquerade ball after being away for a long time and fell in love at first sight with her, without knowing that she will soon become the crown princess. He confessed to her which she rejects, then the crown prince introduced his fianceé, the crown princess or Isolt to his brother, the grand duke. The grand duke felt 'betrayed' because like the woman he loves is soon to be wed with his brother and how he is possibly the only one in this empire who doesnt know about this info. Then they got married and became Emperor Tresten and Empress Isolt of the Northern Empire. The lonely grand duke then decided to take his beloved woman back by poisoning the Emperor AKA his own brother which means he is now Emperor Gijeppe and no longer a grand duke. And so WOW they are now together is that all? :eek: HELL NAHH the empress truly loves the former emperor, especially their fruit of love which is CASSIAN. Emperor Gijeppe was annoyed by Cassian's existence because he is the son of Isolt AND Tresten. But dont worry because mama Isolt here wants her son to be safe, she asked Emperor Gijeppe to never ever hurt Cassian and so Emperor Gijeppe sent Cassian to the Grand Duchy of Ternugen making him the Grand Duke of Ternugen and basically Cassian just stuck there all throughout his childhood). Then one day the empress was found dead after she hunged herself because she would rather die in her own hands rather than being defiled by the man who killed her husband. And so Emperor Gijeppe continues becoming the emperor and has 3 children with all different mothers , Edward (current crown prince) is the first between him and another empress after Isolt i think, Mackenzie (second prince) is the second between him and a maid, and Cynthia (first princess) is the last between him and Empress Polkeria. Then he died in the hands of Cassian, his own nephew which he CLEARLY DESERVES BECAUSE EWWW we hate u gijeppe. (Cassian's parents backstory is on chap 99 and on chap 118 is Arne going back to the past because of the dragon's magic where she met mini Cassian and got to see how his childhood goes)

    also i would like to apologize if my spoilers are WAYY TOO LONG like i couldve just answered them by yes/no and thats it :blobstare:
    Melita_H, mmem, twinkiebaby and 2 others like this.
  15. twinkiebaby

    twinkiebaby Member

    Mar 22, 2024
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    WOW. You're so awesome! You don't need to say sorry. The long explanation is very useful for me cause I might ask more question but luckily you answered all of my curiosity.

    since Cassian killed that stupid emperor, by thats mean he's good at fighting as well? I thought he was a swordmaster cause previous episod arne can sense his powerful existence i mean chapter between 4-8 or more, then on chapter 1 it shows cassian is swordmaster cause it looks like cassian.

    also that stupid Rashalus, I saw previous chapter he asked Arne to divorce Cassian, but why he hates Arne? Is he hates arne or what? What will happen to him?

    What happen with Lady Hailey? I saw her having some power? Can you explain to me if he still wants to take Cassian from Arne & what happen to her at the end
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2024
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  16. Sweet_Bunny

    Sweet_Bunny Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2023
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    Did ellowin and karyan both become knights? :meowtilt:
  17. Flazt

    Flazt Member

    Feb 21, 2024
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    Saw latest manhwa chapter.... Ingredients for what?
    Last edited: May 7, 2024
  18. Sagamasa

    Sagamasa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2023
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    What happened after Arne asked Cassian about the letter? Does Cassian finally know it's not Arne who hit Alan? How about spoiler about Arne reaction when she finds out it was Rashallus who burned the letter? I need to know please because I'm pissed with Rashallus
  19. Flazt

    Flazt Member

    Feb 21, 2024
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    Saw latest chapter..... What about those 2 woman (red hair and silver hair) ending?

    The silver hair woman looks like a witch?
  20. Ikhsan72

    Ikhsan72 New Member

    Oct 4, 2023
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    itu juga yang ingin kuketahui, aku mencari spoiler tentang gadis berambut putih dan lelaki tua yang mungkin penyihir tapi tidak ada yang mengungkitnya. semua spoiler tentang hubungan FL ML dan anak-anaknya