Spoiler Return of the Mount Hua Sect (화산귀환)

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Aoi Alice, Jul 6, 2021.

  1. Rinna17

    Rinna17 Active Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    I'm catching up on the raws right now and I just came across this tl by google translate and I just cannot :notlikeblob:

    This is on chapter 1010 btw
  2. Lillly

    Lillly Active Member

    Aug 6, 2023
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    Ummmmm :blob_blush: i think Google made a mistake because if not….. UMMM
  3. Rinna17

    Rinna17 Active Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    Ikr i was just taken aback like WHAAT DID HE JUST SAY?!

    oh and can you guys give spoilers about what happened to head baldie of shaolin? Did he like hopefully die or something cause im at the part where demon cult appeared and hyun jong is talking to head baldie and sldjdhgfhe i just wanna stab that fake monk in the eyes :blobhero:
  4. Kaylee

    Kaylee Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Thank you! For the rant! (y) Dont mind to read it and more is welcome:p

    About GeumRyong, yeah I think I saw him not that 'bad or cannot be taught', for how he still tries to look after his juniors (and esp Song Baek during the fight when the elder wanted to force him to cheat). It's good he can see the better picture.

    So now JongNam is with HwaSan :LOL:
    I still remember how CM was sooo anti JongNam :ROFLMAO:
  5. Rena-19

    Rena-19 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2021
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    Hi, I just read spoiler about Baek Cheon.... and I hope if someone give me answers so I either I rest from this anxiety or fall in depression :sweating_profusely:

    Is it true Baek Cheon's Dantain has crack? And it will result to death if he go to the war? Is there no solution? :blobsob:
    Wandering Ghost likes this.
  6. Lillly

    Lillly Active Member

    Aug 6, 2023
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    happy birthday to me! :blob_butterfly::blobtaco::meowflower:
    Hmmm well I guess you can say that! His dantian does have a crack but I don’t know about the going to war thing… I think if he does go to war he won’t die but probably face a lot of serious injuries but who knows? No one can find a solution right now for that not even Chung myung:blob_teary:
  7. merieva

    merieva Active Member

    Apr 12, 2023
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    mistranslation. should be something like "are you telling me to spar with soso?"
    got beaten by jang ilso, both physically and mentally :blobsweat_2:

    yes it's cracked and there's no cure for it at least for now?
    as for the part about him dying.. well right now he's having hard time even swinging his sword because of his broken dantian, so if he goes to war in that condition it is unlikely that he will survive
  8. boobaa

    boobaa Member

    Feb 21, 2023
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    Does anyone know who Cheon Ma got reincarnated as?:hmm:

    I heard that he got reincarnated too....
  9. ChungTheSaint

    ChungTheSaint Member

    Nov 25, 2023
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    Hey guys I've been lurking for many months here.
    I was frustrated seeing spoilers without any labels indicating chapter numbers.
    So I decided to make an account to post chapter summaries. Might as well make use of my GPT-4 Plus subscription.
    It'll just be summaries since ChatGPT has a word limit on it's responses for now. Only workaround I could find.
    No dialogue.
    I only use GPT-4 since translation quality is higher and GPT-3.5 can't browse the web.
    DM me to know where I get my raw chapters from.

    I'll be starting off from chapter 1546.
    Let me know which chapter's spoilers you want me post.

    Novel Name in Korean: 화산귀환

    Here are my prompt methods.
    First method will browse the web.
    Prompt Method 1:
    [raw chapter chapter link]

    "translate to English in bullet points"
    Second method generates responses faster since it only translates and doesn't have to browse the web.
    But it's more tedious since you have to copy and highlight the entire text and then paste into GPT-4.
    Prompt Method 2:
    [raw chapter text]

    "translate to English in bullet points"

    • Episode 1546: "Despite All That" (1)
    • Yoon Jong, a prominent member of Cheonwoomeng (a martial arts alliance), expresses a resolute and sharp determination, silencing even the leaders and Hyun Jong.
    • Baek Cheon, hesitant to let Yoon Jong proceed with his plan, struggles with conflicting feelings. He understands Yoon Jong’s perspective but knows it’s not the time for stubbornness.
    • A heated discussion ensues about whether Yoon Jong should be allowed to go on his mission alone. Baek Cheon initially refuses, declaring he won’t let Yoon Jong go without a fight.
    • Kwak Hwan So, a representative of Haenam, steps in, arguing that someone must undertake the task Yoon Jong proposes. He emphasizes the forgotten pain and struggles of those left behind in Haenam.
    • Namgung Dowi interjects, insisting that if anyone should go, it must include his sect, Namgung.
    • The young warriors of Cheonwoomeng, rather than the seasoned leaders, dominate the discussion, showing their passion and determination.
    • Baek Cheon is asked to find a solution that avoids defeat and helps the suffering. He acknowledges the difficulty but commits to finding a way.
    • The narrative highlights the generational shift in Cheonwoomeng, from the old to the young, as they seek a balanced approach to their challenges.
    • Cheongmyeong, a key figure, casually suggests increasing their forces if they are insufficient, which is initially dismissed as impractical by the leaders.
    • Suddenly, the arrival of Jin Geumryong, a doppelgänger of Baek Cheon from Jongnam, shocks everyone, especially Baek Cheon, creating a tense and surprising ending to the chapter.
    • Episode 1547: "Despite All That" (2)
    • The arrival of Jin Geumryong from Jongnam and Malhak Lee Songbak causes shock and confusion in the meeting room.
    • Baek Cheon, who is visibly rattled by Jin Geumryong’s presence, reacts with disbelief and irritation.
    • Cheongmyeong, another key figure, reveals that he invited Jongnam to increase their collective strength.
    • Jongnam, known for being a part of the Gupailbang (Nine Orthodox Sects), agrees to form a joint front with Cheonwoomeng against the invading forces, albeit with some conditions.
    • There is a heated and contentious debate about Jongnam's involvement and whether they can be trusted to aid Cheonwoomeng.
    • Jin Geumryong agrees to Cheongmyeong’s proposal to station a significant portion of Jongnam’s forces at Hwaeum, Cheonwoomeng's base, to prepare for a potential attack.
    • The unusual alliance between Hwaeum and Jongnam is confirmed, marking an unprecedented cooperation between the two.
    • This alliance, once thought impossible, is now a reality, signaling a major shift in the martial arts world.
    • Episode 1548: "Despite All That" (3)
    • The meeting progresses rapidly due to the urgency and limited time, skipping formalities.
    • Lim So-byung proposes dividing the forces into smaller groups, akin to the enemy's tactics.
    • There's a discussion on efficient communication and coordination among these smaller groups, with the aid of Geobangdo (beggars' guild) and Ghost Gate.
    • Each group will consist of around five to ten members, including medics and support from the Beggars' Guild.
    • The groups will be led by competent leaders, with Baek Cheon and Dang Family as the core.
    • Jongnam also offers to contribute a team, despite Jin Geumryong's reluctance.
    • The decision is made to form mixed groups from different factions, an unprecedented and chaotic alliance.
    • Baek Cheon is tasked with organizing a group, but he faces challenges finding willing participants.
    • Meanwhile, others easily gather their teams, showing the excitement and eagerness of the Cheonwoomeng members to participate.
    • Baek Cheon faces a surprise offer from Jin Geumryong, who suggests that Baek Cheon join his group, leading to a tense moment between them.
    • Episode 1549: "Despite All That" (4)
    • Baek Cheon harshly rejects Jin Geumryong's offer to join his team, emphasizing that he doesn't respect Jin and won't join a team created by someone from Jongnam.
    • Jin Geumryong tries to persuade Baek Cheon by stating it’s for his own good, arguing that Baek Cheon isn’t capable of leading a team in his current state.
    • Despite Jin Geumryong's attempts to justify his offer as concern for Baek Cheon, Baek remains unconvinced and walks away.
    • Jin Geumryong is then approached by Lee Song-baek, who criticizes Jin's approach towards Baek Cheon, suggesting a more direct expression of concern might have been more effective.
    • Jin Geumryong reveals his frustration with Baek Cheon, noting his stubbornness even in the face of severe pressure and violence.
    • Despite this, Jin Geumryong decides to split the newly arrived Jongnam forces, taking half under his command and leaving the other half to Lee Song-baek.
    • Dang Gunak, overseeing the formation of teams for a mission, sternly emphasizes the importance of quickly assembling competent teams.
    • Cho Geol struggles to form his team but manages to assemble one just in time, avoiding being left behind.
    • Cheonwoomeng members eagerly volunteer to join teams, leading to the formation of several groups.
    • The members of the teams assemble, and despite their small number, they are a formidable force.
    • Hyun Jong, the leader of Cheonwoomeng, gives a brief but impactful speech, reminding them of their responsibilities and urging them to return safely.
    • The teams, filled with determination and purpose, disperse to various locations across the land to fulfill their mission.
    • Baek Cheon confronts Jin Geum-Ryong, refusing to join a group formed by Jin. Baek Cheon emphasizes respect is only for those deserving it.
    • Jin questions Baek Cheon's reluctance, noting that the distinctions between sects have blurred, especially in the Heavenly Demon Sect.
    • Jin tries to persuade Baek Cheon, acknowledging him as a younger brother and offering him a suitable position, but Baek Cheon remains defiant and walks away.
    • Lee Song-Baek criticizes Jin for his blunt approach with Baek Cheon, suggesting a change in tactics for persuasion.
    • Jin expresses frustration, stating his past efforts to convince Baek Cheon have failed, even in extreme circumstances.
    • The narrative shifts to Dang Gunak, emphasizing the importance of quickly mobilizing people for battle.
    • The scene at Cheon U-Mang's headquarters portrays a sense of urgency and a reminder of the warriors' dual identities: they are both rescuers and someone's family.
    • Hyun Jong, the leader, implores everyone to remember their loved ones and to return alive from their missions.
    • The chapter ends with the members of Cheon U-Mang setting out on their respective missions, driven by determination and a sense of duty
    • Jo Kyeol and his group urgently set out from Hwaeum, with some frustration and confusion about their destination and roles.
    • Jo Kyeol learns that his destination is Jiangsu, a location fraught with challenges and potential dangers.
    • Yun Jong, another character, is heading towards Anhui, a region facing severe problems.
    • Yun Jong discusses the strategic importance of Jiangsu and Anhui, highlighting the potential presence of remnants of the Demon Sect in these areas.
    • There's a conversation about the roles of various members, including the assignment of Tang So-so as a liaison at a stronghold, overseeing the medical teams.
    • Yun Jong and Jo Kyeol discuss the solo capabilities of a character named Cheongmyeong, acknowledging his ability to operate independently without needing a team.
    • The chapter also covers strategic planning and logistics, including the division of forces and the establishment of supply lines and communication networks to support the ongoing conflict.
    • There's an emphasis on the need for efficient coordination and the importance of each individual's role in the larger scheme of the ongoing battles.
    • The chapter concludes with the characters setting out on their respective missions, indicating a mix of determination and the weight of responsibility on their shoulders
    • A brutal attack unfolds with merciless violence, as the evil faction (사파) unleashes their pent-up aggression in the northern regions, unrestrained by any authority.
    • Jong Hyo, a significant figure in the evil faction, relishes the chaos, reflecting on the recent years of suppression under the tyrannical rule of Jang Il-so.
    • The scene shifts to a fierce confrontation between Jong Hyo and an unidentified, strong young man, who intervenes just as Jong Hyo targets a fleeing child.
    • The young man, exhibiting immense power and a cold demeanor, counters Jong Hyo's attack, turning his weapon against him.
    • Yun Jong appears, delivering a chilling judgment upon Jong Hyo and reflecting on the nature of punishment and retribution.
    • The chapter ends with Yun Jong decisively handling the captured evil faction members, while Jo Kyeol looks on with a mix of relief and concern, highlighting the grim reality of their situation
    • The chapter begins with intense fighting, where Namgung Dowi, a key character, attacks without hesitation, showing his formidable combat skills.
    • Amidst the battle, Hye Yeon, a monk, intervenes, advising Namgung Dowi to control his aggression, highlighting the harmful effects of excessive violence.
    • Namgung Dowi grapples with the conflict between his urgent mission and the need to aid others in distress, demonstrating his internal struggle.
    • The chapter also touches on strategic movements of various groups, including Namgung Dowi's forces, as they navigate complex situations on the battlefield.
    • The narrative explores the themes of leadership, responsibility, and the moral dilemmas faced by warriors in times of conflict.
    • There's a focus on the rapid progress of the Cheonwoo Faction's strike teams, surprising even their allies with their efficiency and speed in combat and movement.
    • The chapter concludes with the characters reflecting on their roles and the weight of their decisions in the larger context of the ongoing conflict and warfare
    • The chapter opens with characters discussing the movements of the Cheonwoo Faction (천우맹) and their strategic decisions.
    • The group is concerned about the potential consequences of Cheonwoo Faction's actions, fearing it could lead to their downfall.
    • Discussion about the faction's history of unusual tactics and the minimal consequences of their previous actions.
    • The conversation shifts to the control of the situation, with speculation about whether the head of Cheonwoo Faction, Hwasan Swordmaster Cheongmyeong, is either foolish or no longer in control.
    • The group agrees that the current situation is precarious and different from past events.
    • The scene then shifts to Jang Il-so and Ho Gamyung, where Jang Il-so downplays the significance of the faction's moves and focuses on the importance of human decisions in shaping outcomes.
    • Jang Il-so indicates the beginning of a new phase in their plan, hinting at a larger strategy at play
    • The chapter begins with a combat scene, where Cho Geol fights fiercely against enemies, displaying immense strength and skill.
    • There are observations about the relative weakness of their current adversaries compared to previous encounters.
    • Yun Jong concludes a battle and stresses the importance of staying vigilant and maintaining communication with the Cheonwoo Faction.
    • Yun Jong interacts with a character named Chuilgae, acknowledging the complexity of the situation and the importance of being prepared for any changes.
    • The chapter also highlights Yun Jong's awareness of the potential threats from the evil faction, indicating a strategic approach to the ongoing conflict.
    • The narrative shifts to Heukryongwang (Black Dragon King) Jukseongwang, who is eagerly waiting for an opportunity to exact revenge on the Hwasan sect members.
    • He receives a message to proceed with his plan, suggesting an impending escalation in the conflict
    • A child, covered in mud, runs forward but trips and falls, about to cry.
    • A man lifts the child, telling them not to cry and asking about their mother.
    • The man carries the child, protecting them from witnessing a violent scene.
    • The man quickly dispatches two enemies with his sword and continues moving.
    • He finds the child's mother and reunites them, with onlookers expressing gratitude and awe, mistaking him for a divine figure.
    • Meanwhile, the Cheonwoo Faction's leaders face logistical challenges in aiding refugees, dealing with uncooperative merchants.
    • They plan to increase payments to merchants for food and supplies, despite their frustration with the merchants' greed.
    • The chapter highlights the Faction's efforts in establishing relief outposts and coordinating aid, despite challenges and the slow response of some allies
    • A massive black-painted warship, the Heukryongseon, aggressively approaches the shore, instilling fear and awe with its imposing presence.
    • The sight of the ship, marked with a black dragon emblem, causes panic, as it is recognized as the vessel of the fearsome Heukryongwang (Black Dragon King).
    • There's a heated debate among the onlookers about whether to flee or stay, knowing the danger associated with Heukryongwang.
    • Urgent messages are sent to nearby regions for help and to prepare for a potential attack by the Heukryongseon.
    • Heukryongwang is initially doubted to be on board, given his previous retreat and rumors of his demise.
    • The ship crashes into the sandbank, showing a disregard for its own safety, a sign of Heukryongwang's desperation and determination.
    • A dramatic scene unfolds as Heukryongwang personally arrives and kills Baekmyeongae, a significant character, using his unique weapon, a long moon blade.
    • Heukryongwang furiously orders his troops to disembark and launch an attack, seeking revenge against those responsible for his past defeat and humiliation.
    • The chapter concludes with Cheongmyeong, another key character, reading a message about the current situation, reflecting on the unpredictability of the enemy's actions, and preparing to respond to any situation
    • Danggunak enters a meeting room, asking about the situation, indicating its severity.
    • He is informed that Heukryongwang and the Surochae forces have landed in Gangbuk, specifically in Anhui, a strategically crucial area and near the Namgung family's base.
    • There's concern about whether the landing is coincidental or a targeted move against the children deployed in Gangbuk.
    • A debate ensues about whether to recall the children to Cheon U-Mang or face the approaching threat.
    • Danggunak and Hyun Jong consider the implications of retreating, fearing it may appear cowardly and cause internal unrest.
    • Im So-byeong argues against retreat, stating that it would contradict Cheon U-Mang's principles and possibly cause further dissent, especially from the Namgung family.
    • The concern is raised that Namgung Dowi might not comply with a retreat order due to his deep-seated grudge against the Surochae.
    • It's suggested that while others might retreat, Namgung Dowi might seize the opportunity for revenge, potentially escalating the situation further.
    • The chapter ends with a sense of foreboding and uncertainty about the impending conflict and its consequences for Cheon U-Mang's unity and strategy
    • A chaotic and violent scene unfolds as the Surochae forces, likened to a black wave, relentlessly destroy everything in their path.
    • The once-feared Jianggangsuroshipchae has lost its formidable reputation after the defeat of Heukryongwang (Black Dragon King) by the righteous Hwasan Sword Saint.
    • Middle and small factions, previously observing from the sidelines, are forced into combat as the Surochae aggressively hunts down their enemies.
    • A scene of brutal combat is described, with the Surochae displaying merciless aggression and overwhelming power.
    • Heukryongwang appears, demonstrating his formidable strength and instilling fear in his own forces. He emphasizes ruthless efficiency and discipline.
    • The narrative shifts to Namgung Dowi, who calmly discusses the situation with Namgung Myung. Despite the proximity of his father's killer, he remains composed.
    • Namgung Dowi acknowledges the complexity of the situation and hints at the possibility that their enemies intended to trap them all along.
    • The chapter ends with a discussion of strategy and resolve, with Namgung Dowi determined to confront the Surochae and protect the Namgung family's honor and legacy
    • Baek Sang and Baek Cheon are shocked to hear about Surochae's move towards Anhui, fearing the consequences for the Namgung family.
    • Baek Cheon reflects on Namgung Dowi's personality, acknowledging his strength and lack of calmness in the face of enemies.
    • They realize that Namgung Dowi would inevitably head to Jianggang to confront his enemies.
    • Baek Cheon decides to head towards Jianggang, despite knowing it's not their assigned mission, to either aid or dissuade Namgung Dowi.
    • As Baek Cheon prepares to leave, Yun Jong unexpectedly appears, insisting that they must not go to Jianggang and adhere to their original mission.
    • Yun Jong argues for adherence to the instructions from Cheon U-Mang, emphasizing the importance of order and principle.
    • A heated discussion ensues between Baek Cheon and Yun Jong about the correct course of action.
    • The chapter also includes a scene with Jang Il-so, demonstrating his control and influence over his subordinates through a display of power and manipulation.
    • Jang Il-so discusses the nature of authority and control, highlighting the importance of reminding his followers of their place and purpose
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2023
  10. ChungTheSaint

    ChungTheSaint Member

    Nov 25, 2023
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    • The chapter focuses on Baek Sang’s shock and contemplation regarding the conflict between Baek Cheon and Yun Jong, two central figures in the Hwaeum Faction.
    • Baek Cheon and Yun Jong engage in a heated argument about the right course of action, with Baek Cheon insisting on his decision despite Yun Jong’s objections.
    • Yun Jong challenges Baek Cheon’s motives, questioning whether his actions are truly in the best interest of the Hwaeum Faction.
    • Baek Cheon remains determined, emphasizing that avoiding action due to a lack of ability is merely an excuse.
    • The tension between the characters reflects a deeper conflict of principles and responsibilities within the Hwaeum Faction.
    • Yun Jong reluctantly agrees to follow Baek Cheon but expresses his disapproval and concern over Baek Cheon’s decision.
    • The chapter ends with the characters setting off, indicating the complexity and challenges they face in balancing personal convictions with their duties to the faction .
    • Cheongmyeong dashes urgently across a distance, displaying his agility and speed, and arrives at a clearing in a dense forest.
    • He finds the clearing empty and reflects on Namgung Dowi’s actions, understanding his motivations but questioning his judgment as a family leader.
    • Cheongmyeong encounters a surprised Namgung clan warrior and inquires about Namgung Dowi’s whereabouts, learning he has headed to Jianggang.
    • The chapter delves into Cheongmyeong’s inner conflict and understanding of Namgung Dowi’s desire for vengeance.
    • Danggunak and Im So-byeong discuss the situation, noting the stubbornness and impulsiveness of Namgung Dowi’s decisions.
    • They acknowledge the strong influence of family lineage and temperament in shaping decisions.
    • Hyun Jong receives reports of various factions moving towards Jianggang, indicating a potential large-scale conflict.
    • The chapter ends with a sense of impending clash as the factions converge towards Jianggang, with Cheongmyeong and others poised to play crucial roles in the unfolding events .
    • Namgung Dowi unleashes a powerful white sword energy, destroying Surochae’s forces in an unexpected, swift attack under the blue sky.
    • He charges forward, followed by the grim-faced Namgung warriors.
    • Despite knowing the need to conserve strength for the upcoming battle with Heukryongwang (Black Dragon King), Namgung Dowi is driven by an uncontrollable urge to fight.
    • The narrative reflects on the painful memories of the past, fueling Namgung Dowi’s relentless pursuit of revenge against Surochae and Heukryongwang.
    • Namgung Dowi acknowledges his actions may seem foolish but is compelled by a deep need for retribution and justice.
    • The Namgung warriors, motivated by a shared history of suffering and training, fiercely engage in combat using the Cheolgeomsibisik (Iron Sword Twelve Forms) technique.
    • The chapter emphasizes the importance of avenging past grievances and fighting with a sense of duty and honor.
    • The scene shifts to Heukryongwang, who recognizes the familiar sword energy but dismisses the threat, underestimating Namgung Dowi and vowing to eradicate the Namgung family .
    • Dangsoso is alarmed upon learning that the situation involves Surochae, expressing frustration over reckless actions for the sake of revenge.
    • Dangsoso and others discuss the unfolding war, with Namgung and Hwaeum factions engaging Surochae. She urgently requests additional medical support.
    • Despite acknowledging the gravity of the situation, Dangsoso feels compelled to join the effort but is reminded of her critical role in overseeing medical teams.
    • Meanwhile, Chuilgae observes the unexpected involvement of the Hwaeum Faction, expressing disbelief and concern over their impulsive actions.
    • The chapter highlights the Hwaeum Faction’s defiance of orders, underscoring their independent and often reckless nature.
    • Baekcheon, a key figure in the Hwaeum Faction, is described as a leader making significant decisions amidst the chaos.
    • The chapter concludes with the Heukryongwang (Black Dragon King) ridiculing the Namgung warriors’ attempts to confront him, confidently asserting his power despite his injury .
    • Intense energy clashes occur around Heukryongwang (Black Dragon King), affecting nearby warriors.
    • Namgung Dowi is repelled in a clash with Heukryongwang, surprising the Namgung warriors due to Dowi’s enhanced strength.
    • Despite losing an arm, Heukryongwang remains a formidable opponent, demonstrating his enduring power.
    • Namgung warriors are urged not to rely solely on their leader and to engage Heukryongwang themselves.
    • An intense battle ensues, with both sides displaying fierce determination and strength.
    • Namgung Dowi challenges Heukryongwang, rejecting the notion of his father’s inferiority in combat.
    • Heukryongwang, provoked by Dowi’s defiance, unleashes a powerful attack.
    • Despite the overwhelming power of Heukryongwang, Dowi remains determined and continues to fight resiliently, even as he faces immense pressure and danger.
    • The chapter highlights the themes of courage, resilience, and the underdog spirit, as Dowi, despite being at a disadvantage, courageously confronts Heukryongwang .
    • Heukryongwang (Black Dragon King) wields his heavy sword with terrifying speed, but Namgung Dowi’s swift attack penetrates his defenses.
    • Namgung Dowi’s Changcheonsingeom (Blue Sky Divine Sword) strikes Heukryongwang’s side, causing significant injury.
    • Despite being wounded, Heukryongwang counters with a powerful blow, but Dowi stays close, avoiding the full impact.
    • Heukryongwang’s anger intensifies, leading to a fierce exchange of attacks with Namgung Dowi.
    • Namgung Dowi, gravely injured, persists in battle, showcasing his resilience and determination.
    • The chapter depicts a brutal and desperate fight, highlighting the thin line between life and death in such conflicts.
    • Heukryongwang acknowledges the threat posed by Namgung Dowi, reflecting on the latter’s unexpected tenacity and skill.
    • Namgung Dowi’s relentless pursuit, even in his weakened state, impresses and unsettles Heukryongwang, who grapples with the realization of his own vulnerability.
    • The chapter concludes with Namgung Dowi, battered and bloodied, yet unwavering in his resolve to confront Heukryongwang, revealing a deep transformation in his approach to battle .
    • Namgung Myeong reflects in disbelief on Namgung Dowi’s incredible fighting ability, far beyond what he had imagined.
    • As Namgung Myeong combats enemies, he momentarily lets his guard down, reflecting on Dowi’s capabilities.
    • Namgung Myeong re-focuses on the battle, aware that admiring Dowi is not his priority in this moment of crisis.
    • Namgung Myeong and his forces face an overwhelming wave of enemies converging on their location.
    • Simultaneously, reports flood in about Namgung Dowi’s confrontation with Surochae at Jianggang and the involvement of other factions.
    • Dang Gunak, hearing the reports, realizes the extent of the enemy’s strategy and manipulation.
    • There’s a realization that the enemy knew the Namgung family’s likely reactions and had planned accordingly.
    • The chapter explores themes of strategy, prediction, and the complex dynamics between the warring factions.
    • In the end, the leader of the evil faction, Jang Il-so, appears in full regalia, hinting at an ominous and far-reaching plan .
    • Observers from the Gaebyeok faction are startled to see Jang Il-so leading the Sa-Pa faction, dressed in extravagant red.
    • The disciplined and well-organized appearance of the Sa-Pa faction is noted, contrary to their usual disorganized reputation.
    • There is disbelief and speculation about why Jang Il-so, the faction’s leader, would take such a risky position at the front of the army.
    • A sudden and violent attack occurs, with one of the observers being killed and another injured, leading to confusion and panic.
    • Jang Il-so’s chilling demeanor and actions, including sparing the life of one observer, are highlighted.
    • The chapter depicts Jang Il-so’s manipulative and intimidating presence, as he leaves the scene, leaving behind a decapitated body and a severely injured observer.
    • The narrative explores themes of power, control, and the psychology of warfare, as seen through Jang Il-so’s actions and the reactions of those around him .
    • The chapter opens with a scene of intense urgency as Beopjeong reacts to the sudden entrance of Pengyeop, signaling a critical situation.
    • Pengyeop, usually calm, brings alarming news that the Sa-Pae faction has mobilized and is moving north from Zhangjiajie.
    • Beopjeong assesses the situation, realizing the strategic implications of the Sa-Pae faction’s movement towards the northern regions, potentially threatening Hubei and even Henan.
    • The report confirms that Paegun, the leader of the Sa-Pae faction, is at the forefront of the movement, a highly unusual and risky position for a leader.
    • This revelation leads to speculation that Paegun’s actions might be a trap or a deception, given the faction’s notorious unpredictability and cunning.
    • Beopjeong, despite recognizing the potential trap, decides to confront the Sa-Pae faction, understanding the importance of capturing Paegun.
    • The chapter underscores the strategic decision-making and calculations of the martial arts factions, with a focus on the risks and rewards of engaging in direct conflict.
    • The narrative shifts to Namgung Dowi’s intense battle, demonstrating his extraordinary willpower and strength against overwhelming odds.
    • Namgung Dowi is severely injured in the fight, highlighting the disparity in experience and power between him and his opponent, Heukryongwang (Black Dragon King).
    • The chapter concludes with a reflection on the harsh realities of the martial arts world and the importance of survival and resilience .
    • Heukryongwang (Black Dragon King) Jangsegwang’s expression contorts as he faces an unexpected situation, having initially come to the northern regions to annihilate the Hwasan members.
    • Confusion and panic ensue among the warriors as the situation deviates from Heukryongwang’s plan, with Hwasan unexpectedly confronting them.
    • Heukryongwang turns his attention to Namgung Dowi, questioning if he was buying time.
    • Namgung Dowi, gravely injured, confronts Heukryongwang, determined and resilient despite his condition.
    • Heukryongwang, skilled in creating chaos, had anticipated a different outcome, expecting the Hwasan to be more dispersed.
    • Baekcheon takes charge, urging his forces to break through rapidly to save Namgung Dowi from Heukryongwang.
    • Despite the risks, Baekcheon is determined to push forward, with a critical emphasis on teamwork and swift action.
    • The warriors of Hwasan, including Yoonjong and Jogeol, rally together, exhibiting exceptional skill and coordination in battle.
    • The chapter concludes with a unified front of Hwasan warriors advancing towards Heukryongwang, showcasing their collective strength and resolve in the face of adversity .
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2023
  11. ChungTheSaint

    ChungTheSaint Member

    Nov 25, 2023
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    Reading List:
    • Heukryongwang (Black Dragon King) is stunned to see the warriors of the Jongnam faction attacking fiercely, aiming solely at him.
    • Heukryongwang feels insulted and enraged as Namgung Dowi mocks him, even in his near-death state.
    • As Heukryongwang prepares a fierce attack, he's advised to retreat, reminding him of his mission.
    • Despite his reluctance, Heukryongwang lowers his weapon and follows orders to retreat, filled with humiliation and anger.
    • The Hwasan and Jongnam warriors fiercely pursue the retreating enemies, intensifying their attack to break through.
    • Namgung Dowi, severely injured, is carried by Jogeol, showing a mix of determination and despair.
    • Heukryongwang's retreat is seen as a significant moment, challenging his reputation and pride as a feared leader.
    • The chapter concludes with the warriors of Hwasan and Jongnam pushing forward despite the widening gap between them and the retreating Heukryongwang, emphasizing their resolve and the complexity of their situation.
    • Heukryongwang (Black Dragon King) unleashes a powerful attack, overpowering Hyeyeon with his tremendous strength.
    • Baekcheon faces an onslaught from Heukryongwang, evoking a sense of immense danger and aggression.
    • Yunjong intervenes to protect Baekcheon, sustaining serious injuries in the process.
    • Heukryongwang, driven by rage, intensifies his attacks, demonstrating his overwhelming power and ferocity.
    • Despite fierce resistance, the Hwasan warriors struggle against Heukryongwang's relentless and brutal onslaught.
    • Heukryongwang scornfully dismisses the warriors, asserting his superiority and mocking their efforts.
    • The chapter concludes with Heukryongwang's confidence unshaken, as he continues to dominate the battlefield, underscoring the massive challenge the Hwasan warriors face against such a formidable foe.
    • Baek Cheon's face contorts in anger as he battles crazed attackers and a powerful, twisting strike.
    • Despite being accustomed to powerful enemies, he faces a new challenge combining two formidable threats.
    • Baek Cheon fiercely cuts down attackers, but is caught off guard by the Black Dragon King's sudden strike, narrowly defending against it but still sustaining damage.
    • He attacks the Black Dragon King but misses, and the King retreats behind attackers, frustrating Baek Cheon and Jo Gul.
    • Jo Gul insults the Black Dragon King for cowardice, but the King remains poised and dangerous.
    • Baek Cheon realizes their disadvantage as the Black Dragon King is a seasoned and strategic fighter, superior to their past foes.
    • The group acknowledges they must fight together strategically to stand a chance against the Black Dragon King.
    • Baek Cheon takes charge, assigning roles and strategies to his allies, including a defense against the Black Dragon King's powerful attacks.
    • Despite his internal struggles and doubts, Baek Cheon is determined to lead and overcome the challenge with his team.
    • Three harpoons aimed at Jo Gul are swiftly countered by his faster sword strikes, revealing his exceptional skill.
    • Despite facing multiple enemies and harpoons, Jo Gul and Yun Jong show remarkable coordination and resilience.
    • Yun Jong’s swift intervention saves Jo Gul from a perilous attack, showcasing their deep trust and synergy in combat.
    • The duo's relentless assault overwhelms the enemy, demonstrating their formidable combat prowess.
    • The Black Dragon King retreats strategically, realizing the threat posed by their coordinated attack.
    • In a critical moment, their ally, Hyeyeon, joins the fight, using powerful martial arts to support them.
    • The Black Dragon King, facing increasing pressure, attempts a strategic retreat but is unexpectedly wounded by another ally, Yui Yeon-Seol.
    • The chapter concludes with an intense confrontation, highlighting the unity and strength of Jo Gul's group against the formidable Black Dragon King
    • Baek Cheon feels the sensation of his sword piercing through the tough body of the Black Dragon King.
    • Despite being gravely injured, the Black Dragon King remains defiant and launches a fierce counterattack.
    • In a desperate struggle, Baek Cheon and his allies, including Hyeyeon, Jo Gul, Yoon Jong, Yi Song-Baek, and Jin Geum-Ryong, engage in a brutal fight with the Black Dragon King.
    • The Black Dragon King, driven by survival instinct, refuses to surrender despite overwhelming odds and severe injuries.
    • The chapter culminates in a tense moment where the Black Dragon King, still determined to live, attempts to escape even with his grave injuries
    • The chapter opens with a cold silence as Yoon Jong stares at the fallen Black Dragon King, reflecting on the inevitability of death.
    • Baek Cheon helps a weakened Jo Gul to his feet, urging him to stay alert as the battle isn't over yet.
    • The remnants of the Black Dragon King's followers, the Jiangang River Eighteen Bandits, are stunned and terrified at the sight of their leader's death.
    • Baek Cheon's strategic move of kicking the Black Dragon King's corpse disorients the bandits and shifts the momentum in their favor.
    • As the bandits scatter in fear and confusion, the members of Mount Hua Sect regroup, exhausted but victorious.
    • The chapter ends with the group reflecting on the arduous battle and the unpredictable nature of warfare, recognizing the unique challenges posed by the Black Dragon King's cunning and desperation to survive
    • Tang So-So efficiently manages resources and medical personnel to bolster areas with insufficient manpower, particularly in Hebei, despite the absence of the Pang Family from their main base.
    • Tang So-So reveals her strategic acumen in reallocating troops and medical staff, despite the constraints of limited resources.
    • The medical teams, targeted due to their vulnerability, face unexpected ambushes, leading Tang So-So to reconsider their protection strategies.
    • News arrives that the Black Dragon King, Juk Se-Gwang, has been defeated by the Hwasan forces, causing a mix of relief and concern in Tang So-So.
    • Despite the victory, Tang So-So remains troubled about the wounded and strategizes further actions, demonstrating her leadership and responsibility.
    • The chapter concludes with a conversation between Cheong-Myeong and Baek Cheon, reflecting on the aftermath of the battle and the need for strategic delegation of tasks
    • Beopgye urgently commands his forces to move faster, emphasizing the importance of not missing the opportunity to confront the enemy.
    • Despite concerns about their rapid pace leading to exhaustion, Beopgye dismisses these worries, stating that the urgency of battle outweighs the need for complete preparedness.
    • The primary objective is to track down the defeated enemy and prevent them from regrouping and posing a future threat.
    • Beopgye learns that Cheong-Myeong, a key figure, is currently not in the area, indicating that the opportunity to end the war is solely in the hands of the orthodox forces.
    • Hyun Jong learns of the Black Dragon King's defeat at the hands of the younger generation, leading to a mix of relief and surprise.
    • A report comes in about the rapid advance of the orthodox forces, suggesting an imminent clash with the enemy.
    • The chapter ends with the enemy, identified by their distinctive saffron robes, being spotted approaching, indicating an imminent confrontation
    • The chapter reveals the imminent confrontation between the Orthodox (Gupa) and the Evil Faction (Sapalyeon).
    • Baek Cheon, Cheong-Myeong, and their allies grapple with the complexity of the situation and the difficulty in predicting the outcome of the impending battle.
    • Despite the urgency and danger, Hyeyeon decides to join the battlefield, acknowledging the challenging emotions involved in facing her fellow monks.
    • Baek Cheon, recognizing the strategic need to remain and deal with potential threats in their current location, entrusts Cheong-Myeong with heading to the frontlines.
    • The chapter ends with Beopjeong, a key Orthodox figure, confidently approaching the Evil Faction's leader, Jang Il-so, signaling the start of a critical battle. Beopjeong’s bold and strategic approach highlights the Orthodox faction's power and determination
    • Thousands gather in a tense silence, overshadowed by the presence of two towering figures: Beopjeong, the leader of the Orthodox faction, and Jang Il-so, the leader of the Evil Faction.
    • Beopjeong confronts Jang Il-so, questioning how much more sin he intends to commit.
    • Despite the gravity of the situation, Jang Il-so responds with laughter and mockery, dismissing Beopjeong’s admonitions and the principles of Buddhism.
    • Beopjeong earnestly offers redemption to Jang Il-so, urging him to recognize the futility of his desires and cease his destructive actions.
    • Jang Il-so scornfully rejects the offer, suggesting that the Orthodox faction's inaction has contributed to the chaos and suffering.
    • The confrontation escalates as Jang Il-so challenges Beopjeong's sincerity and accuses the Orthodox faction of hypocrisy and avoidance.
    • In a provocative gesture, Jang Il-so offers Beopjeong the chance to surrender, promising a bloodless but oppressive rule.
    • Beopjeong, recognizing the inevitability of conflict and the intransigence of evil, prepares for battle, rallying his forces with a powerful cry.
    • The chapter ends with the impending clash between the two factions, as Beopjeong declares their intent to punish the malevolent Jang Il-so and restore peace
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2023
  12. ChungTheSaint

    ChungTheSaint Member

    Nov 25, 2023
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    Reading List:
    • The chapter begins with an intense battle cry from the Shaolin monks, signaling a departure from their usual peaceful demeanor.
    • Fueled by past grievances and injustices, the Shaolin monks, led by Beopjeong, engage in fierce combat against the Evil Faction.
    • The battle intensifies with the Shaolin monks demonstrating overwhelming power and determination, reflecting their long-held pride and honor.
    • The Shaolin monks, along with other Orthodox factions like Pang and Gong, unite to combat the Evil Faction, displaying their formidable strength and martial prowess.
    • Beopjeong unleashes a powerful attack towards Jang Il-so, the leader of the Evil Faction, symbolizing the peak of the conflict.
    • The chapter portrays a dramatic clash of ideologies and forces, highlighting the Shaolin monks' resolve to restore peace and justice in the face of evil
    • Jong Li-Hyeong decisively defeats retreating enemies, feeling a sense of catharsis as he cuts through the Evil Faction's ranks.
    • Reflecting on the perceived weakness of the Evil Faction, he realizes that their fearsome reputation was overestimated and that they are not as formidable when faced head-on.
    • Jong Li-Hyeong grapples with his internal fears and newfound realization, acknowledging the Orthodox faction's real power.
    • He contemplates the significance of victory and recognition, eyeing the ultimate prize: Jang Il-so's defeat.
    • Jong Li-Hyeong's determination intensifies as he resolves to not miss this golden opportunity to achieve glory and validation.
    • He launches into a fierce battle, cutting through the enemies with a relentless and unyielding force, aiming to capture Jang Il-so and end the long war.
    • The chapter emphasizes the individual motivations of the characters, particularly Jong Li-Hyeong's struggle for recognition and validation within the broader context of the war
    • The chapter begins with a shift in the battle dynamics, as the Penga and Gong factions advance ahead of the Shaolin, altering the agreed-upon strategy.
    • Beopgye notices this change and expresses concern, realizing that the original plan is not being followed.
    • Despite the chaos, Beopjeong, the leader of Shaolin, insists on continuing the fight, emphasizing that the goal remains unchanged.
    • The chapter focuses on the intense battlefield emotions, highlighting the relentless drive and determination of the fighters.
    • Beopjeong leads the Shaolin disciples, demonstrating their unwavering commitment and focus on the ultimate goal of defeating Jang Il-so.
    • The chapter concludes with a dramatic depiction of the battle, emphasizing the raw emotions and determination of the characters involved
    • The chapter opens with intense action as characters rush through the battlefield at incredible speeds, overcoming obstacles with agility.
    • Key characters like Yoo Yeon-Seol, Cheong-Myeong, Jin Geum-Ryong, and Yi Song-Baek are seen following closely behind, each displaying various states of exhaustion and determination.
    • The narrative shifts to internal thoughts and concerns about the war's progress, questioning the reasons behind their hurried actions.
    • Despite the apparent advantage of the orthodox faction (Gupa) over the evil faction (Sapalyeon), there's a sense of urgency and a hint that something unexpected might occur.
    • As the characters continue their relentless pursuit, the tension and uncertainty of the battle are palpable, underscoring the chaotic and unpredictable nature of war.
    • The chapter ends with a dramatic moment where a character, despite being severely injured, remains driven by a sense of duty and the lure of achieving glory in battle
    • The chapter opens with a gruesome battle scene where heads are repeatedly being blown off amidst deadly blue flames.
    • Jang Il-so, utilizing his unique martial art, Cheongyeomsalgang, dominates the battlefield, easily countering and overpowering his enemies.
    • He exhibits brutal strength and mercilessness, killing opponents with ease and reveling in the violence.
    • Despite the onslaught, several warriors, driven by either fear or a desire for glory, continue to attack Jang Il-so.
    • The attacks, however, seem futile as Jang Il-so remains largely unscathed and undisturbed, even as he inflicts deadly wounds on his assailants.
    • The chapter concludes with a sudden, powerful intervention by a figure from Shaolin, characterized by a golden aura and the chant "Amitabha Buddha," indicating a dramatic turn in the battle against Jang Il-so
    • Jang Il-so, with blood on his lips, faces Beopjeong with contempt and mockery, dismissing the significance of their confrontation.
    • The two engage in a profound battle of ideologies, with Beopjeong embodying the virtues of Buddhism and Jang Il-so representing the pinnacle of the Evil Faction.
    • A fierce physical confrontation ensues, showcasing the immense martial prowess of both individuals.
    • Beopjeong's powerful martial arts techniques, including the "Sky Ascension Technique," are highlighted as he launches a series of devastating attacks against Jang Il-so.
    • Jang Il-so, despite being overwhelmed by Beopjeong's might, displays incredible resilience and counters with his own formidable skills.
    • The chapter ends with both warriors locked in an intense and monumental duel, symbolizing the clash between good and evil on a grand scale
    • The chapter opens with a sense of awe at the impact of Beopjeong's martial arts, leaving a significant mark on the barren landscape, reflecting both immense power and sacred purpose.
    • Beopjeong is recognized as a towering figure in martial arts, leading the Shaolin, a faction where even an elder is considered as powerful as the top masters of other factions.
    • The narrative highlights the uniqueness of Beopjeong's martial arts skills, seamlessly integrating various complex techniques, demonstrating his unparalleled mastery.
    • Despite being visibly battered, Jang Il-so's demeanor remains unfazed, almost indifferent to his injuries, indicating his extensive experience in brutal battles.
    • The chapter depicts an intense and strategic battle between Beopjeong and Jang Il-so, with both fighters demonstrating extraordinary skills and resilience.
    • Beopjeong unleashes a powerful Buddhist martial arts technique, but Jang Il-so counters effectively, illustrating the depth of his combat experience and cunning.
    • The chapter concludes with an escalation in the duel's intensity, showcasing the high stakes and the exceptional abilities of both warriors
    • Beopjeong experiences intense pain, feeling as if his chest is being torn apart, but he can't afford to be distracted by it.
    • Despite the pain, Beopjeong counters Jang Il-so's attacks, aiming to regain control of the situation.
    • Jang Il-so unleashes his powerful martial art, "Changyeomtusal," enveloping himself in blue flames, intensifying the battle.
    • Beopjeong uses the "Arahan God Fist," a powerful technique meant to vanquish demons, but struggles to overpower Jang Il-so.
    • Jang Il-so's relentless assault with dozens of fists and blue energy overwhelms Beopjeong's defenses.
    • Beopjeong feels unexpected, excruciating pain as Jang Il-so's fist collides with his, using a technique that forces Beopjeong upward.
    • Beopjeong's counterattacks, though powerful, are not enough to subdue Jang Il-so, who continues his ferocious offensive.
    • The chapter climaxes with Beopjeong realizing he's been poisoned, despite his attempts to purge the toxin with his internal energy.
    • Jang Il-so's resilience and the realization of the poison leave Beopjeong in a state of shock and frustration
    • The intense collision of forces creates a sweeping impact, reminiscent of a battle among titans.
    • A sword pierces someone's heart, leading to cries of anger and a violent response from comrades.
    • The Shaolin monks engage in brutal combat, with their unarmed techniques proving effective against armed opponents.
    • Despite their strength, the Shaolin monks suffer significant losses, with injuries and deaths evident across the battlefield.
    • Beopgye commands his forces to resist despite the overwhelming situation and high casualties.
    • The formation of the Orthodox forces is extended and vulnerable, exposing their rear to attacks.
    • A critical moment occurs as the Hao Moon sect, previously hidden, suddenly joins the battlefield.
    • The chapter concludes with Beopgye gritting his teeth in determination, acknowledging the difficult situation but refusing to retreat
    • Tan Yuhai, a key character, is intensely focused and anticipating the perfect moment for action.
    • The chapter describes a moment of strategic advantage as Tan Yuhai observes the battlefield, waiting for the right time to strike.
    • Jang Il-so, another central character, is portrayed as having orchestrated a perfect situation for the Hao Moon faction to intervene.
    • The arrival of Hao Moon and Taiyang Palace dramatically shifts the battle dynamics, catching many off guard.
    • The chaos and brutality of the battlefield are vividly depicted, with both sides suffering heavy losses.
    • The narrative emphasizes the strategic foresight and manipulation involved in the conflict, particularly by Jang Il-so and his allies.
    • The chapter concludes with the Orthodox faction, led by Beopgye, facing a dire situation, overwhelmed by the sudden and unexpected turn of events
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2023
  13. krantic

    krantic Active Member

    Jun 15, 2022
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    I love what you’re doing and thank you so much! But maybe consider removing Voldemort’s name from the posts (they might get deleted if you don’t and we lost a lot of good posts here that way) I’m not sure if it still happens but just to be careful

  14. Lillly

    Lillly Active Member

    Aug 6, 2023
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    Omgggg someone is still here :blob_teary: and thank you for the spoilerssss I might have gotten a little crazy after mtl so this really helped thankyouuuuuu so muchhhhhh:aww::aww::aww::aww::aww:
    Steals GimmeAnswersNotSleep’s cookies
    Here take some:cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie:
  15. ChungTheSaint

    ChungTheSaint Member

    Nov 25, 2023
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    Reading List:
    Will be posting up to chapter 1624 today.

    If anyone can get access to raw chapters 1625-1629, DM me.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2023
  16. Wandering Ghost

    Wandering Ghost Active Member

    Jul 31, 2023
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    Also love that youre doing this! But just a heads up, using voldemort’s name could put the site at risk, so just be aware! Thank you so much! :blobsmilehappyeyes:
  17. ChungTheSaint

    ChungTheSaint Member

    Nov 25, 2023
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    Reading List:
    • The Sun Temple Lord, Jinpyeong, observes the chaotic battlefield, reflecting on the challenge posed by Jang Il-so, leader of the Evil Faction.
    • Jinpyeong is struck by awe and respect for the complex situation Jang Il-so has created, recognizing the difficulty and danger of the moment.
    • Despite the critical situation, Jinpyeong orders his forces to advance, demonstrating his resolve to showcase the power of the Sun Temple.
    • A strategic move is requested to surround the enemy, shifting the dynamics of the battlefield.
    • Peng Yeop, facing criticism and guilt for the situation, takes responsibility and vows to protect his followers, emphasizing his role as the leader of the Peng Family.
    • Peng Yeop confronts his inner doubts and resolves to continue fighting, despite the odds.
    • The chapter concludes with the Orthodox forces, led by Beopgye, grappling with their dire situation and the realization that the Evil Faction had strategically outmaneuvered them
    • The chapter begins with a sense of desperation and realization as a character struggles to complete a Buddhist chant.
    • This character, presumably a monk, reflects on the futility of his situation and the inevitability of the unfolding events.
    • The chapter highlights the surprise and bewilderment of the character as he tries to understand how his hidden strategic moves were anticipated and countered by his enemy.
    • Jang Il-so, the antagonist, questions the character's overconfidence and strategy, pointing out the flaws and the illusion of control.
    • The character, overwhelmed by the situation, grapples with his inner turmoil and the realization of his own mistakes and miscalculations.
    • The chapter climaxes with a confrontation between Jang Il-so and the monk, filled with tension, introspection, and the unraveling of the monk's strategies.
    • The chapter concludes with a dramatic moment where the monk realizes his deep inner conflict and the consequences of his actions, symbolized by the eruption of internal injuries and the overwhelming presence of Jang Il-so
    • The chapter begins with a poignant reflection on death and its inevitability, especially for the character Beopjeong, who is aware of his advancing age.
    • Beopjeong grapples with agonizing pain and internal turmoil, questioning his life's desires and the pursuit of Shaolin's glory.
    • Jang Il-so approaches Beopjeong, suggesting that dying by his hand might be a less harsh fate compared to living with the consequences of defeat.
    • Beopjeong, unable to perform Buddhist rituals due to his weakened state, reflects on the failure and the burden he has placed on his shoulders.
    • In a moment of bitter irony, Beopjeong acknowledges that his death might be a relief compared to the disgrace of surviving this defeat.
    • An intense and desperate battle ensues, with Beopjeong pushing through his injuries and exhaustion to continue fighting.
    • The chapter portrays the desperate struggle of Beopjeong and his disciples, who have joined the fray to protect him and ensure his survival.
    • Despite the overwhelming odds and his debilitating injuries, Beopjeong remains determined to fight on for the sake of Shaolin and its future
    • The Shaolin monks, amidst the chaos of battle, release their powerful martial arts to protect Beopjeong and Beopgye from the enemies.
    • Despite the fierce onslaught, the monks show unwavering courage, determined to safeguard their leaders at all costs.
    • Yekho, observing the monks' dedication, contemplates the immense value they place on their leader, Beopjeong.
    • The monks, facing inevitable death, accept their fate courageously, choosing to die protecting their leader.
    • The battle scene is intense, with Yekho struggling to pursue Beopjeong and Beopgye, who are escaping amidst the conflict.
    • Jong Li-Hyung, another character, is engulfed in despair and frustration as he faces an overwhelming enemy force.
    • The chapter depicts Jong Li-Hyung's struggle and his feelings of injustice and resentment towards the unfolding events.
    • The narrative concludes with Jong Li-Hyung overwhelmed by anger and frustration, leading to a critical moment in the battle
    • Despite his body being at its limit, Beopgye perseveres, carrying Beopjeong on his back, driven by an unyielding will.
    • Beopjeong, in his tormented state, wishes he could lose consciousness to escape the agony of his disciples dying to save him.
    • Beopjeong reflects on his life, considering how meaningless his survival seems now.
    • He recalls past moments, particularly one involving a junior monk who supported him despite his shortcomings.
    • Beopjeong grapples with mixed feelings about his past, recognizing the significance of these relationships.
    • As Beopgye collapses, he urges Beopjeong to leave him and escape.
    • Despite his deteriorating state, Beopjeong refuses to abandon Beopgye, showing his deep sense of duty and loyalty.
    • The chapter ends with Beopjeong struggling to move forward, embodying a tragic figure of resilience and determination
    • Jeokho feels a chilling sensation as he recognizes his opponent, realizing the immense threat they pose.
    • He contemplates attacking, but realizes it's a futile effort against such a formidable foe.
    • Jeokho decides to retreat, maintaining his pride with a final remark.
    • Cheongmyeong observes Jeokho with a cold gaze.
    • Hyeyeon rushes to the severely injured Beopgye, trying desperately to revive him.
    • Beopgye, on the brink of death, asks about the wellbeing of Bangjang, to which Hyeyeon cannot fully respond.
    • As Cheongmyeong walks away from the scene, he reflects on the aftermath of the battle and the numerous casualties.
    • The chapter ends with Jangilso giving an unexpected command to retreat, leaving the enemy, Cheongmyeong, in disbelief
    • Following an overwhelming victory, the Sapayeon starts to withdraw, making it seem as though their recent achievement was a facade.
    • Hoga-myeong, despite finding it hard to comprehend Jangilso's order, urges his subordinates to hurry, knowing better than to question the command during battle.
    • Jangilso, noticing Cheongmyeong unable to advance, turns away in a provoking manner, as if daring him to attack.
    • Cheongmyeong, filled with a desire to attack but understanding he cannot, is joined by Hyeyeon and Yu Yeiseol in silently observing the retreating enemies and the horrendous scene.
    • Jangilso, picking at his bloodied face, reflects on the challenge Beopgye presented, showing more concern for his appearance than the situation.
    • Taeyanggungju confronts Jangilso about his decision to retreat, expressing disbelief and anger at what he perceives as a lack of judgment.
    • The chapter closes with Jangilso giving Taeyanggungju permission to claim the glory of war for himself, while other factions, including Cheonwumang and two other families, begin to approach the battlefield, increasing the tension
    • Jegal Ja-In of the Jegal family collapses in despair upon witnessing the catastrophic battlefield, filled with corpses.
    • Jegal Ja-In, overwhelmed by guilt and remorse, blames himself, believing that if they had arrived sooner, they could have saved many lives.
    • The desolate scene is so severe that even Muyong Wiking, the leader of the Muyong family, cannot offer any consolation.
    • The chapter captures the intense emotional turmoil of the characters, particularly Jegal Ja-In, who is wracked with grief and frustration over the devastation.
    • In a moment of despair, Jegal Ja-In suggests chasing after the retreating Sapayeon, but Muyong Wiking cautions him against acting impulsively.
    • The arrival of the Cheonwumang group, led by Dang Jun-Ak, only adds to the complexity of the situation.
    • The chapter concludes with a sense of hopelessness and devastation, as the characters struggle to come to terms with the aftermath of the battle and contemplate their next steps
    • Cheongmyeong is overwhelmed by a mix of nausea, anger, and sorrow, but he forces himself to look ahead despite the intense emotions.
    • Hyeyeon repeatedly chants in a trembling voice, unable to contain her emotions.
    • Cheongmyeong, Hyeyeon, and even the usually composed Yu Yiseol are deeply affected by the horrific aftermath of the battle.
    • Hyeyeon, unable to contain her grief and anger, starts digging graves for the fallen with her sword.
    • Beopjeong, physically and emotionally shattered, approaches the scene, eliciting mixed reactions of resentment, pity, and confusion from the onlookers.
    • Cheongmyeong confronts Beopjeong, forcefully making him face the consequences of his actions.
    • Despite his resentment, Cheongmyeong is held back by Hyeyeon, who silently pleads for restraint.
    • Beopjeong, overwhelmed by guilt and grief, finds solace in the face of a deceased ally, revealing the depth of his regret and sorrow.
    • Meanwhile, Jangilso, aware of the situation, reflects on the true nature of war and its devastating impact
    • Hye Bang, observing from Chamhoedong, notices enemies ascending the mountain and prepares for confrontation.
    • The enemies differ significantly in aura from the typical groups in Hanam, indicating a clear and dangerous objective.
    • Hye Bang instructs to evacuate all civilians and untrained monks from the Shaolin Temple, acknowledging their vulnerability.
    • Despite the temple's openness and lack of defensive structures, a mark of pride, this now poses a significant threat to its safety.
    • The Shaolin monks, vastly outnumbered and outmatched, brace for a daunting attack.
    • The attackers, draped in dark red cloth, exhibit an intense, eerie aura, more akin to madmen than warriors.
    • The attackers, presumably sent by Sapayon, force the monks to confront a grim reality and prepare for a dire battle.
    • In a dramatic turn, Baek Cheon arrives, determined to repay his debts and aid his friend.
    • Baek Cheon, along with Jo Gul, Yun Jong, and disciples from the Hwasan and Namgung clans, join the fray, bolstering the defense.
    • The chapter ends with Baek Cheon confronting the Blood Cult leader, setting the stage for an intense battle
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2023
    user028391973 likes this.
  18. GimmeAnswersNotSleep

    GimmeAnswersNotSleep 7 months away from having Nostalgia PTSD Memory

    Jun 14, 2023
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    oh my god thank you for dropping the chapters here.

    .... *Takes out chainsaw* I thank you for giving them cookies but to steal take without my permission..grr-

    Thank you for your hard work! THANK YOU! So sweet of you! Have flowers!:meowflower:+::bloblove::
    ChungTheSaint likes this.
  19. ChungTheSaint

    ChungTheSaint Member

    Nov 25, 2023
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    Reading List:
    • The Blood Cult Leader's eyes reveal a shift from aggression to caution. The Blood Cult members also calm their ferocity, returning to a lifeless state.
    • Baek Cheon assures Hye Bang that aiding each other in crisis is natural, reminding him of Shaolin's past help.
    • Hye Bang is confused about the sudden aid from Cheonwoo Alliance. Baek Cheon vaguely mentions guidance from Baek Ah, causing further puzzlement.
    • Baek Cheon acknowledges that the current situation was unpredictable, and the assistance is based on an instinctual decision rather than a detailed plan.
    • The Blood Cult Leader, after a standoff with Baek Cheon, suddenly decides to retreat, leaving Shaolin without engaging in further conflict.
    • Baek Cheon warns the Blood Cult Leader to retreat peacefully, threatening to pursue them if they harm civilians.
    • The chapter ends with Cheongmyeong rushing towards Hwasan, driven by a sense of urgency and desperation, indicating a potential new threat or development in Hwasan
    • Jang Il-Soo, after receiving a bottle of wine from Hoga Myeong, reflects on his victory, considering it as just another event, despite its historical significance.
    • Jang Il-Soo discusses the recent events with Hoga Myeong, emphasizing that the outcome wasn't about who was superior, but about a larger strategy.
    • Jang Il-Soo acknowledges that he did not know about the exact arrival of the Moyong and Jegal clans and the Cheonwoo Alliance, and his decision to retreat was not based on precise information but rather a strategic choice.
    • Hoga Myeong is told that Jang Il-Soo believes Cheongmyeong's presence and influence are the key factors in their ongoing conflict, and that forcing him to defend multiple fronts is an effective strategy.
    • Jang Il-Soo reveals his intention to give Cheongmyeong a tough choice between various locations to defend, including Shaolin and Hwasan.
    • Over a hundred riders are seen rushing across a wasteland, ready to attack Hwasan and cause destruction before Cheongmyeong's arrival.
    • Cheongmyeong, arriving at Hwasan, is confused and bewildered to find it peaceful, not understanding why the enemy did not attack as expected
    • The chapter opens with a scene focusing on the Dalai Lama, who is seen contemplating the broken Vajra Bell, symbolizing deep sorrow and the inevitability of certain events.
    • Hoga Myeong witnesses a horrifying scene, a large, blood-stained wasteland, devoid of any human traces except for some clothing scraps and flesh pieces.
    • Jang Il-Soo, witnessing the aftermath, is shaken by the annihilation of his elite forces, realizing the extraordinary and incomprehensible power that caused it.
    • A survivor, Hong Gyun, is in a state of shock, unable to process or explain what happened. His breakdown and subsequent death illustrate the traumatic impact of the incident.
    • Jang Il-Soo, grappling with a mixture of emotions including disbelief, horror, and a sense of helplessness, realizes the futility of his actions against an overwhelming and unknown force.
    • The chapter ends with a mysterious figure, walking barefoot through the grass, headed towards an unknown destination with a vacant expression, symbolizing a journey of realization or destiny
    • Different factions, having contrasting views, struggle to have a unified discussion due to time constraints.
    • Tensions arise among the leaders, with some mocking each other and questioning each other's motives and standings.
    • Hyun Jong, the leader of Cheonwoo Alliance, firmly addresses the issue of pride and responsibility, urging everyone to focus on the current crisis.
    • Baek Cheon and Namgung Myeong arrive at the meeting, having hurried from Songshan.
    • Cheongmyeong questions why they couldn't assist Shaolin in time, demanding an explanation for the delay.
    • Jegal Ja-In reveals they were intercepted by over a hundred masked experts of considerable skill, preventing them from aiding Shaolin as planned.
    • The chapter ends with Cheongmyeong's deep concern and contemplation over the situation.
    • Doubts are raised about a mysterious group of over a hundred masked experts who blocked the factions' movements.
    • The factions question why these experts, presumably from the evil sects, would need to hide their identities.
    • Speculation arises that these experts might be known figures to the factions, suggesting a possible betrayal.
    • The factions are shocked by the suggestion of a betrayer among them, but cannot identify any suspects.
    • A masked individual seeks an audience with the faction leader, Hoga Myeong, hinting at a hidden agenda and hinting at broken promises.
    • The chapter ends with Hoga Myeong dismissing the masked individual, indicating skepticism and distrust toward the motives behind the visit.
    • Hoga Myeong, the military strategist, faces dissatisfaction from the Sun Palace faction due to a lack of clear direction after three days.
    • Despite their recent victory, discontent begins to surface within the evil sects, reflecting their volatile nature and dependence on Jang Il-Soo's leadership.
    • Jang Il-Soo is found intoxicated and affected by dream-inducing incense, indicating a troubled state of mind.
    • Hoga Myeong confronts Jang Il-Soo, urging him to resume his duties as many in the sects are becoming restless.
    • Jang Il-Soo, initially unresponsive, eventually acknowledges the need to act and requests to be left alone.
    • The chapter ends with Jang Il-Soo haunted by visions of destruction and a mysterious figure, suggesting an impending sense of urgency and crisis.
    • The leaders of the righteous sects, feeling the weight of Baek Cheon's revelation about a possible traitor, struggle to continue their meeting.
    • They consider the implausibility of a third-party involvement and deliberate over the characteristics and actions of the mysterious group that confronted them.
    • Jong Li-Gok, the leader of Jongnam, expresses skepticism about the entire situation, suggesting that anyone could be a suspect under the given conditions.
    • The chapter concludes with Cheongmyeong and Baek Cheon reflecting on the situation atop Mount Hwa, acknowledging the heavy scrutiny Cheongmyeong has faced and now Baek Cheon is experiencing.
    • Baek Cheon seeks solitude away from judgmental eyes, reflecting on the burdens of leadership and decision-making.
    • He and Cheongmyeong discuss the aftermath of the conflict, including the situation at Shaolin and the retreat of Hye Yeon to isolation.
    • Baek Cheon acknowledges the weight of responsibility and the impossibility of making perfect choices.
    • He expresses his determination to not retreat from his decisions, despite the uncertainty and potential regret.
    • Cheongmyeong realizes Baek Cheon has matured, showing a deeper understanding of the complexities of leadership and the consequences of choices.
    • The chapter ends with Cheongmyeong accepting his own struggles with the past and resolving to move forward, inspired by the growth he sees in Baek Cheon.
    • Jo Gyeol and Yoon Jong arrive at Hwaeum, with Jo Gyeol exhausted from the journey and complaining about the urgency and necessity of their trip.
    • Yoon Jong reflects on their role, suggesting that even if they can only serve as a "straw bag" in the grand scheme, their presence could provide support or comfort to others.
    • A summons for another meeting is delivered, this time requested by Cheongmyeong, now the Chief Administrator (Chongsa) of Cheonwoo Faction.
    • The chapter highlights the shifting dynamics and influence of Cheongmyeong within the Cheonwoo Faction, even over senior faction leaders.
    • Yoon Jong advises the faction leaders to respond to the summons quickly, indicating a change in the faction's dynamics where even high-ranking members must heed the call of the Chief Administrator.
    • At the meeting hall, Je Gal Ja In shows frustration over Cheongmyeong, a young member of the Cheonwoo Faction, controlling the meeting.
    • Cheongmyeong rebukes latecomers, including high-ranking members, causing tension.
    • Cheongmyeong defends the presence of junior members from Jong Nam, highlighting their firsthand experience of recent events.
    • A debate arises about the significance of identifying a traitor within the faction, with Cheongmyeong downplaying its importance.
    • This perspective infuriates Je Gal Ja In, leading to a heated exchange.
    • Cheongmyeong subtly shifts the conversation's focus, leaving the attendees in suspense.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2023
  20. ChungTheSaint

    ChungTheSaint Member

    Nov 25, 2023
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    Reading List:
    • Cheongmyeong questions the importance of identifying a traitor within the faction, causing confusion and frustration, particularly for Je Gal Ja In.
    • A discussion ensues about the best way to counter an unpredictable attack, leading to various perspectives from the faction leaders.
    • Cheongmyeong suggests changing their approach by dismantling the faction's existing boundaries and defenses.
    • He emphasizes that their unity as a faction, with many minds working together, is crucial to overcome challenges.
    • Cheongmyeong's cold and determined demeanor reflects the severity of the situation and the need for a drastic change in strategy.
    • Cheongmyeong asks Je Gal Ja In why his faction lost, leading to a discussion on the failure of coordination and individual ambitions.
    • Cheongmyeong argues that while individual desires and characteristics cannot be changed, organizational boundaries can be dismantled.
    • He suggests that the factional divisions within Cheonwoo-maeng, such as names and affiliations, should be removed to create true unity.
    • This radical idea stuns the room into silence, but Baekcheon, witnessing this, cannot help but laugh, acknowledging it as a typical Cheongmyeong solution.
    • Cho Gyeol and Yun Jong discuss the radical proposal made by Cheongmyeong to dismantle the boundaries between different sects within Cheonwoo-maeng.
    • They reflect on Cheongmyeong’s tendency to make bold changes and how it has affected their sect, noting his evolution from being more self-assured and assertive to considering others' positions and being more reserved in his approach.
    • Cho Gyeol decides to support Cheongmyeong’s plan, seeing it as an interesting and necessary change, despite Yun Jong’s reservations.
    • The chapter ends with Yun Jong reflecting on Cho Gyeol's observation that he himself has become more cautious and less adventurous, resembling other sect leaders.
    • Cho Gyeol, feeling the tension in a room with other sect leaders, eagerly awaits Cheongmyeong's arrival.
    • The leaders discuss the feasibility of Cheongmyeong's proposal to dissolve the boundaries between sects. They acknowledge its difficulty, given the unprecedented nature of such a change.
    • They compare the proposal to the historical formation of the "Moorim-maeng" under extreme threats, but recognize that current circumstances are more complex.
    • Cho Gyeol questions the effectiveness of the proposal, while others like Lim So-byeong express skepticism, considering the lack of mutual trust and understanding among the sects.
    • The chapter ends with Cheongmyeong visiting Jong Li-gok, the Great Elder of Jongnam, for a crucial discussion, indicating a potential collaboration or understanding between them.
    • Cheongmyeong and Jong Li-gok, the Grand Elder of Jongnam, have a tense meeting. Cheongmyeong, representing Hwasan, seeks Jongnam's full cooperation beyond mere compliance.
    • Jong Li-gok expresses skepticism, highlighting the inherent nature of people to create boundaries. He sees the proposal as futile and unrealistic.
    • Cheongmyeong confronts Jong Li-gok about past betrayals and seeks acknowledgment and apology for wrongdoings against Hwasan.
    • Jong Li-gok refuses to admit any wrongdoing, stating that their actions were necessary choices and refuses any deal of guilt or atonement.
    • The meeting ends with unresolved tensions, as Cheongmyeong realizes he may never understand or forgive Jongnam's actions.
    • Cheongmyeong and Jong Li-gok, the Grand Elder of Jongnam, continue their intense discussion.
    • Cheongmyeong confronts Jong Li-gok about past actions, emphasizing that he cannot acknowledge or repent for them, as they were not his choices.
    • Jong Li-gok admits he feels bound by decisions he did not make and is conflicted about inheriting this legacy.
    • Cheongmyeong urges Jong Li-gok to break the cycle of hatred and avoidance, acknowledging that he too struggles with these feelings.
    • Jong Li-gok is left alone, reflecting on the weight of his role as Jongnam's Grand Elder and the conversation's implications.
    • Cheongmyeong returns to the meeting after being absent overnight, joining the other clan leaders who are already gathered.
    • Maeng So expresses his opposition to Cheongmyeong's proposal, citing a lack of trust and the persisting divide between their clans and the rest of the Central Plains.
    • Seol So-baek from Bingham also shares similar concerns, agreeing to Cheongmyeong's proposal only under certain conditions.
    • Dang Gun-ak, however, voices his support for Cheongmyeong's plan and offers to step down from his position as Vice-Chief of Cheonwu Federation for fairness.
    • The atmosphere is tense as the various leaders weigh in on the proposal, with the focus on building trust and breaking down barriers.
    • The chapter ends with the unexpected arrival of Jong Li-gok, adding a new layer of uncertainty to the ongoing discussion.
    • Namgung Dowi, recovering from his injuries, expresses discomfort at being treated by Dang Soso, who reassures him of her duty as a healer.
    • Despite Namgung Dowi's concerns about the ongoing conflict and his desire to return to the battlefield, Dang Soso insists on the importance of healing and not rushing recovery.
    • Namgung Dowi reflects on his and Dang Soso's growth and change, acknowledging that their experiences have reshaped their perspectives.
    • The chapter concludes with a scene involving Hyebang and Beopjeong at the Shaolin Temple. Beopjeong, who has returned in a disheveled state, is welcomed back by Hyebang, who reminds him of the guiding light of Buddhism in life's hardships. Beopjeong, moved, enters an indefinite period of seclusion for self-reflection.
    • The atmosphere in the meeting is tense as Jong Li-gok arrives, with everyone's reaction being uncertain due to his influential position.
    • Jong Li-gok sits quietly without giving a clear stance on the discussion, causing mixed reactions among the attendees.
    • There's a division in the meeting, with several factions opposing Cheongmyeong's proposal, and only Sacheondang supporting it.
    • Jong Li-gok suddenly takes control of the meeting, suggesting that those who agree with Cheongmyeong's views should follow Hwasan, and those who don't should form a new alliance. This proposal effectively divides Cheongmyeong's support.
    • In a surprising turn, Jong Li-gok decides to step down as Jongnam's leader and support Hwasan's cause, leaving everyone in shock.
    • The meeting is shocked by Jong Li-gok's declaration to support Hwasan, leading to a stunned silence.
    • Jong Li-gok's decision to align Jongnam with Hwasan and step down as leader is unprecedented, given the historical rivalry between the two factions.
    • Mo Yong-ui-kyung first reacts, expressing disbelief and questioning Jong Li-gok's decision.
    • Jong Li-gok explains his choice as a sacrifice for the greater good, accepting ridicule for the safety of his disciples.
    • Following this, other leaders, including Je Gal-ja-in of Sacheondang and Namgung Myeong, also declare their support for Hwasan.
    • The meeting concludes with the majority of factions agreeing to align with Hwasan, marking a significant shift in the political landscape of the martial arts world.
    • Mo Yong-ui-kyung is shocked as the situation unfolds unexpectedly, with factions aligning with Hwasan.
    • Jong Li-gok's decision influences others, leading to an unexpected shift in alliances.
    • Seol So-baek of Bukhae Binggung, after thoughtful consideration, decides to align with Hwasan, setting aside his personal reservations.
    • Other leaders, including Maeng So of Namman Yasoogung, express their support, acknowledging their debts to Hwasan and Sacheondang.
    • Maeng So emphasizes the importance of proving their worth and dedication, not just for Hwasan but for their own pride and historical legacy.
    • The chapter ends with a powerful declaration from Maeng So, vowing to prove the courage and spirit of Namman Yasoogung with their actions and sacrifices.
    • The chapter highlights the complex interplay of past actions and current decisions.
    • Jong Li-gok addresses historical grievances between Jongnam and Hwasan, highlighting the depth of past wrongdoings, including neglect during Hwasan's time of need and attempts to steal Hwasan's martial arts techniques.
    • His confession brings a heavy silence over the gathering, acknowledging Jongnam's misdeeds and his personal responsibility.
    • Jong Li-gok deeply bows to Hyun Jong of Hwasan, expressing profound regret and asking for punishment for these past actions, signifying a heavy burden of guilt and a desire for atonement.
    • Jong Li-gok reflects on his actions and the future of Jongnam while atop Mount Hwasan, a place once distant and daunting to him.
    • He and Cheongmyeong share a candid conversation about Jong Li-gok's recent confessions and their implications.
    • Jong Li-gok acknowledges the weight of his responsibilities and seems prepared to bear them for the betterment of future generations.
    • A past conversation between Jong Li-gok and Hyun Jong is recalled, where Hyun Jong, despite no longer being the current leader of Hwasan, speaks with Jong Li-gok about atonement and responsibility.
    • The chapter concludes with Jong Li-gok feeling a sense of clarity and acceptance about his role and the path ahead for Jongnam, finding peace in his surroundings and the decisions made.
    • Yun Jong and Jo Geol feel intense pressure and tension, reflecting on the gravity of the situation involving Jongnam and Hwasan.
    • A conversation occurs where Jongnam's past wrongdoings against Hwasan are acknowledged, and the responsibility for these actions is discussed.
    • Baek Cheon, representing Hwasan, dismisses the need for a formal apology from Jongnam, suggesting they make amends by contributing positively to the world instead.
    • Jin Geumryong, internally conflicted, ultimately agrees with Baek Cheon’s perspective but feels that Jongnam must continue to make amends over generations.
    • The chapter ends with Jin Geumryong's realization that his approach must evolve, and he accepts the need to follow in Baek Cheon's footsteps, focusing on redemption and long-term atonement for Jongnam’s past actions.