Spoiler About Ascendance of a Bookworm

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Yumika12345, Mar 16, 2017.

  1. Inai

    Inai Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2016
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    I don't hate Wilfred but still don't like him :blobpensive:
    I totally understand where he is coming from and why he is like this, I mean he was doted all too much by his grandma and never had to think about other people, which is why he can be tactless and not aware of his surroundings, Charlotte grew up knowing her Grandma hated her and so she was more wary of her surroundings, and different from him as well Sylvester had Georgine who rather wished him dead and the presence of Ferdinand as well. I young tree may grow up crooked if not placed right after all, but he is still a good boy and I know it.
    Only, every time I read the newest book that came out of Honzuki he always does something that makes me raise my eyebrow to the sky....:notlikeblob:
    I found some cute pics to share with you guys
    Shoooo adorable!!!:bloblove:
  2. saix2

    saix2 I'm seeing things

    Apr 28, 2020
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    A shift in politics in Ehrenfest. Its about time they ( Sylvester's family) become neutral faction again in my opinion but not in a tyrannical way or dictatorial way. They have to control the Old Leise and Old remnants of Vero. I think Charlotte as interim is a good idea as they heal their old wounds. When the transitional period is over and Melchior enters in the future I think there will be a sense of Unity again since the current orphans after the purge will only be less influenced by their seniors. Nicolaus being Knight Commander in the future is a good idea to this. Although Lamprecht is old Vero, his family is next in line in Alexandria collateral branch as well (Cornelius, Eckhart) so I think there will be no problems of bullying of Old Leise to him. And his kid has the blood of the old Ahrensbach nobility. So you shouldnt worry about Elvira's (1st wife) position. If I have to guess since in fb8 the author already told us that the foundation is heavily tinted with Royal blood then my Melchior being Zent in the future might be already debunk but who knows . I still think the most reasonable consort for Melchior is Letitia.

    For Wilfred I like how the author is experimenting at him. Its a natural occurence once you gain your freedom of choice again. Mistakes, miscommunication are meant to happen and its very realistic. You cannot give a full 360° improvement to this character since it is only almost half a year since 5-12 (ended in summer).

    And my opinion on Hanne5th ch30, nothing much has happened I think coz most people already theorize if Ortwin is not there to court, he is there for revenge.
    Callumcortes and Jukki like this.
  3. animegeeker

    animegeeker Active Member

    Jun 26, 2021
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    So I know that Georgine is going to die and Letzia is going to live, but what happens to Detlinde and Alstede? Are they executed or imprisoned? I know Alstede has a daughter and personally-wise is just caught up in a bad family.
  4. teal08

    teal08 Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2021
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    Not only that, Rozemyne basically have soft spot towards those who are younger than her including Hildebrant, Melchoir, Kamil & Leticia while she expects Wilfred to be more responsible & mature since he claim to be the 'older' brother for her. She also sees the hard work and reward or praise accordingly like the effort & growth of Melchoir (she also comforts him when Melchior was feeling guilty & responsible for what happened to the temple when it was attacked). Same goes for Leticia even if they are far away (even from another duchy) & having very few chances to interact :blobpats::blobuwu:

    Both are imprisoned (since they promised the gods not to kill anyone) but the medals were broken so they can't use the staff anymore & they can't return to their own duchy (I'm not sure if they still have the noble rings though)
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2023
    Callumcortes likes this.
  5. teal08

    teal08 Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2021
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  6. kaedeyuuki

    kaedeyuuki Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2019
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    I use the Send to Kindle feature to send the drm free epub I buy off JNC to be able to read it in my Kindle. I prefer to buy straight from JNC because I also have a Kobo ereader and it'd be expensive to buy separately.
  7. RennasS

    RennasS Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2016
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    I re-read Part5-Vol7 again about Myne’s mana color but still confuse.
    They said that she had the same mana color as Ferdinand cos she has Mark of Ewigeliebe.

    But I still it seem weird.
    Let say that Ferdy born with mana type F0, then after learnt the name of gods his mana became F1.
    Myne was dyed by Ferdy so isn’t her mana became F1 too? And after learn the name of god hers should became F2.
    But it seem like her was dyed into F0 instead and got F1 after learning gods’ name.
    Why is that? It’s seem like author just want to force killing flag for dramatic purpose.
  8. YumenoJigen

    YumenoJigen Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2022
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    This is from what I understand.

    The names of the gods are associated with mana types since each person hears different names.
    In the proper curriculum, one would obtain their schtappe in their last year, after the divine protection AND learning the names of the gods specific to the person all according to the one shtappe per person rule.

    Myne was dyed with F1, since Ferdinand had already learned the names of the gods, but she doesn't have the knowledge associated with it.
    Now, the order of things is reversed. Myne obtained the shtappe at F1, so she was taught the names of the gods associated with the F1 mana type, the same that Ferdinand heard.
    IF she had first learned the names. then: same mana + same names = same person. Since F1 (Ferdinand) has already received a shtappe, F1 that came later (Myne) could not receive a new shtappe.
    kiara8, Callumcortes, RennasS and 2 others like this.
  9. ichigofanz

    ichigofanz Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2016
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    AFAIK, correct me if I'm wrong.

    Rozemyne's 'mana engine' is completely dyed by Ferdinand because she have the Mark of Ewigeliebe.

    Let's say Rozemyne's original color as a devouring is transparent ochre (since devouring children influenced by their duchy color), in a perfect world, she'll have to pray a lot and get blessings to form her own color, but in this case, when she have the Mark of Ewigeliebe, that is a clump of hardened mana near her mana producing organ, Ferdinand completely dyed her, and so, her mana organ is dyed as well. From that point on, the mana she produced is the same color as Ferdinand, even after the mana clump dissolved.

    After that, she got dyed by the gods, but she didn't have the Mark of Ewigeliebe anymore by then, her mana organ is still the same color as Ferdinand, but since human can't dye gods color, plus she is a devouring children and have a very flexible mana that can easily be dyed by others, she can't return to her previous color, and need Ferdinand to help redyeing her. I think this is discussed in Q&A in the latest fanbook.

    Anyway, by that logic, Rozemyne is doomed to have Ferdinand's color because her mana organ is completely dyed, also the author stated that her mana will always be 'weaker' than Ferdinand, I think this also reflected at P3V3 Epilogue (Eckhart POV), Ferdinand said that he can redye the material gathered by Rozemyne and was so excited about it, Eckhard less so, he just know that materials dyed by others usually can't be redyed by other person, but he's not a researcher and can't understand Ferdinand excitement LMAO.
    kiara8 and Callumcortes like this.
  10. saix2

    saix2 I'm seeing things

    Apr 28, 2020
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    As from what I understand from fb8 to give us consolation about their almost identical mana. The author told us even though they have almost the same mana sig, the last event in 5-12 the draining of mana by various gods will affect her. There will be remnant mana from them. So Rozemyne mana sig will be slightly different now. Maybe 99/1 (Fer/Gods) to create a distinction. Just dont forget the plot line of 5-11 that she tried shedding 1/4 and 1/2 of it but the mana of the Gods recovered the next day. So anything beyond 1% I think is dangerously fatal for her. That is why in 5-12 without that info before, Author or any Lesser God can finally tell the difference between Ferdinand and Myne. Off course the magic ink is an exception.


    The reason they needed the synchro potion in cd9 or 5-10 (copy paste) is becoz author told us in fb8 that the mana from Sigizwald amulet has slightly influenced/altered her mana. That is why there is a danger toned message in the last fb8 that rewinds back till part 2. The Slave contract will still work againts devourings like her. Regardless if she was adopted by that magic tool or not.

    So I believe this is not the last fanbook yet becoz of so many warnings. If she is really continuing or not. Author should have stop, but she expanded new things again.

    In the upcoming days I'll be able to read 5-12 but in mtl format only. From her announcement of 30% new content she just told us the other day it will be almost 50% new content.

    Let me share you an edited HQ pic of Myne's evolution through the years. I grab this from the ads I get from fb8. (This is not part of fb8, this is an ad attached on fb8). I heard some epubs provider don't have this. IMG_20231128_190240.jpeg
    I don't know if this is gonna be part of YS artbook Liberstella. So this is just gonna be here since I just ommited the Ad part.

    I reread that part but there was a scene in LN when Ferdinand came back and he look at Hartmunt. Hartmunt was very angry until he gets his composure back. Thats the scene where they stormed the temple.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2023
  11. Mintsiroot

    Mintsiroot Member

    Feb 18, 2023
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    The gods affected her mana organ and since gods are more powerful than humans, Ferdinand can't completely redye it again.

    If the gods didnt affect Rozemyne's mana organ and Ferdie dyes it again, they'd basically be the same person (or that of a parent/child) and isn't eligible for marriage (mana-wise). They can't sense each other cause of the similarity which is the most important part of marriage.
    teal08, Callumcortes and saix2 like this.
  12. saix2

    saix2 I'm seeing things

    Apr 28, 2020
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    Here is the scene
    Hartmut was seen asking with a good smile while a scream came out from Emmanuel, who was covered in blood. Prince Anastasius and his guards tried not to let him see me, but as soon as they saw me, they screamed.
    “Ferdinand, stop Hartmut! Enough is enough!”
    I frowned at the voice of Prince Anastasius, who seemed to have never even interrogated a prisoner. I don't have time to deal with Hartmut, but do you know?
    “We have no choice but to move in Prince Anastasius’ favor. Instead of stopping Hartmut, Prince Anastasius, please cooperate with me.”
    “It seems like we are already cooperating sufficiently?”
    I'm saying this because I have no intention of letting him escape, but while muttering this in my mind, I talk to Hartmut.
    “Hartmut, let’s put that aside and discuss with Curtis the inauguration of the new Chant and the Temple of Oblationary Dance.”
    “It’s Rosemine’s offering dance, right?”
    "Yes. It is also an important ritual in which the incarnation of Mestionora bestows Gurutrisheit on the new Chant. “If you are in charge of conducting the ancestral rites, communication with the central shrine will be essential.”
    “How wonderful! “Pray to God!”
    Hartmut stands up and prays to God as if kicking Emmanuel. When I pushed Curtis, who flinched at the sight, towards Hartmut, I told Heischitze, “Give Emmanuel the healing potion so that he doesn’t look bad,” and ordered Eckhart to cleanse the dirt around him with Bashen.
    Now even the delicate prince won't complain. I took out the Gelvaggio medal from the small box.
    “Then Prince Anastasius, this way…”
    “Oh, yes. While you were in that room, Oldonants came from Melgilt. “It is said that there was an inquiry from Giretsenmaier that the border gate was glowing.”
    Gelvaggio has already begun supplying horsepower to the border gate. Gelvaggio has a lot of horsepower. We don't know how long it will take to supply. I quickly held out Gelvaggio’s medal.
    “Prince Anastasius, hurry and destroy this.”
    kiara8, YumenoJigen and Callumcortes like this.
  13. YumenoJigen

    YumenoJigen Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2022
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    I see... so Hartmut did start to... interrogate Immanuel. The eye-gouging detail must be drama cd only. Maybe Hartmut was angry because he didn't get to do all the torture he wanted. And since the Sovereign Temple will come under Eglantine's juridiction, I'm not sure he'll get to finish...
    But we do see Ferdinand's opinion of the royal family keep falling and falling...
  14. saix2

    saix2 I'm seeing things

    Apr 28, 2020
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    I thought I heard a smug sound, but then the door opened. I immediately capture Emmanuel, who comes out in triumph, with a band of light. After taking the key from his hand to close the door, he handed Emmanuel over to Hart Mut.

    “Hartmut, I will retrieve all the keys this man has, and then retrieve the temple hall. Don’t be fooled by fakes.”

    "All right. “In the name of the new director of Ehrenfest.”

    “Yes, according to the report of Eustox who interrogated Brazius, the head of the Central Temple wanted Rosemine as a reward for this cooperation. Please also know how he planned to deal with it. Don’t forget to use the previous magic circle to prevent him from dying.”

    “Please leave it to me.”

    Leaving Emmanuel's interrogation to Hartmut, I turn my attention to Curtis.

    This the moment before that part. So I guess when Ferdinand leaves Hartmunt learned a lot of things Emmanuel will do to his master. I like that Drama CD expanded that. Just shows us, Anas is kinda not capable (inexperience) as well to do dirty work. He and his retainers have to witness what Hartmunt is doing.
    Ferdinand is just too occupied in winning againts Gervagio at this point.
    kiara8, teal08, Mintsiroot and 2 others like this.
  15. YumenoJigen

    YumenoJigen Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2022
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    So while Ferdinand and Rozemyne had questioned Alstede, Justox had questioned Brasius... makes sense.

    Indeed, given what you showed us, Hartmut had the time for more bloody stuff so that anger must come from the things he learned then.

    Ferdinand grew up in a hellscape and made do with much too few trusted people at his side, so he had to do a lot of things himself, including "cleaning up". Hartmut was taught by Ferdinand and Justox (and almost experienced being "cleaned up" himself). Anastasius didn't see much of the purge, I believe his generation was when things were calming down. I could compare it to Gretia and Lieseleta in the refuge of the Library at Ehrenfest while the battle was taking place outside... not far, but still outside. And as a prince, he was protected, and had other people dealing with the aftermath. Rozemyne, Ferdinand and Hartmut are basically teaching them: don't leave the important stuff to others! Do it yourself! Be it getting GH, leading the people on the frontlines to defend your country, or ruling in general.
    teal08, Callumcortes and saix2 like this.
  16. saix2

    saix2 I'm seeing things

    Apr 28, 2020
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    Part 3 Animation is decided
    https://twitter.com/TOBOOKS/status/1732324499410858274?t=qOfXc8khz0A7uYzOfUv2ng&s=19 IMG_20231206_171624.jpg

    Not Eveything, only the parts I'm interested
    (To be deleted)

    Interview (Mtl/ocr only)

    -The book version of ‘Bookworm’s Best of the Best’ is finally complete. Congratulations!

    I am deeply moved that this long story has been completed in book form.

    I was able to reach the end thanks to the support of many readers. Thank you sincerely.

    -Difference between web series and book version

    When serializing on the web, I prioritized the progress of the story with the intention of updating it as quickly as possible.

    So, I only proceeded from Mine's perspective and added in parts that would be difficult to understand unless it was from another character's perspective.

    The rest was written based on requests from readers at the end of each part, so the basics were written only from Mine's point of view.

    When making it into a book, we set the web series as the main stem and branched out to expand the world view.

    There are more parts drawn from perspectives other than Mine, including the prologue, epilogue, and two new short stories.

    In addition, special bonus SS, drama CD bonus SS, etc. were written with the awareness of adding new information that could not be known at the time of Mine in order to expand the worldview.

    -Does the progression of the story change in the book?

    The big trend is the same. However, the web serial ended at the second shortest point in the plot because the animation story came out and became extremely busy as the story reached its end.

    The book was written to fit the longer plot. The main story ended up being longer than I thought, so I couldn't include short stories from other people's points of view.

    > No, I wonder if the sudden ending was due to the animation.
    The first thing is, how abruptly did it end

    -Did you prepare the overall plot from the time you were serializing it on the web and write it accordingly?

    I didn't prepare a few patterns. The entire flow starts from the one set at the beginning.

    As for the way it ends, I feel like there are a few things to consider, including this scene.

    During the web series, there were some parts that I omitted because I thought it would be a waste to get to this point, but they were written in the book.

    Write the story first, based on each plot.

    -Do you decide on the world view and character trends before writing?

    All important parts of the worldview were decided from the beginning.

    Estates and noble houses around Ehrenfest...

    However, the details of Jurgenschmidt as a whole were not determined; the eastern part, including Dankel and Klaasenburg, was detailed, but the western part was vague.

    Who does what behind the scenes of the main character's actions was planned in detail over the two weeks between the end of Part 1 and the start of Part 2.
    It's what I call the middle plot, and it summarizes the minor actions of everyone except Mine.

    -'Bookworm' does not increase its level, and Rosemine itself is the weakest physically.

    The stamina continues to be trash. Is it okay to become strong alone because you won't be able to return to your daily life?

    I wouldn't mind an ending where you become a god and become distant from the world...

    Everything important about ‘Bookworm’ is contained in Part 1.

    -The hook is that Bookworm's Rosemine progresses in book production , and the story of her family is strongly told.

    This is a story that starts from scratch and ultimately recovers precious things.

    >フック:Bait? white lead? What should I say about this? Catchphrase?

    -Is the first part, which strengthens the bond with one's biological family, a prologue?

    Although it is a prologue, all the important elements of the series are contained in Part 1.

    The same goes for the headdress that appears until the end, the relationship with the family, a bit of the story of the gods when they go to the temple, the structure of the world, the business of Benno's group, the meeting with Ferdinand, etc.

    Including those things, the things that are absolutely necessary in ‘Bookworm’ were revealed in the first part.

    So, this is a part that can never be omitted.

    It's kind of the most uncool foundation (mud-smelling thing) production part.

    Almost all of the fundamental parts, including human relationships, ways of thinking in the world, and struggling with different common sense, were found in Part 1.

    -The story seems to have grown again after entering the noble house.

    Parts 1, 2, and 5 were important.
    There was almost no part 3 at the larger plot level. Even if you suddenly go to the Noble House, you cannot learn about noble life or common sense, so there was Part 3 as a prologue to the Noble House.

    The elements that seemed like they would end in just 2 or 3 lines, such as 'getting used to aristocratic life', gradually increased.

    -Perhaps because the content is about female college students, it feels bold for a child. However, even though he is a college student, he is still young.

    Since he is just a demon whose memories of Urano have returned, his roots are children. Since she has all of her memories, she knows how to think like an adult, but her mind itself is that of a child.

    Also, if people around you continue to treat you like a child, you will not become a child and will not be respected. Of course something foolish comes out. There is no need to insist that you have to solve it on your own.

    -Even in the second half, there were parts where I was foolish. Something like a pinch.

    With Ferdinand gone, there is no one to fool around with. He slept for two years as a child, so his mind was still like that of a 10-year-old, but after breaking up with Ferdinand, he never bothered anyone.

    It was barely until I reunited with someone who would do it, someone I could do it with. It's not like I kept making a fool of myself because I felt like I was doing it.

    It's memorable because it's a pretty impressive word because 'kkkook-' appears, but when you actually count it, I don't think the number of times is that many.

    In Part 3, Mine, who was separated from her family in the village below and could not do anything, was acting like a fool to Lutz, her family friend, in Part 3.

    That's why in aristocratic society, it's rare to get scolded by someone.

    It is a side of Mine that is shown only to those who know the situation and those who can be foolish.

    The relaxed, carefree mentality of modern people

    -I would like to ask a question about Mine’s book production. How much did you research book and paper history when writing?

    I did some research. But isn't it strange that Mine knows so much, that it seems as if she came right out of a book?

    My child was in elementary school and middle school, so I started writing with the idea that it would be good to get people interested in history. I didn't want to write such difficult content, so I kept the basics at the level found in the textbook.

    I looked at the middle school world history handbook and researched how much it would be acceptable to pay. It was boring to explain in too much detail, so I made mistakes on purpose.

    The balance was struck so that people could enjoy watching Mine struggle to figure out what to do in a situation where there is nothing at all, while also being interested in history.

    -It's fun to pass down and spread culture alone. But Mine can't do anything alone.

    I don't think it's really fun if you do everything by yourself.

    The same goes for relationships with many people, and there is a limit to what you can do alone, so it expands. Even if the beginning is interesting, isn't it painful to read a novel where the same thing is repeated over and over again?

    In order to move on, it is important to have someone who will continue what you started, so I think who you can entrust it to and how you entrust it to, and who you can entrust it to, are becoming more important.

    -It's more like a epic drama than a epic drama.

    I thought of a few patterns to kill it (as expected from a lower-class character), but the main character shouldn't be killed.

    There was a magical battle with the former temple leader, and the enemy was captured and executed, but if the demon actually killed him, he would not be able to use it as a modern Nihonjin mentality.

    So, because it becomes difficult, I don't ask Mine to commit murder. A dying person appears, but there is no ending.

    -Are there any characters whose presence has increased unexpectedly?

    Hartmut Senne haha.

    Dankelperger's Restirout is also a character created later.

    Lord Dankel and his wife Hannelore were established characters from the beginning, but they were created later to tie in with Hannel. Considering how it started, I think its presence has increased considerably.

    What about Mathias, whose presence has grown unexpectedly?

    He was Mine's guard knight and a close associate of the old Veronica faction, but there was a plot in which he died while fighting his father, Graozam.

    If a close associate dies, Mine's mentality would be at risk, so he survived.

    -There is a scary story about a nobleman in the short story, but it becomes peaceful (のほほん) when it comes to the main story .

    We are trying to create an image of being relaxed and carefree. If you push yourself too much mentally, the sentences will become heavy and difficult to read.

    It was difficult to write about murder or the death of a close person, so there were times when I had trouble writing the sentences after it lightly.

    -In an aristocratic society, if even a small child fails, he or she will be severely punished.

    I'll take it then. That's what it means to be in a responsible position.

    In fact, if you think about how many adults will be harmed by that accident, shouldn't you also be watching the adults around you to prevent that from happening?

    Although it wasn't necessary, the adults around them were also punished for Wilf and Hilde's failures.

    -Optimized for story progression. After that, Ferdinand appears. What is the age gap between you and Mine?

    We are 13 years apart.

    When you become a Rosemine, you lose one year, making you 14 years older as a noble.

    -Ah, the social age difference. Impersonation?

    I'm pretending to be my age because I've been baptized twice.

    -Have you decided what to do with the relationship between Ferdinand and Mine?

    That had already been decided.

    The two people, who had no choice but to embrace their own secrets and live wary of their surroundings in an aristocratic society,
    ultimately wanted to become each other's support as 'the type of family they wanted to have'.

    However, I didn't think romantic feelings were that necessary until I got there.

    You don't need a relationship to become a family. Various affections pouring out to Mine

    -The main story is not about love.

    It's not that I don't like romantic stories. Before writing ‘Bookworm’, I only wrote romance stories.

    However, because of that, I got tired of romanticism, so I tried to write 'Bookworm' without romance.

    Also, if a relationship is established, it is marriage, and conversely, if you are going to get married, there must be romantic feelings... I felt that there was something wrong with that.

    The aristocratic society of 'bookworms' values lineage, so there are many arranged marriages, and I had a feeling within me that romantic feelings were not necessary to become a family in the first place.

    -Rosemaine's lack of romantic feelings did confuse those around her.

    That could be true, but Ferdinand didn't even develop romantic feelings.

    Since I'm a person who wants family love, the last volume feels like whether or not I still have romantic feelings...

    Since I know that's what readers expect, I think it's okay to have a few subtle descriptions, and I
    honestly think it's okay to have a few subtle hints in the description, and since the magic sense has been revealed, if we spend time together, I'll change the direction of those feelings later, but I honestly think there's no need to express them clearly in the main story.

    -Ferdinand and Rosemine have similarities.

    I think it's difficult to be together if we don't have any similarities. There needed to be some commonality, but there also had to be areas where we thought completely differently.
    Still, I think most characters are like that.

    -In this world, Mine has three groups of parents. How did you draw their relationships?

    Modern Japan Urano's mother: I loved her, but there were parts of her that I couldn't see because it was so obvious. Living in this world as Mine, she realizes and regrets how much her mother in her past life loved and cared for her, which made her cherish her family now.

    Günther Effa: I was not too attracted to the sense of Urano and decided to stick to Ehrenfe. The one you need to make you promise that you don't want to repeat the same mistake. A place I want to cherish and return to.

    Carls and his wife: They supported me even though they knew I was from a commoner background. Since she has become the lord's adoptive daughter, it is important for her not to be deeply involved. Mine knows that when she confronts Mine in her hidden room as she leaves Erenfe.

    Archducal couple: They established a relationship with each other, and they respect and treat them well. Inevitably, there are differences from biological children. I also work as a subordinate to my boss, so I don’t get too attached.

    As we reach the completion of the main volume of ‘Bookworm’, what are we looking forward to in future developments?

    -Questions about future developments.

    I have decided to complete the web serial ‘Hannelore Noble House 5th Year’. Also, I plan to write Stories that was not included in ‘Part 5: Incarnation of the Goddess 12’ and release ‘Short Edit Collection 3’.

    I also want to publish a book with a collection of essays. Previous column ‘Library, Books and Me’ and essays published serially on the web

    I've received a few proposals for new series, but I'm too busy to keep my hands full.

    There are also loud voices calling for a sequel to 'Bookworm' to be serialized after '5th Year at Hannelore Noble House'.

    It is a very difficult question whether to give priority to that or to release a new work.

    -It's a disaster for bookworm fans. I thought it was a great invention because it was a story with a reader as the main character, so readers could sympathize with it.


    -Finally, a message to the readers

    Dear readers, please continue reading. Thank you so much for joining us for this long story.

    More than half of the final volume of ‘The Bottom Line of a Bookworm’ is newly written, so please give us a lot of interest.

    Please look forward to future developments, including the spin -off ‘Hannelore Noble House 5th Year’ and the sequel that follows the main story !

    Last post before I go to sleep
    Have a pleasant dreams everyone :)

    <To be deleted or not>
    Drama CD 10 Special SS Mine's Return (front only)

    -Effa pov

    “Come again next time. Of course, with Ferdinand.”

    When I spoke, Mine muttered, “I guess the next time will be at the end of fall.”

    Günter, who was completely drunk, ruffled Ferdinand's hair, saying, "Next time, bring some alcohol."

    ... His expression barely changes, but he doesn't get angry at all even if I treat him arbitrarily like this.

    Dealing with a drunk person is extremely annoying, even for family members, but Ferdinand accepts what Günther does and

    No one here says things like “What are you doing to a nobleman?” This is because he understands that he accepts the commoners’ way of interacting.

    “See you next time, Mine.”

    “Yeah. See you next time, everyone!”

    With a smile on his face and a big wave of his hand, Mine and Ferdinand entered the door that appeared on the wall.

    When the door closed, the door itself suddenly disappeared and became a white wall.

    It was as if the time we had spent together had disappeared and there was nothing left.

    “The wall is gone!”

    Unlike Nana Camille, who was unfamiliar with the nobleman's magic, Lutz and Turi, who were close to Mine, were not surprised.

    “That’s how noble magic works. It’s better to think of it as a convenient power that commoners don’t understand.”

    “I think the magic that just happened was even more amazing. The water suddenly came out and cleaned everything up. It looks comfortable. If I could use it, I would.”

    okay. Before returning, Main and Ferdinand cleaned the dirty dishes and floor using magic.

    I gasped as a baton suddenly appeared in the two people's hands, screamed in surprise as the two people said something and swung it, and water came out from somewhere, and rolled my eyes as the dirty dishes and floor became clean all at once.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2023
  17. YumenoJigen

    YumenoJigen Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2022
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    Hmm... given the way part 2 ended with Rozemyne going to the noble quarter and what was likely Karstedt's estate, I had half expected it. It's good to have confirmation. I wonder if the voice actors will be the same as those for the Drama CDs... clearly not everyone since one person did several characters but maybe some? Or will they change everyone? We'll see.
    The AoB anime always leaves me conflicted. It adds a few things, which is good. Taking the example of part 2, we had scenes of the SS, or stuff that didn't appear in any written media like added scenes about the villains (the head of the ink guild). But on the other hand, it omits so so SO much other stuff! The anime is far too abridged compared to the LNs!
    teal08 and redplatform like this.
  18. raremonkey

    raremonkey Member

    Oct 17, 2022
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    Having Wit do the next part of the anime should really make things look nice. I am really looking forward to it now.
    teal08 likes this.
  19. saix2

    saix2 I'm seeing things

    Apr 28, 2020
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    Screenshot_2023-12-11-00-21-55-383_com.google.android.apps.books.jpg Screenshot_2023-12-11-00-22-35-080_com.google.android.apps.books.jpg Screenshot_2023-12-11-00-23-21-377_com.google.android.apps.books.jpg Screenshot_2023-12-11-00-24-02-672_com.google.android.apps.books.jpg Screenshot_2023-12-11-00-24-46-454_com.google.android.apps.books.jpg Screenshot_2023-12-11-00-25-42-648_com.google.android.apps.books.jpg Screenshot_2023-12-11-00-26-24-707_com.google.android.apps.books.jpg Screenshot_2023-12-11-00-27-07-937_com.google.android.apps.books.jpg Screenshot_2023-12-11-00-27-59-594_com.google.android.apps.books.jpg Screenshot_2023-12-11-00-28-31-398_com.google.android.apps.books.jpg Screenshot_2023-12-11-00-31-53-217_com.google.android.apps.books.jpg Screenshot_2023-12-11-00-21-52-341_com.google.android.apps.books.jpg Screenshot_2023-12-11-00-21-44-871_com.google.android.apps.books.jpg Screenshot_2023-12-11-00-20-23-999_com.google.android.apps.books-edit.jpg Screenshot_2023-12-11-00-20-37-092_com.google.android.apps.books-edit.jpg Screenshot_2023-12-11-00-20-52-328_com.google.android.apps.books-edit.jpg Screenshot_2023-12-11-00-21-09-455_com.google.android.apps.books.jpg Screenshot_2023-12-11-00-21-13-949_com.google.android.apps.books.jpg Screenshot_2023-12-11-00-21-20-865_com.google.android.apps.books.jpg Screenshot_2023-12-11-00-21-32-788_com.google.android.apps.books.jpg Screenshot_2023-12-11-00-21-35-954_com.google.android.apps.books.jpg

    Just edit them yourselves, I'm too lazy to crop them.
    Lots of Add-ons inserted on WN chapters and also the additional content is mostly saying goodbye to Ehrenfest. Inaguration chapter is the best new chapter only fault is the flashback inserted from p1 to p5, telling herself no one will stop her on becoming Aub Alexandria. So if you remove the flashback, that chapter is only short. The prologue is free on every legal ereading site, it looks like the Prologue is an introduction to a new arc if you remove the rest. The Gods just took the payment.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2023
  20. YumenoJigen

    YumenoJigen Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2022
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    hmmm... so many things I gotta translate... well, I got ingredients for wallpapers as well so fine. Wallpapers will wait for strokes of inspiration.
    However, there are a few things I can say now about the longish manga. As you surely guessed, she's trying to embroider his cape... and struggling. But no matter how long it takes, she wants to do it properly since it's ferdinand's cape. He says he'll patiently wait (bringing a lock of hair to his lips) But then Hartmut calls them back to work. And Ferdinand says they were interrupted. The last page is "I'll take a long, long time, and put all my thoughts in your cape."
    I'll also do proper translations at a later time.

    So. Many, including the characters themselves, insist there's no romantic feeling. But don't you think it should grow soon at this rate?
    whether they, and especially Rozemyne, realize it is another matter though. Then again, Ferdinand is consciously flirting with her.... is there anything romantic in his feelings for her? or not? Some things make you think that's really not the case, but there are also things that make you doubt, and believe there is something romantic.... But even if there's nothing now, I'm sure that should change in the future, even if it does take (a lot of) time...