Spoiler Shadowless Night/그림자 없는 밤

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Spoiling Queen, Mar 29, 2021.

  1. strawberry 12

    strawberry 12 Active Member

    Feb 14, 2023
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    Can anyone give the pdf or mlt version of this novel :(
  2. Putu

    Putu Member

    Apr 20, 2023
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    do you know in what chapter Diez/Diego stabbed Rosalyn with a dagger??
  3. cactusnturtles

    cactusnturtles Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2021
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    I am procrastinating right now so let's answer ahaha. Disclaimer, it's been a while since I read the novel. So please correct me if I'm wrong :)

    1. Yes, he becomes the emperor right after the war ended! He also changed the name of the empire to something else (I forgot), but I remember him changing the name of the empire from the last name of the royal family to something else (I think something that means laurel? I'm actually not sure) because he believes that the empire is not owned by a royal family, but the people. I remember thinking it was so cool ahaha. I also remember one scene when the war ended Ricardis and Rosalin went to the throne room and Ricardis sat on the throne. Rosalin kneeled and said something about loyalty, and then well he said something and kissed her. It was a very memorable scene :) Maybe I will mtl it if I have the time. Till the end, even in side story, Rosalin was still a knight. One of the side story mentioned that Ricardis proposed to her family and also some moments where he learns to cook for Rosalin, but that was it, it's just snippets of moments here and there but also some stories about other characters. We never see their wedding, children, or Rosalin becoming an empress.
    2. I don't really remember but I don't think so? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
    3. Super big spoilers! He died :( He was like the first defender of the country when it was attacked and he died along with his army. His principle is to protect the country given that he's a knight, thus he had always followed what the royalty ordered him because he believes that that was the way to be loyal to the country. That's why he also wasn't in any side of the princes, he's in the side of the king. But in the end, he realized he was wrong and well, he died protecting the country. There is supposed to be more of his pov that I really, really like, and I really want to mtl and share it but let's see.
    4. Yes, og! Rosalin died. The remnants of her are probably in the form of her memories left in her body. I wouldn't say that the current Rosalin is the combination of both, because their personality is completely different and I just can't see them as the same person. Of course, the current Rosalin is influenced by og!Rosalin memories and should share some of og!Rosalin personality, but that was it. But that's how I see it and it's really open to interpretation. If you see her as a combination of both, I don't see anything wrong with that :)
    5. Demons are actually humans with magic, that was it. But people are scared of magic and sees it as something bad, thus calling every humans with magic as demons. Magic itself plays an important role because it turns out there's nothing demonic about it at all! It's literally a power, and it's actually necessary for the wellness of the continent :) After Ricardis became president, I mean king ahaha, he starts to normalize the existing magic.
    6. I don't remember? Really sorry aksksks. But really, I remember him not being that significant in the later story, and the focus shifted to Diez. Of course, he still plays a part, but I don't really remember much.

    I hope that helps! Logging in to this site makes me wants to reread the novel, and I might really.

    Actually, same :( she's very loyal to the end and she's actually very hardworking despite not having great talents. I really love her character and sometimes feel that it's really unfair for her.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2023
    Anika Ab, LuwaSeun, elliepot and 4 others like this.
  4. alaskamaze

    alaskamaze Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2021
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    I found the manhwa and read it (is now up to chapter 65) for a day. But I need a spoiler, how did they know/discover that Diez is a shadow too? I mean even shadow!Roselyn seems to never detect it. Also, does Dame Macaron (the eagle/mouse/kitty or whatever they are lol) also couldn't remember their past lives? Or they did remember? But I remember it said that Roselyn is stronger than it. Oh, maybe can I get spoiler for Dame Macaron ending? I kinda envied it
  5. cactusnturtles

    cactusnturtles Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2021
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    Oh! Macaron is actually one of my favorite character as well! I especially loved how it never had any clarification of what gender it is. It just switches back and forth from a human male to female, and I think that spoke loudly of the author's great character building because they don't need a specific gender to base a character on. And I think that's great!
    Anyway, to answer the qs (sorry I got distracted a bit)
    I forgot the details, but Diez killed the first prince (was his name Elpidio?) and so it was revealed that he worked together with the enemy country (was it Balta? Sorry I forgot) to take revenge to Illavenia for the shit they've done to mages 300 years ago. Thus he was deemed as a traitor. I also remember shadow!Rosaline slowly recovered her memories bit by bits and we can actually see what happened on that night in the hunting ground. That was as much as I could remember, but I could be wrong. I will revise when I reread the novel again :)
    As for Macaron, it remembers the past quicker than Rosaline and its stance was that it neither stood by Illavenia nor Balta because it still felt hurt by the massacre by the kingdom 300 years ago and cannot forgive the kingdom. It also understands and is sympathetic towards Diez since they're the same species and it could understand why he resorted to revenge. Regardless, in the end it also just wants to protect Rosaline like a big sister and that's why it participated in the war on the side of Illavenia. But after the war ended, it decides to leave and wanders around all on its own, never associating itself with the kingdom anymore. I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but I think it also said goodbye to Rosaline on the side story, but I forgot whether it's permanent or temporary. Its last scene was when it visited a restaurant as a human male and met another male knight with his family who recognize it (since it transforms and recognized as knight of Illavenia during the war) and thanked it loudly and sincerely for saving him during the war, even though Macaron only remembers him as 'Baldy' lol. I think that was a little bit heartwarming and Macaron was also very touched in a tsundere way :)
    Naerareads, Anika Ab, intiria and 7 others like this.