Spoiler Death Is The Only Ending For The Villain

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by LockedPuppet, Dec 20, 2019.

  1. ANETA

    ANETA Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2022
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    Where can I read summaries spoiler? I try find it in first 15 pages but it's tiresome
    xblu3ang3lx likes this.
  2. AndAllThatYazz

    AndAllThatYazz Active Member

    Jan 10, 2021
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    Haven't found any myself ‍:(
    The thread may not have any
  3. strawberrydaisy

    strawberrydaisy Member

    Dec 26, 2023
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    You guuyysss Eclise was done so dirty. T____T
    I really think Eclise never saw himself as a ML...
    [Eclise knew he and Penelope could never be together romantically and was on the verge of escaping to a different nation but then Yvonne brainwashed him into thinking he could be the ML and made him obsess over FL. ]

    Penelope recognizes when she gives Eclise the magic sword that, like her, everything he does is out of desperation. And Eclise knew that Penelope was desperate too from the moment she bought him. Their actions towards each other are deranged and they both know it. Eclise truly hates Penelope because /her empire decimated his/, and /she bought a slave/. He so badly wants to kill her and go back to his country but he's a slave with nothing and she's a princess with everything.

    He knowingly acts pathetic and begs for her to keep him because it's the most effective way to gain her favor (and access her resources), but the more he does it the harder of a toll it takes on his psych. He feels himself obsessing over her so he tries to distance himself. He asks to train as a swordmaster which makes no sense bc slaves can't have a title, but he just really wants to be her knight so pleaaasseee.

    He gets sent to train at a village away from the duchy... The village just happens to have port where a bunch of his enslaved people are and he somehow he keeps hearing intel about his fallen nation there?? What would a fallen prince do with that? Also, totally unexpected, but the people there are poor, and he can't just ignore that so he can't help but stay in the village longer than he's allowed sorry. Also idk let's just skip some sword training sessions too. Oh wow yes thanks for the giving me resources Penelope, as we are poor slaves. Also unrelated, but some people might be organizing an escape route for slaves via ship. Can you imagine what it takes to prepare for that?? hahaha...

    Penelope knows he's being sus as hell but ignores it and ups her affection to get him past 99%. She knows he's crushing hard on her and she's about to get the hell out of there. Eclise also knows he's being sus at hell and sees that Penelope is excusing his behavior so he progressively escalates his antics to escape with his people. He knows he has something that Penelope wants, and he's about to get the hell out of there.

    Eclise would be able to escape by using Penelope, but Penelope would never be able to escape using Eclise. As successful as Penelope is in manipulating him into loving her, Eclise is fully aware Penelope will never love him back. Which is the last 1%, that Penelope will never be able to obtain.

    Aaaannnd then Yvonne steps in. It's unclear when she comes into contact with Eclise, but I think it's before he asks Penelope to escape with him. Yvonne brainwashes Eclise with magic to be like, no if you give up EVERYTHING you can TOTALLY make her love you, and you'll be the ML.

    The enslaved people trying to escape by ship are caught and executed because brainwashed Eclise snitches on his own people. Brainwashed Eclise doesn't care about his fallen nation anymore because he just 'loves' Penelope so much.

    Y'all he could've escaped and built a new nation. Yvonne drove him insane and he acts wretchedly for the rest of the novel.

    Anyways, I binged the manhwa up to chp 135 and read the rest of the novel starting from the plot of manhwa chp 120ish. AMA
  4. faitherea

    faitherea New Member

    Dec 27, 2023
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    Hi do you have a spoiler about penelope’s real life in there? i mean does she die in the modern world?
  5. strawberrydaisy

    strawberrydaisy Member

    Dec 26, 2023
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    Her Korean body is in a coma and dying of stomach cancer that she developed from overwork. Penelope is given the option to return to Korea or stay in the game. She chooses to stay in the game so her Korean body stays in the coma until the body's death.
    Marane101 and Alanisia like this.
  6. xblu3ang3lx

    xblu3ang3lx Active Member

    Nov 10, 2019
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    Can anyone tell me why I can’t get access on page one to read some links to the spoilers?
    musixl0ve and Murasakino like this.
  7. Alanisia

    Alanisia Active Member

    Feb 20, 2022
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    Hi, Can anyone tell me what the color of the favority bar means?
  8. NotMeeelissa

    NotMeeelissa Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2023
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    I think there were probably posts of this previously but :)

    This is just my point of view, it may vary from person or perspective...

    Callisto (Red) > Romantic Love
    -Genuine, passionate etc

    Vinter (Purple) > Imperfect Love
    -Built on interest, guilt and distrust (always being suspicious)

    Reynold (Pink) > Familial Love
    -Family kind of love, views as sibling etc

    Eckles/Eclis (Dark Red/Black?) > Obsessive/Love-Hate

    Derrick (Yellow) > Lustful Love
    (Very concerning because FL looks a lot like his real sister and is his adopted sister too ) Notice how his favourbility drops when FL calls him brother and Rose when she wore the red dress
    mreowiy, Marane101, o4tmeal and 2 others like this.
  9. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    Koreans love fetishizing slavery so I knew he'd be done dirty ever since marysuenelope bought him.
    datagirl, Naynay3939 and Creolenerd like this.
  10. tangzhaojun

    tangzhaojun New Member

    Jan 1, 2024
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    wait then what ends up happening to him in then end???? Also does that mean he never truly loved Penelope?
  11. strawberrydaisy

    strawberrydaisy Member

    Dec 26, 2023
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    Yvonne makes contact with eclise sometime while he's at the village training and brainwashed him to obsess over FL. (Actual brainwash with an important magical item, I'm not just assuming brainwash lol.) She convinces him the best way to have FL to himself is to get her kicked out of the duchy. That way she'll be out of her abusive household and will have only have him, her personal knight, to rely on. Eclise take Yvonne to the duchy to reveal the ~real daughter~ is alive, so fake daughter FL should get kicked out.
    FL is really fucking angry that Eclise of all people brought Yvonne to the duchy. She feels betrayed because she KNOWS he's at 99% and did everything to get 100%, but instead he brings Yvonne to kick FL out. She doesn't understand Eclise bc it makes no sense- why would living with no resources, title or home be better than the duchy. Eclise says duchy is abusive and vows to kill them. FL gets tired of talking in circles, tells Eclise she hates how violent he is, hates him, and will never associate with again, and abandons him in the duchy prison.
    Sad scene happens where Eclise begs for FL to stay as he usually does to gain her favor, and for the first time, FL doesn't turn around.

    Enters Yvonne again! She visit Eclise in prison.
    Eclise is further brainwashed to rationalize FL doesn't want him because he's a slave with nothing to his name. Yvonne tells him he can change that- he's the prince of a fallen nation- so he has the power to rally displaced slaves to form a rebellion, overthrow the empire, and become it's king. Eclise thinks this is a solid plan and... honestly does a pretty good job executing it. He breaks out of prison with his bare hands btw.

    Many fights with Yvonne+ Eclise and FL+ML happen, all kind of the same. Every time Eclise is like 'I'll do anything to be with you' and FL is like 'fuck you I don't love you, I love ML'. Eclise begs her to kill him then and she's like nah I have morals (lol). So Eclise is like uh, ok, you were the one who made me this way so I'll keep trying to conquer the empire/ destroy the world /whatever. He pops up here and there to progress the plot lol.

    At some point FL admits to herself that she purposefully hasn't been thinking about how much her involvement with Eclise contributed to his shit life. She finally acknowledged that a 17yo boy was driven insane because (gestures broadly). But he's currently a crazy dick who wants to possess her and kill everyone she associates with.... So she still hates him, but damn maybe she does have to kill him huh.

    The final boss is Yvonne as a big ol' honking dragon.

    Eclise's final moment (I'm cleaning up and summarizing the MTL for this):

    Yvonne in dragon form and Eclise are fighting ML and FL. The dragon lunges towards FL but she's too injured to dodge. Shaking, FL fumbles over her items when she hears the clink of the sword that stops the dragon's bite.

    Eclise: Master, are you alright?
    FL: Eclise.... Why-
    Eclise: -why protect you, when you're trying to kill me?

    Eclise has taken a critical hit while he lodged the dragons mouth open with his sword. He's hemorrhaging blood.

    Eclise laments:
    You called me violent.....

    The dragon applies more pressure to its bite and the sword bends.

    Eclise: ...since the time you gave me a sword...
    I loved you.
    FL: Please don't say that... please don't tell me this.
    E: That moment.... you smiled beautifully as if you were a flower, and whispered that ....
    ... I was the only knight....
    ... that could protect you.

    I don't think....

    ... I wanted to escape...
    ... or receive a title...

    ... I think...
    ... I wanted you.
    I love you.

    Eclise's swords breaks as the dragon bites down. His body is flung to the floor and trampled.

    I think he developed a genuine crush on Penelope before the main game started. But the slave-master dynamic could never turn into love for him. After Yvonne comes in he eventually declares his love for Penelope, but it's dubious that the declaration was 100% consented by Eclise, as he was a victim of brainwashing at that point.

    I think the only possibility of it turning into love is if Penelope agreed to run away with Eclise to the new nation. Thus renouncing her title and being on more equal footing status-wise w Eclise. But of course she doesn't do that bc she's a fucking slave owner who would never give up her privilege lol.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2024
  12. faitherea

    faitherea New Member

    Dec 27, 2023
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    Did they regret it? I mean the father and the brother in the real world?
  13. darii24

    darii24 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2022
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    They regret it yes, but she was having none of it, since it's their neglect and abuse that caused her to have stomach cancer
    Free Ocean likes this.
  14. Let

    Let Active Member

    Oct 12, 2019
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    Does anyone know if this work can be turned into an anime?
  15. LeideLis

    LeideLis Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2020
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    Whats novel chapter is whats happening in manhwa now?
  16. Koei_tenco

    Koei_tenco Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2021
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    What happens to Penelope's personal maid at the end of the story?
  17. Raf Muz

    Raf Muz New Member

    Jan 13, 2024
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    Does anyone know where I can read the special chapters? I already binged through the main and side story, but the special chapter's link on the first page just gives me an error.

    Or if anyone knows what happens in the special chapters, then a spoiler would be greatly appreciated as well .
  18. Ameliachu

    Ameliachu New Member

    Feb 10, 2024
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    Same issue, saw on a different form that it hidden because the site that hosted said releases is down. :(
  19. Selene830

    Selene830 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2021
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    What to the FL’s family?
  20. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    Well if it does Penelope would be up there with the most hated protags like kirito and that dude from school days

    Alot of Kr stuff would be hard to adapt. The protags are so self centered and that would be a pain to get through in a weekly format

    Who cares. We all love penlope up in this house. Everyone else is a stepping stone for her