Spoiler Lord Baby Runs A Romance Fantasy With Cash

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by DearBlue, Oct 13, 2020.

  1. CatGirlAlena

    CatGirlAlena Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2022
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    What happened to the mtled chapters that were on here?
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  2. Deleted member 523573

    Deleted member 523573 Guest

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    The eldest brother will make an appearance during Lulu's 5th birthday celebration while covered in blood.

    Xeon has a tremendous power but it makes him overly sensitive of people's presence. He avoids people and crowded places because they feel like bugs creeping over his skin.

    He spends most of his time away from the house exterminating monsters. That is because, according to him, the monsters' presence feel bigger than bugs and what's more, he can kill them.

    He has never experienced a proper sleep in his life because of his extreme sensitivity. He kills monsters most of the time because his sensitivity decreases as the amount of power consumed. Only then can he fall asleep.

    Lulu tamed Xeon by clinging to him everyday and making a base in his room. Lulu acquired an ability that activates at random times. The ability makes her wall-slam / kabedon the other person. She did that to Xeon, and that got his attention.

    Xeon found that he fell asleep a bit while Lulu was in his room, and he was confused, so he kicked Lulu out of his room. He had a short but deep sleep. Lulu became busy after that, so she hadn't visited Xeon for some time.

    Xeon realized that he had not felt other people's presence when he was with Lulu. He did not even feel Lulu's presence even when she was in front of him.

    When Lulu did not come for a few days, Xeon, again, felt other's presence.

    When you drink just one sip of water in the desert, your thirst will not go away, but you feel even thirstier.
    Xeon was in that state.

    Xeon set out to find Lulu. When he found her, he carried her to random crowded places to test if he really can't feel other's presence when Lulu's around.

    After wandering a bit, they went back to his room and Xeon slept with Lulu in his arms.

    For the first time in his life, he had a very comfortable and deep sleep. And he realized, he can never go back to before he tasted that sweet sleep.

    Note: This spoiler is from the novel, and the manhwa might differ from it. :blobsmilehappy:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2024
  3. LaDyViL

    LaDyViL New Member Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    To those new members who did not bother to visit our Forum Rules page, read:
    Contact the user outside of this space. Do not make us have to resort to thread ban your spoiler provider because you kept asking them for the novel, link or MTL in this SPOILER thread. If I have to, I will. I'd rather see the continuity of this forum than it disappearing because of your negligence to follow the forum rules.
  4. Ruta yifla

    Ruta yifla Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2020
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    pls more spoilers. Thank u
  5. darii24

    darii24 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2022
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    Last edited: Dec 24, 2023
  6. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    Novel will be licensed in english by Tapas.
  7. Deleted member 523573

    Deleted member 523573 Guest

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    WOOOOOW :blob_pompom::meowpuffymelt:
    It seems they kept the machine-translated title though :blobconcerned: I was hoping they change it a bit, but oh well, I'm soooo happy it's gonna be translated officially! :meowpuffymelt::blobdoggoheart:
    Juslikejazz likes this.
  8. Desperate

    Desperate Desperate for spoilers <( °-° )>

    Mar 13, 2021
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    bruh ares is such a bitch LMAO im surprise the fl can even forgive his ass after he left her to get kidnapped. sigh, ngl I was hoping for her to be mad at him and him "actually" genuinely regret is sm.
  9. Nazo400

    Nazo400 Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2020
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    Wait we have a memory wipe arc?
    Deleted member 523573 likes this.
  10. Deleted member 523573

    Deleted member 523573 Guest

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    Yes :derpyblob: It's after the 2nd timeskip :blob3cevil: Though its not exactly a memory loss ::blobpeaking::

    One of the main villains, who's pretending to be a saint, put some of her powers in a noble lady who was in love with Lulu's first brother, Xeon.

    The empress dowager sent a marriage proposal to Xeon, trying to connect him with her niece. Lady Shuela then visited their mansion, but Xeon does not even care about her. All he gives his attention to was Lulu, which made Shuela angry at Lulu.

    She went back to the palace crying that Xeon hates her and that's when the saint found her and gave her a blessing. The saint wants to use the Lady to distract Lulu.

    ((Lulu and the Saint are competing with each other to attain the leadership for a national project.))

    Shuela did not know what kind of blessing it was. The blessing basically switches Lulu and Shuela. It makes Xeon think that Shuela is Lulu, and that Lulu is Shuela.

    Oh it does not switch their image. The was a scene in the novel where Xeon was confused and was questioning himself why he thinks Shuela should have pink hair when she clearly has green hair. The blessing seems to have switched Xeon's feelings toward the two. That's why he protects Shuela and loathes Lulu.

    <How Xeon gets better>
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2023
  11. Deleted member 523573

    Deleted member 523573 Guest

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    If you read the novel in KakaoPage, then read the official english translations in Tapas, you might notice some long blank spaces//page breaks. The english translation is missing some text (chapter 24 & 31):blob_teary: Those missing texts appeared as photos in KakaoPage chapters. I hope the english translation will fix this:notlikeblob:
    seekingsnow likes this.
  12. Nazo400

    Nazo400 Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2020
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    Btw thanks I was so confused when all of a sudden the comments said oh hey he got bonked cause memory issues
    Deleted member 523573 likes this.
  13. kaedeyuuki

    kaedeyuuki Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2019
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    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but does she have three brothers in total? Ares is the second son while Ixion is third. Any spoilers/info for the first son?

    Edit: Nvm I'm dumb and got confused by the spoiler tags lmao
  14. Sagamasa

    Sagamasa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2023
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    From the spoiler I think :
    Xeon - first son / oldest brother
    Ares - second son / second brother
    Ixion - third son / third brother
    Lulu - youngest daughter
  15. Scarlet Lily

    Scarlet Lily Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2024
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    I love this novel and have reread it multiple times.
    If there is anything anyone wants to know please let me know.
    I can't wait for the manhwa where Lulu met ML:ROFLMAO:

    Their interaction as a child is just too funny.
    Lulu buying ML, Lulu meeting him again in the Imperial palace as a prince, Lulu in disguise meeting the ML in disguise as a mercenary leader, ML sacrificing himself for Lulu, ML and Lulu reuniting again, Lulu's friend helping her meet ML and they have a passionate kiss with her friend watching and be stunned because of how steamy the two are:ROFLMAO:

    Sorry I can't remember ML's name right now( >_< '')
  16. Deleted member 523573

    Deleted member 523573 Guest

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    I love this novel too :blob_pompom: the official English translation of the novel in Tapas is already at the auction house part, where Lulu buys Sid :blobuwu: I wonder how they'll spell his name tho :blob3cevil:

    Tho I want to see the eldest brother the most :meowpuffymelt:
  17. Scarlet Lily

    Scarlet Lily Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2024
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    SAME\\\(۶•̀ᴗ•́)۶//// But I haven't read the ones on Tapas. I am waiting for it to have more chapters before reading it.
    True sometimes the MTL trans for name is just confusing and spelling changes most of the times. I am also interested how they will spell his name. But I think his name should have the same sounding as "Sid" because Lulu meant for his name to be an unknown seed that will grow freely. :)blobamused: in this sort of context)

    I am loving the novel and manhwa for this.
    I seriously can't wait for the new season.
  18. Deleted member 523573

    Deleted member 523573 Guest

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    One thing I don't like about the Tapas translation is that they translate same words differently from novel and manhwa :blobcry: Like when Lulu was under penalty and she wants food, in the manhwa she said "Mama" as baby talk for food :blobstare::meowfacepalm: and in the novel it was "Yum yum" :meowfacepalm:
  19. Scarlet Lily

    Scarlet Lily Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2024
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    What:hmm: That sure is weird:notlikeblob:, it was translated to me as "Nom nom" or "Yum yum":blobcry: which the
    Duke will also use to refer to as eating time:blobunsure: I wonder how they will fix this when the duke uses the same term:blobdizzy:
    BTW, Thanks for the info:aww:

    I seriously also want the physical book of this as a collection.
    I am always jealous of people who have the collection.
    I have seen the manga book form of Seducing the villain's dad in Japanese and was surprise how the they have changed the RGB color output of the manhwa:sweating_profusely:
    Compared to the Korean version it looks bad :hmm: probably because I was use on seeing the kakao imagery:blobexpressionless::facepalm:
  20. Blue119119119

    Blue119119119 Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2022
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    Just started reading the manhwa does anyone know what happened to the uncle who abused her and his daughter