Spoiler Tearmoon Empire story

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rania want to QT, Aug 16, 2020.

  1. LeSeinne

    LeSeinne Member

    May 8, 2023
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    Does anyone know what happens with Valentina Renmo after being captured?
  2. kaedeyuuki

    kaedeyuuki Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2019
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    Anybody here still reading this and can give me spoilers as to who Patricia is?
  3. RedsBlue

    RedsBlue Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2021
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    does anyone know if princess town is fully develope and that gets a further storyline?
  4. Scarlet Lily

    Scarlet Lily Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2024
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    Patricia is Mia's grandmother.

    After the arc with her grand daughter, it will be an arc with her grand-daughter with her grandmother.
  5. Scarlet Lily

    Scarlet Lily Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2024
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    The princess town will be mentioned a lot.
    After all Mia will recruit the four-eyed guy's (Ludwig Hewitt) master (forgot his name, he is quite an eccentric guy) as well as his fellow disciples.
    Ludwig's master will be the Chairman of the school, so a lot of very talented people will graduate from this school.
    There is also Cyril Rudolvon paired with Rania's sister to develop a rice grain that is strong against the cold and a rice that you can harvest in winter.

    I read the published novel and web novel but nothing much is really happening to her aside from being in jail.

    She sometimes appear from time to time only when she is visited by Mia or Abel in his POV.

    What I am most anticipating is Rafina and Lin Malong's relationship growth.
    Most of the people near MIA have are already determined couples.

    The one who still doesn't have a partner is Anne and Ludwig.
    (Honestly, I am thinking this two will develop:blobcheeky:)
    Afterall, Dion will be married so I am hoping for a marriage life for Ludwig as well.

    Well there are still quite a lot of people who have no pair:whistle:
    Right now, since there was already foreshadowing between Rafina and Lin Malong I want to read more of their scenes together:X3:
    Jukki, chamchaworld and RedsBlue like this.
  6. Sword_Cat

    Sword_Cat Member

    Oct 12, 2023
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    Who are the four celestial kings who follow Princess Mia? I'm reading the manga and it mentioned this, but then it didn't say anything else about who they are.
  7. Scarlet Lily

    Scarlet Lily Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2024
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    The four celestial kings
    Ludwig Hewitt - First member of Mia Luna Tearmoon's Four Celestial Kings.
    Dion Alaia - Second member of Mia Luna Tearmoon's Four Celestial Kings.

    The two above were already approved as the four celestial kings in both web novel, manga, and light novel.

    Anne Littstein - Third member of Mia Luna Tearmoon's Four Celestial Kings.
    This was commented by the author in the web novel.
    This means the author is trying to give Anne a major role for her to be qualified to be called one.
    But, according to the Author, for Mia, Anne will be a member of the four heavenly kings.
    The fourth one is still undecided.

    There are major people who will have a great importance to the empire's development, like Ludwig's co-disciples and their master.
    But, they are not the type of people who wants their name get written in the novel and honestly, Mia knows them but doesn't really recognize them like the other three mentioned above.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2024
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  8. Sword_Cat

    Sword_Cat Member

    Oct 12, 2023
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    I've only seen the manga, so I was surprised to learn that Anne. Ludwig and Dion are geniuses in their fields, so I'm curious to know what Anne's development will be. What I know about her is that she belongs to a family of merchants and that's why she is very good at talking to others, as well as being very charismatic (it is described in the manga spin-off)
    Scarlet Lily likes this.
  9. Johnwill12

    Johnwill12 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2020
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    I understand that Mia would feel overwhelmed by the thought of having 8 children. But then why does she keep Abel close to her if she doesn’t want a future with him? If she doesn’t want that future then shouldn’t she distance herself from Abel instead? Would she prefer it if Abel ended up with some other noble girl, or that Miabel never existed? Does Mia want to have Abel in her life (including the near future), yes or no?
  10. Scarlet Lily

    Scarlet Lily Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2024
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    It's not that Mia didn't want Abel in her life it is just she thought that she worked too hard in having the children and making the empire stable. She wants a future where she will live leisurely so her decision to not work too hard ended up with not having a stable empire.
    Johnwill12 likes this.
  11. Johnwill12

    Johnwill12 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2020
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    Well Mia could always try depending on Abel, Anne, Ludwig, and various other people to help her with her work for the Empire couldn’t she? Besides Mia and Abel could always stop at 4-5 kids if 8 is too much for her couldn’t they? Also, they could have a lot of maids to help with their kids so that Mia could still live leisurely from time to time couldn’t they? Mia could’ve tried talking to Abel about it instead of making that decision on her own, since he has to have a say in their future too don’t you think? It’s just imperative that they have their 3rd kid, their daughter Trisha who is Miabel’s mom. I’m just relieved that Mia decides to accept that future in volume 11 in order to give Miabel the best future.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2024
  12. javaniy

    javaniy Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2017
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    After Miabel's "death" in the current timeline, and she forgot to tell Mia who her parent is. Mia has no choice but to give birth to all 8 in order for Miabel to be born.
  13. Scarlet Lily

    Scarlet Lily Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2024
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    Yeah, Mia ended up giving birth to all children:blobjoy:

    About Mia talking to other people.....from what I perceive in the novel and manga Mia is scared of breaking others expectations of her.
    I think that because in her first life where she just let rumors be she is still scared deep down of how others perceives her:hmm:
    Ludwig is a genius in his own field but when it comes to important things related to "nobles" he still look for Mia for advice in how to proceed. In the arc after Miabel's death and before Rafina graduates I notice that people are starting to do things in their own way. Especially on Dion's part because before Miabel's "death" he was very easy going and doesn't really go on his own to solve things without being told or being asked. Also, during the time when Mia captures Abel's sister there was a scene like Mia giving emotional support (well she always did :blobsweat:)but I still think their interaction is still to short:blobcry:

    Well this isn't a story that is hard on romance but more like Mia's character development in someway:unsure:
    I am just glad that Shion is not the ML. Well from the very beginning Mia is scared of Shion and Tiona who are the leader of the people who killed her. She literally passed out when she met Dion:blobsweat:
    Johnwill12 likes this.
  14. Johnwill12

    Johnwill12 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2020
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    I completely agree, Mia is always going to be a little selfish, but I don’t see that as a bad thing, most people are selfish to some degree are they not? There’s nothing wrong with valuing your own life and self preservation. I love the romance between Mia and Abel, it’s just as sweet in the manga and the anime. Abel is the first boy/guy who was genuinely nice to her and who truly cares about her. I’m also so relieved that Shion is not the ML seeing as how Mia was scared of him. Mia and Abel must be Incredibly passionate about each other if they end up having 8 kids, way to keep the passion going guys.
  15. UsuiSorata

    UsuiSorata New Member

    Jun 10, 2024
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    I wonder what happens in the bad timeline i believe they may use Mia death to make themselves the hero and end up the people turn against the revolutionist since they murdered an innocent princess. The truth being leaked will definitely fasten the end of the revolutionist