Spoiler Cry, Even Better if you Beg

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by flamingorangesoof, Jul 8, 2020.

  1. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    Matthias is gonna abuse that poor child. Poor kids gonna be so fucked up. Someone call cps
    Nadjocr likes this.
  2. Spidey1Fan

    Spidey1Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2023
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    Yes, I agree. I also think this is the first line when we, the readers, and Layla first learn of her pregnancy. The writing style of this book doesn't tell the readers what to think but that we have to put the pieces of the puzzle together. The book never says, "Layla realizes she is with child." Versus the subtle implication, "she had a queasy feeling that something inside her was causing her agony, but it didn’t feel like something that she could get rid of by throwing up.” I found a video that further explains the literary fiction and realism writing style of showing versus telling.

    The Literary Fiction category is on a Spectrum and CEBIUB is also a category of Forbidden Romance, Drama, Historical Fictional Romance. But I would put it more towards literary fiction category. I think when people read the story they are expecting a genre category and some individuals could experience confusion or frustration due to the unconventional nature of the romance story. I noticed that people who love the book also love to decipher the characters motives, desires, emotions and meaning behind the author's writing. Some readers prefer genre versus literary fiction.

    Here is an example of showing versus telling in the First Kiss Scene in chapter 22: Into the Light

    "Her chest was pressed against his, and she could feel his heart beating. His arms were still firmly wrapped around her back and the back of her head. As she furtively lifted her head, she detected a faintly minty smell coming off the smooth skin of his neck. She felt her cheeks growing warm. Soon her whole body felt hot."

    Mint is known for refreshing and slightly cool fragrance. Layla is attractive to Matthias's smell and blushes. There is a sense of attraction between the characters.
    clraei, mireimisty and moonlight07 like this.
  3. mireimisty

    mireimisty Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2023
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    Yes I agree! It is almost rare to find COBYB explained a sentence of someone's emotion very clearly. Solche always wrote indirectly, leaving us the readers to interpret what she wanted to convey. It feels like we have to connect the dots between all the information we had :) I could imagine doing a fanstranslation of this is going to be impossible without understanding the context of the narratives... :blobpopcorn_two:

    Another thing I realised is that, we almost never come across the word 'love' until chapter 110 when Layla said her wish is to be loved forever and ever. But I recognised this is because none of these characters understand/admitted they loved each other.

    Only after this scene, we got to see Matthias realizing what he felt was love (he didn't know it was love until Layla requested it first that is why he never used the word 'love' but he used 'desire'). Thus, he confessed at chapter 134 that he loved Layla.

    In the epilogue, the finally 'knowing what is love' Matthias could then detect the same feeling very quickly. A growing affection to his child.

    Epilogue 4:
    "However, it didn't take long for him to fall in love. All it took was for him to see that Felix's smile looked just like Layla's."

    And Layla also confirmed this affection and said:

    "Now, however, it was clear to her that he loved Felix. As hard as it was to believe, it was undeniable. He was an outstanding husband and father."

    So, yeah. Solche also wrote based on the understanding of the character. If the character doesn't admit/know love yet. She won't write the word 'love'. This is why we readers can go crazy about them. :sweating_profusely:
    moonlight07 and Spidey1Fan like this.
  4. moonlight07

    moonlight07 Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2023
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    After you pointed it out, I recognized that in literature, men's body scent has always been described as minty. As you mentioned, mint has a fresh and cool fragrance. On the other hand, women's scent has been described as rosy. The rose has a delicate, attractive, and intoxicating fragrance. Additionally, in Solche's description, Matthias is refreshing and cool like mint, while Layla is portrayed as attractive and delicate, like a rose. The rose is also a symbol of love, passion, and desire in literature.

    Isn't it interesting that Matthias and Layla had never said 'I love you' aloud to each other? Layla said it only in Chapter 142, and Matthias said it in front of Layla only on their wedding day.

    I love the way Solche described the feeling of love indirectly because love is a complex feeling. There is no right or wrong definition of love. I would like to say, "Love is abstract" with no concrete explanations or boundaries. Everyone has their own definition of love based on own life experiences, morality, personality, and etc. Solche also portrayed the feeling of love in diverse and subjective ways.

    I agree with your point that if someone doesn't admit or know love yet, they can't grasp the character's complex feelings, not only in this novel but in all literature. You can't recognize love if you have never been in love because this feeling will be unfamiliar to you. The same goes for desire, passion, and devotion. All of these depend on readers' comprehension skills, after all.

    Personally, I think that Solche did a remarkable job writing this kind of novel, which could evoke contradictory feelings in readers. People who hate this novel are proof of that. Whether it's hate or love, if a novel is truly well-written, it has the power to summon various emotions in people.
    clraei and Spidey1Fan like this.
  5. clraei

    clraei Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2021
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    Their kids actually turned fine! Their daughter is more like him in personality tho and Felix is more like Leyla
    mireimisty likes this.
  6. SoShy

    SoShy Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2017
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    This story is kind of unrealistic to me at the very end. At first author seems to be quite keen on presenting a realistic portrayal of the differences in the world of common people in contrast to the world of nobles. But at the end it became too unrealistic for the sake of creating a happy ending. Oh well it's a romance novel after all.
  7. mireimisty

    mireimisty Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2023
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    I totally agree. I believe Felix would even be a better duke than Matthias since he grew up in a family that know love. Because finally there is a Herhardt couple that got married out of love. LOL :blobpopcorn:

    Hehe I can understand what you mean. I must say, I would be happier if the ending would be none of them being together (or even worse, maybe if Matthias passed away in the war). But honestly, it would be sad for Layla though. Because she would be (again) abandoned by someone that she loved. Realistically, Matthias would not survive the war or lets say Matthias would continue with a loveless marriage. :blob_grin:
    clraei likes this.
  8. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    The daughter became a rapist too?
    Nadjocr likes this.
  9. mireimisty

    mireimisty Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2023
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    Lets not use words that are not respectful to other members.

    In the book Layla said she is happy. Her kids have a family and parents that love each other. It is unlikely that the kids would grow wrong :)
    clraei likes this.
  10. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    That's what bundys mother said too
    Nadjocr likes this.
  11. moonlight07

    moonlight07 Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2023
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    I thought we were talking about fictional characters. You're comparing Matthias to a murd*rer, kidn*pper, and necr*phile like Ted Bundy. Bundy was a great manipulator, even his mother didn't know that her own son was a psychopath and serial killer. He had an unstable childhood environment and family, unlike the fictional family of Matthias and Layla.:facepalm:
  12. LaDyViL

    LaDyViL New Member Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    Stop reporting posts because you dislike another member. If you don't like them, use the Ignore button on their profile. If you can't handle others having different opinions from you, don't surf the internet. Hard languages and rude languages are different. You think others are especifically targeting you? Then what do you call what you people are doing reporting others together? Pot, kettle.

    Use that Ignore button, if you no longer see them you won't be displeased by them. If you don't like this novel, get out. Don't ruin others who enjoy them.
  13. moonlight07

    moonlight07 Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2023
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    I respect your work, but I found your last public post rude, towards the person to whom it belongs. Even if you were annoyed or felt overwhelmed, it is not right to make a post in a rude manner. You could have been more polite in your public post, or even sent a direct message to that person. These kinds of posts show disrespect towards members of the thread. I don't know what happened, but I believe that each of us has our own reasons to report or think that another member is targeting us.:(

    I believe that posts from both members and staff should promote positive engagement and discussions, rather than detracting from the overall energy.:)

    Thank you for your efforts!
    Spidey1Fan likes this.
  14. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    Bud I think the mod has a problem with you mass report spamming using your alt accounts

    Read the rules before spamming reports. Not cause opinions hurt your feelings
    YanaseRyoko, Nadjocr and Furiae19 like this.
  15. Spidey1Fan

    Spidey1Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2023
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    I agree. The moderator's response was rude. If they get upset over reports then why are they on the internet? :blobjoy:

    Obviously, the troll doesn't like the book and doesn't like fans of the book. The person clearly doesn't want to read analysis and have a fun discussion. Troll keep on trollin.
    moonlight07 likes this.
  16. SoShy

    SoShy Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2017
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    Yes, realistically he would die in war. And realistically, his family would never happily accept a commoner woman into their family. Realistically, Layla would never be happy with Matthias either. I've seen many women sacrificing their life for their childrens happiness or to give their children a full family (by that I mean, family with both mother father and relatives in the picture). However, no one became happy that way. Putting aside the giant elephant called the status difference aside, the foundation for love was not built on a positive base. Their love stemmed from negative feelings, in an negative environment, with alot of negative scenarios and factor fueling it from the side. It's a quite toxic form of love. I can't possibly imagine it giving anyone a happily ever after. Much less of it being long lasting. This is why I dislike how this ended. Stories like this are much more suited to having a so called bad ending or maybe even an open ending.
  17. Spidey1Fan

    Spidey1Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2023
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    I don’t think @mireimisty and I agree but I did thoroughly enjoy the ending. The two leads get together after all the turmoil they both had to endure. Radiant warmth washed over me when Matthias showed up with Layla’s bird ribbon on his wrist after the war. Matthias can show his full ability to care and love for Layla. The end side stories are loving and sweet. Matthias became a very good Father and husband. He’s pretty much a perfect husband and Father. Even Kyle recognizes Matthias is a good husband. Both Matthias and Layla choose to be together which I believe is the catalyst for a loving and joyful marriage. When Layla forgives Matthias, whether whose fault or not on feelings, is a strong attribute for a marriage. People are not perfect. We all make mistakes and the ability to forgive family, friends or a spouse is an attribute I value and respect. For a marriage to be robust and enduring, it must be built on the foundation of trust, effective communication, and forgiveness. Without these essential elements, a marriage is unlikely to thrive. I do like the theme on forgiveness in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 3. Peter forgave Sandman for murdering his Uncle and MJ forgave Peter for being a douche. <3

    In regards of the characters Dowager Katharina von Herhardt and Elise von Herhardt I can accept their reasoning to allow Layla in the family. Dowager and Elise didn’t want to lose their prize, Matthias, and Felix is an exact physical replication of Matthias and Matthias’s Father. The noble families lost their power and influence after the war and in this transition of post war social upheaval makes sense for Matthias choice to marry Layla. Matthias was hesitant at first to marry Layla because their world was different before the war but Matthias was able to adapt quickly to the rapid social changes. I don’t think Dowager and Elise are completely heartless as their dialogue are based rationally on their background and titles. Even Dowager has a soft spot for Bill when he causes the explosion of the green house.

    I don’t agree their love stemmed from only negative feelings. Matthias demonstrated a consistent ability to keep his promises, a crucial attribute that held great significance for Layla. I recommend to read ch. 60 “I Won’t Hurt You” again. It was an eye opener for me.

    I can't put aside Layla and Matthias social status because that is the main conflict of their relationship and why I consider this a Forbidden Love story. If Layla and Matthias were both born in a different historical or social context then they wouldn’t be the same people. Both leads had desire to be together and faced societal expectations, reality of class divisions, inability to understand new emotions of love and Layla’s abandonment trauma. Layla’s history of abandonment fueled her determination to provide her children with a nurturing and loving upbringing.

    What do you guys think? I already know what one person will post.
  18. moonlight07

    moonlight07 Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2023
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    I initially thought you were the one who reported us, and that the post was actually intended for you, not for me. This is my first and only account on NUF. I'm not a teenager wasting my time creating alternate accounts just to enter the toxic society. It was my first experience with NUF, and if there weren't members like @Spidey1Fan and @mireimisty, and others who are ready to engage in open and healthy discussions, I would have definitely left this thread. The thread is alive due to our so-called 'shitty discussions.' If you don't like it, why can't you just ignore it and move on? You always come back with your toxic and absurd comments. Even if Matthias were a 'rapist,' he would remain a fictional character. I don't know what your problem is with us, but I would like to say it would be better if you truly left this forum.:blobconfused:

    By the way,

    "If you don't like this novel, get out. Don't ruin it for others who enjoy it." This part of the staff member's post was intended for you, if you noticed. So, technically, I took your side in responding to the staff member's post and received this kind of 'thankful' reply from you. How ironic!:facepalm:

    As a member, I've always been respectful towards others, didn't spread hatred, and have consistently followed the rules, which I will continue to do in the future.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2024
    mireimisty and Spidey1Fan like this.
  19. kaori_miori

    kaori_miori Member

    Feb 17, 2023
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    actually I would say it got almost bad ending. If you understand what codependent relationships or a relationship where one had to walking on eggshells is and yeah if you also notice the small details these two, in the end, doesn't communicate properly. Tbh walking on eggshells isn't good. But to some people who aren't sensitive, it's probably just normal happy ending. I don't know, not being understood, cared of, sincerely loved, only being used.. isn't a happy feeling to me. But that's my opinion on the ending.
    Also please do take a look on this article https://www.marriage.com/advice/relationship/walking-on-eggshells-in-a-relationship/ which tbh I would say it's MatthiasxLayla's relationships in side story which my sensitive self detected as I've been went through it. It felt shit.

    also are we forggeting many characters had to die just so these two... I mean, Layla, to be exact just to have a happy ending?
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2024
    SoShy, moonlight07 and mireimisty like this.
  20. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    Keep the thread on topic and stop spamming. Reported for off topic discussion. Stop crying and having meltdowns over criticism of your matthias

    It was a bad ending. Any attempt to say otherwise is just copium from his fanatics.
    Matthias literally threatened to kill his own kids. No way is he not gonna be able abusive pos to them. Lurve is not a cure to being a abusive psycho pedo.

    Matthias should have died in the war. He was the person who least deserved a happy ending in the whole novel. Yet the story went to shit in the end and justified giving it to him cause who da fuq knows. I hope they change the ending in the manwha.

    Dude is really hated on in most of the manwha communities.
    Nadjocr and Furiae19 like this.