Spoiler Cry, Even Better if you Beg

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by flamingorangesoof, Jul 8, 2020.

  1. moonlight07

    moonlight07 Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2023
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    I love the music, and I want to share the episode where the music was used. It's so enchanting, reading the episode with the music gives me goosebumps


    There are 6 types of endings in the literature:

    1. Resolved Ending
    Resolved ending is where all threads of the novel are clearly and satisfyingly resolved. There shouldn’t be any loose ends. Also, readers shouldn’t have any lingering questions.

    Accordingly it divides into two types of resolving:
    -Positive Ending: Happily Ever After (HEA), Happy For Now (HFN)
    -Negative Ending: Sad, Tragic, Bleak

    2. Unresolved Ending
    An unresolved ending is inconclusive. Such ending also leaves the readers with more questions than answers.

    3. Open-Ended or Ambiguous Ending
    An open-ended or ambiguous ending is open to interpretation because the ending isn’t clear. There are many open possibilities which can go many ways. Readers are actively invited to think about the events and clues in the story and draw a conclusion.
    An unresolved ending doesn’t give enough information so readers won’t know what happens next but an open-ended or ambiguous ending allows readers to come to different conclusions.

    4. Expanded Ending or Epilogue
    Expanded ending, as the name suggests, expands beyond the events of the narrative. It is usually told in the epilogue of a book. This might include a jump forward in time (for example, 3 years later in the future) or a change in perspective. It may also reframe the way readers have been thinking about the story. One advantage of this ending is that the writer can answer questions that might not be possible to answer in the main narrative. For instance, how the world is like a decade later after the events of the story.

    5. Unexpected or Twist Ending
    An unexpected or twist ending is something that readers didn’t expect nor see it coming. It could be earth-shattering, clever or subtle. A good twist, however, is actually one that is inevitable where the writer has left clues all along. Readers will appreciate the subtle hints and plot twists it took to get there.

    6. Full Circle Ending
    As its name suggests, this ending brings the story full circle—it ends where it begins. You could use the same sentence for the first and last sentence of your novel. Or you could end with your protagonist being in the same situation at the beginning of your story.

    I do think that COBYB has the 4th type of ending. The main story has fully concluded, followed by an epilogue and side stories depicting life after marriage. We witness Matthias and Layla getting married, and they have two children. Additionally, Layla manages to pass college and graduate. Their life as a family, as the duke and duchess, and as parents, was thoroughly described, leaving no unanswered questions about it.
  2. mireimisty

    mireimisty Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2023
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    That is a great explanation! Yes, this is a situation that could only work to both of them, Matthias and Layla. It may not be relatable to us because we are not Layla. I personally do not like how at the end their love is not equal. But that is my personal judgement as a person. Analysis wise, I do agree everything goes back to how the character decided.

    By the way, WELCOME!! @HanieFireworks ! First time to see you here. I hope you stay long despite of the toxic environment here. But don't worry, there are lots of great people here too. :aww:

    Isn't that interesting how Solche incorporated the POV of the Store Clerk and also Mark Evers?? This is to help us readers to see how they look like from outsiders POV. The store clerk POV is so helpful for us to see, that Matthias actually did treat Layla like a lover (and def not someone below him). Without the store clerk POV, we won't be able to get a confirmation that for Matthias, Mistress is lover. This shows how good Solche's writing skill is. :blobowoevil:
  3. SummerSlay

    SummerSlay Member

    Jan 18, 2024
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    Even Kyle could see how Layla always felt shy and paid attention to her appearance when Matthias approached her.. Isn't that what we usually do when we like someone?
  4. moonlight07

    moonlight07 Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2023
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    Oh, that's right! She always blushed when she was in front of Matthias. It was even illustrated in the manhwa.
    I think we can all relate from our own life experiences, becoming shy or blushing when we are around our crush is quite common.
  5. mireimisty

    mireimisty Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2023
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    LOL. Yeah. Remember in the last webtoon update when Layla blushed when Matthias came to Uncle Bill's cabin? That scene was actually cute.

    By the way, has anyone check the recent update of Webtoon :blobmelt: what do you guys think about it?
    I can't wait for the next upcoming chapter!

    However, it is mentioned that Van J has been under huge stress.... she might actually take a break which is really sad. I really hope people could see how much hardwork she did rather than bashing her work :blob_teary: She has done a great job bringing the novel to life! And I really hope she would complete the manhwa.
  6. SummerSlay

    SummerSlay Member

    Jan 18, 2024
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    Flirting game begin ..
    They were both so fascinated by each other..
    I desire her .. Matthias and his new emotions that he had only felt for Layla
  7. mireimisty

    mireimisty Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2023
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    Oh @moonlight07 look who’s back in this forum.

    Its been a while @theilikepie ! Welcome back! Its weird but I kinda miss your contradictions in this forum :pikablob:. I don’t know where 10 chat is coming from or what does it even mean because it doesn't sound english for me.
    But if what you mean is 10 years old, whatever you read seems like you enjoy that 'genre' a lot :blobpopcorn_cool: continue the read dear.

    Yeah. We are really entering one of the major scene indeed! I couldn't wait for the next update. If Van J will update though. Since it might be possible that she is going to take a break :blobsad: but if that breaks means she can enjoy what she does and produce better, I totally support that! :bloblove:
  8. moonlight07

    moonlight07 Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2023
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    I guess @theilikepie obsessed with us.
    Otherwise, why do they enter the discussion every time, tease us, and then vanish, just to jump in the chat again?

    The ‘Hater’ obsessed with the ‘Fans’, goodness!:blobpopcorn_two:
  9. mireimisty

    mireimisty Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2023
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    LOL! Isn't that great we have a 'Fans-hater' that follows us all the time ;) Thank you for obsessing us @theilikepie . Even though you hate us, I still want to say have a great weekend and hope you have some good time under the sun :blob_sunglasses: You need that vitamin D to continue obsessing us here :blobhero:
  10. SummerSlay

    SummerSlay Member

    Jan 18, 2024
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    Van J's health and condition,, of course the main priority... however I want this manhwa to continue to be updated... because it really is an extraordinary masterpiece... But if Van J decides to take a break... no problem... we just have to wait patiently and continue to support her and Solche ..
  11. mireimisty

    mireimisty Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2023
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    But anyway, I want to also share one analysis rather than entering discussion only with 'contradiction' and no content.

    After reading the latest chapter, a question that people might wonder is
    "Why did Layla choose to go to the cabin to pick up her glasses?"

    This is just my thought and analysis after going through the chapter again.

    Yes, she went to pick up her glasses. But maybe.. she also went out of curiousity of Matthias.
    Remember that feeling when your unreachable crush did something annoying to you? You felt annoyed but also curious of why, a person you thought is unattainable, suddenly gave you attention?

    So, you unconsciously fell into the ‘flirting’ game. Deep down, you are curious of him too!
    This was what went through Layla’s mind when she decided to go to the cabin.

    Chap 13:
    “If Duke Herhardt was going to make enigmatic statements that only added to her confusion, perhaps it was no more possible to communicate with him than with a raven.”

    Also do you remember this moment? Layla and Matthias had a moment of gazing at each other, showing chemistry between them in the previous chapter.

    Chap 13:
    They stared into each other’s eyes for an extended moment. If the butler hadn’t returned with an urgent telegram and piece of mail, the moment might have lasted quite a bit longer.”

    Isn't that cute? :aww: Layla blushed after the gaze. The moment probably instilled a feeling of interest and curiousity inside of her. She couldn’t stop thinking about Matthias, that she even forgot she went only with her night gown. Thus, she went to the cabin, Matthias space, to find her glasses with a head full of him.

    What do you guys think of this theory?

    I completely agree... I think the time when she lost some of her data in the tablet really made her stressed. Yes! Lets support her! I completely agree. She did a great job bringing the novel into life :blobmelt:
  12. SummerSlay

    SummerSlay Member

    Jan 18, 2024
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    I always like it when Layla and Matthias argue about Lady and Gentleman.. When Layla wants something from Matthias she will say Matthias is a gentleman.. but when Matthias does something she doesn't like, her opinion changes..

    In the chapter 'I desire her' when Matthias stroked her face... Layla felt a strange feeling and felt scared because she didn't understand what she was feeling... And look how lost she felt when Matthias let her go...

    Let's pray for the best to Van J
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2024
  13. Spidey1Fan

    Spidey1Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2023
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    I love Van J's illustrations!
    IMG_6002.jpg 576d7b72f819ff323d467a6b022a066d.jpg

    I'll do a Deal with him. :aww:

    So true! Layla always going back and forth in her narrative. I love their dialogue. Teasing, Flirtatious, Confusing, Conflicting, Denial and then they have INTENSE EYE STARES. :bloblove:

    So true! Layla always going back and forth in her narrative. I love their dialogue. Teasing, Flirtatious, Confusing, Conflicting, Denial and then they have INTENSE EYE STARES.

    I agree with your theory. Layla was intrigued of the Duke all the while grappling with conflicting emotions. Confused of her new and perplexing feelings, jealous of Claudine, fearful of being abandoned and becoming a Mistress like her Mother, sadness she was not equal (social difference revelevant in their historial and social setting) to Matthias. Layla goes to his cabin multiple times on her own free will. Matthias and Layla reveal their true selves only in each other's presence.
  14. mireimisty

    mireimisty Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2023
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    LOL! that is actually true!! Isn't that funny how they flirt with each other :cookie: So which scene you can't wait to see in the manhwa?

    Thank you for your comment! Yes. Layla did go to the cabin multiple times on her own free will. The cabin has indeed became their space. My favourite moment was when Matthias said to Layla that she should have light the fire on so she won't be cold.

    For me it sounded like you said to a very close friend "Take a food in my fridge when you are hungry". He identified Layla as a close person that could do something in his personal space :blobsmirk:

    Gosh I can't wait to be able to post photos!!! Have a great Sunday everyone!! Don't forget to check the new update in Webtoon English! :blobmelt:
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2024
  15. SummerSlay

    SummerSlay Member

    Jan 18, 2024
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    And I think their eye stares more honest than what they said to each other. Like when in the hotel when they are laying together and Layla was so fascinated by Matthias' face (who isn't?) and after Matthias wake up. They stared each other, so peaceful and magical (without Layla's drama) You can see how their chemistry is so deep.

    I want to see Layla wearing the emerald necklace and the dress which given by Matthias but Layla didn't know until the end . (Hessen, I hope you keep that secret forever )
    When I read that chapter, I imagine how radiant and beautiful Layla. So waiting to see that scene in Manhwa.
    I love to see how Matthias always turned back towards Layla even when he perform his social tasks. This young man truly falling in love.:blobnosebleed:
  16. mireimisty

    mireimisty Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2023
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    Yess! Let me just bring the quote again from that scene to lift up the scene again:

    "As she gazed at his eyes, she was reminded of the first time she saw them. This made her feel strange again, so she tried to look away, but he wouldn't let her."

    She was captivated by his eyes :blobowoevil: And this made her feel strange again = she felt captivated just like the time she saw him for the first time.

    Oh yes, the pearl emerald necklace she wear! As someone who also likes vintage and antique jewelry, I can't wait to see this part to come to life as well. :aww: She will also wear the classic 1920's dress that reminds me a lot of Great Gatsby :bloblove:

    I personally couldn't wait to see the scene of blue candy when they will 'again' stare at each other for a long long time. But lets just hope it happened... Since we don't know if Van J will take a break or not.
  17. Spidey1Fan

    Spidey1Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2023
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    Hence this cover for the intense EYE STARES :meowgrin:

    As I reflect, Matthias and Layla are engaged in a profound exchange. They are gazing into the depths of each other's inner selves. Their intimate moments bring out Layla's vulernable past of her childhood abandonment trauma, Layla equally intensifies Matthias' inner child, a part of him he repressed becoming a Duke. This illustration unravels their vulernability and understanding between Layla and Matthias.


    Is this the same necklace Layla believed her Uncle purchased? In the end, Matthias chooses not to disclose that he bought the necklace. His intention is for Layla to retain the memory of her Uncle Bill, showcasing a SIGNIFICANT selfless gesture on Matthias's part for Layla's sake.

    Attached Files:

  18. mireimisty

    mireimisty Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2023
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    Yeah! You made a point about inner child! The two became their true self and show the hidden self they could never show to anyone. I truly love the cover too! Wow we are only 24 hours away now from the cabin scene! Can't waittt!
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    Last edited: Jan 22, 2024
  19. Spidey1Fan

    Spidey1Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2023
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    mireimisty likes this.
  20. Spidey1Fan

    Spidey1Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2023
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    Layla's Exception.

    "When I was younger I saw my daddy cry
    And curse at the wind
    He broke his own heart and I watched
    As he tried to reassemble it
    And my momma swore
    That she would never let herself forget
    And that was the day that
    I promised I'd never sing of love if it does not exist

    Maybe I know somewhere
    Deep in my soul
    That love never lasts
    And we've got to find other ways
    To make it alone
    Or keep a straight face
    And I've always lived like this Keeping a comfortable distance
    And up until now
    I've sworn to myself
    That I'm content with loneliness
    Because none of it was ever worth the risk"