Spoiler Under the oak tree

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Lovina, Dec 25, 2019.

  1. Spidey1Fan

    Spidey1Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2023
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    Hello from California! We’ve been experiencing some rain here as well. Anakin holds a special place in my heart as my favorite tragic hero while Darth Vader stands as my favorite villain. Anakin, a child born into slavery who became a slave for the Sith Lord, Palpatine in a desperate bid to save his wife. The hero has capacity to transform into a monster, they must be a controlled monster.

    “Why couldn’t I save her? I know I could’ve.” … “Someday I will be. I will be the most powerful Jedi ever. I will even learn to stop people from dying.”

    Anakin is saved through the love and unwavering belief of his son, Luke. Luke doesn’t destroy the villain, get the girl or defeat evil with violence. Luke defeats the villain with love and compassion. A true hero.

    The lyrics for “Duel of the Fates” in the Phantom Menace was originally based from the Celtic poem, The Battle of the Trees. The poem is about a Druidic priest who orchestrated reanimating fields of trees to do battle with one another. Like the Druidic priest playing out his battle, so does Palpatine being the ultimate puppet master. The song is a deeper purpose providing the epic backdrop of the story. As the poem reads, “Under the tongue root, a fight most dread, while another rages behind in the head,” it suggests the occurrence of multiple battles, both physical and metaphorical. Palpatine manipulates others who are pawns in his game. The song is titled “Duel of the Fate” because Anakin’s fate was decided in that battle. Qui Gon Gin the Father figure and Jedi that Anakin needed but his life was dramatically changed being trained by his brother figure instead, Obi-Wan.

    Hayden aka Sir Kuahel and Aaron Warner :aww::aww:

    <3 my Oakie and SW fans!!


    Yes! Anakin is a reflection of 2 sides. End of Episode III Palpatine is electrocuting Mace Windu and Anakin had to make a choice and he chose the Dark Side. This scene parallels Episode VI when Palpatine is electrocuting Luke and Vader/Anakin chooses the Light Side.
  2. honeybuttergarlic

    honeybuttergarlic Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2022
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    When I read this last combat episode in real time, I thought Riftan and Maxi would fight together in the same place.
    However, KSJ broke my expectations and separated the two.
    But the more I read this novel, the more fitting it is.
    Riftan overcame the trauma of ethylene, recognizing Maxey as a wizard and waking her up.
    Maxi also waited in trust with Riftan.
    They trusted each other and gave way.
    Maxi also told Riftan, "I'll protect you."
    Prevent enemies from destroying the magic boundaries from behind. After all, that's what protecting the Riftan. Imagine if the magic boundaries were destroyed.
    Eventually, they matured mentally.
  3. athena1979

    athena1979 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2021
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    Happy cloudy and rainy Sunday from +62 country, angels ;) @Spidey1Fan, hello California :), I know exactly there were some who criticized Hayden's acting as Anakin and Darth Vader! However, in my opinion, he did a great job as both Anakin and Darth Vader. TBH, my 1st favorite Star Wars character is Padme although later on, she had to be killed off by George Lucas. By the way, if I'm not mistaken, besides, Padme, Anakin has also lost another important woman in his life, Shmi or his mother. @honeybuttergarlic, hello South Korea, I believe we have the same expectation. I always imagined, Riftan and Maxi would fight together as a Calypses power couple. But, finally, I might be able to understand that KSJ might separate them in order to show their maturity and how they trust and count on each other! Furthermore, if they fought the dragon together, Maxi might not have the chance to create her golems. It's almost February but I'm still waiting for UTOT side stories, patiently. Please, send our nice greeting to dear Kim Soo Ji.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2024
  4. MARSEA12

    MARSEA12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2022
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    Maxi is relief that Calto barrier is still withstanding. While she is working on her rune, she feels distracted by the noises outside and is curious what is going outside but she needs to concentrate on her rune. She is still working on her rune on her parchment paper, Annette advises her to get some rest, as Maxi have slept 20 hours. She gets some rest and then goes back working on her rune. The Dristan princess comes and be all negative to Maxi of her golem, Maxi assures is going to be ready before daybreak. Maxi glares at Agnes and according to her is that the soliders are wearing out and Maxi could see in her face she hasn't slept for days and the soliders are already anxious. Maxi was true to her promise she finish creating the four golems before daybreak. Now they are going to go out into their posts but the twins were scared but Maxi assures them that the soliders accompanying them are going to protect them. Maxi see Garrow and Gabel arguing and overhears their conversation. Riftan entrusted Garrow to protect his lady and he didn't stay behind for nothing. Gabel wants to be the one protecting her lady as Garrow has vision on one eye. Garrow can fight even he could see in one eye. Gabel let Garrow has his way as he learned it from Hebaron. Gabel leaves and notices Maxi and she was speaking awkwardly. Maxi has her golems figurines and where to post them, she is accompanied by Garrow, Gabel and the soliders, she is terrified. Gabel encourages her that they will protect her. Maxi crosses a drawbridge onto a snow lope with so many arrows on it.

    The Dristan princess really wants to take all the credit as what Maxi done as she said, "we" concerning magic. She didn't do anything she should've say in, "you"form. Wait till Maxi shows you off and her Golems are going to be successful and princess Lienna is going to have in your face moment. Maxi is having more trust on Riftan, she was overthinking as the campaign was half than six years ago. Riftan knows what he is doing as isn't his first time defeating the dragon. Maxi went back on her task so Riftan doesn't come back fight more monsters and wear him out. That is what I call teamwork. Garrow had shown with his one eyed vision he has helped and protected Maxi, the soliders were almost suffocating her, he shouted at the soliders and what they were doing to Maxi and what will happen if they don't follow orders. Just because Garrow has one eyed vision and is disabled, it doesn't he can't do nothing for a reason Riftan chose him to protect Maxi. Now the Maxi is going to use her golems, she was terrified going. She must be scared she is going to fail, or the golems won't work or the monsters could attack anytime at them. Gabel reassures her that they will protect her, Maxi shouldn't be afraid as she is human is normal for her to have this emotions and will face big monsters with her golems she created. Maxi will succeed on her mission with the golems and defeat those monsters and is her moment to shine and prove anyone wrong. She is doing it all for Riftan and to end this war immediately so both can have peace and tranquility.
    emdl07, IraHera, Delina and 4 others like this.
  5. k1t-y

    k1t-y Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2023
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    i’ve been scrolling insta and pintrest to look at the most recent panels of the UTOT manhwa and i just have to say that i am SO excited to see maxi fight the war in livadon in comic form and not just an image in my head. there are so many new characters she’ll meet and so many chanllenges she’ll face, and i have to admit i’m most excited for kuahel leon. like maxi has for riftan, he seems to have found a way to bury into my heart even without knowing much about him. i can’t wait to see all of his iconic scenes and screenshot all of his panels!

    wonderful summary as always, marsea! thank you for posting them here. i dont have access to webnovel or ridi and so this has been the only way ive been able to keep up with the story. sincerest gratitudes!
  6. Shirayuki..

    Shirayuki.. 〖13th Princess Of Chaos♡〗〖Your Oneesan :3〗

    Jun 23, 2020
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  7. oaktreeloverdance sd

    oaktreeloverdance sd Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2023
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    Do you think we can see kuahel in this season?
    emdl07 likes this.
  8. k1t-y

    k1t-y Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2023
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    based on the amount of episodes for the other two seasons (around 30) it seems unlikely. I think this season is coming to an end, considering the average at the moment and that it started with a total 60-ish episodes throughout the series and is now in the 90s.

    there will likely be a season 4 that contains most of livadons conflicts and the end of book 1
  9. loner kun

    loner kun New Member

    Jan 27, 2024
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    So like I came here for infos but this thread has over a 1000 pages nd I can't browse through it all so like when does riftan find out that maxi was abused,does maxi's sister ever make an appearance??
    emdl07 likes this.
  10. oaktreeloverdance sd

    oaktreeloverdance sd Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2023
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    Is there any chance for the to make this season a bit longer?I can't wait that long
    emdl07 likes this.
  11. Selina-may

    Selina-may Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Hi k1t-y :blobsmilehappy:
    I can understand why you like Kuahel, even if his character isn't always friendly or easy. Earlier this year I found a Picture (on the end of my text) meant to represent Kuahel. Personally, I like it and it shows something what a rebellious character he has (and handsome he is).

    Regarding the manhwa, I also think that it goes roughly as you calculate, so he will probably appear for the first time in manhwa season 5 (maybe not until season 6). This will be the first meeting between Kuahel and Maxi.:D

    Regarding spoilers: I haven't read them for a while, but that doesn't mean that I don't appreciate @marsea's :love: work.
    Last year I read every spoiler of Kim Rabbit, I just wasn't satisfied at the end, I wanted to be able to read everything.
    That's why I didn't accept the ending and was angry with it. After I started reading every chapter on Kindle, I noticed what I didn't know and was now able to read coherently. I've been happy ever since and am happy to wait - now for the 5th and final part of the 2nd book.
    I have patience because I want to read every little detail.
    KSj describes her novel so lovingly, in detail and forgets no emotion of the characters, that you simply have to read her entire work to give her the success she deserves. She gave me, as a reader, the gift of this novel and I thank her from the bottom of my heart::bloblove:: for it.

  12. EnterYourNickname

    EnterYourNickname Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2022
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    All important info & spoilers are linked on the first page of this forum (here) so it's way easier to find stuff. Rif finds out in book 1 chapter 172, after all what's about to happen in Livadon (so if u're only webtoon reader it's still a long way, for refrence currently webtoon depicts book 1 chapter 115). Yes Maxi's sister appears few times in the books.

    Actually that picture depicts Richt Breston (whoever posted it to pinterest removed from the picture the name of the character written in korean - 리히트 블레스톤 this translates to Richt Breston), a while ago site with those fanarts of characters in korean traditional attire was posted.
    This is fanart of Kuahel.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2024
    emdl07, SinFulHun, Delina and 3 others like this.
  13. k1t-y

    k1t-y Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2023
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    yes, rosetta makes an appearance at the end while/after riftan finds out about maxi’s abuse. i dont have webnovel so i cant tell you exact chapter but riftan finds out after the war in livadon and after maxi stays in Drachium.
  14. Selina-may

    Selina-may Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Hi friend :blobsmilehappy:,
    I found this picture twice and not under the name Brecht.
    I would also like to say that Brecht should have reddish hair and a beard and Kuahel should be blonde, long hair and the appearance is rather rebellious.
    In my opinion (and my imagine), this doesn't match the link image you just posted at all.
    Sorry, but I imagine Kuahel more like this (my posted picture).
  15. EnterYourNickname

    EnterYourNickname Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2022
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    Sure, nothing wrong with imagining Kuahel like this (like image u posted), but I'm just saying on the fanart it's written it's Breston (as that fan imagines him apparently) - here spells in korean Richt Breston (that's what it spells: 리히트 블레스톤 once put into translate it spells Richt/Licht not Kuahel).
    Also according to korean wiki Breston's hair is almost white. upload_2024-1-29_17-17-2.png
    and the Kuahel I posted is titled "Kuahel Leon" so it's how this particular person envisions Kuahel, it's their version, nothing wrong with that either, it's their art, their imagination.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2024
    emdl07, SinFulHun, k1t-y and 2 others like this.
  16. Selina-may

    Selina-may Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Ah ok, thanks for the excerpt about the characteristics of appearance(y);).
    I agree with you that everyone - until we all know it exactly - has their own ideas about what one or the other should look like.
    For me, as I said, the picture (light) fits Leon Kuahel more than Brecht. But that's just my opinion.

    That's pretty much how I would imagine Brecht to be. (unfortunately I couldn't find a better one:D)
  17. k1t-y

    k1t-y Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2023
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    i love how we all have such different visions of the characters, its curious to me that they’re all based off how we interpret whats written in canon!
  18. Selina-may

    Selina-may Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2022
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    I think it depends on how we understand the novel and whether we correctly understand what KSj is saying (y).
  19. Mrshokage

    Mrshokage Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2022
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    In case you all didn't know but Under the Oak Tree E book coming to google books July this year im definitely buying for my collection
    emdl07, k1t-y and MARSEA12 like this.
  20. SinFulHun

    SinFulHun Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2023
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    Hey y’all! These are some of the descriptions I found on the novel on Kuahel Leon & Richard Breston. (In the Amazon ebooks). I respect everyone’s imagination and preferences but these characterizations are coming straight from the source- Sooji Kim. Hope this helps!!

    Kuahel Leon:
    •“Her gaze stopped at a strikingly beautiful young knight among his aloof and gloomy comrades. He was a young man of delicate beauty more suitable for a bard than a swordsman. He was at least six kevettes tall. His lithe figure was gracefully proportioned, and his soft, dark brown curls lent him a gentle air
    • “Standing in front of the duke was the young knight she had observed inside the basilica. His icy, yellow-green eyes slowly swept over her. Petrified by his chilling gaze, Maxi stood frozen like a mouse before a snake. There was nothing gentle about the man up close. His smooth face, like that of a wax figure, was colder and more austere than any of the knights. His glinting gaze was as sharp as daggers”
    • “Like a cat, the knight gracefully leaped down from the troll and wiped the blood on his sword. His dark blond hair glistened like gold in the sunlight
    •"Maxi briefly met the man's eyes. They were green with light brown flecks."

    Richard Breston:
    • “He was a young man with ash-blond hair that was nearly white. He seemed to have a fierce demeanor.”
    •“Maxi eyed the man’s cruel eyes, broad shoulders, and rough hand..”
    •“Spinning around, she met Richard Breston’s red eyes. He stood looking down at her,a wolf pelt thrown over his blackened armor.”
    •“Breston, a towering figure at nearly seven kevettes tall, leaned forward threateningly”
    •“Even for a northerner, Richard Breston was exceptionally large and had the disposition of ten barbarians combined.”
    •“His garnet eyes glinted..”
    emdl07, Selina-may, MARSEA12 and 2 others like this.