Spoiler That villain's life, I'll live it once / 그 악녀 인생, 제가 한번 살아 볼게요

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Eloisane, Jun 22, 2022.

  1. wtfalien_xyz

    wtfalien_xyz Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    spoiler pleasee :blobpensivepray::blobpensivepray::blobpensivepray:
  2. cutesherry

    cutesherry Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2020
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    omg...I REALLY hope this spoiler is wrong: she asked for the engagement with the blonde crown prince to be broken in chapter 1, but it didn't happen until chapter 253, this is insane! I really don't want a story dragging on the bastard CP engagement plot for literally the entire novel :(

    So far, I like it too, this time we got not just one by two transmigrators from Korea, this is a first! And both have a lot of ambitions and want to become powerful.
    Elisee, Yukari_me, Bella94 and 5 others like this.
  3. Elisheba

    Elisheba Active Member

    Dec 21, 2022
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    I think it's CP's engagement with someone else
  4. Tsuki_Shiroi

    Tsuki_Shiroi Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Please some spoilers
  5. keonang010

    keonang010 Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2022
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    Is any spoiler?
  6. ShimmerRedDawn

    ShimmerRedDawn Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2022
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    I think they are talking about the 1st prince who has black hair. He is shown in chapter 3 of the manhwa.
  7. lettusfield

    lettusfield Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2020
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    i can't believe we have a novel with two possessed protagonists, which also has manhwa adaptation and yet there's no spoiler :cry: i really wanna read the novel but it's 300+ chaps long :cry::cry:
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2023
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  8. lettusfield

    lettusfield Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2020
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    most of what i wrote is opinion/rant anyway so not spoiler tagging it
    i skipped the first 100 chaps (lol) and started reading, the engagement breakup indeed happens at 253 chap but tbh by that time it already held no significance whatsoever. the announcement was more like a formality.

    llyod and elena were already in a relationship, everyone knew that elena's power means llyod's power, elena desperately wanted breakup cause she didn't want to get between og fl and crown prince and die but og fl revealed her true colors so she (e) realized she'd get caught up no matter what, also crown prince was too entranced with og fl (he was still stubborn not to break up when og fl first showed up but she successfully brainwashed him into only thinking about her), og fl also manipulated people (commoners) into calling her the crown princess. emperor was just using the breakup as a card to get elena and llyod to work hard and bring in more achievements, meaning he'd watchover elena and llyod's actions for some time to determine if the breakup was beneficial or not but eventually approve of it anyway.

    there was just some delay here and there but you could say it was already considered invalid to everyone around them. even elena who worked so hard from the beginning with breakup as goal didn't feel much from it (which is understandable, i didn't either. like i said, it literally had no meaning at that point). if it meant one thing, it'd be that elena and llyod could now think of their future (elena never thought about marrying llyod before but right after the breakup she almost thought about their grandchildren too lol)

    what i really liked was it never got boring despite taking such a long time. there was plot in almost every chapter and we have enough llyod x elena moments in between. my fav was 170-172 (aka confession chaps) it was hilarious lol.

    if i had to call something unnecessary, it'd be the addition of 2nd ml (elena's tutor and discussion partner. he's not old tho don't worry lol). it wasn't that it was boring but there was no need for him to have romantic feelings for elena (at least in my opinion)
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2023
    DOHere, Saisaka, Elisee and 28 others like this.
  9. kieranfortier

    kieranfortier Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2017
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    thank you for the spoilers! Can you please give some spoilers about the two princes and MCs political / social situation? Is the blond prince losing? Will OGFL try to get ML after realizing she won’t get anything with trash blond? Or will she use this mysterious charisma of her to help him?

    so far, up til chapter 28 (WEBTOON) ML already shows signs of falling in love. Their plans are going well so far. MC found a statue or something like a temple while looking for ML after he was attacked by giant wolfs during the hunting and there’s not suppose to exist a religion?
  10. iLoveyousomuch

    iLoveyousomuch Alis Volat Propiis♥︎

    Aug 4, 2023
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    Thank you for the spoiler.:)
  11. starshinemoon

    starshinemoon New Member

    Oct 22, 2023
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    I really need to find a place to read the english transtlation. And so Far I've only found english translation up to chapter 3 of the Manhwa.(And no its not on webtoon under this title it seems) If anyone finds a transtlation pls let me know where.
  12. lettusfield

    lettusfield Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2020
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    sorry for the late reply. in the beginning of og fl's appearance public opinion was tilting towards crown prince cause og fl used tricks to make commoners on her side. but political situation was on llyod's side (or more like elena's) cause elena's 3 young friends held 3 of the most powerful cards (i think one was information guild owner, one was merchant owner guild and another a medical researcher(???) ). elena helped each person their establish position plus she was good friends with them (they greatly admire her. oh btw they're all teenagers, like 15-16 yo)

    elena's family itself is powerful but they didn't express their support for llyod until later. but anyway elena's own power was enough to keep crown prince in check

    another event where elena expands her influence is when a epidemic breaks out and elena goes to the affected county to manage it. there's almost a 100 chaps between this event and the ogfl's arrival tho.

    in this arc, elena had already anticipated the pandemic from her previous knowledge and had her merchant guild friend produce a lots of masks in advance.

    she distributes the masks for free to commoners and sells them to nobles. when she arrives at the area many things happen. she goes there with 2nd ml (he volunteers to assist her). llyod can't go cause he had to handle the situation at the capital (so elena takes over the direct management and llyod oversees the overall situation). llyod taking over the case itself is evidence of the emperor trusting him. so he gains more political power. and if things are handled well then llyod gains even greater power.

    og fl goes to affected area to improve her image (during this time she has an argument with the crown prince. basically crown prince had a conversation with elena somewhere around this time and due to that ogfl's brainwashing dies down a little. so when ogfl is trying to comfort crown prince cause llyod was handed this case, crown prince snaps and tells her she can't be noble like elena. she should try to be at least half as good as her. this angers ogfl greatly and she also gets anxious. so she brainwashes crown prince even more and gaslights and guilt trips him into thinking she's the only who will stay with him).

    ogfl's plan backfires as elena provokes her and ogfl falls for it, causing an incident where she screams and drops a baby affected by pandemic (this one chilled my heart cause she literally drops the baby to ground from her arms. i think someone quickly caught the child otherwise it'd have been a disaster)

    anyway, elena comes to save the day. due to it elena's reputation becomes better and ogfl's reputation ever so slightly falters (as the incident happened in a small town, that too in a lockdown, it didn't spread far and wide. but the thing is ogfl doesn't care if it's only a few people, she wants ALL people to worship her, so she falls into a panic)

    after that she manipulates a person (butler of the county where epidemic broke) into killing elena. elena is called into a warehouse (she willingly goes there knowing it's a trap cause it's part of a bigger picture but that would take another para to explain) and it was set into fire.

    now the fire was quickly put out so there wasn't much damage but the warehouse collapsed and unfortunately elena and 2nd ml were trapped in there. 2nd ml was heavily injured trying to protect elena from falling objects. stuffs happen in between. llyod comes and desperately searches for elena with the knights. when it's been a long time and they still didn't manage to find her llyod was starting to think the worst. but then he hears some sound. it was morse code for SOS. the sound only he and elena can recognize in that world. then there's a touching reunion.

    anyway, that was not relevant to political situation. when elena returns after almost all on-site work was done (they had already developed a cure, thanks to elena's researcher friend, but of course elena was the one who gave her hint from her knowledge), they returned and reported the situation. it was then that the ogfl manipulates crown prince into accusing elena of starting the epidemic.

    they hold a trial with nobles and of course it doesn't go the way ogfl hoped. her plan was doomed from the start. instead it gives more power to elena. cause researcher friend gives the credit for developing the cure to elena and elena in return asks emperor to bestow a title and land on her merchant guild owner friend.

    lil backstory: there were two large merchant guilds in the empire. one was elena's friend's and one was the friend's family's. friend's family is basically misogynist trash people and they treated friend as a tool for gaining connection through marriage. so when friend opened her guild she became estranged with her fam. her guild grew a lot and was competing with her family's guild but because she didn't have any title and her family had the power she couldn't surpass them.

    so emperor bestows her with count title and gives her the very county where the epidemic spread (it was originally a great land and had benefits for business but bc the current count was incompetent, the territory declined completely. so friend gaining this territory is huge cause it'd help her business greatly). originally elena's recommendation could only get her a vicount's title at most so elena was thinking that was enough for now, as long as friend can become independent. but emperor was very amused with researcher friend plus elena's actions and also considering merchant friend distributing masks and stuffs to commoners she's granted count title, the same title as her family's. so her guild easily becomes the no.1 guild in the empire, totally crushing her family's.

    after this event, as crown prince accused elena and brought her to trial, elena's family finally openly shows support to llyod and warns the crown prince. so the political side was already completely in llyod's favour.

    and after this very event comes the engagement breakup arc. funnily enough, after like 10 or 20 chapters of the breakup, the crown prince's game is finished. he loses his right to throne as well as his life (ironically ogfl is the one who murders him, cause he could no longer elevate her to the highest position, even tho she's the reason why he ended up like that).

    ogfl actually tries to charm llyod in much earlier chaps, not cause she thinks crown prince is losing but cause she wants to use llyod. she has this weird compulsion of trying to make everyone fall for her. llyod was the closest to elena so ofc her charms didn't work (girlie literally trips deliberately and shows her legs to seduce llyod. llyod crushes her with his words tho). later after she realized crown prince is of no use, it was already too late. she kills him but since crown prince was ogml, after his death she was no longer fl of the world. she was just another ordinary girl. that's why all her brainwashing wears off and she is jailed.
    DOHere, Saisaka, Elisee and 36 others like this.
  13. lettusfield

    lettusfield Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2020
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    did i spoil the confession chapters tho? if you guys got access to mtl i definitely recommend reading those few chapters, it's hilarious. those are my fav chapters in the whole story
  14. tofumoon

    tofumoon Member

    Jul 23, 2023
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    Idk why but this novel is kinda unhinged. OGFL kinda reminds me of Sumin from marry my husband and I LOVE it
    Saisaka, Jeneah16 and Bella94 like this.
  15. Royee_RS

    Royee_RS Active Member

    Oct 4, 2020
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    Where can i read those chapters... Eagerly waiting for webtoon to release more chapters... Want for information about ML and FL bonding....
    Sahara_dsh17 likes this.
  16. Vanvan02

    Vanvan02 Member

    Oct 11, 2023
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    I think I'll save the webtoon chapter until the sweet moments of ml and fl appear, I can't wait for it especially the webtoon pictures are my favorite type. Ml with black hair is my favorite.
    I have several questions: is this novel finished?
    are there any spoilers about children? I want to know
    what about FL will she become duchess and empress?
    is there a spinoff in the modern world??
  17. BoredNovelFinder

    BoredNovelFinder Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2018
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    Yikes. Why'd it take so long???
    Elisee likes this.
  18. satsuki07

    satsuki07 Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2018
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    WTH! So both ogleads are trashy
    layyu likes this.
  19. Nekozzzzzzzz

    Nekozzzzzzzz Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2021
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    Does this novel has any background stories about their past in korea?
  20. Deleted member 710609

    Deleted member 710609 Guest

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    What themes or messages does the novel explore regarding free will and destiny