Spoiler Sister, In This Life, I’ve Become The Queen

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Aug 11, 2022.

  1. Grandmaster Luke Skywalker

    Grandmaster Luke Skywalker Member

    Oct 6, 2023
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    Bro is majestic also Raphael got introduced into the webtoon as far as I know he is the 3rd ML and is he the reason why Ariadne and Alfonso break up due to the issues with the letters?
    Isthecat102 likes this.
  2. miagirardi

    miagirardi New Member

    Feb 15, 2024
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    Yeah, but the manhwa is so behind the novel... Don't get me wrong, I love the manhwa, but my main interest right now is the novel itself: Ari pregnancy and miscarriage, Isabella syphilis, Cesare and the princess, etc. I'm dying to read it!
    Isthecat102 likes this.
  3. -prettylittleliess-

    -prettylittleliess- New Member

    Dec 30, 2023
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    Me too! I just told you bc you seemed really into the story, so… but yeah, I wish the manhwa wasn’t so behind, I really want to read the novel but I can’t get the yonder app, I don’t want to pay ( broke teenager here lmao ), and the only other translation I’ve found is absolute crap,and it’s behind too… *sigh*
    I’m reading that translation, and then translating it in the best historical language a gen Z can manage, so…
    I’m dying of curiosity though!
    miagirardi and Isthecat102 like this.
  4. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    He's the reason they got together. They had misunderstanding and Alphonso didn't know until he said something.
    Isthecat102 and BRain664 like this.
  5. Luff

    Luff Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2023
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    So to be able to use black magic and regain her beauty Isabella made a blood sacrifice (aka children) . I'm not even surprised I expect everything if it's coming from her :blobsleepless:
    maymimi, Tad1989 and Isthecat102 like this.
  6. Isthecat102

    Isthecat102 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    At this point I'm praying every night that the syphilis king dies already.

    And to make it more disturbing, not only was he a child, but he was a baby less than 1 month old

    At this point we have to purge Isabella like people did with a witch in the past :blobpitch::blobtorch:
  7. SilverHolyStrike

    SilverHolyStrike New Member

    Jan 22, 2024
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    So I have a question. Does anyone know how many chapters there are left for the novel?
    jaskier likes this.
  8. jaskier

    jaskier Member

    Sep 19, 2023
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    When did this happen? Is there any more context?
  9. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    Here but ig they did sacrifice
    The latest mtl title is seductress who cover holy prince so I think she got her beauty back bc comments saying like Isabella asking for expensive stuff from Syphilis

    Can you spoil more?
    jaskier likes this.
  10. AxelGabriel

    AxelGabriel Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2023
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    I still have a hard time seeing this kind of comment, because in fact, for me, it looks more like gratuitous nastiness towards a fictional character who wants to be discredited with images proving the "sayings"

    I prefer virility rather than femininity, Cesard looks more like a woman, we'd put a dress on him and all the men would pick him up, it's not my thing!

    I could say that, but actually, I've never been one to look at the physical. I prefer the mental and I've always admitted a little thing indirectly on this topic: my favorite was Raphael... Not because of the look, but because of his character which, from the beginning, made it clear that he was very original and different. I liked the fact that he understood Ariadne better than the others, that he understood her value and so on.

    But Alphonso's evolution was such that my heart went crazy for the blonde and all of them traitorous old man because of the illustrations.

    The characters evolve, but the mentality of some people, no, and I continue to see this kind of message with "He's looking like an old man"... And let me remind you that one of the first illustrations in the story is the image of the ugliest character I've ever seen in this story, the very first illustration... I invite you to go and see it again!

    What I mean is that, very often, people come here to insult characters and whatever, but if you don't like the image, just pass it on and imagine the perfect man. Because of what, whether you like the character or not, you're going to have to deal with it: he's the ML of the story, Césard isn't even the secondary ML, just a potential obstacle, if he has the courage to come back to the front of the stage.

    I am more angry with the people who come here to insult Ariane because, for me, these people are stupid: she are the FL ... It will be there until the end of the story and even beyond according to the author's desires. It's one thing to dislike a character, it's another to force yourself to read a story when you know full well that the character you hate will have a happy ending... (I've rarely seen a Korean story end badly for the FL... )
  11. autumn_leaf

    autumn_leaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2021
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    This is really getting annoying..If this is the attitude you keep while reading a story where the author has put their best, then no need to continue if you hate the MAIN character so much.
    Ari did not cheat. You don't even know what cheating means. With Cesare she was just surprised and did not mean to kiss him, surprised enough to not push him away, did not kiss him back.
    With Alfonso, she pushed him away exactly coz she had feelings for him, and that had hurt her.
    She pushed Alfonso away precisely coz she had feelings for him. I bet you won't want to be the mistress of the person you like... Same goes for her.
    So, it's human psychology to not react to people you don't care for and reacting vigorously to people who you care for....
    Putting it simply, if you have love you fight more...
    I don't know how many times it has been but really people don't think and definitely don't understand a character when they read the story..
    They just mindlessly bash them as if they own them...
    Not only in this thread but other threads too.
    Calling someone retarded for talking right just shows your mentality and also that you are not of sound mind. If you hate it , drop it.
    Misinterpreting people who provide spoilers even before reading them and talking trash about it and bashing other people who support what's right.. That just shows how mindless you're about these things.
    jaskier, Isthecat102 and Mkh.97 like this.
  12. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Syphilis is really frustrating,when he is going to die.everything is in mess...
    He is real headache.coup by Alphonso can solve all problems.Also Terevero gave SOS call to Alphonso.Things are getting complicated.
    Isthecat102 and Tad1989 like this.
  13. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Everyone wants to embrace the best side of Ari, but only Alphonso embraces both her best and worst sides. Alphonso is the only one who truly understands Ari, even though he doesn't know her regression. Alphonso is irreplaceable.

    Ari has honestly supported Alphonso. When he was in dire need of money, it was Ari who made sure he was financially secure. Ari is also supporting Alphonso's black knight. Ultimately, it becomes Alphonso's duty to cherish her, thankfully he loves her unconditionally.

    Cesare's role was just to say a final goodbye to the feelings she once had for him in a previous timeline. Now, he is just an unnecessary headache. He tried to create the most greatest scandal by asking the future queen to have an affair with him. He tried to destroy her dignity and spread unnecessary rumors about Ari.
    Alphonso has only Ari, whom he can claim as his own, and Ari has only Alphonso, whom she can claim as her own. Most other people are just leeches who want to suck and harm bothered, with few exceptions like Sancha, Raphael.

    Ari and Alphonso continuously face new challenges, especially Ari. Ari paid a high price for the Etruscan kingdom. She disfigured her left hand to defeat the Gallico kingdom. Sometimes, I feel Alphonso should stage a coup and take control of everything. Syphilis is just a mess, eating away at the national treasure and busy in adding concubines and Cesare, even after reading Ari's true feelings for Alphonso. He is living in delusion, thinking she loves him. Alphonso is harming his own interests and those of his beloved wife Ari by being too generous.

    Sometimes I feel the golden rule should allow her to share everything about her pain, guilt, and trauma with Alphonso, so that he knows how much his wife is suffering inside. When she gets over the trauma, guilt knocks on the door. When he gets over both, the fear of judgment day knocks on the door. It's a cycle of endless suffering. The fear of judgment is all because she accumulated the sins due to the incompetence of Syphilis and his useless son cesare

    If I still hate Ari and misjudged her because of the first timeline, I am a heartless person. The reality is that whatever she did in the first timeline gets nullified with her regression. She deserves a beautiful, happy ending with her love cum husband, Alphonso.
  14. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    You seriously need to stop your delusion when Cesare isn't even trying to do anything except for running away from Juliet. Nowhere it even say Cesare think Ari loves him. You're more headache than Cesare. At least he not even that important anymore in story but he all you talk about. I think you more jealous of him than Alphonso is.
    Isthecat102 likes this.
  15. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    I believe there is an issue with the way you are phrasing your question. It is you who always overreact with mention of Cesare and why you expect people to share their views on the current chapter when it is not available for the rest of the world.I was just mentioning how Cesare is unnecessary headache for Ari in context to chapter 460-461 ,I have not mentioned he is main character and I don't think Alphonso is jealous of Cesare, but rather little possessive and overprotective for Ari because of history of Cesare behaviour and also because he almost lost Ari to Cesare during engagement arc.
    I understand after getting massive punch, Cesare will never dare to approach Ari directly. Finally, Do you believe that Cesare's obsession with Ari will end with him hiding from Juliet forever?

    Don't you think he want to keep himself available for Ari because Cesar has still delusion that he can snatch Ari from Alphonso and if he end in bedding with juliet he will have no option but to get married to her.

    The way the story is progressing, Ari is on track to become a powerful political figure in the Etruscan kingdom and the central continent. Alphonso supports, loves, and feels proud of the growth and development of his lady. The Black Knight has become somewhat like a private army of Ari since she is the sole financier.
    Syphilis is going to have a hard time, not only because of his son but also because of his daughter-in-law.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2024
  16. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    Where was their even spoiler saying he have obsession with snatching Ari from Alphonso? You made that up yourself just cuz you think he so ded set on stealing any women from Alphonso when he not. Even when you kept saying he want to steal Isabella from Alphonso before when he didn't. He wanted Isabella before Alphonso was even with Isabella coz she was most beautiful and he only got Isabella AFTER Alphonso died cuz he accidentally met her while she was trying to run away from living in church cuz her husband died. Ppl in this thread before you were discussing on latest spoilers until you came and all you talk about is Cesare on your own. You're the only one misreading spoilers and even the novel like making up shit like how she dont want to betraying her marriage to Cesare by burning her letters when why would she want Isabella to find out the letters? Who will be labelled a cheater and whore if Isabella find out? She is the main villain here and you don't even think about how dangerous Isabella can be if she finds out. She would've used that to her advantage to mess with Ari in not just the engagement but fk with her public img. I swear you don't even think about how messed up Isabella is when someone just shared she literally had a newborn killed to being back her beauty. She's using the king rn to gain a upper hand. Nowhere it even saying Cesare plotting anything when rn it's Isabella plotting.

    But thanks to you we don't even get anymore spoilers and now we just get your onesided rambling on what you thinks happening in the tl novel.

    Just when I thought 1 annoying person is gone from thread another came.
    Isthecat102 likes this.
  17. Charlotteoxford

    Charlotteoxford Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2023
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    Don't flatter yourself, arguing with you guys didn't require much attention.

    Hmmmm I came back from a lovely post on reddit highlighting the hypocrisy of Ari in the latest chapter.

    It seems more people are starting to realize what a horrible person she is.
    You guys wonder why there are more moral discussions rather than leaks in this discussion board right?

    Because y'all won't admit how blindsided you are at Ari's actions.
    Her infidelity
    Her hypocrisy
    Her double standards
    Her crying & bitching
    Her "oh woe is me" attitude as if she's the worlds saddest person.

    But no you all choose to ignore that and justify each of Ari's actions.
    Well good luck doing that from the hundreds more that are realizing that Ari is a poorly written MC.
    AsmaeOphelia likes this.
  18. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    You say that when you constantly stay on the thread of something you dont even read and keep hating like ok keep lying to yourself
    jaskier and Isthecat102 like this.
  19. Charlotteoxford

    Charlotteoxford Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2023
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    What an unoriginal comeback
  20. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    Ppl who only discuss moral don't even read the novel and you want to know why ppl on reddit oonly talk about that? Cuz they don't even read the whole story. We talking about ppl who still stuck in the beginning of the story and think the whole story is only the beginning part.

    We chose to read the story to see her develop not to keep thinking the story stuck at the beginning.

    And it so obvious ppl like you don't read when you're stuck at the mantra that Ari don't ever feel guilty for killing Alphonso when she do. If she didn't feel guilty she would still want to be queen when she don't anymore in the novel. She also want to leave Alphonso bc she dont want to hurt him with her karma. Like ok you ppl who don't read can just keep going on and on about your hate but you don't even know the whole story.