Spoiler Sister, In This Life, I’ve Become The Queen

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Aug 11, 2022.

  1. AxelGabriel

    AxelGabriel Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2023
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    The return of the ultimate idiot ! The one who never answers me, I love it!

    So: when did she cheat on Alphonso? When she was engaged to Césard? At that moment in the story, Ariane and Alphonso were not together! You don't understand those words: they weren't together! They had to settle their affairs when Alphonso returned, who arrived three years later! NOT TOGETHER! And he, in the meantime, is engaged to Larissa, so they DID THE SAME THING !

    Which brings me to the second point: reproaching you to Ariane for what Alphonso does: they are both engaged and, while Ariane kisses her betrothed, Alphonso will kiss Ariane even though he thinks he is married to Larissa... So, for the "she's hypocritical", keep it to yourself! YOU ARE SO MUCH MORE SO!

    It's double standard... I don't understand what you're accusing you of, but I don't care! Anyway, like every time I'm going to ask: your evidence, you're just going to shut up! ^^

    yes, so a woman isn't allowed to cry anymore... Even if it doesn't happen often... When you lose a sister, you don't have the right to mourn her, or when you lose your unborn child, right? You are so inhumane! And I rather think that what she thinks is "woe to him who chose me when I don't deserve it!"

    And you, you keep coming knowing that she will have everything in the end, you are the stupidest of all! Let me remind you: this story will have a happy ending for Ari... You're such a masochist, I feel sorry for you! Everyone knows that the story will end well for Ari, it will end with Alphonso and they will have several children! Stop hurting yourself! ... Or maybe you're really too masochistic and like to be repacked... A whip is more interesting, I'll give you sites where you can buy it?

    To all the new people who love history, know that this person will always come back with the same arguments... You can read it, but everything it tells is just a summary, fragmentation, and manipulation of history! In other words, if you want, there is an option to stop seeing your messages.

    She doesn't bring anything to the table, except: Ari naughty, she's not good, do you like her? You stupid! So, even if you don't like Ari, don't listen to her, I can give you more credible and interesting arguments than her!

    Yes, Ari helped send the plague to Galico, but also saved a lot of lives while ensuring a future for people in need by creating a school to educate them and allow them to have a job, she will also blame herself a lot for having caused the death of so many people and will break her hand as a sign of penance on several occasions.
    I would also like to remind you that she is not the only one responsible, that the soldiers contaminating and returning home without taking into account their illnesses are just as responsible.
    And it was either that or let your country fall into the hands of someone else, what would you have done? If, in order to save YOUR country, you had to blow up the one that invades you, what would you do? Be honest!
    What else could she have done? What would you have done?

    As for this situation of "she cheats on him", let's remember the facts: Alphonso left, they made a promise, on the wall, to settle it when he comes back (and, as said, he will come back three years later)

    The king wants to take her as his wife (and wants to marry her, it's said!), Césard arrives and they are engaged. If she breaks off the engagement, maybe the king will try another approach, then, yes, she stays with Césard. She cannot deceive Alphonso, she is not with him but with Césard. And later, Alphonso comes back and thinks he's married to Larissa, but of course, when he kisses Ariane, everyone thinks it's normal! Isn't it, CHARLOTTE? ... He's a man, he has the right to do it! Whereas a woman must remain faithful! Shut your mouth and be loyal, woman! That's right? This kind of thing is remarkable, vomiting!

    She killed Alphonso in the first life, yes, she herself had described this act as unjust. And yes, in the second life, she wants to use Alphonso to live, considering that if she saves him, she has the right to be saved by him! Where is the harm in this exchange?
    If someone goes back in time to correct something, that person remains bad?
    Let me use the example that one person used: if a certain person had to go back to the past to prevent the Second World War, he would no longer be the filthy human being we see as an absolute monster, but a hero! And no one could say otherwise, since we would never know what he did!
    And the act doesn't disappear, but Ariadne paid with her life for what she did in the first life, so she paid the price, why stay focused on something that was fatal to her?

    As for her last argument about the last chapter, I'll leave it to those who have read it and who will be able to prove that she's talking again....

    I'm not stopping anyone from replying to him, but... I sincerely believe that she is masochistic... And that she likes to be answered... What if we hide ourselves to buy him a whip? It'll save us time... No, but don't look at me like that, she always comes back with the same arguments, if it's not a form of masochism... She knows we're going to come to counter all this! So why does it continue? She's a masochist!
  2. LaDyViL

    LaDyViL New Member Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    :derpyblob: Keep it civil. Lovely thread we have here. We don't want it to disappear like some other threads that got out of hand, do we?

    :meowpuffysoul: To that one person, spend your time reading and comprehending what was posted before you make a new account. Again.
    jaskier, Isthecat102, Caloli and 2 others like this.
  3. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    I of him.
    I know Isabella is the main villain, the most worst being in the novel, but we were talking about things which are out in the pan-world. Not which are spoilers. I have not talked about spoilers when I replied to Axielbel, most of which is written after the hiatus of the author.

    I know Isabella is the evergreen main villain, but Cesar can be a villain occasionally. I am not talking about spoilers. I was talking about Cesar's behavior towards Ari from the beginning in this timeline. Cesar started snatching Ari from Alphonso from her debutante(not currently,). Currently, he is in delusional feeling for Ari and running and hiding from Julia, but I think he should end up with her.because Julia is doing same with Cesar what Cesar tried to do with Ari in engagement arc.

    Again, you are taking me wrong. I know Isabella is the most messed-up villain, but I was replying to Axielbel about how Cesar can be an unnecessary headache for Ari. It does not mean I am calling him a villain for the current period. I called Cesare's feeling an obsession because it is one-sided, selfish, and filled with a lot of inferiority complex. Obsession causes more pain and suffering than real love because it is selfish in nature. The author greatly describes his suffering in chapter 460. Ending of Ari with Cesare would have caused more damage first because of Cesare himself, next by his mother, and lastly by trauma for rejecting Alphonso because of a misunderstanding created by Lerissa and Elko. In that aspect, Cesare was a villain for Ari for a short period.

    Actually, I read 5-6 chapters specifically like 439, 459, 460 because I got free cookies. That is why I mentioned that part only.

    Currently, syphilis and Isabella both are real headache headache.

    I feel very bad about Ari because she has become hopeless. At the very least, she should be relieved of some burden.everyone is enjoying themselves while Ari and Alphonso are suffering. The worst part is that Ari is bearing the sin of a child killed by Agusto in order to revive Isabella's beauty.But I have hope Agusto can be helpful in relieving Ari of her bad karma and I don't want to say but hope syphilis die somehow before returning to palace,he is causing only anxiety.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2024
  4. alpineibex


    Aug 12, 2022
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    People forget what this thread is:

    @Hanjakanji pls check your DM
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  5. AxelGabriel

    AxelGabriel Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2023
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    I want to say one thing: yes, I am very rude in my position, but this person has very often insulted people gratuitously, I feel nothing but pity for her. She was the first to show disrespect and you only have to look at her messages to see how immature and violent she is in her words. Especially since she's not honest and shamelessly uses spoilers! She will only ever say what is interesting to support HER point of view and not the reality of the story.

    I can understand that we don't like Ariane, I said it, she's not really a "heroine", she is, from my point of view, on the side of the "understandable villains", in the same way, for example, as Joël from the "The Last of Us" franchise, they do what it takes to survive, even to the point of letting innocent people die.
    I like Ariane because she knows what she's doing and doesn't hide behind false pretenses, she often regrets her choices when the consequences were heavy (like for the plague), but this person will just say: she spread the plague, willingly forgetting the fact that Ariadne's goal was to keep an army away from her lands, implying that the death of the innocent was deliberate when it was not.

    When summarizing a story, there are things that need to be said, but some of them are lost, I can't deny it, hence the interest of no one who comes to rectify by putting things back in order. How many times do you see people interpret the story when they only have a fragmented summary, assuming that the villain was right to do that when in fact, no, that the heroine is a slut because she had a child with a character other than the ML while she was married to the second one who crossed out with the child before she was sold to the ML? This behavior is misinformation. Manipulation of the truth and reinterpretation to impose one's idea on others.

    I've seen people go to great lengths to give you complete information and summarises and it's hard not to pay homage to anything to be as close as possible to the true interpretation, because forgetting a word in a summary, and everything can change.
    "Ariadne transmitted the plague that spread to Galico" makes Ariadne a villain.
    "Ariadne followed the advice of the Golden Rules and agreed to the will of a contaminate to transmit the plague to an enemy troop to make them retreat, the consequence is that they returned dear and contaminated the civilians of their countries" ... The difference between summarizing them is incredible.

    I should limit writing a preventive topic because, often, we see people just summarizing it and just saying "ha, it looks like a dirty bitch with lots of men here and there" or "poor villain who doesn't deserve this"... Judging a story by a summary that is often distorted by the principle of ... Uh... I don't know if the expression exists dear you, so, I'm going to change it to: from word to word (if you say one thing to a friend and she says it to another and so on, to the hundredth person, it won't be the same anymore!)
    So, I wanted to end with, I'm sorry if my words sounded violent, but it's not the first time she comes here to try to sow discord for her pleasure and, often, we can identify her behavior with harassment, I can't stand it anymore and I'm very nice, to the point of respecting Trash characters by continuing to call them by their first names rather than their Trash nicknames....
    Isthecat102 likes this.
  6. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    I don't want to appear as a spammer, but I think I should write about this. The problem is the author has called every emotion of the character vaguely as love. It is understandable, even if I am obsessed with someone, I will call it love, never call it obsession.
    The following emotions are actually similar in appearance, but things get different when you start understanding them:

    - LUST
    - LOVE
    - LIKE

    I don't want to discuss which character had which type of feeling with whom. People get offended here. At least try to understand yourself.

    Freedom and trust are the most important features of true love that only exist between Ari and Alphonso (not with others) combining both . Alphonso is possessive about Ari, but it is natural because he loves her ,want to protect her and not want to loose her. However, possessiveness should not become toxic to the extent that it starts damaging freedom and trust.
  7. Hanjakanji

    Hanjakanji Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    Your problem is you think toxic love not love but it still under love just toxic
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  8. Pollyg246

    Pollyg246 New Member

    Feb 9, 2024
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    Is the novel on hiatus? There haven't been updates on yonder the past few days
  9. Tad1989

    Tad1989 Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2023
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    There was one yesterday, apparently they’ve actually decided to adhere to the only releasing five chapters a week when they were releasing seven a week recently.
    Pollyg246 and Isthecat102 like this.
  10. Kuroningyo

    Kuroningyo New Member

    Nov 29, 2023
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    Hi, can someone tell me the ending?
    Isabella and her mother ending?

  11. miya_eh

    miya_eh Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2022
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    Hi there, the novel hasnt ended (its on 500+ chapters btw)
    The Mother, Lucrezia, died (she killed herself with poison). She thought by assuming all the fault for a murder (which she orchestrated), her son Ippolito would be free of charges.

    Isabella had a daughter with Ottavio. Afaik she's entangled in a relationship with the king, but im not sure if he took her officially as his mistress...more up to date readers can help you clarify on that
    Isthecat102 and Tad1989 like this.
  12. BRain664

    BRain664 Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2022
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    The truth is, personality do change people's face. I know Cesare's personality is so shit that it is visible in his face. I find his face so shitty that I don't think he's charming or handsome. In recent illustration, Cesare is looking so stupid and so so so side charecter that i forgot his character's motive. He's just every women's past flings to me rn. And yeah, he's a whore and Ariadne had fun (not sexualy) with this whore in this life. I find nothing wrong that Ariadne had fun with this whore. And my respect for Ariadne grew much more because everyone in san carlo knew Cesare is a whore but knowing this, Ariadne respected Cesare. And the irony is, Ariadne didn't use him like she should have. This whore is for fun and everyone has the right to use this whore but Ariadne never tried to be in his life, it's this whore who was always clinging to Ariadne. Cesare's sole purpose in this novel is this "he is a whore and use him!".
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2024
    Tad1989 and Isthecat102 like this.
  13. Isthecat102

    Isthecat102 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    If the author continues uploading chapters every day again, I think I will be bankrupt in Naver Series :notlikeblob:

    I wonder if we will soon see the Grand Duke of Sternheim again or perhaps his 17-year-old son?
    Tad1989 likes this.
  14. miya_eh

    miya_eh Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2022
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    Spill the tea!
    Who is that duke?
    And whats the plot involving his son? Looks too young for a potential 4th male lead hahaha (im just being delulu)
    Isthecat102 likes this.
  15. Isthecat102

    Isthecat102 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    I apologize, I dropped a bomb and didn't give context.

    He is too young for Ariadne! Besides, Ari is already a married woman jajajaja

    Many have the theory that Ari is going to do business with the young Prince or give him a loan (The Grand Duchy also suffers financial problems, in short, they are having a difficult time)


    The Grand Duchy of Sternheim is going through a political crisis because the Grand Duke (He is the Grand Duke who helped Alfonso escape from the Kingdom of Gallico, a great man, good monarch and father), is in very poor health and He is in bed very ill, so his 17-year-old son has become the current Prince Regent of the Grand Duchy with the support of his mother.

    So the enemies of the Grand Duke and the Grand Duchess (Especially, Count Achenbach, Ruler of a small monarchy, which is part of the North Sea Union, the Union governed by the Grand Duchy) have been spreading rumors about the paternity of her youngest daughter and accusing the Grand Duchess of being an unfaithful and treacherous woman, the enemies of the Grand Duke are saying that if his youngest daughter is probably the daughter of another, that leaves open the possibility that his 1st son, the current Prince Regent, is not be it from the Grand Duke, then because of these rumors, the Grand Duchy is going through a political crisis.

    In addition to the fact that no one accepts the orders of the Young Prince Regent (Son of the Grand Duke) and they do not respect him as a leader, to make matters worse, the Grand Duchess does not understand anything about politics, although she is a woman with strong religious beliefs but she is totally unaware of the areas of politics and intrigue adding that she has no one to defend her from those rumors because she is the daughter of a small powerless monarchy and mostly her immediate family is dead.
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2024
    Tad1989 likes this.
  16. vicross

    vicross Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2022
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    See previous posts for the full scene.

    Can someone showed me chapter 377 because I've been searching the previous post but couldn't find it
  17. autumn_leaf

    autumn_leaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2021
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    If you
    If it did not require much attention you shouldn't have bothered writing such a long post.
    And whatever that she is doing and whatever part of her the readers like has nothing do with you. Also you are free to hate her if you want but do not say that others can't see things. It's just others are positive and you are quite negative. So, it's nothing but misguided judgement passed on others who don't hate Ari.
    U hate her. Do it. Don't comment on how others can't hate her
    Hanjakanji, Tad1989 and Isthecat102 like this.
  18. Isthecat102

    Isthecat102 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    To me, she is secretly in love with Ariadne lmao, she behaves like a boy who bullies the girl he likes.
    autumn_leaf and AxelGabriel like this.
  19. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    I never thought I would hate Syphilis this much. His existence is a curse on Ari and Alphonso. The more I read, the more I start to hate him..When he will die..
    Isthecat102 and Tad1989 like this.
  20. Tad1989

    Tad1989 Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2023
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    Is this because of what’s going on in the latest chapters? I have no interest in paying naver and then mtl the chapters so what happened.
    Isthecat102 likes this.