Spoiler Sister, In This Life, I’ve Become The Queen

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Aug 11, 2022.

  1. chonoiks

    chonoiks Active Member

    Dec 31, 2021
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    just in the early chapters, I started in Yonder but its just so expensive then I found that you can read it for free at Naver until chapter 341. Where are you guys reading after 341?
  2. Tad1989

    Tad1989 Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2023
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    We’re around 90 chapters ahead in yonder.
  3. Queen of manhwa

    Queen of manhwa Active Member

    Mar 7, 2024
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    Can someone please mtl or spoil the most recent chapters on naver as yonder is behind. How is Alfonso and Ariadne relation after the miscarriage, and is there any coup going against the king ?

    It’s on naver as well it’s linked in the first page of the forum but it takes a while to create the account and then you have to pay, I found it difficult to complete the account.
  4. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    The new chapter really pained my heart. In the recent chapter, Alphonso regrets announcing his marriage to Ari. He believes that because of him, Ari lost her freedom and that he has put a dark spot on her happiness and her beautiful social image. Noble gossip spreads nonsense about Ari, even though he took all actions of his own will.They blame Ari in bad way for Alphonso not going with syphilis but reality is he not went with syphilis because of his own will,Aru persuaded him to go with Syphilis to his last minutes.He feels that if he were to die, there would be no one to protect Ari. Additionally, if they were to have children, since their marriage is not officially recognized, people would spread dirty rumors about her if he were to die. He finds syphilis to be more stubborn than he had originally thought.

    He is not revolting against his father because he loves him, but he does not want dirty rumors to be spread about Ari again. He doesn't want to do anything because he wants to protect Ari. He even regrets marrying at some point because if he were to die, there would be no one left in Ari's life after her death, so he is afraid of dying.

    Like Ari, Alphonso also thinks he has ruined Ari's life.

    To be honest, at this point, I have lost all sympathy for syphilis. He deserves the most painful and regretful death in the novel. He has stretched both Ari and Alphonso to the point of maximum pain that even after coming together and loving each other deeply, they regret their togetherness because they both think they have ruined each other's lives just by being together.

    They deeply love each other and have a strong bond, but they lack confidence in their togetherness due to unnecessary guilt stemming from the fear of ruining each other's lives for various reasons(it is biggest lie that they ruined each other life,in reality both saved each other). In Ari's case, it's the judgment day and the action of syphilis and her own low self-esteem because of her trauma and guilt of FTL. In Alfonso's case, it's the dirty hateful gossips from the nobles of San Carlo and the action of syphilis and his guilt of not making their marriage official.
    If you ask me, even after facing and sacrificing so much to be together, it's a tragic curse for couple deeply in love , to feel guilt about living together because of the interference of third parties who have no connection to their relationship whatsoever.
    However, I believe that if they can overcome this phase, their bond and love will only grow stronger and become permanent.
    At this point you will feel very bad for Ari and Alphonso and want to kill Syphilis ,even more than Isabella..
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2024
  5. -prettylittleliess-

    -prettylittleliess- New Member

    Dec 30, 2023
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    Does anyone know when chapter 88 of the Manhwa will release?
  6. Queen of manhwa

    Queen of manhwa Active Member

    Mar 7, 2024
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    It’s on naver as well it’s linked in the first page of
    It gonna be released tommorow , it updates every Thursday
  7. -prettylittleliess-

    -prettylittleliess- New Member

    Dec 30, 2023
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    Oh okay thank you.
  8. AxelGabriel

    AxelGabriel Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2023
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    Has anyone answered such interesting questions? Weird...
    I'd say that, potentially, you've found the loophole to allow Ari to talk to Alphonso... Indeed, it seems to me that the gods can't see where to hear what's going on during their encounters, but... It's only "what's implied"... However, I believe that Ari's "guilt" is one of the central points of the plot. I don't think the author will solve this situation with this, not right away. After that, I don't think Ari would have taken the risk of talking to Alphonso, even if I was sure that it's not dangerous: there is no such thing as zero risk. If you loved someone, would you really take the risk of seeing them disappear to tell them the secrets of your guilt? ... I'm not sure... For me: everyone would make their choice.

    I see a lot of people saying "why she forgives her father" when talking about Ari. More about the fact that they don't think it's normal to see Alphonso continue to love his father after everything he's done.
    The truth is that everyone would react very differently, but would inevitably be influenced by their culture, and it seems to me that Koreans have a very strong sense of family value.
    With all the Webtoons showing us this aspect, where we see children forgiving the unforgivable, I find it surprising to see people continue to be surprised by this aspect. It's like the idea that very often, the MC will seek revenge on the lover rather than the husband (this is very often the case, let's admit it) What I mean is that the culture is not the same, we could have fun comparing our impressions on it to see, very quickly, that we ourselves don't have the same opinions (I'm French, so... I wouldn't see it the same)
    Will Ariadne more easily forgive her father who repents while people reading the novel would not forgive? Surely it's a reflection of the author's soul that could do it (and may have done it... I don't know...)

    As for Alphonso who still loves his father... There was a movie where people tortured a little girl, which gave her demonic powers, she ended up taking revenge on her torturers among whom were her mother (who had let it happen, she had not participated, but herself considered that it was the case). The little girl will spare her mother and when the mother asks another person "why", the person will answer: "A parent is god to his child".
    There were moments of tenderness between Alphonso and his father. I wonder if it's syphilia (the disease!! THE DISEASE, not the character, I'd always say "the king" myself! XD) which deteriorates the king's mind. Isn't degeneration one of the symptoms? He must have genuinely loved Alphonso and whoever remembers him that way.

    I have a question: does Alphonso know that his father has syphilis? Because if this is the case, he would be in the same situation as tens of thousands (hundreds of thousands?) of people in our world who continue to love their parents while those who are suffering from dementia (Alzeihmer and other degenerative diseases). These sick people say monstrous things and can do monstrous things (physically attack their loved ones), but that's not why, suddenly, children start to hate their parents...
    If Alphonso knows about the disease, he can't hate his father, perhaps thinking that it's the disease that speaks and not his father...

    I admit that I've been looking for a theory that doesn't seem so reliable to me... But, for me, it's an explanation that would explain this unconditional love for such an evil being... And stupid...
    Or the degeneracy that started a long time ago (when the queen started stealing the funds to put them aside to help her son... )
  9. Luff

    Luff Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2023
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    Oh I can't believe I still haven't read the recent chapters
    What did syphilis do ?:cry:
  10. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    It's not Alphonso's love for his father but rather his guilt for Ari that is stopping him from taking such action.
    After he revealed his marriage, the San Carlo circle, who once praised her as a saint, started calling her a witch who seduced the prince without any good appearance. After the miscarriage, these rumors became even more malicious. When he didn't go to Toranto, they again blamed Ari, but in reality, Ari persuaded him to go until the last minute. He doesn't want to go against Syphilis because he thinks they will blame Ari again.
    I think the only way to stop such rumors is for Ari to become indispensable in every aspect as Alphonso's wife. For that, San Carlo needs a bigger issue and danger that only Ari can solve. Even if Alphonso stages a coup, Ari will still need the mentioned thing along with fear of her.
    We don't know the complete rules of the Half Regressor, but after reading the conversation between Ari and Grandma Shaman, there is a chance to save Ari if she fulfills her goal. She is already on the path to achieving her goal unknowingly, but she will only realize it when she meets Augusto.

    This just shows the dark side of society. They praised her as a saint when she saved them from Gallico and provided grain, but when she got married to the prince, intead of returning her favour by supporting her,society humiliated her by calling her a witch. In reality, Ari is the only one who deserves to be the future queen for many reasons.Also show how much society is obsessed with look,they still have sympathetic opinion for someone like isabella

    I think if she had not married Alphonso, her life would have become even tougher. After the cardinal's resignation, she became the illegitimate daughter of a commoner. It would have been easy for anyone to hurt her and bring out grudge against her because of the cardinal and her also. From the dirty gossips against her, we can understand the deep-seated hatred they were harboring against her. Also, with a scarred left hand and already reaching marriage age,she is never going to get decent husband or even a husbanf. nobody could love her like Alphonso did. She found someone who truly loved her. So, Alphonso's guilt is far from reality in terms of ruining her life

    It is favorable for Ari that Alphonso has guilt for her,he will not leave San Carlo and her alone because of guilt. There is a highest chance of her becoming sacrificial . With Alphonso by her side, he will prevent her from doing so.

    The real issue is Syphilis's hatred for Alphonso and Syphilis himself, such a lowly father obsessed with someone who killed his grandchild in the womb of his daughter-in-law.
    In this timeline, Alphonso is more capable than his first timeline version because of Ari. With Ari, he reaches the ultimate level.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2024
  11. Angelmiuuj

    Angelmiuuj Member

    Jul 20, 2023
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    Hello guys, do you know what's happening in the novel now? I just finished reading ep 539 but cannot read the next chapters because I don't have money to pay for the next episodes.(n)

    Do you know what happened between Julia and Cesare? Did they get married?
  12. Pollyg246

    Pollyg246 New Member

    Feb 9, 2024
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    O noo!! Did he go back to being an asshole? What happens between them in later chapters? I'm at the point after they find out he won't be pope
  13. milano

    milano Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2023
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    okay its kinda sad but he goes to see Isabella after finding out that she is the mistress of the King but when he is refused even an audience with her because she doesn't want to see him, he falls ill. While Ari is caring for him, he gets a little delirious and when looking at Ariadne, he calls out Isabella's name.
    Like god damn that hurt me as well. At this point before he called her that Ari had some hope because why would he call out Isabella who rejected him after losing the rest of his entire family. This was kinda according to MTL her last hope to be acknowledged.
    This was in chapter 469 i believe. By the way, this makes Ari angry at Isabella more, which is what causes the confrontation leading to the miscarriage.
    Pollyg246 and Mkh.97 like this.
  14. Pollyg246

    Pollyg246 New Member

    Feb 9, 2024
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    Ooh noooo!! This is awful I thought things where going so well, I had high hopes that they where going to have a better relationship. Do you think his death is close by?
    Thanks for the update by the way

    Also quick question, do people know why yonder doesn't have the drawings of the chapters like never?
  15. Queen of manhwa

    Queen of manhwa Active Member

    Mar 7, 2024
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    Is the novel close to its end or seems like it will be ? It’s already 500+ chapters and it sounds like the author having more plot added. I just really want ceasar and Isabella to pay for their actions and Alfonso and Ari have their happy ending
    Tad1989 likes this.
  16. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Syphilis has plunged the entire country into chaos. It would be beneficial for Ari and Alphonso if people protested against syphilis. However, things became complicated when Terevero requested help without promising anything in return. In today's chapter, Alphonso urged the people of Terevero to seek permission from Syphilis in Toranto, fearing that going against Syphilis would spread more rumors about Ari.
    The real issue is that Syphilis could demand the condition of divorcing Ari and Alphonso in exchange for helping Terevero. This would be incredibly painful for Ari and Alphonso, especially considering that Alphonso built the army himself with no assistance from Syphilis, and Ari is bearing all the expenses of black knight. Although this possibility hasn't crossed Ari and Alphonso's minds, we know that Syphilis is a man who can hang Alfonso for his pride.
    I don't want to read a new mess in relationship between Ari and Alphonso.we all want happy ending of Ari and Alphonso where Ari and Alphonso get old together and see their grandchildren.

    Yup Author have opened many pods.I think it is going to cross 1000+ chapters.I just want Ari-alphonso remain together and face every thing and make their bond more deeper.
    I fear Syphilis; he's the only one who can officially damage the relationship between Ari and Alphonso. I just hope this Terevero situation resolves swiftly with minimal harm. Terevero has complicated things for Ari and Alphonso. If Alphonso continues to help on his own, Syphilis will see it as treachery. if Terevero seek Syphilis's permission as asked by Alfonso, he could demand a divorce between Ari and Alphonso for helping Terevero. I'm deeply concerned because of Terevero's thing.

    I just want add spoiler of new character Barbara who was introduced in in 479 is getting significant mention.She is maid of Isabella but now she appear to be spy of someone who is collecting information from house of novels through their maid.recently she got information from maid Gabrielle.Syphilis forced shopkeeper to cancel 3500 ducato order of Julian.Mother-in-law want Gabrielle to become maid of Isabella.In today's chapter there was talk between Barbara and Isabella,hinting she is spy of someone.It is not revealed who is real master of Barbara.Alphonso ask vassal of Terevero to get permission from Syphilis to use his Army.Alphonso not want to go to Terevero because he fear if he die,Ari will become widow and no body will be there to protect her.Since their marriage is not officially recognised things will more difficult for Ari.
    Also nobel banned use of silk by commoner sighting some 100+ year old rule.
    I just wish syphilis die or at least get bedridden.he is real reason of every mess.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2024
  17. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Cesare is not married to Juliana currently and even syphilis is not interested in this marriage. Juliana is straightforward and non-submissive type

    The author has introduced too many plots while still focusing on character and plot development. It's hard to predict what will happen next.

    If the black knight, leaves San Carlo, we can expect chaos visible soon in the Ertuscan Kingdom.The black knight is the only army in the Ertuscan kingdom,It is solving many problem from backside .Syphilis has never tried to rebuild the army lost due to Cesare's incompetence.

    If Alfonso also leaves San Carlo with his army, the only person who will suffer the most is Ari. From the last Gallico attack, we know Syphilis, Cesare, and the nobles all are incompetent. Every pressure will fall on Ari. This time, the problem is massive, and Ari can't solve it alone Last time, she had Raphael to discuss everything. Also this time there is problem not only external but internal also like syphilis himself, Augusto,Isabella,Barbara ,Caesar can be problem even Juliana if both get married .Ari will also try to save Ertuscan for Alfonso, and she might become sacrificial in achieving that. It's important that Alfonso stands by Ari's side.Everyone is vulture for Ari in some way .If alphonso will leave no body will there to support her.we know last time how much depressed she was when her hand was getting scars.she is already hopeless about future due to judgement day.

    That is why I am more worried for Ari.
    Angelmiuuj likes this.
  18. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    Can't she go with Alphonso?
  19. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    They not considered that thing as even Alphonso is not sure about his victory or his survival. He himself does not want to get involved in the war as he want to protect Ari by staying. Ari wanted Alphonso to ignore everything for a year, as syphilis is going to die in the meantime, but she not shared this with Alphonso. She considers herself a vassal rather than a wife; her low self-esteem is quite complicated, and she doesn't want to intervene as a wife,just want to follow Alphonso as Vassal. Although Alphonso himself has decided not to intervene because of guilt that his every action is twisted into dirty gossips against Ari by noble society, ruining reputation of Ari and she would have no one to protect her if something happened to him. Also, if Alphonso were to act independently, Syphilis would take it as rebel, especially since Syphilis ordered him to stay in San Carlo as a sign of loyalty to him. Alphonso also does not want to act independently to save Ari from gossip; the nobles would once again blame Ari for his actions.
    Actually Author have shared map of central continent in chapter 552.there is mountainous range between Terevero and Kingdom of gallico and since it is winter there is minimum chance that they will use that path.So Gallico Army will use pathway through ertuscan kingdom to to reach Terevero.Alphonso can stop gallico in ertuscan kingdom but still he want to ignore because of above reasons.

    The new chapter ends with Alphonso instructing the representative of Terevero to obtain permission from Syphilis, who is in Toranto, to use his army. Here, we can sense the great loss that Simon did not become pope.
    I just hope things not get complicated for Ari and Alphonso because of Terevero.I also wish Ari and Alphonso become more open to each other,most of important thing never convert in words from their thoughts.
    Angelmiuuj and luliibunny like this.
  20. Tillda

    Tillda Active Member

    Apr 24, 2022
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    I haven't noticed any shortcut to that matter, therefore can someone please elaborate: what's behind that half mole which appeared after rebirth?