Spoiler I’m Not the Final Boss’ Lover

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Guide1410, Apr 21, 2021.

  1. CreativeCriticalThinker

    CreativeCriticalThinker Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2022
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    I knew Fabian's character design reminded me of another Hero character!!! I just couldn't remember.
    Thank You!!! (y) (y)(y)

    Fabian The Trash Hero
    Roy The Legendary Hero (Fire Emblem)
    Lance de Rosenberg - The Villainous Princess Won't Tolerate a Bad Ending
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2024
  2. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    @Astellar thank you for the spoilers!

    April not wanting to kill Fabian is not naive, it's plain stupid. He tried to kill her and buried her and she says maybe he's redeemable?? If Jun and Meyer hadn't saved her, she would've been dead.

    A bit funny how almost all characters were abused by their parents. The author is overusing this trope a little bit.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2023
  3. linda.itali

    linda.itali Member

    Oct 18, 2022
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    I want to know why ML wanted to have FL on his side in the first place. Did something happen between them in the first round?
  4. seemanta

    seemanta ţɦɛ ʏօʊռɢɛsţ ɮʀѧţ ɨռ ţɦɛ ɦօʊsɛ

    Jul 9, 2020
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    Not really. They never had direct contact. He just thinks that FL can be a very valuable member in his knight order. When Fabian's team started winning over the black knight, ML investigated them all and realised that FL may have the ability to predict some things related to dungeons. He wanted her even in the first round but FL was known to be very devoted to Fabian so he didn't ask her in the end. So when he learned that Fabian planned to abandon FL, he poached her asap.
  5. CreativeCriticalThinker

    CreativeCriticalThinker Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2022
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    Do you happen to know:
    When did he ever figure out that she tried to get him killed several times in the first playthrough?
    Unless he already knew the whole time which makes him a very forgiving chill person towards his FL...
    Melita_H likes this.
  6. Astellar

    Astellar Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2022
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    i dont think he knew, but her plans "accidentally" made the BK stronger. though he already has plans to recruit her from the 1st playthrough.
    Meyer literally gave her anything and everything, even the emperor seat... so i think even if he knows somehow, or if she confesses, he would still likely let it go, you can imagine hes like a big puppy that always stick close to her.

    i havent read the last 20 chapters yet, so there might be details i am not aware of so correct me if i am wrong.
  7. Astellar

    Astellar Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2022
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    His neck was slashed by Fabian

    She left the trash family, and take on the surname of Castrum, became Robur adopted daughter. She also revealed her ambition, became a Grand Duke after defeating the Demon King, taking in the tribe members of Castrum.

    For some reason, the demons start pour out from the Gate early than expected.

    As the party of 7 made their way through the demon king castle and confront him at the throne room, the demon king finally revealed that it was Meyer birth that allowed him to return, and his power flow in Meyer's veins, and in the first round, he used it to turn back time, thus the 2nd round.

    Fabiantrash suddenly appeared out of nowhere when the battle was going in the Black Knights favor, he indiscriminately cast Aoe Magic over a large area, targeting both the demon king and the Black Knights.

    Then theres flashback on how he entered the demon king dungeon despite the restrictions, here it was that his malice that synchronized with the dark magic within the dungeon and healed him

    He went mad and drunk on newfound power, hellbent on destroying the demon king without knowing that malice belongs to the demon king. there, his appearance transformed, black hair and black eyes
    Then Meyer taunted him and promptly engage him in combat but he was not a match for the corrupted fabiantrash that has been seeded by the demon king core.

    Everyone was exhausted trying to hold fabitrash at bay, defeat was seemingly at hands as fabitrash grow stronger and stronger by the minute.

    Jun applied Attribute conversion to Meyer attack, it seemingly didnt deal any critical damage, but fabitrash body suddenly cracks up, he was perplexed, Meyer took the chance and drove his sword into fabitrash chest.
    fabitrash along with the black magi, slowly dissipated in the air.

    then it was time to run, the dungeon was collapsing but they cant find the gate, then they remember demon king words, Meyer still has another core inside him.
    Meyer then begged Jun to end him, saying she shouldnt let him be a superior that destroy the expedition. He even said Jun will become the emperor when she got out of the dungeon.
    Then they talk for one last time, Jun called him her hero, then Meyer stabbed himself with his sword.
    Then the gate opened, and the dungeon starts to collapse in earnest.
    They barely made it through the gate as it closing behind them, Meyer body was also brought along.
    She says apologize to the rest of the team then evoke her ultimate skill, [Soul Scale].
    At the capital, at the demon king defeat, the demons slowly scattered, and people chanting victory.
    Jun is dead, her illusion magic faded and Anasta returns to be April, right in front of Robur.
    April then cried, pray to St. Marianne.

    Meyer was brought back to life thanks to Jun casting Soul Scale, dont worry, shes not dead, but she will be in for an earful when she get back.
    Well, Meyer asked if it was August who brings him back to life, but everyone expression was not good, he immediately look for Jun, in a moment, he in denial that Jun was dead.
    Prepare your tissues, Meyer broke down and cries a lot while hugging her dead body. Her reminiscence on their conversations and calls her a liar.

    Jun woke up in a white empty large hall. She thinks that she should have died but why she still alive since [Soul Scale] is a sacrificial spell that exchange one soul for another.
    Surprise!!! St. Marianne greeted her, calls her hero of the other world.

    There, it was revealed that the game she played was a simulation, a selection process to pick out the best candidate suitable to save this world. and the Saint/Goddess said that it was supposed to Fabian that would be eliminated in the 1st round not Meyer, and the current timeline was the 3rd one.

    Then there is background story of the Holy Demon War. It was the original timeline in which Meyer and the Black Knights failed, and humanity was annihilated and the world collapsed.

    Normally, humanity was what kept both the Saint and the Demon King in check, with them gone, the Saint was freely to intervene, and turned back time. She left behind power for a few chosen humans to maintain her interference and protect her, since the demon king will also remembers the 1st round.

    She also realized that there was limit in what she can do to help this world, thus, she asked for help from the God that supervising the MC world.
    That was the staging point for the Holy Demon War game. the main protagonist was set to Fabian.

    However, exceed her expectation, a player who picked Jun cleared the game. That's when MC was chosen.

    Then there's memory flashbacks from MC side. She remembers rising Jun with great care and enthusiast. And MC was the only one who raised Jun to the max lv99 and unlocked the ultimate skill.

    Then it got out that there was player who maxed out Jun lv, ofc, there are a lot of criticisms. MC getting drunk with her friend, defending her bias.
    From there, it was a common plot, they return home, on the way back, a car crash into them, MC managed to push her friend aside but it was not enough time for herself to dodge, so she taken the crash, full force, she can hears her friend frightened screams.

    As she was on her dying breath, she heard someone whispered [Soul Scale]. As she remember everything, now it all made sense why she possesses Jun. Jun saved her, die in her place.

    Then the god of Earth appears, say it impossible to revive MC soul in current world, then the og Jun appears, used Soul Scale on MC after thanking her. ogJun body dropped on the floor right after that.

    Marianne explains to MC that Jun was thankful to her, because she was the first to acknowledge her and saw her true value, that Jun was glad to sacrifice herself for MC, the she cries, a lot.

    Jun's soul was temporarily put into MC body right before she enter the yoke of reincarnation, all due to the compassion and pity of the god ruling over Earth.

    MC body actually survived, people over there thinks she lost memory or something. and MC ask Marianne to convey her words to Jun, i will quote the original text here:

    “Thank you for saving me. Thanks to your ability as a supportive wizard, we defeated the Demon King…And I’ll be living here as “Jun” too…. You too can live there as long as you want.”

    So it was decided that they will live each other life.
    Then there was talk in between MC and Marianne.
    Marianne is the one putting MC in her protection so that her memory of the 1st round wont be lost. She was expecting MC to works with fabian but then there was a gap and demon king sneaked his core into fabian, though it was a very small one, it was enough to transform him.
    That core also blocked Marianne's revelations to fabian, thus he became fabitrash.
    MC said that Marianne should have said that to her from the beginning but Marianne said that it was inevitable as there is little she can do regarding soul from another world.
    Then, MC says she was glad to know the truth before she die, but then Marianne dropped the bomb, MC not dead yet.
    MC argue that she was already moving to the circle of incarnation before, then her body suddenly glowing, Marianne said just before MC "truly" die, she embraced her soul for a moment, then she thanked MC for saving this world.

    I know the spoilers are getting long so bear with me, it already near the end, though there was so much to take in.

    Meyer was grieving, he was very sad, and wanted to end his life. He wanted to rub her cheek with his but scared it would bruise her so he do it with his forehead instead. how cute.

    Axion said its time to return and give Jun a proper funeral but Meyer refused to let go of her body.

    Then a column of white light struck down on their spot, covering the area. St. Marianne has descended.

    First, she congratulated Meyer as the warrior who defeated the demon king. He crawls on his knees, begging her to save Jun, his head bowed so low it touched the floor. Others did the same.
    Marianne revealed that she has lost her power as a god when keeping the demon king in check, aside from what she has bestowed upon humans.
    But then she gave Meyer an ultimate skill despite him not lv99.
    Meyer begged for the power to save Jun instead of super strength or anything else.

    It was an equivalent exchange, the ultimate skill he wished for, in exchange for his black hair (or is it the magi?)

    Marianne touched his head, and a bright white light engulf him.

    Then it was flash back on the back story of Marriane and demon king, they are two side of the same coin.

    Marianne and demon king has one last talk, where he refused to back down. His true name is Yana.
    The demon king disappear first, then it was Marianne turn.
    She said with her gone, there would be no more blessing or power bestow upon humans, from now on, it was on them, the path was for them to tread.

    Marianne last words were [Wait for me, Yana. I’ll be right there.] while faintly smile.

    Jun finally woke up after unknow time has passed, Meyer was sitting nearby, waiting for her.
    He smiled at her and said welcome back, my hero; in which she replies that she's back.

    She sat up in his arm and tell him not to be angry when she decided to die on her own.
    He replied that he not even angry. His black hair was gone, now it was silver, the magi was gone. U guys happy right, i know u guys do.

    She stares at his hair, he asked if she liked his black hair, she replied that she liked his silver hair better because it would make them look like a set. hahahhaha

    And then Meyer said he defeated the demon king, so she shouldnt make him wait any longer.

    She was getting flustered over how to respond then August barged in, said Meyer should refrain himself and people, possibly, reinforcement are coming, and saying that if they want to continue acting lovey dovey in front of public, he wont mind.

    Jun quickly replied that its not time yet. Meyer retorted that what does she mean, she promised to date him after defeat the demon king. haahhahaha

    She then shut him, saying the empire came first. poor guy hahahha. she asked others to keep what they saw here confidental in which Sevi retorted that is that what you want to say after come back from death?

    Then everyone got angry on her for lying. Especially Sevi, he throws tantrum and pouting...
    She gave in, and promised to ask the emperor to change Sevi nickname to Gale Destroyer hahahaha

    People rush in, Anasta was the first to freaks out, saying she was scared to death because the transformation magic was broken, she then decided to continue living as Anasta, not April.
    Jun accepted her wish.

    Robur lost her left eyes, i am not sure, or may be her left eye was wounded? but it was due to a demon.

    Then it was them chatting and comforting each other. Poor Axion, no one console him, saying if he still has that much energy, he was as good as not scathed.

    And Meyer talk normally to Tragula for the first time which prompt Began to ask if he already died once?

    Then it was skipped to Victory Day celebrations. It last for 3 days and nights. Everyone was in good mood, calling Jun "Grand Duke" despite she not receive the title yet.

    She then chatter a bit then left the banquet, thinking Meyer would be jealous and turn the whole banquet into a dungeon instead.

    And it funny that people chattering, saying that Meyer has used up all his energy in defeating demon king that his hair gone white....
    She then get out to the hallway, bumped into August, she says she didnt expect to see him, a priest at a banquet instead of prayer hall, he just replied that he didnt expect himself to do that either.

    Then the two of them talk about the moment when she sacrificed herself to save Meyer.
    After a while, someone called out to August, he then proceed to excuse himself, Meyer shows up after that.
    They talk and he nagged her not to use her ultimate skill again, she said she wont, she wont sacrifice herself again.

    Then the story shift to the castle of Nokentoria, where they just returned. the butler greeted them with tears in his eyes.
    After some light talk, he brings Eugene in the drawing room. the sister and brother have little bit talk in which he said was sorry for his actions. she gave him two choices: one is to left the parents and live with her the Grand Duke, the other is to continue living with the parent and not to use her name.
    he chose the latter. and she respected his choice.
    It was then revealed that she will use the mental wizard she captured earlier to erase her existence from the parent and her brother mind.
    She asked herself if that was the right choice, Meyer just said whatever it is, she always right then continue to nag her not to use her ulti.
    She asks him how long till he continue to nag, he said until when he grows old and die.

    She then sit on his lap, he shouted that she has no shame. hahahahh how cute
    She said how is it shameful when what he did at the banquet was more than that. his face got red and he starts pouting...
    He then tapped on his left thigh and she lay down on it. he sighed, she asked if her head is heavy, he said its not.
    He then ask what last name would she chose if she cut ties with the Karentias. She said it doesnt matter and asked him to choose a last name for her.
    He was excited and said they will use it together after getting married.
    He picked Liteitia as her last name, she ask why, but he said it was just like her. she glare at him ask that it not mean tyrant or anything else, he said not.

    He then explains that he chose that name because it suit her, who was abundance with joy, rapture, beauty, abundance, fertility
    She says she liked it and that it was a good name for the new Grand Duchy but he said the castle was his.
    Jun still not take the hint, asking him if he wanted Nokentoria as the new capital but he said its not.
    Then he said he wont be the emperor, she will, reciting what he said to her back in the demon king dungeon.

    Jun expressed her worries that others will protest but Meyer already took care of it, the Black Knights, and even the emperor already agreed to it.
    They talk for a while, Meyer refused to be emperor because if he was to sit on the throne, he will neglect the works and only look at her hahahhaha. and beside,he said she was the right person for the job, since she's fair.
    After a while, he finally coaxed her into accept the throne lmao.
    He then ask her to let them get married as soon as possible. poor Meyer, he has been waiting all this time.

    Jun then asked him if he can endure a long distance relationship as a couple, he blurted that why would he go back to the Duchy if she was here. It was decided that he will dump everything on the poor old Vincent.
    After some more light talks, they kissed.

    2 years later, she ascended to the throne as Jun Liteitia Knox, and was known as one of the heroes of the Salvation Army. She became emperor and Meyer became her consort.

    He also received the title of State Secretary and stand beside her as the shield of the empire.
    the other 5 members of the expedition were also rewarded greatly and became the swords that protect the imperial family.

    haaaaa... it was so long but that was the end of the main story, there still ss left. i will be back once i finished those.
    anyway, feel free to correct me if there are anything incorrect.
    see ya!!
  8. Astellar

    Astellar Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2022
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    It was about Marianne and Yanna
    They are not Gods, they were powerful but not divinity, they were born from the prayers of humans who gained intelligence.
    The 2 are like the scale that keep the world balance.
    When humans start to pray to Marianne for their wishes, she start granting them at the cost of her power,
    Yanna, the opposite scale, also begin to change, as to response with what Marianne did for humans, thus, demons were born. for each wish/power granted, a demon was born.
    By the time Marianne realized it, it was already too late, her power has already passed down generations of humans, it she were to retrieve it, a majority of humans have to die.
    And then the Holy Demon War breaks out.
    The war ended with humanity victory.
    Marianne regretted so much as she slowly disappear. At her last moment, she managed to embrace Yana.

    DLC2 is about Jun preparations to ascend to the throne.
    The title reward ceremony and their wedding was at the same time, in 2 weeks.
    Jun agreed to get married but Meyer pushed the marriage issue and she complaint that there is too much work in 2 weeks.
    Meyer took care of everything regarding the wedding preparations, he even planned ahead for their anniversaries.
    He also launched commemorative stamps and various stuffs.
    Jun complaint to him that the palace maids always pale when she left even just a bit of food on her dish. So Meyer sent Mary.
    Mary upon arrival swore loyalty to Jun, and became her exclusive maid, take care of various mundane things so Jun can focus on work.

    Meyer complaint that she getting thinner, she should eat more, but it was obvious that the amount of work force her to strain herself.

    The emperor came to their wedding banquet, poor old man planned for retirement but Meyer screwed his plan by making Jun emperor instead oh him. the old man has to stay on the throne for 2 years till Jun able to take over.

    It was time for the title reward ceremony, all 5 members of the expedition that subjugated the demon king were granted title of Grand Dukes. So yes, the empire now has 6 Grand Dukes, including Meyer.
    Meyer was granted additional lands and mines for his contributions. It was funny how Jun mentioned that he was her personal legally operated emergency gold pocket.

    Julietta family were also present, on purpose, they thought they gonna become Grand Duke, but when the emperor called her Julietta Castrum, they starts shouting and make a fuss and eventually was dragged out by Imperial Guards.
    Julietta intended for them to be there to see what about to happens, her little revenge.

    Nova family were invited, as special guests despite their status as commoners.
    Tragula and Robur, the elite and unit leaders of the Black Knights, were given the title of marquess.
    Tragula became the Marquis of Cornu, which included the County of Nerus.

    The wedding proceeds right after that. Jun complaint that her wedding dress is too extravagant, it was said by Veronay that it was a wedding dress fitted only for her.
    Jun also complained that the expensive wedding dress is dragging on the floor, Meyer said the emperor cloak was intended to be that way.

    The wedding hall was decorated, its a reproduction of the demon king castle. hahahaha, its Meyer's idea.
    The mages flexed their magics and the nobles has their mouth gapped open as they see magic for the first time.

    The two of them proceeding between 2 column of black knights that held out their swords overhead.
    August acting as the officiate of their wedding.
    Then the wedding oaths, and the joint wine. and the kiss. Music starts to play and the banquet commenced in earnest. red flowers spread across the wedding hall as people cheering and congratulating.
    It was the waltz that they both danced the first time : His favorite flowers. Her favorite songs.

    Sevi complaint that Jun didnt kept her promise. But Nova retorted that even if she did, Meyer will keep persuading her, and if Sevi has the confident to fight Meyer, he can continue to do so in which Sevi gave up.

    Axiom became a Grand Duke but he dumped all the works onto Began, and solely focus on his research.
    Ginia was security head.
    He fully make use of the Red Wolf as his slaves hahahaha.

    Jun tried to look for people who willing to study with her but they all slyly dodged it.

    It their sweet talk for a moment, before Jun out of nowhere, bind Meyer with a handcuff Vince procured for her hahahhaha. the handcuff was an artifact lmao. it debuff his strength stat by 20%

    He prepared holy water in advance to which Jun retorted that how much he gonna overwork her.
    the two exchanges words for a bit when Jun pushed him down the bed. he kept complaining so she shut his mouth with a kiss.
    it was cute that Meyer misunderstood she already had other men before him as from his pov, she was too skillful for their first night.

    ‘The bottom of the final boss is also the final boss…’ is what Jun thinks hahahaha

    Yes, it is as u guys think, Meyer is the bottom.

    This was the 1st round, from Meyer pov.

    This was og Jun pov in MC world. It shown how she slowly adapt to modern life, with a new family that dote on her. The family that she yearned for so much in her previous life. It ends with Jun and MC thanking each other.

    It was 5 years after the War and 3 years after Jun ascended to the throne. She was still busy with work as ever.
    She taught the old emperor how to play chess and he invited her to play chess every time. the old man thought of her as his daughter.

    Meyer now, turns out, has a knack for business as he plans and selling commemorative merchandises, and they sold like hotcakes.

    Sevi now 21, was described much taller and bigger than Axion.
    Tragula's son, Optatio, is now 15 and a young count.
    Grand Duke of Ventus, Sevi made a fuss when Meyer issued order to write down the War in history literature. And Meyer used Sevi nickname "Spirit of the Wind" that Sevi didnt like.
    Sevi voiced his objection but was refused. Though after he bawl his eyes out, Jun dodged it, saying she will reconsider the issue.

    A Count from the south, Arund, bring up the issue of successor but Meyer confronted him.
    She nailed the count with the recent river bank issue, his face lost color and he shut up.

    After the meeting, Jun summoned August, now Grand Duke Di Winitas, to ask about the issue with Meyer. but August said he didnt know.
    Also, here, we learned that his territory is now kind of a holy land for priests and believers alike.
    When Jun brought the issue of successor to August, asking if him intend to ever get married, August just plainly replied that he devoted his life to St. Marianne, and his successor will be the devotee with most faith. He said if he get married, he have to devote to his partner, which he cant, since he has already devoted his life to St. Marianne.
    Jun later confronts Meyer in their bedroom.
    It was then revealed that Meyer feared his children will turned out like him. And he hated that she will get hurt. how cute.
    But Jun succeed in coaxed him into having children, saying it would be ok, since the two of them will do it together, since she has him, she wont be afraid anymore.
    Jun said at first she never intended to have children but after meeting Meyer, she changed her mind. She said she wanted to pass down the Empire and their legacy to their children.

    Then it was decided that they will have a long vacation.
    Meyer insist that his Duchy should disappear since it already exist for a thousand year. But Jun gave no qualm.

    Jun was pregnant two months later and their children were born in early summer, they are twin, a boy and a girl, the boy look like Meyer while the girl was like Jun.
    During her labor, Meyer freaked out and stayed at her side to make sure nothing went wrong.

    The twin grown up fast, even though they supposed to be 1 year old, they dont look like that at all.
    Jun had a lot of trouble and pain when give birth to the twin. Meyer held the twin on his arms and lightly scold them that they made so much trouble for their mother.
    But he was afraid that his strength will hurt the babies, Jun retorted that they are not that weak. :blobsweat:
    She take a look at their stats, and they were high, as expected of Black Knights :blob_grin:
    The older twin, Belle and the younger twin Aistas
    The twin were very belligerent as they fight and compete with each other.
    Anasta was invited to the palace as their nanny, but Jun dodged the details when invite her over. only later on Anasta found out the twin were devils that she complained so much and ask for more people. :blob_grin: She called them little monsters. Anasta said that Jun should have hired a tank not a healer as their nanny :blobsweat:.
    Jun relented and agreed to hire more people to assist Anasta.

    With both Sevi and Anasta now in the capital, the management of the estate of the Grand Duke of Ventus was left to Jeanne's hands.
    Axion insisted that this is all Jun's karma for rolling people back in the days hahaha
    And it was hilarious that every time Meyer tries to hold his kids, he afraid they would break like glass. Oblivious to their father agony, the kids used him as plaything :blob_grin:
    She picked up a report about missing pilgrims in the region of Arund.
    Jun went outside for a walk then encounter Sevi in training hall.
    She wonders how he grows up all tyrant like that, in which Sevi retorted that it was all her who put a 10 yo kid on a spire to awaken his magic.
    They have some light talks.
    Sevi title was changed to Wind Mage, but as he grown up, he became at odd with Axion every time they met, going as far as calling Axion a lunatic firebrand :blob_grin: it was Axion fault that he teases Sevi every single time.
    Jun asked Sevi to investigate the Arund region.
    It turned out the Count was kidnapping people to multiply demon beasts.
    So Jun decided to go undercover with Meyer on pretext of vacation to investigate.
    They disguised themselves as pilgrim with Jun magic.
    On the way, Jun mentioned how peaceful it is and said this is the result of Meyer hard works.
    They wanted to bring the kids with them but afraid they will get into trouble instead.
    They pass by a shop that selling commemorative merchandises, talk about how those stuffs spread even more at the countryside.
    The merchant was trying to sell them fake stuffs. they pulled out the fake inspector IDs they prepared beforehand, and the merchant freaks out.

    As they book in a inn, they have some sweet talk, Meyer wanted to do this and that with her but she rejected, saying how can she ride horse tomorrow :blob_grin:
    He then pushed that he can carry her instead and her horse can follow his.
    They then travel to several more villages and spotted more illegal shops. They noted those down as there was too many to count.
    They proceed to Arund estate after that.

    They asked for information from an nearby farmer, the farmer said pilgrims were strictly controlled by the count. when they enter the village, the count soldiers were patrolling and on lookout. they quietly made their way to a nearby inn and settle for the day.
    Jun slyly ask the innkeeper for info, and got a lot of valuable intel.

    But as they eating dinner, the soldiers came in, and asked who are the new pilgrims, someone sold them out. But fortunately, their fake IDs as inspectors worked out and dodged the count suspicion for now.
    It was revealed that the count has raised tax and collected bail money from captured pilgrims. his castle were grandly decorated, as well as his meals that not losing to the ones at the imperial palace.
    As they get to the room that was arranged for them, they heard beastly cries, they immediately recognized it was demon's cries.
    Then it was decided that they will sneak around at dawn. they sneak down the castle dungeon as planned while others already was already deep in sleep.
    After searching around, Meyer found a hidden passage hidden under a carpet. He crushed the lock with his barehand then they proceed down the stairways, which is completely dark without light.
    As they follows the dark hallway, they found a space that lit up with light. they get closer and was assaulted by the stench of dead bodies, they soon found a demon that was locked inside a cell with thick steel door.
    the count was breeding demons. feeding them with humans.

    They decided to retreat now that they secured evident, but suddenly got ambushed by soldiers. the count himself made appearance, calling them rats.
    it was then revealed that there was a expedition deserter with them, a lv40.
    Then combat ensued, they freaks out at Meyer inhumane strength. Jun undo the spell, reveal herself, the emperor and her escort, the Grand Duke.
    the count men immediately dropped their weapons and on their knees. the count horrified when seeing the emperor and the grand duke, he begged for mercy but alas, Jun having no qualm about it. As she says she asking why he breeding demons just to satisfy her curiosity and not spare him, he paled, realize she fully intent to kill him.

    As they interrogating the count, they heard a groaning sound from another cell, Jun ordered the soldiers to open the cell, it was revealed that the count 2nd son, Alter Arund, was there, in ragged clothing, drooling with unfocused eyes, he was a lost cause.

    Then it turned to the backstory of the count, the County of Arund was enjoying various benefits and was a powerhouse that rival the Imperial Family, of course, that was before the final battle with demon king.
    Everything changed after that, the commoners people now not afraid of him anymore, and he felt insulted.

    He jealous with Count Nerus who sponsored the expeditions so he sent his eldest to the dungeon, in hope of gaining fame and wealth, but his son never came back, nor he came out from the dungeon.

    He thought all hope was lost until he heard the telegram from the capital to watch out for the demon stragglers.
    That was when he met with Latro, a deserter/deviant who accidentally captured a demon. He made Latro to work with him, as well as forcing his second son to slain the on-the-brink-of-death demon in order to awaken him as an expedition member.
    As he was rolling over how to awaken his weak 2nd son, the idea of breeding demon popped into his head.
    But all failed no matter how much he tried, Alter cant awaken, thats when he start to get the idea to feed the demons he bred with humans. his son, witnessed all this, unable to take it anymore, went mad.
    Latro also falls into madness seeing his future was ruined by the count, unlike what he imagined.
    The work after that was quick, the count and latro were arrested and transfer to the imperial prison.
    After wrapping up works and leave the rest to the inspectors, the two went on their own vacation.

    Then they start flirting, Meyer acting cute when she scolds him. She asks where he learned this, he said it was from their kids :blob_grin:
    What happened after that, i leave it to your imagination but they wont get out of the room for 3 days, after get back to the palace, she was pregnant again.
    Meyer blamed himself for not using birth control, Jun said it also her fault for not using one.
    August, who diagnosed her, calmly talk them down. But there was another person who cant, Marquis Quatre Anasta, she freaking out with the possibility of another little monster like the twin :blobsweat:.
    Jun convinced herself that she will hire more people, for Anasta sanity sake.

    Their 3rd offspring, was a daughter, Prina Letitia
    *since the title of their children is not like other novels, they were called 1st princess Belle, 2nd Prince Aistas and 3rd Princess Prina. It was unconventional.*
    Prina has dark black hair, unlike her older brother and sisters, so she was teased by Belle a lot.
    Prina was drawing a picture of her family but then she ask Aistas that why she has black hair while the rest of her family has silver hair.
    Belle teased her saying may be she was from another father.
    Aistas immediately try to sooth the young Prina by saying she has their father eyes. But it was too late, Prina glared at Belle and cries, ran out of the room.
    Aistas scolder his sister for bullying the youngest to which she said she did it because Prina is cute???
    Aistas was like, wtf u bully her cuz she cute?
    anyway, Belle definitely took after Jun with her personality while Aistas was like Meyer. the only difference is their red eyes.
    Jun then open the door, enter the room with Prina behind her, asking why Belle bully her?
    Belle was wriggling trying to find her way out when Prina popped her head out and stuck her tongue at Belle.
    Belle was scolded by her mom that she shouldnt act like that if she gonna be the next emperor. Belle then sooth Prina by saying she will give her her favorite music box.
    Aistas sighed inward since he knows her sister prefer swords more than music box :blob_grin: she just acting cute in front of Prina.
    Prina, meanwhile, innocently oblivious to her sister intention, hug Belle and says she loves her.

    She went to the kid's study and talk with Meyer, ask him who Belle took after, Meyer immediately replies that she took after her when she training the trio newbies of the special force back in the days.
    Jun asked if she was that bad in which Meyer only shrugged, she understood what it means. :blobsweat:

    It turns out, ogJun body has black hair and her family had dark bronze hair, so she was worried if Prina was born with magi but glad that it was not the case. And Prina was much more delicate than her siblings that she has to take elixirs 3 times per day.

    Jun then say Meyer turned out to be a good dad after all and they look out to the windows, watching their kids playing with kite. They talk more while kissing.

    The last 3 ss are about the regrets of each member of the special force, i will stop here for the day since i am tired.
    I will post the rest later. See ya!!!
  9. SkyLisette

    SkyLisette LadyGrimmOfAutumn

    Apr 30, 2020
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    You're the true hero I've searched many moons for thank you
    Astellar likes this.
  10. CreativeCriticalThinker

    CreativeCriticalThinker Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2022
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    Thank you very much for the spoilers & your efforts!

    And I have to say that this story deserves a better webtoon artist!:(
    The art style of the webtoon adaptation is... not very good or appealing.:unsure:
    The characters look kinda way too childlike in this kind of premise/setting.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2023
    ValReads, seemanta and yodireads like this.
  11. yodireads

    yodireads Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2022
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    Y'all this one of my favorites.

    I know some people are put off by Jun's self-deprecation in the early chapters but I swear she gets over it fast and starts going to work as a badass pretty much immediately, it's so worth it. Once she gets her feet under herself (pretty much, as soon as they get to the castle, but for sure once she leaves with the “kids” for a dungeon grind) she's a FL who is all about business and quickly becomes very firm and confident about her own worth in a world that tends to devalue her. It really gets going once she starts taking her special forces to the dungeon....also the first volume has an english language audiobook which is so rare in this genre (if there is one, it's male protagonist led) and the narrator does a great job IMO.

    I agree I'm not completely in love with the art style (although Axion's look makes me giggle - he looks every inch the magic research nerd he is :blob_grin:) but I do feel like some of Jun's sharper edges are lost both literally and figuratively.

    1. There's a legitimate reason given for the transmigration and regression
    2. What happens to the 'original' soul is explained
    3. It stars a literal support character who is reviled for being such, but refuses to let others define her worth on this point, and wrings every last creative and determined scrap out of that power to shape the narrative the way she wants it to go
    4. The supporting cast respects FL but doesn't magically fawn and fall in love with her (there are a few wistful crushes by the kids, but most characters are like HELL NO SHE'S TOO SCARY TO CRUSH ON and it's delightful.)
    5. The heroine isn't all sweetness, but she isn't all sharp edges either. She's prickly without being completely cold.
    6. There are reasons why things happen and characters act the way they do (yes, even Fabian!) it's not just 'because they're evil'.
    7. It doesn’t drag on forever and ever.

    I feel like I have to provide spoilers since it's a spoiler thread, so here are a few...

    One of the best parts of the story IMO? So often in these stories, the FL frets in circles about 'oh noes the original story'. I read the novel version so idk exactly what 'episode' but somewhere around chapter 2/3, Jun pivots explicitly from "I have to avoid this character" to "Okay, screw it, I'm gonna change this story and make the final boss the new main character" and she then proceeds to execute on this plan.

    Initially, Jun’s reluctant to join Mayer Knox because she knows the demon lord can't be defeated by physical strength alone, and Mayer's mana attribute (dark) being the same as DL's means it will null out and not do any damage, which would make it very hard to defeat the DL regardless of Mayer’s high level.

    However (in part from watching August and Julietta, who have high physical strength and the divine attribute, opposite of dark) she realizes that there's a way to change the story - one of her support skills is 'element conversion' which converts someone's attribute to the opposite attribute (eg, water-->fire) which is generally useless, but if applied to Mayer (dark-->divine), would allow him to deal significant damage to the DL.

    That, and she likes Mayer--who respects her and her skills, supports her, and listens to her--a lot more than Fabian who consistently proves to be scum, so it's...partly spite, which listen, I can get behind! :blobjoy:

    One of my favorite bits is watching Jun's reputation shift among the Dark Knights. It goes from 'she slept with the boss' to 'this lady is a gift from St. Marianne herself to close dungeons' (or maybe 'she's a kinda scary gift from St. Marianne who is also sleeping with the boss or maybe one of the other members but either way we'll listen to her??' in large part because of the work with the special unit (which includes the 'little sibling trio' of Sevi, Nova, and Julietta, who are fabulous supporting cast kiddos)

    As soon as Jun’s formally instated as Vice Captain/Commander, she announces her plan to assemble a special unit, basically a high growth strike squad that will get priority choice in dungeons. She's very choosy about who will be in it, because a) she doesn't want a mutiny b) knows she will be successful in leveling them up, and once dungeons are gone, people won't be able to level up anymore, and someone irresponsible with a high level could use it badly. So ultimately the members (in addition to Jun) are:
    • [New Recruit] Sevi: A 14 year-old archer with the potential to become a wind mage. Jun (and Mayer) save his life, and between this and Jun hastening the awakening of his abilities, he’s completely devoted to her and trusts her absolutely. His entire family was killed during a dungeon break (if a dungeon isn't closed within a certain number of days after appearing, monsters can escape) after they prioritized saving him because he was the youngest, and he tells Jun he doesn't want that to happen again. One of the few characters Jun openly expresses affection for, even if she also makes him work hard (under the belief it will be necessary to keep him alive). He's generally cheerful, full of confidence (occasionally tripping into arrogance, noted to common for mages). He quickly becomes a powerful and trusted ally to Jun, helping her with several out-of-dungeon missions, and despite being the youngest of the special unit, he often acts as Jun's second-in-command. He has a bit of a puppy crush on Jun that she doesn't take seriously. His position is ranged attacker and scout.

    • [New Recruit] Julietta: Originally a sister in the temple at the Dark Knight's base, she was basically banished there by her noble family. Jun discovers her and realizes all the 'accidents' she causes are not because she's clumsy, but because she has an extremely bonkers high strength stat, second only to Mayer. Also, even though she doesn't have much divine power, it's enough to heal herself and/or coat her weapon, dealing extra damage to the dark-type monsters in dungeons, as well as protect her from their element damage, which makes her a formidable force in dungeons. Originally a rather anxious, nervous, quiet girl, she starts to open up after Jun puts faith in her and proves she has capabilities, and Sevi and Nova rely on her in the dungeon. She gains even more confidence after Anasta and Jeanne join and the former's penchant for talking back rubs off on her, and Robur trains her and becomes an adoptive parent. Her position is melee fighter/trade-off tank with Nova.

    • [New Recruit] Nova: A generally honest, earnest teenager with solid all-around stats who acts as a tank (in trade off with Julietta as needed). He was the most promising recruit around the time Jun joined (and in the original, joined Mayer's final team). Fairly serious, level-headed and hard-working, Jun reminds him of his older sister (who used the money set aside for her own wedding to buy him a good weapon) and she in turn treats him quite a bit like a younger brother. They actually had a similar relationship in the first round, even though Jun was using him to leak information about high-level dungeons in an attempt to get Mayer killed :blobsweat: He expresses a bit of regret when Jun doesn't take him seriously as a potential romantic partner during the 'fake boyfriend' incident (and again at her wedding). Jun generally sees him as a little brother.
    • [Veteran] August: A level 60+ priest who is extremely devout in his faith to St Marianne (goddess-like entity in this world who grants special abilities to humans). He literally joins the Dark Knights because Mayer is known for praying every day and donating generously to the temple) with immense divine power/abilities. He’s also noted to be super buff and dedicated to physical training and exercise as part of his service to St Marianne. Short of resurrecting the dead, he can heal pretty much anything. He’s the one special unit member not invited by Jun - he basically gets voluntold by Mayer. Jun accepts him happily because despite what several people believe about her, she's firmly invested in her own safety. He’s very serious and extremely disciplined, and has no complaints about the grueling dungeon streak Jun hauls them on. He is one of the first who comes to see not only Jun's abilities but Jun herself as a gift from Saint Marianne. Albeit, a sometimes frustrating one. He also side-eyes her for talking about "the kids" when she's ostensibly only 23/24 herself.

    • [Veteran] Began/Vegan: An experienced level 50+ spear user/melee fighter from Axion's unit. Jun recruits him to her special unit because of his position, experience, and good nature (as well as the fact he's seen her in action a la the dungeon she was rescued from, so he's less likely to balk). He's easy-going and helps the kids learn while providing running commentary to pass the time. Implied to have lost his children/loved ones to a dungeon break. Despite his initially relaxed helpfulness, even he is completely horrified when he realizes Jun really intends to keep them all in dungeons until the kids are level 40. When they finally get back, having achieved this, he basically begs Axion never to lend him out again XD
    Technically, seven people can enter a dungeon, but they get more experience dividing it among six, so the above are the members until the kids reach level 40. At that point, Vegan/Began returns to Axion's unit, but two new members eventually join (major second half spoilers)
    • [Late recruit] Anasta: aka April in her new identity after Fabian stabs/poisons her. Originally a member of Fabian's corp, she joins the Dark Knights for her own protection, to keep an eye on Jeanne whom she loves like a sister, and out of gratitude to Jun. Jun trusts both her skills and her character as a result of the first playthrough (April never treated her unkindly). She learns of the 'first playthrough' when Jun arranges for her to overhear a conversation between her and Fabian, and asks Jun to give her a new name. She has a new face as a result of Jun using her transformation support magic with the consent of a random village girl who agrees to lay low and let April use her face in exchange for a nice payout.
    • [Late recruit] Jeanne: A 13 year-old ice mage - a relatively rare attribute. Originally a member of Fabian's corp, she doesn't speak much (or at all) including speaking up for herself, which leads to Fabian pushing her past her limits and nearly getting her killed in a dungeon, which leads April to asking Jun to take her into the Dark Knights after seeing how healthy and confident Sevi, who is close in age, seems. She's very close to April, and remains quiet but seems to open up to Sevi and Began. Jun notes most of her ‘dialogue’ in the game was just “…”

    Jun's reputation (from 'she slept with the boss' to 'this lady is a gift from St. Marianne herself to close dungeons')
    • At first, the veterans all avoid her and grumble about her, annoyed she's going to get special treatment and afraid she will 'poach' critical team members like Axion for her special unit (ironically, Axion himself fervently wants Jun to choose him because he wants to study how she uses magic - Jun flat out refuses him and tells him she doesn't need him).

    • Once the members are selected this grumbling gets worse - not only does she get August, the #2 most-wanted team member after Mayer Knox, but she 'poaches' Nova, the most promising new recruit. They mostly make fun of Julietta's inclusion, wondering why Jun's picked an unknown nun, Vegan mostly gets no comment except maybe some surprise, and Sevi gives them some pause ('did she really wake him up to being a mage'...) but they're still skeptical

    • After the first dungeon they're all prepared to sneer if the kids come back all elated and triumphant from beating a measly level 20 dungeon, except...the kids come back and immediately go back out to another dungeon, which earns them pity instead of scorn, and this sense continues to grow as Jun takes them back out again and again...

    • As they notice that the special unit is clearing dungeons pretty fast, they credit the veterans, attributing their success to August and Vegan's presence, and pitying them for having to 'carry' the new kids.

    • ...but over the course of the next few months, the levels of the dungeons the special
      unit faces rapidly increases, to the point that two veterans wouldn't be able to 'carry' the team, and as the speed starts to surpass the third unit and start closing in on the second unit, they start to shut up.

    • When Jun finally brings the team back after literal months of level grinding, the "kid's" stats are off the charts. Sevi is confirmed as a bona fide wind mage with stats on par with Axion's. Julietta is revealed to have a SSS strength stat (same rank as Mayer - and Jun, who can see numbers not just classifications, notes Mayer is the only one stronger than her). Nova has all around A/S-class stats. Plus, they all reached their current level in a time period that usually takes years.

    • The final clincher is the dungeon with a dragon boss (the reason why she was grinding the team so hard was to get her own level high enough to be able to go into it, since she knew when it would open) which is large enough that multiple units of 7 can enter, and members of Mayer's direct unit and another both see and experience the effects of her buffs in action and spread the word. From that point on, the Dark Knights are basically 100% behind their vice commander.
    A few specific Dark Knights member's opinions on Jun:
    • Tragula "The Golden Falcon": a rare dark knight who is recruitable by Fabian’s party in the original game (aka a traitor in that timeline). Jun unsettles the shit out of Tragula. He wants to be on her good side, but she gives him the absolute creeps. He thinks she's scarier than Knox, but can't quite explain it to others. He feels gratitude and respect towards her, but also a very obvious sense of 'not gonna get on her bad side' fear lol. He has his own complicated circumstances and reasons for defecting in the original storyline.
    • Robur "The Oaken Fortress": One of the female squad leaders, who is above level 60 and acts as a tank. She thinks Jun's a delight, and a great drinking buddy. She eventually takes Nova and Juliette under her wing as well.
    • August "The Summer Saint": He's such an interesting case! August is an extremely devout believer in Saint Marianne, and believes that the greatest way to honor to her is to be grateful for and use her gifts without disparaging them. Jun very much does this, which earns his respect. It's also why he has no problem with the grueling dungeon roll, because he gets to demonstrate his faith. However, he is very disturbed by Jun's behavior when opening Mayer's mana circuit and not happy with her decision to both continue and keep it a secret. He also becomes very quickly annoyed and exasperated with being the middleman in Mayer/Jun's relationship, though this is mostly targeted at Mayer. (He eventually officiates their wedding, and throws in 'don't ever fight and if you do, don't come to me')
    • Axion "The Flame Mage": While he’s initially extremely skeptical of Jun when they come across her in the dungeon he's in charge of clearing, he gets over it completely by the time they clear it. He is fascinated by Jun's use of her magic - particularly her ability to multi-cast. He describes her casting as extremely efficient and essentially perfect and desperately wants to go dungeon-diving with her to both experience and observe her magic, to the point where he agrees to pretend to be dating her in exchange for a promise they will go into a level 50 dungeon together.
    • Vegan/Began: He has clear respect for Jun, but also thinks she's a dungeon-clearing maniac in the same vein of Mayer, and firmly believes the 'Tyrant' title is apt.
    • Mayer's unit: after the dragon dungeon, they explicitly begin treating her as the future Grand Duchess and try to get her to overlook Mayer's faults when they realize they aren't actually dating. These unit members are some of the only ones who know Mayer's past and the rumors about his mana being demonic, which is why they're all the more devoted to Jun, who gave him hope.
    Related to her reputation, kind of funnily to me (but also kind of not because yeah, that's an unpleasant reaction people have to successful young women sometimes...), it's not just Mayer Knox that people mistake Jun for being in a relationship with...

    • When Jun is opening Mayer's mana circuit, it puts him in extreme pain and he becomes delirious, and as a result of her giving him holy water via mouth the first time, he instinctively seeks to hold her. The problem is, she is a fragile, piddly level 25, and he is level 80 - end result, Jun is hurt badly and repeatedly. Like, burst muscles, broken bones, excruciating damage.
    • August (who initially and furiously believes this is a result of Mayer being an absolute scumbag lover, but Jun clears up this misunderstanding) eventually starts meeting her in the mornings after a mana circuit night to heal her. He's not happy about it, but he understands.
    • People see them, and this starts the rumor that she's stringing August and Mayer along.
    • These rumors persist, especially when he joins the special unit and they seem close.
    • August, who is devoted only to St. Marianne, is more annoyed by these rumors than Jun (who is used to them), but they only really cause him trouble when Mayer believes them, and does things like complain about him being close to her, and he's like EXCUSE YOU WHOSE FAULT IS THAT YOU ASSIGNED ME TO THIS, SIR. except slightly more chill lol.
    Axion & the need for a fake lover
    • At the annual conference when Jun makes her first formal/official appearance as a member of the Dark Knights after months of rumors, her stock quickly rises, and she is swarmed by suitors.
    • The emperor declared back when the dungeons opened ~15 years ago that whoever defeated the demon lord would be the next emperor, and the others in the final team would be grand dukes, so this has more to do with the belief that Jun is the right-hand-woman of the future emperor than anything.
    • Jun hates every second of this obsequious sucking-up, and figures the best way to deter them is to be taken.
    • However, a) August refuses b) if she uses Mayer as her fake lover, she figures she'll ruin all her future prospects because who wants to date the emperor's ex? c) Nova adorably (and seriously) volunteers and she's like, my adorable pupil, you will get eaten alive, so this leaves Axion.
    • Axion agrees to do it in exchange for Jun going dungeon diving with him (he's been trying to get on her special unit because he's an absolute magic-obsessed nerd and cares about nothing else, and how Jun uses her magic fascinates him).
    • People buy it, including the troops, who remember Axion seeking Jun out and talking in the dining hall before she was officially instated, and Axion praising her when he's normally kind of an unapproachable snob.
    • This makes both Fabian jealous (he thinks she purposefully picked a fire mage with a better reputation than him, just trying to get his attention) and Mayer (who fears she likes red hair because she still likes Fabian, or that he's somehow lacking and that's why she didn't pick him even though he knows its fake).

    OMG before I realized this was the same author I was having serious deja vu reading like, wait why does this seem familiar...Mayer Knox 100% is Rudiger 2.0.
    • Looks stern/ferocious/cold, is actually an overlarge puppy (Jun makes a comment about taking care of a large dog at one point--referring to him--and he's like...you got a dog?? When??)
    • Bad at recognizing his own feelings, but immediately accepting of them once he does
    • Hyperfocused on a rather selfless goal
    • Complicated family situation
    • Casually and effortlessly efficient at killing bad guys
    • Turns into an absolute devoted mess for the female lead,
    Jun is rather different from Judith, but I love them both! Jun has much sharper edges, and though she is compassionate she hides it under a bit of prickliness and it comes second to work and her goals - which she is extremely focused on achieving. Jun also runs cool/calm/collected and is very much in charge and everyone else is a little scared of her :blobjoy: ....she's probably more like Luca than Judith.

    This is a little tricky to answer...So her method of 'assassination' was to leak incomplete dungeon data to Nova to try and get Mayer killed in a dungeon of higher difficulty than he planned for, and he knew that she was behind the info from the very first time she did it, he knew about it, because Nova is honest to a fault and spilled the beans immediately, but I don't think he ever figured out she sharing it in an attempt to assassinate him :blobsweat_2: he thinks her motivation was fondness for Nova, not murder.

    Since at this point all he cared about was closing dungeons, it actually made his opinion of her more positive, because every time she recommended a dungeon to them, it ended up leveling them up more quickly and bringing more prestige to the Dark Knights, and he thought that although her information wasn't always completely accurate (aka, she misled Nova about the difficulty of the dungeons) that the fact she knew anything at all was impressive.

    IIRC the closest they come to talking about it is around Nova's recruitment where they have a conversation where Jun is like 'wait you knew about what I was doing' (meaning: trying to get you killed in high level dungeons by leaking dungeon info) and he answers 'of course' (meaning: helping Nova by leaking dungeon info) so she thinks he's aware and has let it go and they both move on. It doesn't come up again that I remember? But it's been a bit.

    Purely speculation and opinion - I think it wouldn't bother him much if learned about it now
    She literally gave up her life so he would come back to life which I think evens the scales a bit! Honestly I think his rose-colored Jun glasses (or perhaps not rose but 'romantic mist' ala the ink color he released in her honor loool :blobjoy:) would make his reaction something like 'that was rather inefficient, you're usually more effective in your plans'. Plus, sadly, after his own parents pulled that one him, I think it's a bit par for the course.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2024
  12. evilboop

    evilboop Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2021
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    Anyone who knows which novel chapter the manhwa ends?
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  13. Hadosh

    Hadosh Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2023
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    Thank you for the spoilers. Honestly, I'm dissapointed with the manhwamanhwa's art. I was hoping it will be as good as the novel's cover :blobwoah:
  14. chrxl

    chrxl Member

    Sep 22, 2023
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    TheCrazyOutcast likes this.
  15. CreativeCriticalThinker

    CreativeCriticalThinker Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2022
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    Manhwa Ch.7
    I think you all probably noticed that there are many (Ugly) 3D Model Off Horses appearing in many Romance Fantasy Manhwas.....

    Just google image:
    Otome Isekai Horses
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  16. Brielle

    Brielle Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2023
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    I'm getting second hand embarrassment :confused:

    So, Jun successfully made Mayer's demon power thingy or something into holy power. Jun tells Mayer that the Dracula in the Purka's dungeon has evolved into a dragon. Everyone prepares to kill it. The people who were involved: Red and Blue unit, yellow lightning unit, Mayer Knox(ML), Robur, Tragula, and the special unit. I'm pretty sure there were loads of Elites there too.

    Mayer kills the dragon using his holy power that Jun helped with and is happy. Mayer never used mana coz it kills people so the fact that it became holy power made him less insecure that he was a "fellspawn" (A minion of the demon king) Everyone was shocked that he had obtained holy power. Mayer then goes to Jun and hugs her, burying his head on her shoulder :eek: in front of everyone. The knights didn't know where to look, Mayer obtaining holy power, or Mayer hugging Jun. Either way, this upgraded the rumors into them thinking Jun is Mayer's secret lover to her being the future Duchess. (they're not wrong lol)

    The black unit who didn't bow to anyone bowed to Jun and the other units heard the black unit's gossip about Jun being the future Duchess. :cautious: Everyone including Jun's friends and the special unit thought they were dating.

    Everyone believed the rumors so when Mayer told everyone that Jun was getting most of the dragon equipment, they all weren't surprised and obeyed.

    Jun wanted to ask August to tell Mayer that he should keep his distance because she wants to date someone after killing the demon king. August sees Mayer, asking him what happened at the dungeon. August already knew that he was here for Jun so he tells him she's fine. August then tells Mayer that he shouldn't hug Jun coz she has a lover. Mayer gets killing intent and August tells him she doesn't have a lover YET. It made Mayer ease up but he was still unhappy.

    Last edited: Apr 30, 2024
  17. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    This story seems so fun:blobjoy:
    yodireads likes this.
  18. Hypersomnia

    Hypersomnia Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2021
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    Ok... so body swap? good. that sounds fair.
  19. Ipokun15

    Ipokun15 Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2023
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  20. omgsijin

    omgsijin Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2019
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    Hi which chapter in the novel did the dragon purka arc start? I just finished reading the manhwa and pick up where it left of in the novel. I keep searching for it through control+f in every chapter but it looked like they skipped it in the novel or is there a different spelling used by the translator?
    me squinting to avoid spoilers
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2024 at 11:03 PM