Discussion you know you're cooked when you get lesbian/gay allegations

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Aqua_the_idiot, May 10, 2024.

  1. Aqua_the_idiot

    Aqua_the_idiot my decisions are justified by my name

    Dec 24, 2021
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    after the tragic first love incident I had a little over 1 year ago I distanced myself from boys because literally I would get scared of talking to them and I am not sure how but I developed a hobby of mine to flirt with my girl classmates.... not a good combination, I repeat NOT a good combination people.

    currently getting the lesbian allegations from my friends :blobsweat_2: and I am explaining that how I flirt with girls in morning and cry myself to sleep in memories of him at night :blobsneeze:

    but in all seriousness I am straight. Sure, I had a confusing phase in my early teens thinking I was bi but turns out I wanted to be the pretty women, not be with her *sigh*

    someone please tell me how do I defy these allegations :blobimfine:
  2. Voidiris

    Voidiris Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2023
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    I'm as pan as can be, so I would say try to embrace it.
    But you don't want that, most of the times allegation won't go away especially if you argue against them.
    You will be said to be just i denial or similar things.
    You're basically fucked in a particular gay way.
    Embrace it is the only advice I can give you or do something extrem or react extrem.
    (Transmen are a thing too if you want to be the woman.)
  3. I Am Made Of Memories

    I Am Made Of Memories I am the shape you made me, filth teaches filth...

    Jan 21, 2023
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    You lift the chin of the girl that accuses you look into her eyes and as you slowly get closer to her and say if you want me that badly here’s a little taste and kiss her then walk away chuckling
  4. Imychan

    Imychan Active Member

    Aug 29, 2018
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    In 2~3 more years, you won't even remember the name nor the face of the boy you used to like, this is the gift of time for us, you'll naturally forget him and your feelings towards him, you might even start to wonder what the hell you used to like in him, the process might be painful, but just hang in there it just needs time. Trying to remember only the bad things about him might help you.

    Regarding the allegations that you're lesbian, each time you deny them, they'll just become worse, so I agree with the reply upstairs, just embrace thoses rumours, you can either ignore them, or you can admit to that (even though you aren't) you juist need to know deep down what your sexual orientation really is. You can take it as a game of fooling these people, or you can just humour them, nowadays, being different isn't considered weird, nor shameful. However, if you really hate those allegations or afraid your family/someone important misunderstands, I would recommend you stop the actions (flirting) that caused them, and you can just say that you were exploring to see if you were bi or straight, then start dating someone, this might also help you to get over your ex. Remember, mixing truths and lies, makes the perfect lie.

    Finally, wishing you good luck !
  5. puukkiss

    puukkiss I'm Keeping My Eye On You!

    Oct 28, 2019
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    Once, a friend asked if my best friend and I were a couple. I quickly responded, explaining that we were both straight. However, it later became apparent that the girl who asked had romantic feelings for her own best friend, and was projecting those emotions onto us. With time, people tend to forget such incidents.

    You can always joke about it: "He broke my heart so hard that I turned gay," and "Only gay people are interested in whether the other person is gay, so do you really want to know?" and so on.
  6. Nefasdetestasti

    Nefasdetestasti ❄️Wɪɴᴛᴇʀ's Sᴏɴɢ❄️ ||| [Schrödinger Pantsu]

    Nov 19, 2015
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    Girls x girls are also good.
  7. Aqua_the_idiot

    Aqua_the_idiot my decisions are justified by my name

    Dec 24, 2021
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    Already did that but till threatening of kissing her. Spoiler : got slapped in the face

    Thank you so much! And yes you perfectly understood my position. It's not like I am not comfortable with these allegations but ONLY in my friend group. This thing is getting out of hand at this point and I DO NOT want to spread this further which isn't even true. Will try to follow your advice

    gonna use the last line to tease my bestie lmao thx
  8. Cutter Masterson

    Cutter Masterson Well-Known Super-Soldier

    Oct 24, 2015
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    Ne-yo said it best. Opinions aren’t special. Everyone has one.
    People will believe what they’ll believe. You can’t change that . What you can do is be the best you. The pendulum swings one way, but ultimately it swings back. Be you. People will see and understand. Those that don’t well. Not someone I’d like to be around anyway. Keep your head up and keep your heart steadfast. And this too will pass.
    Try to remember it’s NOT your fault the relationship you had didn’t work out. You are a worthwhile partner. You should see this as you dodge a bullet. Not your monkey. Not your circus anymore. Lol. This is a good thing. Now you have a chance to find the right person. As far as friends being weird out by your antics. If they’re good friends they’ll give some slack because of your past. If not I’d find better friends. Always remember you have friends here. At least one right here. So you’re not alone and you don’t need to face those fears alone.
    I wish you luck
    Last edited: May 10, 2024
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