Looking for tips on power tree's / systems

Discussion in 'Author Discussions' started by Ixcez, May 16, 2024.

  1. Ixcez

    Ixcez Intergalactic Xanthic Custom Error Zone

    Mar 31, 2016
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    So basically I started to write a bit about a world that is set to be a bit of mixed world. Basically earth + a bunch of other worlds are combined to make up a super planet where the worlds different rules are mixed up and they each bring something different to the table.

    Basically earth brings technology, which in turn becomes a sort of power system based of technology. While another world would bring magic and so on.

    My thoughts was to keep it at around 5 or 6 maybe more, though more likely less. Gonna try to keep them sort of balanced but they will all have strength and weaknesses.

    So far I've thought about the following.

    Technology - Well pretty straight forward allows the use of technological stuff but also to mix in other stuff. Something that is very reliant and based of equipment or some kind of thing. Could use a normal gun but to a greater effect, maybe create a gun that fires psionic bullets or a robot that runs on magic.

    Psionics - Basically most kind of superpowers that are fueld by psychic powers, haven't decided if this will mostly revolve around mental powers and being able to manifest psionic energy. But it's based around the power of the self.

    Magic - Is well magic can do a bunch of stuff, pretty much the jack of all trade but also the master of most. Being fueld by magic that is in the surrounding it can do a lot of things but since it's based on the power of the surrounding there are some weaknesses.

    Other then the above three I'm a bit unsure. Some thoughts are the following.

    Elemental - A bit of a mix between superpowers like psionics but also magic, it would also be fueled by the elemental powers in the surroundings and if included it would clash with magic to some degree, either one growing stronger or weaker depending on the area.

    Divine - Pretty much the ability to borrow powers of some kind from a deity or some higher being or force.

    Nature - It would basically revolve around a druidic/shamanistic system that would grow weaker or stronger depending on it's surroundings and it would be in direct opposition with technology since tech grows stronger with less nature and more tech and nature is the opposite.

    Enchantment or some other name - Would revolve around the self mainly the body and giving it some kind of enhancement, if psionics was is the awakening of the mind that in turn gives birth to supernatural powers then this would be the awakening of the other parts of the body, giving birth to superhuman strength, speed, skill. Could also be linked to special bloodlines.

    Thanks for any tips.
  2. sgrey

    sgrey Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2017
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    Well, here is my unsolicited opinion, since no one is answering.
    I think this is a little too much and it's not flashed out. Just keep Psionic, Magic and Tech and develop them well.
    Elemental and Nature seem to be exact same thing, just different flavors.
    Divine - you gonna have gods in your novel? What is their role? How prevalent will they be? What will be different from magic or elemental?
    Enchantment.. I guess it could be fine, but I think it would be better to combine it with tech. Like, you have to enchant your body to use more or stronger tech, but you cannot use any form of magic as a result.
    Well, something like that