Spoiler The Male Lead Is In Charge Of The Successor

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Oct 27, 2021.

  1. Ariary

    Ariary Sucker for isekai troupe

    Aug 2, 2020
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    Thank god i save my time from reading this.
    I dont like this ambiguous ending. Cliché is still my fav
  2. Hypothon

    Hypothon Semi-known disqus/NUF smut/shoujo commenter.

    Mar 10, 2020
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    Can anyone spoil what was the accident that caused Carl to lose his memories?

    And how do they react and/or solve to finding out MCs current fiancé is the mastermind? It's kinda hard to believe the war somehow ended or change to which guy wins the girl

    Edit: spoilers on future manhwa chapters
    So Louis is the 2nd son of MCs father's friend/and Count?
    MCs mom's conditions worsened during the 15 year timeskip.
    After receiving the cross necklace, a portion of Carl's memories got restored or at least his feelings and gut/intuition on why the cross was so important was finally answered.
    It's oddly hilarious Carl really thought MC would wait for him for 15 years

    Louis and MC have been engaged for 2 years and MC has no plans of marrying him since he's already being worked like a slave secretary
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2024
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  3. Liliss

    Liliss Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2021
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    Why did the ml forget her? Just because she was a side character?
  4. Hypothon

    Hypothon Semi-known disqus/NUF smut/shoujo commenter.

    Mar 10, 2020
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    With the latest manhwa chapter being MCs actual proof Carl DID forget her (even if it was unintentional since Carl mentions he got into an accident) since the flashback is over and we're back to the present. Even though, technically, MC herself wasn't waiting for him, she DID get engaged 3 years after the decade promise, and that's not counting the fact if she didn't actually make contact with Carl, he might've stayed and kept MC forgotten in his memories. His sole silver of hope is the fact she's still engaged for some reason and not married
    karaa00000 likes this.
  5. saibinu

    saibinu Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2019
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    Will Lancia remain her friend forever? What can be known about her?
  6. twenyfour

    twenyfour Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    Still no spoiler about the bankruptcy? :(
    Shrek_stan12 likes this.
  7. Hadosh

    Hadosh Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2023
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    Can someone please give us spoilers about what will actually happen instead of the Harem stuff:blobwoah:
    kyeopchi likes this.
  8. kuini

    kuini Active Member

    Apr 11, 2016
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    where do you guys read the novel?
  9. SheeLey

    SheeLey Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    I look for spoiler, yet what did i get?
    A cp discussion, duh
    Make another forum, stop discussing about ur disgust of harem in spoiler forum!
    If you guys don't like the ending, then stop reading! We come here to look for some scraps on the novel, please help :blobsleepless:
    kyeopchi likes this.
  10. izznis

    izznis Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2016
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    It's been awhile since i've read a manhwa that meets my standards for quality arts and character settings.. so crossing my fingers and hope the manhwa won't follow 100% of the novel, especially the ending :blobpensivepray: Carl is too cute, he needs a proper HE :blobsneeze:
    karaa00000 likes this.
  11. Scarlet Lily

    Scarlet Lily Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2024
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    This novel was a test to my patience.
    I honestly skimmed through the novel after chapter 40 when her business was failing.
    Maybe some will like it, but this was not my cup of tea with the MCs attitude.

    At first she wanted to leave peacefully with her parents but started going downhill when the war that she thought they supposed to win ended in peace treaty.

    • She wanted to just run away at night, but the imperial law made it impossible for her to do so by monitoring business who might possibly make a run for it at night. People came to her door demanding answers, but

      FL handled everything with ease by pointing out that she was the one who helped make their business grow. She’s putting on a front that there is no problem with her business. During that time, Carl came to her rescue, making her situation more complicated, and later, it was written about in the news.

    • How she runaway from everything?
      There's a demon who wants to migrate and comes to the MC to buy some land where he can live peacefully (I think:whistle:). He buys the land without reading the contract and later realizes he got scammed.

      When he tries to meet the MC, she has already run away to Carl's place, so no one knows where she is. There is a whole bunch of people rallying screaming she was a fraud. MC decided to sell what she had so she can pay her debts. I started not liking the story after this whole event and how she handled it.
    Another reason I didn't like was how her parents just faded into the background. Her mom's health started deteriorating right at this point in the story. I honestly don't know what happened to them as they were not shown in the later part of the story and have skimmed a lot of pages.

    • What was her plan for success?
      Her plan was for the war to end in victory and was thinking of buying a barren land that will become fertile right after the war. Since the war ended in impasse, and in defeat she gained nothing but loses a lot.

      The person who bought the land from MC was also thinking of the same thing. He worked hard to gain merits in the war but ended up with nothing. He did not get the land he wants for retirement.

    • Why the war ended in failure?
      Before the start of the war, the demons had already been luring people to betray their own country. So, when the actual war happened, allies/comrades turned their backs on the empire, resulting in their defeat.

      Also, the heir for the next demon lord, Louise (FL's fiancé), is the one pulling the strings. Since he knows MC knows the future, he was able to easily turn the tides in his favor. Plus, he was already aware of the plot.

    • Main antagonist: Ishmael
      He uses the pseudonym Telodea to get in MC's way. He is the rebellion leader and was the one behind the main character's plight.

      The childhood friend of Carl. In the manga, he was introduced as the 5th prince. However, during the climax, I remembered he was referred to as the 7th prince. This might be a translation error or I might have missed something.

    • Antagonist: Elias the original female lead of the story
      She hates FL for ruining the "story". She hinted that she had been regressing all this time, and out of the blue, MC came in and changed everything. At first, she didn't think much of MC and actually found her interesting until everything blew out of proportion.

      During ogFL and MC's confrontation, Elias expresses her frustration and annoyance towards the MC, accusing her of disrupting the storyline and being a disturbance. She criticizes the MC for not understanding what it's like to be the lead character in a repetitive narrative and feeling cast aside with nowhere to go:hmm:

      Elias shared her feelings about them being treated as mere pawns by the MC with the Duke (Raven's grandfather). I think Elias harbored animosity towards the Duke largely because of his favoritism towards the MC. During her confrontation with him, she highlighted her contribution of crafting maps for the Duke for ages, emphasizing that the only discernible difference between her and the MC was MC wearing a skirt:blobpopcorn_two:

    • Antagonist Pawn: The emperor's concubine
      I forgot her name, I think her name sounded like a guy.
      She is Louise half sister, with the same black hair and blue eyes. She drug the emperor turning him into a fool.
      I don't know what her problem is really:blobconcerned:

    Below are not spoilers but my thoughts on what I have read in this story.
    There are actually a lot of people who are aware that their world is a story.
    I am not sure why they think it is a story, because normally it would be a regression centered on their POV:meowpuffyhuh:
    There are plenty of ways to show the situation like the characters feeling their living in a world that feels like a story, but for me the story just felt "forced".

    I wasn't fond of the unresolved elements in the ending, especially how the secondary antagonists were simply captured without much closure. It left me wanting more resolution. Additionally, the random scene where the main character was invited to her so-called ex-boyfriend's engagement party felt unnecessary to me. It didn't seem to contribute much to the overall plot or character development.

    Every character in the story is just fascinated with the MC whether it is good or bad.
    The art in the manhwa is great so I might read the manhwa because the novel was just hard to read for me.
    The handling of relationships in this story left much to be desired, especially regarding the decision to incorporate a harem aspect.
    Personally, I believe the narrative would have been stronger if it had stuck to a non-harem approach.
    Both Carl and Louise confessing/hinting their feelings early on to the main character, who herself acknowledges living a life akin to the heroines in novels, seemed promising at first. However, I found the main character's indecisiveness and what I perceived as "selfish" behavior frustrating.

    While I appreciate complex characters, I struggled to connect with her in this regard. Interestingly, I found the main character's childhood portrayal compelling, reminiscent of characters I've read before, but her actions as she matured left me disappointed. The final episode, in particular, failed to deliver anything.
    There was no conclusion to the conflict, her relationship status ended with an open ending.
    I kind of get what Elias said to MC that she got it "easy". It really felt like she was toying with the characters.

    I don't inherently oppose otome game-like plotlines, but they need to be executed well.
    In this case, the main character's apparent desire for a polygamous relationship, hinted at throughout the story, didn't sit right with me.
    There was no character development on why they like the MC on an emotional level.
    Carl in someway have but Louise....probably in the chapters I have not read:meowwhistle: (I don't really think so:blobpensivepray:)

    Lastly, the last scene where the MC is thrown underground and encounters Raven felt disconnected and lacked significance.
    It's unclear why Raven was still alive or what his role was meant to be at that point in the story. He was missing for over a 100 chapter thought to be dead only to be alive.

    The moment he met MC is like "I'm gonna kill you! It was your fault" then MC was like "Yeah, yeah. after all these years you didn't grow up. Did you know how much the duke lost just to find you...blah blah..."
    All of a sudden, Raven contemplate and follow her out because he want to survive:facepalm:
    Nearing the end, he just gave up because he was bleeding so MC have to help him.:blobpopcorn_two:

    His sudden change from hostility to following MC for survival felt forced and didn't align with his earlier character of being crazy. Can you talk some sense into someone who is "crazy". You are telling me that someone who have been trapped and been thinking of killing MC for over a 100 chapter (not that he was shown), just got talked out of it by MC at the last momentmeowglare
    Last edited: May 23, 2024
  12. EPITHE11

    EPITHE11 Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2022
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    So it's official ? He is gone in side stories ? Or he return again?
  13. Nanashy

    Nanashy Scarybun of Horror

    Mar 13, 2016
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    I think that was just like background info on hiw come her family lives in such a normal house with "peasant" clothes and food, but are nobles.
  14. Hypothon

    Hypothon Semi-known disqus/NUF smut/shoujo commenter.

    Mar 10, 2020
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    Thanks for the efforts in reading this. Aw man, I wasn't really a fan of the bankruptcy plot point from what I can see in the manhwa raws but the fact it just goes even downhill is terrible. I thought MC scamming those demons was because they were war veterans or something, the Kr readers were certainly entertained when the scamming happened so I thought it was a positive thing.

    Ismael being THE main antagonist is honestly a surprise. Assuming from your spoilers he's one of the people who knows of the repeat, what MC basically did is save his brother though, unless he genuinely is evil. The heroine being antagonistic/-ish isn't surprising for me. Although for me, it's more of me being swept up with MCs POV. Didn't she betray the main cast in the ogstory because of her sibling or something being hostage? The fact the world is repeating and to MCs knowledge, is simply because the world will end means you're just a terrible protagonist if you needed multiple lives AND isn't some normie without skills. But then again, I'm not a novel reader like you so the manhwa translations and MTLs on manhwa raws are my main influence.

    It's been spoiled here since earlier Louis has been the mastermind but he IS genuinely interested with MC so him either bearing the fact he's one of the guys in a poly relationship (or with one of the spoilers here HAD to let go, I guess it's his closest punishment. Not like MC will live that long to be with him either). Honestly, while Carl's feelings ARE baffling especially for someone who recently got his memory back, I'll acknowledge the fact that while he fell fast, the manhwa dialogues DID mention it was his father's influence that someone saving you is worth trusting, especially since there was no fake out (like say with MC of Raising my Fiance with Money) and MC never took advantage of him or his family during childhood arc.

    Now, as for Raven, hmm... I have to agree but then the closest thing I can push my brain to the limit to justify this is that his grandpa is basically the lesser strict adult figure where he got verbally scolded, not to mention unless his uncle won't have kids, he'll still get to inherit the duchy, 100 chapters of being put under the bus and if he got to have a new sword or MC saving his life (even post-talk-no-jutsu scenario) is a somewhat borderline excuse, even for brain dead writing.
    Shrek_stan12 and Scarlet Lily like this.
  15. Scarlet Lily

    Scarlet Lily Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2024
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    I was totally surprised that Ishmael turned out to be the main antagonist, especially since I was reading the confrontation from Carl's point of view. My sympathy naturally went out to Carl. I'll admit, I skipped through some chapters, but in the earlier parts of the story, when the emperor became and idiot, Ishmael seemed genuinely troubled, I was convinced of his sincerity. And Ishmael was always there for Carl when they were kids. So when Eisel dropped the bomb that his bff is a demon, Carl was shook and couldn't fathom Eisel's words. Carl and Ishmae have known each other since they were really young and he was convince that there is no way he was a demon. But, the demons were just trolling us. :blobpopcorn_cool: He was a demon and the mastermind of everything.

    Velen created a knife (or was it a dagger:hmm:) for Eisel. A weapon that heals people by stabbing them :blobthinkingsmirk:
    If you stab a healthy person the knife will not harm the person but if the person is drugged or was sick it will get stuck on them causing them to bleed in proportion to the sharpness of the blade. When they wake up they will be back to normal:D
    So, Eisel ask Carl to stab the emperor with the knife in front of Ishmael to watch his reactions and told him Ishmael is a demon like a changeling.

    When people rushed in and accused him of killing the emperor, he explained why he had to do it.
    He let the people think on who convinced the emperor to agree to taking demon as a concubine and other pertinent details like their financial problem, essentially baiting Ishmael to come forward.

    Carl didn't seem aware of the "novel/past timelines" like the other characters in this story. However, there are a couple of demons who are aware of it. First, there was Louise father who became aware of the characters, there was an inner monologue of him thinking he felt he was made to act like he did and regret not teaching his children right. Because Louise is bent on killing everyone who stands in his way even his half sister which his father didn't want him to do.

    Elias being an antagonist was understandable, but seriously every people who are aware of the "plot" thinks of other as mere pawns. So, when Eisel came out and did things out of the ordinary their first reaction was amusement, until of course she became an obstacle.
    When it comes to Eisel, Ishmael and Elias actually have the same sentiments:blobwhistle: well not just them but every character MC engages or talk to a lot becomes infatuated with her:hmm:

    When I read characters who have some opinion of MC, It made me just think that MC have a halo that charms everyone she approaches, like her so called ex-boyfriend, and also....
    Raven's uncleーhis thoughts is basically the same as Eisel's so called ex-boyfriend
    Shrek_stan12 likes this.
  16. Hypothon

    Hypothon Semi-known disqus/NUF smut/shoujo commenter.

    Mar 10, 2020
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    Manhwa update today and it's still a shock to me Ishmael is THE big bad when I was shipping him and MCs blonde friend when they were kids even though they haven't interacted. Afterall, when they were kids, blondie wanted to marry a prince so her two options was the 4th and 5th prince.

    Today's update mentioned Raven presumably killing his father and it felt so anticlimactic. Before the timeskip, I was expecting the father to be plotting... something. At least compared to the irrational Raven, the father didn't back down immediately and just... stayed quiet which could've been a sign of plotting behind the scenes. I dunno... Raven's just been portrayed so incompetent as a kid, it's kinda hard to expect more from him as an antagonist. Which oddly fits if he got talk-no-jutsu'd because for me, he was more of a victim than an antagonist. A ticking time bomb, sure but most of his scenes as a kid is a victim of abuse
    Shrek_stan12 and prongsletaelin like this.
  17. prongsletaelin

    prongsletaelin Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2020
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    You're right. Harem novels have a lame guy somehow attracting all sorts of women and the people reading are cheering on and enjoying a self insert fantasy. While polyandry novels get disgust? It's hard work getting healthy dynamics with just two people in a relationship in real life. Three or more of either sexes complicates the equation and make it a real herculean effort. And the society has its own pre conceived notions. Maybe leave out the misogyny? Don't read it if it's not your taste, but check on the disgust levels. It's toxic.

    I actually felt bad for Raven as a child. His guardian was trash and should have been neutered coz he didn't deserve to raise kids. His grandfather just abandoned him instead of teaching him how to behave. In another manhwa, this sob story would be the dark childhood of another black haired ML.

    Yeah you're right. A tag would save the troubles of disappointed readers.
    Shrek_stan12 and Nanashy like this.
  18. Hypothon

    Hypothon Semi-known disqus/NUF smut/shoujo commenter.

    Mar 10, 2020
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    Manhwa MTL mass translation update! The dreaded start of MCs bankruptcy arc. I think it softened the blow when the tone for me (not really, there's still that evil plotline with Louis's half sister) feels like it's okay to scam (presumably) bad individuals. Providing incredibly low rent/cheap land is a godsend irl but due to being a skeptic, I think it was obvious the demons were planning something by winning the masses over (or it could be the MC halo effect on me as a reader and I couldn't help but root on MC even if she was a mastermind/pawn user character as well)

    I vaguely remember reading once Louis wanted MC to be completely dependent on him (that's why he was so fixated on her new emotions. Could be wrong. What DOES he want with MC?). I will acknowledge it was smart to end the war in an impasse/truce so he kills 2 birds in one stone. He can foil MCs plans and have demons infiltrate human lands via immigration. Actually solid when I think about it. Still a dumb2x on my part how the investments would fail so long as MC will still be the owner or she could somehow find a way to cultivate it. How on earth does a land suddenly get better (outside of like, volcanic reactions or the like)? One minor nitpick though is that I felt the manhwa was focusing too much on using the phrase term of a girl who knows the future and his obsession felt shallow. In that case, he should've been obsessed with the heroine in other TLs. Rereading @Scarlet Lily's spoiler summary again, speaking of the heroine spoilers, I got irritated with her confrontation with the Duke scene (and now confused with her gender). Is the OGMC this TL the supposed heroine's brother that got kidnapped in the OGstory, the cause of the heroine's betrayal? Why would one of her reasons for complaints be a comparison of gender when era wise, it was a misogynistic period. Think about it, MC HAD to be engaged to get the Countess title. If not for her efforts, her husband would be more prominent in the social world. Again, if you've lived multiple times and achieved barely a thing and presumably have SOME talent, why not use it? In a fictional story where somehow people have incredible memory to remember a novel's every detail. Why would you complain to an old man who loves his distant relative grandchild who achieved something (and unknown to his knowledge, saved his predestined life from death via accidental gunpowder explosion)

    Speaking of Louis's half sister, I'm confused which emperor she married? The princes' father or the 4th prince? I'd feel bad on the dude
    Shrek_stan12 likes this.
  19. max2payne0

    max2payne0 Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2018
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    While I'd be okay either way, I'm actually rooting for Karl. An earlier comment in this thread mentions Louis backs out in the side stories? Does anyone have spoilers about the side stories? And if the FL realizes it was Louis pulling strings that technically made her bankrupt.