Spoiler Trash of the Count’s Family

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by immortaltear, Sep 29, 2018.

  1. Reverand Insanity

    Reverand Insanity Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2021
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    virtual reality

    Maybe Lupe can be considered a ‘Programme’ similar to characters in the Tron series. In the end the characters of Tron are alive but their are virtual ‘programmes’

    just wondering

    I wonder whether Kim Rok Soo was ever shot by a sniper on Earth 1 during his days in the COMPANY

    Imagine the scrawny Kim Rok Soo being hit with a supersonic speed bullet on the stomach and coughing up blood and collapsing while the super hiding in the distance snickers

    And CJS begins to cry on his fainted body which is bleeding from his stomach from a bullet sized hole as well as mouth from coughing blood
  2. Reverand Insanity

    Reverand Insanity Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2021
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    Fanfic idea World War M (monster) An Oral History of the Monster War/ Apocalypse Witness testimonies collected by Team Leader Kim Rok Soo The Demilitarized Zone:- South Korea [Kang Hyul, deputy director of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency gestures as the hilly, unremarkable landscape to the north in front of Team Leader Kim Rok Soo. One might mistake it for the lower Himalayas or souther California’s if not the for the deserted pillboxes, fading banners, and rusting barbed wire fence that runs either horizon] What happened? No one knows, no country was better prepared to repel the monster hoardes than North Korea. River to the north, oceans to the east and west and th the south. [ gestures towards demilitarised zoen]The most heavily fortified border on earth. They were a highly militarised population making Israel’s look like Iceland. Yet immediately after the monster apocalypse broke out contact with North Korea was cut off. The soldiers left their posts, the farmers disappeared, even the North Korean safezones created by the mysterious being keeping out monsters was empty. We lost contact with all our spies and Infiltration stopped. Some of the more older members of the service believe North Korea was preparing for an invasion of South Korea using the monster apocalypse to their advantage. However most of us in the intelligence community weren’t convinced since we did not belong to that generation with experienced the wars. The most convincing theory was that North Korean leadership had moved the entire populating underground in the hundreds of inter connected lobbies built under their country. Even though nearly 10 years have passed dive the apocalypse and some states have managed to start functioning with provisional gov with the help of ability users, North Korea remains empty. Some theories that the North Korean leadership has too their citizens the world outside has ended in other to better control their population. # So some of us in the service suggesyed infiltration and opening one of these undergroujd lobbies. However the ones runninh the proviosnal gov refused to allow us tp do so. Seeing the variety of monsters that have emerged over the years from the humgous earth worm to the underground spider to even ghe fungal zombies. For many it was a high possible that the popukatoon under north korea was already desimated and the underground nests had become breeding grounds of various monsters If one of us accident opened these nest thousand of new born monsters and angry monster mothers would pour out in millions overburdening South Korea. According to our estimate the underground lobbies and cities would be able to house 25 million humans. And if it had become infested with monsters of various types and sizes. 30 million, 60 million a hundred million maybe even more an infinity! They would come pouring out decimating what remains of South Korea. This is something Ability even you Team leader Kim Rok Soo would not be able to handle. So the provisional gov has barred anyone from entering North Korea lest they disturb the hornet’s nest. The entirety of North as of now is considered the home of monsters. A complete No man’s country
  3. Wylie Sofea

    Wylie Sofea Member

    Aug 18, 2023
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    I got confused about which dragons (Apitoyu) are siding with Cale. From what I understand, it's the dragon that can see the past (I forgot his name) and the dragon called Horns? How many dragons are siding with Cale in total?
  4. Reverand Insanity

    Reverand Insanity Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2021
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    Hunters and Karma

    Hunter don’t have concept of allies it makes sense because Hunters are aiming to simply collect as much ‘Karma’ as possible. Single lifers require ‘karmic weight’ to ascend to godhood. And karma comes from the actions of people. Killing people will attract the karma of death. Therefore the power off death. Hating other races will bring in the karma of hatred therefore the power of hatred. And so the Hunters wish to use all the ‘Negative Karma’ in the universe to create the ultimate absolute God. The more suffering and screams exists the more they can collect the negative karma created in order to create an absolute god.

    And so essentially this is a battle between posistive karma and negative karma.

    Will Cale’s positive karma of hope and happiness and rescue and healing prove more powerful or the Hunters karma of death, despair and destruction prove more powerful to create the absolute god

    And proabably ascends to godhood one has to collect associated karma

    To become the god of death one must commit action to attract karma related to death

    To become the God of Hope one must commit actions.that attract the Karma of Hope

    To become the god of balance or chaos one has to commit karma that attracts chamois or balance

    Which is why it makes sense why God of Hope considers Cale a potential successor since his actions have given hope to so many people and therefore he has attracted karma related to Hope
  5. Reverand Insanity

    Reverand Insanity Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2021
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    Basic types of karma

    Karma can be divided into good/positive and bad/negative karma. Good/positive karma is a result of good deeds done for others, while bad/negative karma results from intentional harm caused to others. If your actions cause lasting pain and suffering, they are regarded as negative, unvirtuous, or destructive

    Karma also essential impacts your fate and destiny and it’s affects supposedly last beyond a mere lifetime

    If you inflict despair and in turn receive despair it may be possible for one to create a world of despair within themselves and become a god candidate

    Though this method is both sadistic as well as masochistic or self harming at the same time
  6. Reverand Insanity

    Reverand Insanity Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2021
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    The endless knot represents how karma is essential endless loop like time loop

    The endless knot represents how karma is essential endless loop like time loop
  7. syiraelric

    syiraelric Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2021
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    Omg it's been too long make me feel like ages lol. I'm back with new spoilers for anyone who didn't read it yet. This one is longggg chapter. From chapter 284 - 308 hehehehe. Enjoyyy
  8. Reverand Insanity

    Reverand Insanity Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2021
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    Fiction and Imagination

    Fiction is story which is given birth to my the imagination of the writer

    The mother of all fiction stories is imagination

    A fertile imagination leads to the procreation of many stories

    Imagination is influenced by your life, your philsophy, what you experience,

    Cultivation of imagination is what’s important

    But Imagination itself has no form, the very meaning of imagination implies that it is not something bound by any form.

    Its is not bound by time

    It is not bound by space

    It is not bound Langauge

    It is not bound by paper or screen

    It is not bound by nature

    Therefore imagination is that which is not bound by what confines humans in narrow spaces. Therefore to have a great imagination is to unbound yourself to become something bigger, see beyond the four walls of your commen sense

    To unbound oneself one must always seek more, to see more, to know more, never settle for the status quo never, never settle for the common sense.

    If you study a course in your college read about other subjects aside from your course as well

    If you belong to one community interact with other communities as well, don’t simple stick to people who are famailiar to you.

    Expand your mind make connections and let your mental comforts pervade into each other.

    Create yourself, dissolve yourself and recreate yourself constantly

    Do not fear uncertainty do not fear change welcome it as a challenge and stride forward confidently.

    Do not read only one topic read many, many topics, do not bound yourself to a single sphere go beyond pervade beyond and there you will find imagination.

    Why do it take an entire library to write a single book? Simple because it takes an entire library to unbound oneself to go beyond and draw the power of imagination

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    The world and the university is boundless and it is said the imagination can create infinite universes. Unbound yourself, become akin to the the infinite universe and there you will find imagination.

    Read contemporary fiction, read mystery, read psychological, read horror, read eveything! Do not merely stick to one and read about only one. The moment on bounds oneself one will loses access to the unquenchable bounty of imagination.

    Imagination is akin to the Brahmand. The Brahman is everywhere. It is something beyond the individual Atman.

    Those who claim to know imagination know less and those who say they don’t know very much know more
  9. Reverand Insanity

    Reverand Insanity Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2021
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    LCF is now going into virtual reality action genre so

    Makinh of Tron series and fight between programmes and ‘users’ documentary

    Making of the ‘Matrix’ about realising your stuck in a computer simuiation run by a sinister AI documentary
  10. Missaaa

    Missaaa Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2024
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    Hiii! The chapter where Alver scolded Cale for speaking instead of leaving (part 2), is it out now? What chap?
  11. Reverand Insanity

    Reverand Insanity Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2021
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    I think Sui should personally mostly assume the form a Hawk nd just sit on Cale’s shoulders while he travels the world. Giving Cale pearls of wisdom from his life experience

    Imagine the greatest slacker and his talking Hawk?

    And the world of Anh Roh Man is not only a place with a matrix like virtual reality game but also a place with dungeons, ruins and gates and hunters? Sealed God opened a masscr gate and caused many hunters to go mad right?

    On top of that its also a combination of earth and TBOAH world
  12. Wylie Sofea

    Wylie Sofea Member

    Aug 18, 2023
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    Are you referring to the scene after the commotion at the ceremony in Lily's academy? If so, that chapter came out a while ago. I don't know which website you use, but I read it on this one: [koreanscan.com](https://www.koreanscan.com/2024/04/totcf-2-novel-chapter-212.html?m=1).
    It's chapter 212 btw
    Missaaa likes this.
  13. Missaaa

    Missaaa Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2024
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    Yep! Thank you!!