Discussion What do you Hate and Love about your own Country?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by CreativeCriticalThinker, Jun 28, 2024 at 9:31 AM.

  1. CreativeCriticalThinker

    CreativeCriticalThinker Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2022
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    What I Personally Hate about my Country Germany at the moment:
    • Many incompetent and tone-deaf Career Politicians (But I think there are lesser known/unknown people in the goverment who do their job well.)
    • The FDP & AfD (Right-Wing Political Party)
    • The outdated and underfunded School & Public Transit System which totally sucks.
    • Very slow digitization in many areas
    • The lack of affordable Housing
    • The lack of good German Movies & TV Shows (Netflix Dark or Babylon Berlin are the exceptions), but they do produce good documentaries.
    • The current price of the Landline Internet
    • The German Bureaucracy
    • The Licence Fee everyone needs to pay monthly for the public broadcast channels ARD, ZDF & Rundfunk.
    • Many German Citizens who complain a lot, but don't actually do anything about it
    • The growing Social Inequality & shrinking Middle Class like in other capitalistic or technofeudalistic nations
    • That so many random people are putting their f*cking foot on public train seats.
    • And there are many more bad things that I can think of or have forgotten.....

    What I appreciate about Germany:
    • The accessable social programs of the flawed German Welfare State
    • The affordable (Mental) Healthcare system
    • Access to affordable education & local universities
    • The Destigmatization of Mental Illnesses
    • All types of Self-Helf/Support Groups can receive financial aid by the goverment.
    • I don't need a car to survive and to reach my workplace
    • The Food & Water Quality
    • The Landscapes
    • It's currently stabile and safe enough to live here compared to other states
    • Officially since 1945 not at War with other countries
    • If I was born in America & China, I don't think I, a Gay Asian with Depression, would have survived their society.

    Purpose of this thread:
    • Is the Grass greener elsewhere?
    • And if I ever get the opportunity to visit or move another country, I like to know the negative aspects.
    • Every nation has its many problems, but I like to see and hear about the positive things that are quiet and not visible on the news.
    The world is very shitty for many people, but I still want to see the whole picture + the little good beautiful things we take for granted.

    One Question:
    Would you judge the life quality of a country based on the Word Happiness Report?

    Ace of Base - Happy Nation (1992)

    Happy nation living in a happy nation
    Where the people understand
    And dream of the perfect man
    A situation leading to sweet salvation
    For the people for the good
    For mankind brotherhood
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2024 at 12:58 PM
  2. Ryuukage

    Ryuukage [Professional Lurker][Loli Head Patter][Lazy Fox]

    Mar 6, 2016
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    I won't go into great lengths on explaining what I love and hate in my country.
    It was simply my country's corrupted government officials, although I won't say everyone is corrupted but from what I can infer, 80% of the officials are corrupted and would only work their arse off during election periods.

    As for what I love in my country, its underground chaos like its a fvcking setting for a novel, after all, there is a place in my country that seem normal and great outside but is way too chaotic to the point, its normal for people to go missing in there and everyone knows that guy is dead somewhere.
  3. CreativeCriticalThinker

    CreativeCriticalThinker Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2022
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    I am very sorry to hear about the current state of your enviroment.

    I wish I could say some uplifting words, but I can't....
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2024 at 10:44 AM
  4. Grimsilent

    Grimsilent Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2018
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    I like the Nationalism
    I dont like Extreme Nationalism. Wont tell you what country but you should know who's government im talking about if your onto international news.
  5. Ryuukage

    Ryuukage [Professional Lurker][Loli Head Patter][Lazy Fox]

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Ah... I have an inkling, does its english name has five letters in it?

    you don't have to worry about it, I am used to it, in fact, everyone of in this country were so used to it but were still stupid enough not to vote the lesser evils in our officials
  6. Grimsilent

    Grimsilent Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2018
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    The You-Know-Who nad the leader that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

    VPN is so sad this days...
  7. seemanta

    seemanta ţɦɛ ʏօʊռɢɛsţ ɮʀѧţ ɨռ ţɦɛ ɦօʊsɛ

    Jul 9, 2020
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    I hate the corruption and overall political situation in my country. I hate how politicians are getting involved with every little thing and making issues out of them. I hate the people who are judgmental and act like they know better. They always flock together and make fun of any good things that start happening. They don't even realize that they're being guided and used by the powerful people. At least be aware!

    I love the nature in my country. And the culture. But unfortunately, the nature is being polluted and ruined. Though environment protection law exists, the powerful can always bribe the politicians. And the culture is also being used by stupid misogynist and other shits for their own purpose.

    I guess the only good thing that remains are the food, literature and music.

    Overall, I'm just depressed and see no hope anywhere. Sometimes I cry and regret not being born a 2nd generation rich kid.
  8. Free Ocean

    Free Ocean Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2023
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    Things I love about my country:


    Its geographical location is important in many countries

    Culinary culture

    Experiencing the 4 seasons is a wonderful thing.

    The fact that many different nations have lived in the lands we live on. Our history is very broad.

    Ottoman and Seljuk States and their still continuing culture.

    I believe that our underground resources will be evaluated in the future.

    Location in the world and at its center.

    Anatolian people and their hospitality

    Folk dances

    Our army.

    Respect for our women and our flag.

    Ramadan and religious holidays

    Fenerbahçe - Galatasaray matches.

    What I Hate about my Country:

    People who are uneducated

    PKK and endless public events

    Ignorant people who live Islam in their own way and portray it as bad

    University graduates who are highly educated but cannot find a job based on their education.

    Rules that cannot be changed.

    Honor Killings and many unpunished femicides

    Die-hard Fanatics of any Clubs, Parties or Organizations.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2024 at 4:11 PM
  9. puukkiss

    puukkiss I'm Keeping My Eye On You!

    Oct 28, 2019
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    Things aren't perfect here, but compared to what I remember from my childhood, Latvia's come a long way. I genuinely like living here.

    Here's the good stuff:

    Religion doesn't really get in anyone's face.
    Gender roles are pretty relaxed, though you might get some side-eye from your grandparents if you break tradition.
    You won't go broke getting an education here – it's free!
    Healthcare isn't totally free, but it's subsidized, so it's manageable.
    No caste systems here! Everyone has a fair shot.
    And hey, cool folklore and traditions.
    Also 4 seasons. I always forget that some people haven't ever seen snow.
    My language is relatively easy. Not like those stories where a Chinese character rocks up to a prehistoric world or another dimension and suddenly they make everyone learn Mandarin! O_O Those poor fictional souls.

    Now for the downsides:

    You'll always find people grumbling about how everything's better somewhere else outside Latvia, even if they've never left their hometown.
    Some people leave and never look back.
    There are a lot of Russians here. Look, I'm not trying to generalize, but every bad experience I've had (hit and threatened to be killed) has been with a Russian person.
    We're a tiny country, so the rest of the world tends to ignore us, like we're just some yappy little dog. We tried to warn everyone about Russia for ages, but everyone just laughed and called us paranoid. Well, look who was right!
    And, heh, typical corruption.
  10. CreativeCriticalThinker

    CreativeCriticalThinker Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2022
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    We all have to accept harsh truths and make the best of it.
    Everyone wants to live a confortable rich life.
    Thanks for sharing your experience with me.
    I don't believe in hope, but I think as long you are alive, there is always something you can do for yourself. Small realistic goals.
    We should not easily bury our head in the sand and be defeated by shitty circumstances.

    Do you wish to leave your homeland?

    Why do Russians live in your country?
    Do you believe in a better future of your country?
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2024 at 12:31 PM
  11. puukkiss

    puukkiss I'm Keeping My Eye On You!

    Oct 28, 2019
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    History. They conquered us, brutally killing our people. Through Soviet deportations to Siberia between 1941 and 1945–1951 around 60,000 people were deported, and nearly half died. In their place, they sent their own people to occupy our homes and land. This is a basic tactic of eliminating another nation: replace its people and suppress their language. Afterwards they refused to leave. Growing up, I always heard from Russians living here that sooner or later, Latvia would return to Russia. In 2012, they tried to change the laws and voted on making Russian the second official language. Thankfully, they failed.

    For my lifetime, it will survive. What happens after, who knows? So many of us aren't having kids anymore, and our people are getting older.
  12. Free Ocean

    Free Ocean Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2023
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    First of all, this is a song that I like very much, but I think the title "Happy Nation" does not belong to any country.
  13. Tech is life

    Tech is life [Disinterested] [Sleepy] [Blithe]

    Jun 21, 2021
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    Hmm ....
    What I hate...
    1. The education system...it's too rigorous and kills creativity.
    2. Less varied degrees. There is only one degree that is trending in the country and all kids want to go for it. The businessmen/women have clearly identified it and made two similar degree regarding the course...conning kids.
    3. The roads. They completely suck. And they keep digging all year round.
    4. Non-Literacy, labour exploitation, corruption.
    5. Traffic, pollution, loud noise of firecrackers or DJ at night.
    6. People who bribe their way in...be it uni or job or national team.
    What I like:
    • Varied seasons, cusines.
    • Lots of public holidays.
    • Lots of tourist places to relax and visit.
    • Friendly people.
    • Seeing everyone work their back off in capitalism.
  14. mir

    mir Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2016
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    What I Personally Hate about my Country at the moment:
    • The politics. The push from all sides for everyone everywhere to become more radical in politics/political views, and fight each other over every possible thing.
    • The constant fear I see in many people regarding money, and not having enough (inflation, extreme cost of living, what happens if you start going into debt, what happens to you if you cannot afford to pay for medical services, and the fear of losing a job).
    • The large amount of homeless working people.
    • The favoritism for the rich in courts, etc.
    • hypocrisy
    What I appreciate about my Country:
    • The large protected natural spaces
    • Despite it feeling like most politicians are in it solely for their own gain there is always someone, somewhere trying to make something better.
    • The free basic trainings available to help people improve their career options.
    • The generally strong acceptance of immigrants, differing cultures, differing foods, etc.
    • General friendliness of people, and honest desire to help. (If someone is short money for the bus, many times someone will pay for them. If someone has a flat tire on the side of the road, many times someone will pull over and help them change it, or help them figure out how to tow it or give them a ride. If someone is seen struggling to carry some grocery bags, often someone will offer to help. They are little things that I've seen, but little things add up.)

    I'll add more as I think of them.
    country is USA
    I know some people tend to hate my country, so I figured putting this at the end would let people read it with less bias