Undying Winter
Aug 28, 2021
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Aug 8, 1921 (Age: 102)
Home Page:
Qi Deviating in my fancy cave
Professional Cannon Fodder

Undying Winter

❅ Avid Enjoyer of Trash ❅, 102, from Qi Deviating in my fancy cave

Fuck it imma just *disappears under mysterious circumstances* Apr 5, 2024

    1. I Am Made Of Memories
      I Am Made Of Memories
      *leaves flowers and steals your diary for reading purposes also sells your underwear to polar bears and penguins humph they deserve clothes too!!!*
      1. GonZ555
        ... *report the polar bears and penguins for indecency*
        Jun 1, 2024
      2. Undying Winter
        Undying Winter
        Bold of you to assume I have a diary or that my underwear is going to worth a fortune.
        Jun 1, 2024
    2. I Am Made Of Memories
    3. Undying Winter
      Undying Winter
      Fuck it imma just *disappears under mysterious circumstances*
      1. theknownuser
        Same man
        Apr 5, 2024
    4. Undying Winter
      Undying Winter
      Why did someone just comment about bearded vultures under my blog on here...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. I Am Made Of Memories
        I Am Made Of Memories
        Cause it’s cute
        Apr 4, 2024
      3. Undying Winter
        Undying Winter
        Well, can't disagree with that. Birds are cute in general. That comment was just so out of pocket because it had nothing to do with gojo lmao.
        Apr 4, 2024
      4. Cyltea
        If you see a member joining today and advertising something, that's a bot. Just report it.
        Apr 4, 2024
    5. Undying Winter
      Undying Winter
      Turns out my favourite reverb channel (sereine) is no longer on yt, I'm so done with this shit.
      1. Undying Winter
        Undying Winter
        Her channel wasn't even monetised, always gave credit to everyone, and she would remove videos if the original artists would tell her to, so I don't even get why it was removed. Like damn, yt got something against how crispy clear her audio was? I'm going to miss those videos, I'm a sucker for deep voices and the way she used reverb was right up my alley.
        Apr 3, 2024
    6. Undying Winter
      Undying Winter
      On this April fools day I'm going to fool myself into thinking there's a meaning to my life.
    7. Undying Winter
      Undying Winter
      With each passing day, I realise more and more why barely anyone studies law.
      1. Undying Winter
        Undying Winter
        Memorising all this shit is making the criminal life more appealing than a lawyer's.
        Mar 28, 2024
    8. Undying Winter
      Undying Winter
      Sometimes when I scroll through the 'I'm looking for...' section, I get the urge to recommend a novel that's the completely opposite of
      1. SleepingTaiger and Cyltea like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. SleepingTaiger
        Chaotic evil
        Mar 28, 2024
        Undying Winter likes this.
      4. Undying Winter
        Undying Winter
        Forget chaos, I just want to be evil at this point.
        Mar 28, 2024
        SleepingTaiger likes this.
      5. theknownuser
        I am both then <3
        Mar 28, 2024
    9. Undying Winter
      Undying Winter
      What if battery acid isn't bad for your health, it just tastes too good and the government doesn't want you to know that?
      1. SleepingTaiger likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. SleepingTaiger
        ... I don't recommend it. The smell alone is bad
        Mar 28, 2024
      4. doihinhmu
        Mar 28, 2024
        SleepingTaiger likes this.
      5. Undying Winter
        Undying Winter
        Mar 28, 2024
        SleepingTaiger likes this.
    10. Undying Winter
      Undying Winter
      My book-pressed flowers turned out really pretty but now I have no idea what to do with them lmao. Yall give me some ideas.
      1. SleepingTaiger and HNCKrstl like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. I Am Made Of Memories
        I Am Made Of Memories
        *mourns in rose*
        Mar 28, 2024
      4. Undying Winter
        Undying Winter
        Seems like the bitch-whispering daffodil is the next one to go into the book.
        Mar 28, 2024
      5. I Am Made Of Memories
        I Am Made Of Memories
        … flower nazi
        Mar 28, 2024
    11. Undying Winter
      Undying Winter
      I need a novel with a bitter mc who just hates everyone and everything. Like everyday they wake up ready to hate.
      1. Cyltea likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Undying Winter
        Undying Winter
        @Voidiris good enough for me. I just need that 'I am a hater fr' energy even if the mc is losing her marbles in the latter half and begins to ramble about how they're turning the frogs gay. I can't find it on NU though, am I writing the title wrong or is it somewhere else? Help a sis out, I'll bribe you with a cat pic afterwards.
        Mar 28, 2024
      4. Voidiris
        Well she is more bitter and somewhat remorseful,
        https://nowherestars.net that should be the only site where the series is complete.
        Mar 28, 2024
      5. Undying Winter
        Undying Winter
        Mar 28, 2024
    12. Undying Winter
      Undying Winter
      Can't deal with the fact that summer is the next season. I just want to bury myself in snow, no summer for me please.
      1. Iris Astria Li
        Iris Astria Li
        I can't stand the scorching heat of summer either
        Mar 21, 2024
        SleepingTaiger and Voidiris like this.
      2. SleepingTaiger
        No one enjoys summer... Time to black out my windows...
        Mar 21, 2024
        Voidiris likes this.
    13. Undying Winter
      Undying Winter
      I want to hug a llama. I'm in a dire need of hugging a llama. It's one of those days where I'm dying to hug a llama. llamas look so hugable.
      1. Esha07, SleepingTaiger and Cyltea like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. SleepingTaiger
        ... I meant the lamas... But it seems I hit a nerve~ huehuehue
        Mar 13, 2024
        Flying Plushie likes this.
      4. SleepingTaiger
        You smell... Like a Baka hehehe
        Mar 13, 2024
        Flying Plushie likes this.
      5. Flying Plushie
        Flying Plushie
        *flaps away*
        Mar 13, 2024
    14. Undying Winter
      Undying Winter
      Love that I can always trust my parents when I want to feel small, useless and pathetic. Family is a wonderful thing.
      1. Voidiris likes this.
      2. Voidiris
        Of course, who wouldn't want a family?
        Mar 10, 2024
    15. Undying Winter
      Undying Winter
      It should be illegal to wake someone up. Like don't kill my vibe and nap by yelling "you're sleeping on the railway tracks" lemme sleep.
    16. Undying Winter
      Undying Winter
      Everyday I'm surprised by the kind of topics people manage to argue about under random youtube comments that had nothing to do with it.
    17. Undying Winter
      Undying Winter
      People on the internet be casually admitting to shit you can't interrogate out of criminals.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Undying Winter
        Undying Winter
        @scumtrash great idea. On my way to mix bleach and glass cleaner liquid into my dad's shampoo bottle to see how he would react to Chloramine.
        Mar 4, 2024
      3. scumtrash
        I hecking love killing my dad
        Mar 5, 2024
      4. Undying Winter
        Undying Winter
        That's why he ain't ever coming back with the milk
        Mar 5, 2024
    18. Undying Winter
      Undying Winter
      I've been sleeping for way too long lately. I literally eat once a day, stay awake for about 4-5 hours, then sleep again. No idea why but
      1. Cutting_bamboo and GonZ555 like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Tweety2468
        @Undying Winter
        Makes sense.
        Hey wow I'm like just 3 years younger.
        Nvm I just somehow expected everyone to be 20+ cause of my friend saying that.
        Well it was awesome bonding with you stranger
        Mar 1, 2024
      4. I Am Made Of Memories
        I Am Made Of Memories
        There was this little willow tree,
        That lived for many seasons;
        It had its branches wild and free,
        Without giving any reasons.

        Then this woodsman came along
        And said to the tree, it just couldn't
        Have these wild branches,
        He would have to chop them all away,
        But the little willow tree just wouldn't
        Give in;
        So the woodsman,
        Cut it down the very next day.
        Mar 1, 2024
      5. I Am Made Of Memories
        I Am Made Of Memories
        And now the forest has lost its soul,
        Of everlasting wilderness
        And beauty...
        Mar 1, 2024
    19. Undying Winter
      Undying Winter
      Love it when random users fight each other on the internet. They be dropping the coldest lines and I'd be saving that shit in my clipboard.
      1. Undying Winter
        Undying Winter
        All their creativity comes out during that time too. Like damn you replied with 'attention seeking rubber chicken'? Get her ass queen.
        Mar 1, 2024
    20. Undying Winter
      Undying Winter
      Fighting back that NUF-user urge to change my avi every single second.
      1. Undying Winter
        Undying Winter
        I swear scrolling through pinterest is legitimately dangerous. All these pretty pics begging to become your avi, yet your trembling fingers have to pick just one among thousands of them.
        Feb 29, 2024
      2. Undying Winter
        Undying Winter
        Update: I lost the battle.
        Feb 29, 2024
      3. delulu reader
        delulu reader
        Feb 29, 2024
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  • About

    Aug 8, 1921 (Age: 102)
    Home Page:
    Qi Deviating in my fancy cave
    Professional Cannon Fodder
    Greetings, fellow daoists![​IMG] [​IMG]
    Or non-daoist trash of the lower realm who has eyes yet fails to see the Mount Tai.

    This heaven-defying strength possessing venerabl—I mean, humble one is called Undying Winter and ascending to immortality by committing atrocities is my one and only passion. I'm your typical cannon fodder who should die by the MC's hands already, but you know what? I won't. I'll continue to exist out of spite.


    I'm a Nobel Prize Winning Triple PhD Holder in the field of Courting Death and currently a highly respected Elder of 'Wicked Old Foxes Claiming to be Righteous' Sect. Also, a
    long with reading scriptures and being a menace to the cultivation society, I enjoy watching dramas, Spitting mouthful of blood on every occasion, Seeking death by MC's sword at every encounter, Failing my heavenly tribulations, Yelling playground-level insults before meeting my tragic end, Having no idea whether to laugh or cry, & Cultivating the forbidden art of Tax Fraud.

    Also, I sincerely hope all martial heroes here respect my occupation as a professional cannon fodder & are aware of the fact that Sect Elders are inherently superior cannon fodders in comparison to Young Masters, as it's supported by daoisticfic evidence that
    Young Masters merely court death (tch tch a bunch of kids) while us Sect Elders seduce it with our majestic, death-seeking aura that's even brighter than the MC's protagonist halo.

    Amateurs make brief appearances over and over again just like a fishbone stuck in the MC's throat, but god author forbid we live past chapter 40.

    Amateurs are just a bunch of morons, we're high functioning morons.

    Amateurs have nasty attitudes because they're rich, we're capable of having an even nastier attitude while being broke.

    Amateurs fight over jade beauties or restaurant seats, we don't even look for reasons as we can start old school bullying over literally anything.

    Amateurs have tons of lines, we just repeat 'Good! Good! Good!' whether we're actually in a good mood or holding back tears because our dog got stolen in the broad daylight (whoever stole my Xiaobai, please kindly return him).

    Amateurs cry to their influential fathers, we simply beg for the junior to give us some face & let us live.

    Amateurs are a mere product of bad parenting, we are bad parents.

    And if that's not the signature look of superiority,
    then this humble one has no idea what is.
    Therapists would make a shit ton of money in the cultivation world, because cultivating depends heavily on one's mind and how strong their mental fortitude is. During tribulations, cultivators are supposed to reconcile with their inner demons (that are, well, born due to their bad mental health...), and everyday they also have to worry about falling prey to them and ending up insane.

    So, if there was a mf getting paid to address their influential-daddy issues, 'my dao companion left me for the MC' issues, 'MC added yet another jade beauty to his harem after chasing my ass for 50 chapters' issues, 'the hehuan master said my dragon is too small to join their dual cultivating sect' issues, and other kind of issues because they've got a lot of issues, it would benefit both. It's basically like having a mentor, except you aren't required to make an oath to them or some shit like you're supposed to do with shifus. No attachments + no debts + inner demons getting their ass whooped = profit.

    Goodbye, fellow daoists!
    it was nice seeing you here
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Visit me again whenever you're free,
    let's drink some wine and talk some shit about righteous cultivators behind their backs.


    Touch the Cow[​IMG]
    Do it Now

    Junior DARES to not touch the cow: [​IMG]

    Junior takes away the cow along with my golden core:[​IMG]

    Junior turns out to be my secret child and suddenly the idea of going out to 'buy milk' seems a bit way too appealing: [​IMG]


    “MC is so intelligent” = somehow the MC is not particularly retarded[​IMG]

    “MC is so powerful” = MC has plot armor and his fart can destroy an entire continent

    “MC is so badass” = MC is an arrogant young master[​IMG]

    “MC is a beta” = MC avoids women like the plague for no reason

    “MC is not a beta” = MC is a sexual predator[​IMG]

    “MC is OP” = Power levels won’t be fleshed out as they hold no meaning anyway

    “MC is a good person” = MC spared someone once or twice, of course after crippling their cultivation

    “MC isn’t a good person” = MC is evil

    “MC is evil” = MC is the vilest creature you’ll ever see

    “MC is a coward” = MC isn’t a battle maniac that doesn’t have any self-preservation instinct

    “MC won’t let any female trample over him” = MC is a domestic abuser[​IMG]

    “MC is a scientist/special ops/prodigy/…” = Author will use this as a crutch for his plot points and MC’s abilities

    “MC is emotionless, pragmatic and practical” = MC literally has no emotions and only processes everything depending on the result of an algorithm calculating income minus expenses

    “MC is good at cooking” = MC is basically your typical fatty best friend but with a better metabolism,
    Or MC is a cannibal [​IMG]

    “Side characters stay relevant across the novel” = Side characters you like will get power boosts from MC so that you won’t miss your favourite fatty best friend (just love this guy, he can make me a part of his harem any day)

    “I like the multiple POV writing” = You will get whole chapters of internal monologue of MC worshipping

    “Novel is a tragedy” = Forget about side characters, they’ll die as soon as they get introduced

    “Novel has interesting alchemy” = MC is a pill junkie[​IMG]

    “Novel is like X novel but…" = if you’ve read that one, then you’ve read this one

    “Novel has great world-building” = Author mentioned enough details about the world that I can differentiate between arrogant young master A and arrogant young master B

    “It’s good but not completely translated so I read it with mtl” = This is an addict's call for help, please inform your nearby rehab center about this user[​IMG]

    Note, since I don't want to court death: Don't take this seriously. Everything is a joke, like me.