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Sep 10, 1986 (Age: 37)
Fujoshiland, US, Kifujinland? HMS Ducky!
Captain of the HMS Ducky, home of Fujoshi Pirates


All powerful magic grammar hamster queen pirate., Female, 37, from Fujoshiland, US, Kifujinland? HMS Ducky!

Me: HG, can mommy have her keyblade keychain back? HG: NO!!!! Jul 2, 2024 at 12:00 AM

    1. Anra7777
      Me: HG, can mommy have her keyblade keychain back? HG: NO!!!!
    2. Anra7777
      HG: sleeping well: (>_>), keeping my parents awake in the middle of the night: ٩( 'ω' )و
      1. Anra7777
        Mr. Hamster has had it far worse this weekend than I have.
        Jul 1, 2024 at 7:12 AM
      2. Anra7777
        I may have exaggerated a little, but he was up from about 1am to 2:20ish am…
        Jul 1, 2024 at 7:24 AM
      3. Anra7777
        I was optimistic…
        Jul 1, 2024 at 7:31 AM
    3. Anra7777
      HG waved to a doggie this morning! ٩(♡ε♡ )۶ He gave his first wave (arm flop) yesterday.
      1. Anra7777
        Today he arm flopped at a neighbor then gave a more proper wave to the doggie, then arm flopped to a passerby. ٩(♡ε♡ )۶
        Jun 27, 2024 at 1:02 PM
    4. Anra7777
      D—. I posted a status update earlier and then I decided to look up what the term meant to make sure I got it right. I was not expecting that
      1. Blitz, Shizukani and LuftRauser like this.
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      3. Shizukani
        I say, curse urban dictionary and putting innuendo in almost EVERY word in the dictionary *sobs*
        Jun 27, 2024 at 10:29 AM
        Blitz and Anra7777 like this.
      4. Anra7777
        Shizu! (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) *hugs* Yes, yes! That’s exactly right.
        Jun 27, 2024 at 10:32 AM
        Blitz and Shizukani like this.
      5. Anra7777
        HG jumped beside Mommy so cutely, wondering why Mommy was on the floor (exhausted) and not playing with Baby.
        Jun 27, 2024 at 10:34 AM
        Blitz and Shizukani like this.
    5. Gandire Alea
      1. Anra7777 likes this.
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      3. Anra7777
        Yeah. Buying stuff for HG, having my car break down a few months ago and having to get a new one, having the windows need to be replaced this month, having the dishwasher break down a couple weeks ago and need a new one… I can’t even save for HG’s future schooling. (╥﹏╥) For the next three to five years at least…
        Jun 25, 2024
      4. Anra7777
        Not to mention student debt…
        Jun 25, 2024
      5. Gandire Alea
        Gandire Alea
        and don't forget the other expenses for the general that will come up >.>
        That said, your best bet for making any extra cash will be in 5 years once he starts school. Assuming you aren't too devastated and missing him too much to focus...
        Jun 25, 2024
        Anra7777 likes this.
    6. Anra7777
      Yesterday, HG grabbed my Keyblade. Guess he’s ready to become a keyblade warrior.
      1. Shizukani likes this.
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      3. Gandire Alea
        Gandire Alea
        that or I am misunderstanding the meaning of puns
        Jun 25, 2024
      4. Anra7777
        Nah, it’s probably me. Sometimes I just don’t get a joke, no matter how it’s explained to me.
        Jun 25, 2024
      5. Gandire Alea
        Gandire Alea
        fumu, *gives you a keyblade plushie for the general*
        Jun 25, 2024
        Anra7777 likes this.
    7. Anra7777
      When you’re reading “Pat The Puppy” and say, "Can you make Bailey's wag tail?" And it takes several tries to get it right. _(:_」∠)_
    8. Gandire Alea
      Gandire Alea
      A chocolate general statue....
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Anra7777
        He would. But that’s too much chocolate! *snatches and allows HG only a few bites* *noms the rest quickly so he can’t get at it*
        Jun 24, 2024
      3. Anra7777
        *tummy ache hamster* _(:_」∠)_
        Jun 25, 2024
        Gandire Alea likes this.
      4. Gandire Alea
        Jun 25, 2024
    9. Anra7777
      Waah!! One of the cutest comics finally came back mid season after a long hiatus, only for season to end after chapter 35. I would say,
      1. Anra7777
        “How will I live without Seojunie’s cuteness,” but I live with something cuter.
        Jun 23, 2024
      2. Anra7777
        Even with all the regressed, reincarnated, transmigrated, and isekai’d protagonists, it’s hard to find one that’s *actually* cute and healing. But Seojunie is. Go read “Superstar From Age 0” and suffer like me.
        Jun 23, 2024
    10. Gandire Alea
      Gandire Alea
      Return the slab....
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Anra7777
        I did watch it, but that’s all I remember. That I watched it. Can’t remember a thing else about it. (^▽^);;
        Jun 22, 2024
      3. GonZ555
        Didnt eustice get buried or died in the end of the episode?
        Jun 22, 2024
      4. Gandire Alea
        Gandire Alea
        well, the main thing to remember here is that this said probably creeped you out
        Jun 22, 2024
    11. Anra7777
      Me, wanting to play games the past several days. The weather: not a chance! Ha!
      1. Anra7777
        It’s been thundering pretty much every day this week, I think. Today, 70% chance of thunder. Tomorrow, 60% chance. Day after, 50% chance rain…
        Jun 22, 2024
    12. Gandire Alea
      Gandire Alea
      *presses enter*
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      2. GonZ555
        General Hammy Jr. The first?
        Jun 26, 2024 at 1:02 AM
        Anra7777 likes this.
      3. Gandire Alea
        Gandire Alea
        Jun 26, 2024 at 4:07 AM
        Anra7777 likes this.
      4. Anra7777
        Jun 26, 2024 at 10:21 AM
    13. Anra7777
      Interesting fact: I’ve found three of HG’s books have a goose-moose rhyme, two of which involve kissing.
      1. Lotus_Skiies and hypersniper159 like this.
      2. Lotus_Skiies
        Wow...mature content
        Jun 20, 2024
        Anra7777 likes this.
      3. Gandire Alea
        Gandire Alea
        like your avi
        Jun 21, 2024
      4. Lotus_Skiies
        Jun 21, 2024
    14. Gandire Alea
      Gandire Alea
      Thinking about it, the general is at an age where if you put him in a dress and took him for a walk, people would say you have a beautiful daughter.
      1. I Am Made Of Memories likes this.
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      3. Anra7777
        He’s got plenty of “boy” outfits, and the mistakes have happened even when wearing those.
        Jun 21, 2024
      4. Gandire Alea
        Gandire Alea
        fumu, and then when he is older, you will embarress him by reminding him of all the times it happened
        Jun 21, 2024
      5. Anra7777
        I think I’d rather tell him about how he charmed almost everyone everywhere he went. I’m convinced the only reason he hasn’t been scouted to be a baby hamster model is a) Mr. Hamster and I are introverts and b) we don’t live in a high scouting area. But seriously, we go somewhere, he’s charming ALL the people. ALL of them.
        Jun 21, 2024
    15. Agentt
      *pat pat pats*
      Phyx tells me I have a habit of praising people with bad timming.
      1. Anra7777
        *pat, pat, pat*
        Jun 18, 2024
        Agentt likes this.
    16. Arbelbyss
      *Pat pat pats Anra*
      1. Anra7777 likes this.
      2. Anra7777
        *pats back*
        Jun 15, 2024
        Arbelbyss likes this.
    17. Anra7777
      Friends, countrynuffians, lend me your paws. I would very much like to win some KH merch. (Kingdom Hearts)
      1. Anra7777
        Jun 14, 2024
    18. Blitz
      1. Anra7777 likes this.
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      3. Blitz
        Oh wait nvm…. XD
        Just saw your post
        Jun 14, 2024
        Anra7777 likes this.
      4. Anra7777
        *laughing while crying emoji* Let me know if you want me to click your “my friends are my power” link. Maybe we could send it to each other via conversation?
        Jun 14, 2024
        Blitz likes this.
      5. Blitz
        Sure o/
        Jun 14, 2024
    19. Bad Storm
      Bad Storm
      1. Anra7777 likes this.
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      3. Bad Storm
        Bad Storm
        maybe coz a bedroom is a personal space??
        Jun 12, 2024
        Anra7777 likes this.
      4. Anra7777
        That’s probably it. I feel less vulnerable on the couch. But boy, am I exhausted… probably night before last’s lack of sleep catching up with me…
        Jun 12, 2024
        Bad Storm likes this.
      5. Bad Storm
        Bad Storm
        sleeping on the couch is really uncomfortable haha, i did that for a few months
        Jun 12, 2024
        Anra7777 likes this.
    20. Anra7777
      Thank you for the cupcake! o(^▽^)o
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  • About

    Sep 10, 1986 (Age: 37)
    Fujoshiland, US, Kifujinland? HMS Ducky!
    Captain of the HMS Ducky, home of Fujoshi Pirates


    Not in any particular order:
    @Tilgarial = Son. His children are also my grandkids. He has too many to list here, sorry, guys.
    @iampsyx = Daughter
    @felidormit = Child
    @amilhs = Son
    @Shizukani = Daughter
    @Lissi = Daughter
    @Baldingere = Daughter
    @XiaoYun = Child
    @Tech is life = Son
    @Bobasis = Daughter
    @wolf.prince = Grandchild
    @fluffy13unny = Grandchild
    @LilyoftheValley = Best Friend and I'm her fanfiction fan
    @GonZ555 = Pet/Food Supply
    @SquadCammander354 = Pet Doggo
    @Number One Dumpling = Pet/Food Supply
    @Jeanette = Pet/Food Supplier
    @Arrynne = Pet
    @Bad Storms Wall = Pet Doggo
    @Daisydacrazy = Owner
    @Raidou99 = Subject
    @Kalto = Provider of excellent avis
    @Melodious Nocturne = I stan!!!
    @Kira Miki = Cousin...?
    @Bitty Kitty = I’m her brainless fan!
    @Nara9 = my clone/daughter
    @Snowbun = First Mate
    @c.decora = Hamster Family family friend
    @GREED444 = Hamster Family family friend
    Lots of people = Friends!
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