Forgotten Title A historical western story.

Discussion in 'I'm Looking For...' started by honeypiee_67, Sep 9, 2023.

  1. honeypiee_67

    honeypiee_67 Active Member

    Aug 12, 2022
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    It was a western historical setting. The summary or prologue starts with a..
    A prince was walking on a forest when he saw a woman bathing, she was described beautiful and voluptuous. Although she was a bit dense and naive. They became friends and continuosly sneakily escape and meet up. They caught and developed feelings as time passed. Eventually the girl became pregnant, yet her lover doesn't know.. but then things get troublesome... They were found out.. I remember the girl about to confess her situation to the prince.. she came earlier than the meet up time to their little hideout and wait for him.. but he didn't show, it continue for atlease a week? I don't remember. Then there canes the part they were found out.. the girl claimed that the prince is the father of her children but because he denied it.. due to his cowardness.. she was accused and is about to be sentence with death.. on the day for her supposed time.. the prince admitted it or if I'm correct.. but she was saved.. I think that there was a guy who also likes her.

    Something like that.. it's difficult to recall.. I tho remember the part where she was found to be the missing daughter of a neighboring Kingdome.. ohh if I didn't mention, the girl was living with her mean aunt who makes her life a living hell before all the events happen.. so after they found out.. she came to her kingdom.. skip to that, she was eventually crowded as the queen.. but her demeanor change.. she became a cold and calculating woman.. then there's her children. It was about time when she was engaged to another guy when her ex lover, the prince whose now married.. return to the picture, it was said that he was longing, always missing her.. then they see eachother again. The next is history.. I don't remember what happened later.

    I'll mention the main key points.

    A prince was walking in the forest, when he saw a woman.

    They became friends, meet up eachother sneakily and eventually something happened and she end up pregnant.

    She was about to confess that she is pregnant with the prince child but problems happened..

    Ohh the girl also have mean aunt.. I remember that she doesn't like her because her sister died while giving birth on her???

    They were eventually found out by the cousin/brother of the prince?

    She was accused crime the crime of lying that she is pregnant with the prince child.

    She is about to be sentenced with death when the prince pardoned her?

    Her life took turns when it is found out that she is the missing child of the king form the neighbouring kingdom.

    She changed, he became cold and calculating.

    Her children found out their father, and tried to get them close?

    And the prince was married at that time while now the queen, was engaged in another..