Spoiler At the End of That Memory/ Beyond The Memories/ 그 기억의 끝에 [BL]

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Phobic_Naina, Nov 5, 2023.

  1. Phobic_Naina

    Phobic_Naina Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2022
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    Jung Sejin married Kwon Yido, a dominant Alpha, in order to fix his crumbling family situation.

    Even though he was known for being cold, their first meeting wasn’t that bad.

    “I am Kwon Yido. You are…Jung Sejin?”

    Kwon Yido was courteous, respectful and had meticulous manners. The moment he thought that the marriage, which he assumed would be the worst, wasn’t all that bad…Sejin felt a strange sense of incongruity in him.

    He said, “Since it didn’t seem like you had breakfast, I have prepared your favourite dish.”

    How does this person know my taste buds?

    From food to clothes size. Kwon Yido knew things that even Se-jin didn’t know. Even his sudden heat cycles were dealt with perfectly…



    “Don’t be impulsive.”

    ‘He’ Kwon Yido was strange.

    He was affectionate and kind to him as if Jung Sejin was his lover.

    Novel link: https://www.novelupdates.com/series/at-the-end-of-that-memory/
    mmem and Cassian_uchiha like this.
  2. Spoiler Curator

    Spoiler Curator Hi , Click Edit and Edit My Posts

    Oct 13, 2020
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    I shortly read this coz it was a bit same with "Into the rose garden". It also gave me multiple heart attacks.

    !Trigger warning! Mentions of sensitive topics: assault and gr4pes! Under are some spoilers that you might wanna know, though they were not 100% accurate as I have only shortly scanned the whole thing.

    In the first timeline, Kwon Yijeong (ML older brother) who suddenly disappeared after he gr4ped Jeong Sejin, was revealed to be imprisoned due to multiple assault and crimes he did to the other omegas too. (Kwon Yido made him go into jail as he holds many evidences of past assaults of Kwon Yiheong to other omegas)

    In the second timeline, after he almost assaulted Sejin at the bathroom and got beaten by Kwon Yido, he was kidnapped, under the command of Kwon Yido. He then went missing, imprisoned in a dark warehouse, and was tied as he experienced the same thing he did to those poor omegas, and died shortly after. It was not mentioned if he was murdered or if it was suicide.

    Some readers said that Kwon Yido planned to give Jeong Sejin to Kwon Yijeong, that the gr4pe was a plan of Kwon Yido. Well, IT'S NOT. Jeong Sejin thought the same as well in the first timeline, but at the second timeline, it was explained.

    Kwon Yido was telling Kwon Yijeong that he prepared a "gift" towards him (which are multiple evidences of his crimes against many omegas Kwon Yijeong assaulted, it is a strong material to send him to jail). Kwon Yijeong, clueless and excited over this "gift" wanted to receive it quickly, and so Kwon Yido told him to get it in his house. Unfortunately, it was Kwon Yido's miscalculation, he didn't expect the two to encounter each other. That day, Jeong Sejin was in his sudden heat, and Kwon Yijeong was coincidentally there too, as he wanted to see the "gift" quickly and went to the house of Kwon Yido. Kwon Yijeong misunderstood and thought the "gift" was the omega in heat, Jeong Sejin.

    Kwon Yido wasn't notified earlier of the matter, for he commanded to his subordinates in the past not to report about or watch over Jeong Sejin. That time, he was also in his rut and was so busy due to the death of the chairman. He was angry too, so much that he sees red. But that time, Kwon Yijeong was already in the hands of the authorities, currently under investigation. Kwon Yido already submitted the evidences of Kwon Yijeong's crimes earlier.

    Yes, he had a child. I think it was what triggered him to suicide. Because the time when he was gr4ped by Kwon Yijeong (i think Kwon Yijeong knotted him. that bitch.), later Kwon Yido also gr4ped him, knotted, and forcefully imprinted him (at the last spoiler above, I mentioned that Kwon Yido was so angry and was also currently under rut. that moment then Jeong Sejin mentioned divorce, so he got worked up, angrier, and lost his mind. then he proceeded to gr4pe Jeong Sejin. this bitch too.)

    Jeong Sejin was in doubt if the child was his and Kwon Yido, or Kwon Yijeong. Because both of the gr4pe event happened in no more than 3 days. (it was revealed later that it was Kwon Yido's and his child.)

    Due to his depressed mind, everything bad happening at once, feeling abandoned and all that dick move from Kwon Yido's cowardness to face the consequences of his actions, Jeong Sejin decided to shoot himself. That time before he pulled the trigger, he unexpectedly encountered Kwon Yido, at the door stupefied at the scene in front of him. Jeong Sejin was holding the gun towards his heart, pulled the trigger infront of Kwon Yido, and later on died. As Kwon Yido held him, he was crying as he tried to stop the bleeding of Jeong Sejin's chest.

    Later on, during a conversation between Kwon Yido and Jeong Sejin in the second timeline, Jeong Sejin discovered that Kwon Yido died later after him. In which Kwon Yido while crying only replied, "I'm sorry". (It wasn't mentioned how or when Kwon Yido died in first timeline, or maybe I skipped that part but i think probably suicide too.) It was also revealed in this conversation when Jeong Sejin asked if who is the child's father, Kwon Yido confirmed it was his and Jeong Sejin.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2023
  3. Phobic_Naina

    Phobic_Naina Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2022
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    I personally, am loving this manhwa and got very little spoilers about it. I must say its very exciting to read~ if you have the novel link please do share or any spoilers.
    Here, is the unofficial manhwa link:
  4. Cheshirecat04

    Cheshirecat04 Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2022
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    I read the spoilers....
    One thing for sure I will not read the novel. My heart won't stand it.
    I'll give a shot for the manwa since I find this story interesting despite all the angst.
    mmem and SkyLisette like this.
  5. DynerisCyrus

    DynerisCyrus Green Tea Maker

    Sep 18, 2022
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    No spoilers for me :blobpensive:
  6. Selene830

    Selene830 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2021
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    I read somewhere the ML was toxic is that true?
  7. Babybehchick

    Babybehchick Active Member

    Dec 18, 2021
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    Whete did u read the spoilers huhu
  8. DynerisCyrus

    DynerisCyrus Green Tea Maker

    Sep 18, 2022
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    I think I read in some comment on the unofficial manhwa site that the ML's brother rapes the MC, he himself did it too(I haven't read the novel, this is just what I found out in the comment section). The MC ended up committing suicide and then the ML regressed to the present story timeline full of guilt and regret.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2023
  9. Cheshirecat04

    Cheshirecat04 Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2022
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    Like DynerisCyrus, I read them under the comment section of the manwa site.

    ML was a big huge Red flag who rapes MC.
    After something happened in his comptant, hum ans his brother let MC bear the responsability ecen if ML knew he was not the culprit.
    MC commits suicide and ML regrets...apparently.
    The dreams MC has in his second timeline was his memories of the first timeline. Now ML, who has his memories wants to make amends and loves MC. He wants to protect him and pamper him..
    Of course MC will have his memories back but it is too late, he is already in love with ML.
  10. Magdalena123

    Magdalena123 New Member

    Nov 12, 2023
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    I read the novel.

    Sejin has got dreams about someone raping him turns out it was Kwon Ydo & from what I remember also his brother (Ydo's brother) in his previous life. Top treated him like a dirty towel from very beginning, gave him the worst room in the house etc. and completely misunderstood him. In the end he crushed him completely and drove Sejin to his suicide. In the current timeline he's trying to redeem himself and give him what he deserves. That's the general plot, if you want details let me know, I'll try to elaborate.
    mmem, smeilia, Scapezz and 3 others like this.
  11. Cheshirecat04

    Cheshirecat04 Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2022
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    I have some questions, if you don't mind.

    - Why did ML misunderstand MC? Was it because of his family?
    - How long MC suffered in the first timeline?
    - Did ML regret at the second MC dies or did it take a little longer? Why does he regret since he treats him like crap?
    - How did ML die in the first timeline (since he retains his memories I assume he does early)
    - What is the deal with MC brother ? Is he a tsundere in love with MC?
    - Did ML's brother face any punishment in first timeline? How did ML deal with him in the second timeline ?
    Mingxia likes this.
  12. Magdalena123

    Magdalena123 New Member

    Nov 12, 2023
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    Hope this helps:
    ML overheard MC's family talking shit in the beginning but later it started getting better, later MC was involved in an embezzlement issue as his family tried to frame him and in the end ML found out that MC was spying and stealing data from him to give to his father. That sealed the deal.
    MC said a few times that the only thing he tried is to not get abandoned but in the end everyone abandoned him.
    ML bro is more of a side character and he was pretty disgusting in that scene, he was laughing as he was raping MC. I can't quite remember what happened to him, sorry!
    Shortly after this ML also rapes MC & forcefully marks him. It is revealed that marked couples can share emotions & memories and that's how he learns everything about MC and regrets all this shit. But too late now, MC is a shell, from this day he locks MC up as he's worried & visits only at night, MC stops eating and is given IV's and in the end he goes to ML's study and grabs a gun after finding out he got pregnant. And after shooting himself ML followed soon after.
    In the second timeline ML tries really hard but doesn't expect MC to forgive him, but wants him to become successful & independent to make his own choices. He is supporting him in his business venture, trying to give all he can to MC, he gave him bath with the roof window as that's MC requested after their night together in the first timeline (he only had a small room with the shower) etc.
    Almost entire first 4 vol. are about the second timeline. MC regains the memories and we learn the details quite far into the story
    mmem, smeilia, Scapezz and 9 others like this.
  13. lostross

    lostross Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2020
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    Not rape again!!! What is wrong with all this people like they should start to learn to accept a NO and move on
    Yup1, Alexa327 and Mingxia like this.
  14. Cheshirecat04

    Cheshirecat04 Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2022
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    Thanks for your spoilers.
    I still don't know if I shall continue the manwa...I know I read quite my share of dogblood stories. I managed to overcome my trauma from those 188 bunch of assholes, from Black Lotus, from 10 years I loved you the most and so on
    I shall managed the angst there... right?
    Mingxia and Magdalena123 like this.
  15. Magdalena123

    Magdalena123 New Member

    Nov 12, 2023
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    Totally. Abuse is pretty heavy. But redemption is the main focus here and we only learn about the extent of it all towards the end of the story.
    mmem, Mingxia, Alexa327 and 1 other person like this.
  16. Alexa327

    Alexa327 Member

    Sep 25, 2023
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    Thanks for your spoilers.
    I'm confused about something, I have a question for that
    The behavior of MC's stepbrother is very suspicious in manhwa. Could he be remembering first lives ?
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2023
    Mingxia and Magdalena123 like this.
  17. Magdalena123

    Magdalena123 New Member

    Nov 12, 2023
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    He doesn't know anything & he's not abusive, more ignorant but he is sus, you're right here.

    He knows that Sejin is not really his brother and I think (someone please correct if I misinterpreted here) he said to MC in both timelines that he doesn't see him as a brother but something else & confesses in both timelines. He is rejected both times and their relationship pretty much ends after MC is accused of embezzlement in timeline 1 & after company collapses in timeline 2 where MC asks secretary Kim to look after him
    mmem, smeilia, Scapezz and 5 others like this.
  18. Sxiren

    Sxiren Member

    Oct 20, 2023
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    Where did u read it
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  19. Magdalena123

    Magdalena123 New Member

    Nov 12, 2023
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    Ridi books!
  20. Alexa327

    Alexa327 Member

    Sep 25, 2023
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    Thanks ♥
    This novel reminds me of into the rose garden in some ways. In both novels, ML is an abuser in their first lives. Although my heart aches when I read both of them but I can't stop wondering what's in the next chapter.
    Sora27, Mingxia and Magdalena123 like this.