Forgotten Title cant remember novel name-

Discussion in 'I'm Looking For...' started by solivagantsoul, Sep 12, 2023.

  1. solivagantsoul

    solivagantsoul Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2019
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    okay so from what i vaguely remeber this novel was one of those romance novels where the FMC transmigrates from like 5000 years ago and she was hailed as the most powerful matriarch and individual of her time and she wakes up in like a less talented person's body I think with the same name. I think the character's name was BAI something the world background is that of a cultivation world with diffrent sects/academies and like higher planes, lower and middle level planes.

    one of the things i remeber is her bringing out a lot of lost techniques with needles/acupuncture or whatver.

    there is this one bit in the novel where she and the ML(or maybe not yet) climb a mountain with other cultivators and it's one of those hidden realms, and then she figures out how to conquer the poison miasma and leads others into it safely. Later inside they meet others who are hostile but recognize her and somehow she defeats the guardian beast who i think was described like a crocodile(?) and then theres again another scene where shes locked in some room with a bunch of other young cultivators much higher than her current rank but they have no clue how to open the door but she quickly figures it out...basically theres many opportinities she gets to level up her cultivation...i think she also has like a castle in her mind/spiritual world or whatver where theres hidden doors she needs to unlock....

    i might be mixing it up but i think shes got this one beast thats like a fur ball and later it turns out the ML has one too or later gets one??? RIGHT THE ML! he's basically the top cultivator of his sect (diff one from MC) and he's the next to take over. I think he has some prince identity too...

    im pretty sure the MC has like baili or bai something in her name....HELPPPPP

    does this sound familiar to anyone??? PLEASE HELP.
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  2. Frost Asura

    Frost Asura Active Member

    Oct 16, 2021
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    I think i wrongly remember but wasn't this danmei? or it was this only i forgot the name
  3. solivagantsoul

    solivagantsoul Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2019
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    No, it was 100% straight romance...i remember the opening scene being like MC gaining consciousness and recalling her past as the female matriarch and realized shed awaken like 5000 years in the future and theres many ancient arts and techniques lost to current cultivators, there's also later a part where she recovers og bodies true identity as a descendant from one of the powerful cultivator families also named bai (though i dont remeber much about this portion of novel-but there was definitely a family arc)

    Seriously this is the part i remember most clearly was during the early chapters when mc is i think alone/with companions from her sect but theres the tomb opened up and cultivators all flocking to the mountain. but theres a poisonous miasma surrounding the whole thing and people who were going in earlier were either dying/losing their mind/unsuccessful(idk) so MC takes one of her needles and puts it on miasma discovering its poisonous then goes back to the cave to make pills that would detoxify them beforehand. After distributing the pills she finally moves up ahead into the miasma....then theres the part about meeting rival sects, fighting for resources, being stuck in the tomb and figuring out how to open the door, defeating the crocodile guardian beast pretty sure all this happened in the same tomb.
  4. Visei

    Visei Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2019
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  5. MiaHi

    MiaHi Member

    Sep 15, 2023
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  6. solivagantsoul

    solivagantsoul Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2019
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