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Discussion in 'I'm Looking For...' started by kimchi fried rice, Aug 18, 2020.

  1. kimchi fried rice

    kimchi fried rice Active Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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    So there is this bl system story about a nine tailed fox who died in his original world and was given a system by these gods.

    the first story is about a serial killer:blob_thor: who turns out to be an actor or idol and he is sent to an asylum where he meets the female lead and she falls in love with him. The mc (fox) has taken the body of a office worker(i think) and he tells the ml that he has experience in killing people and that he will help him not get caught:blobspy:. So the mc start getting bored with the ml and so he decides to get caught and he is sent to the asylum :blobparty:( he cant get out because there is this line that he can only see which tells him where he can go and the line doesn't go out the asylum so he is stuck there:blobexpressionless: ). The mc tries to expose the ml but it does not work and he fails his mission in getting the leads together and the gods that are watching leave, so the mc is stuck in that world for many years until these new gods come and are like " is this a new bl:blobpopcorn_cool:" and so the mc is able to leave and go to the next world

    The next world is about a prince who is turned into a monster by witches sent by his brother or someone related to him. the fox is the prince ( i think, idk he turns out to be a type of puppet). the brother send a witch hunter to kill the witches but there is one left ( a little kid), the mc takes him to escape the hunter, stuff happens and the mc needs to get food for the kid so he decides to steal from the bandits but gets caught meets the hunter and is separated from the kid, he later wakes up a few yrs later hanging from a shop or something and the little boy is chained by the person from the shop. That's all i remember:blobdizzy:
  2. Anra7777

    Anra7777 All powerful magic grammar hamster queen pirate.

    Apr 13, 2018
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    The fact that MC is a fox makes me think of “Who Touched My Tail,” but I don’t remember the story going like that at all, so it probably isn’t...
    c.decora and kimchi fried rice like this.
  3. Shorng

    Shorng Rotten BL Fan

    Sep 21, 2019
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    Interesting :blobpeek:
  4. c.decora

    c.decora Holy Cardinal, Ascended Mouse

    Aug 16, 2018
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    So the premise of the hopping is that he's going through these worlds as entertainment for these gods?

    Edit: This sounds kind of fun though?