Spoiler Forbidden Odd Melody (Geumsubyeolgok)

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Y0jik0, Oct 8, 2023.

  1. Y0jik0

    Y0jik0 Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    The love story of the Tiger Dohwi and the Red Fox Sohwa - a love that transcends tribes.

    Sohwa, a red fox, was born a lone mutant with white fur, setting her apart from her tribe, and leading her to live a lonely existence. One day, she encounters an abandoned wildcat, Dohwi, in the mountains and rescues him, beginning their life together.

    "Dohwi! Since we are of different species, there's no need for attraction between us. You are gentle and kind; I think we can live together. What do you think?"

    However, the creature she believed to be a mere wildcat, Dohwi, was in fact... a tiger reborn after a thousand years.

    Dohwi pretends not to be a tiger, fearing that Sohwa will abandon him if she learns his true identity, but Sohwa begins to suspect him...

    "You are all I have, Sohwa. You know that."

    The precarious and mature cohabitation of the naïve fox Sohwa and the cunning tiger Dohwi!
  2. Spoiler Curator

    Spoiler Curator Hi , Click Edit and Edit My Posts

    Oct 13, 2020
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  3. Y0jik0

    Y0jik0 Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Cant believe no one has discovered this gem yet ❤️

    Lets discuss and please share spoilers if you have any
  4. PrncssButtercup

    PrncssButtercup Active Member

    Oct 4, 2023
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    What’s the age gap? I’m a little put off because she essentially raises him? But I think he reincarnated with memories so it’s not like he wasn’t mentally fully grown I guess.
  5. Y0jik0

    Y0jik0 Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Hes ethereal as was said in the book. He's been alive for a thousand years. One day, i think he was bored and decided to play a prank on a virtuous snake which caused the snake to not accend to the heavens. As punishment, he was the turned to a baby tiger

    As for the "raising" part. Well the drawing is not very accurate, but she is actually way younger when she found him. Also, she's barely alive herself, shes quite malnourished being left alone young and doesn't know how to hunt.
    He had to force transform himself to human early so he can better take care of her (because he's worried she might die before he gets to eat her).
    Im my opinion, its more like HE raised her, than the other way around
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2023
  6. PenguinMole

    PenguinMole Member

    Oct 18, 2023
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    He had to transform himself to human because he wanted to hide his species. He heard Sohwa saying that she would abandoned him if he were a tiger.
  7. Y0jik0

    Y0jik0 Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Well yeah, he transformed because he heard she will have to leave him if he actually is a tiger and he doesn't want her to know that.
    And hes doing all that because he wants to stay with her .... Because he wants to eat her
    Or at least thats his initial plan
    Theres a part in the novel in his POV which is really cute. He's retelling the story in his POV
  8. atlos

    atlos Active Member

    Sep 14, 2023
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    Would love some spoilers if anyone has any and especially his POV
  9. Sasikarn

    Sasikarn Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2020
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    Can you spoil pleaseeeeee
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  10. Y0jik0

    Y0jik0 Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    You guys mean his POV? Well... Its all the way from the beginning, but from his perspective.

    He started with him telling that he's ancient and one day theres this another ancient virtuous beast that he mocked. As a punishment his godly body is replaced of that a cub.
    Then he re tell the scenario we saw on the manta where the FL saw him.
    She said he's cute and hes deeply offended, he said who's this dimwit that calls his godly body cute, but he cant open his eyes yet because he's a baby but he promised to eat her as punishment.

    The FL at this point is still very young and barely surviving by eating whatever she can find and sharing it with the baby ML, by the time he can open his eyes, hes disappointed to see how thin she is. So he has decided to wait a while, until he's grown bigger and while at it he also made it a point to take over and make sure they are both well fed. He keeps saying she might die before he even gets to eat her so he's always worried
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2023
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  11. boldhut

    boldhut Active Member

    Jan 30, 2021
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    Camping here for spoilers cauz I can't find an English trans :cry:
  12. Y0jik0

    Y0jik0 Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Dohwi POV

    Im translating this by my own words as a third person. Sorry if there are grammar mistakes

    By the time he was able to open his eyes, it was mid day. Soha was holding him with her back to the sun. "Golden eyes, how cute"
    The first thing he saw was her lips more red than ripened raspberries, a face as white as silk and jet-black hair tied together.
    He thought he was seeing a fairy.
    As days go by, he kept wondering what kind of beast she must be.
    He wondered how something so small and frail could make fun of him.
    The first time he saw her transform, he thought its a white sable (rat like animal). Then it turns out, shes a fox. He finds it cute and adorable but also he thinks shes an idiot.
    What kind of person would raise a beast who would eat her one day just because she finds it cute.
    Luckily for him, this fox has been separated from its pack so there's no one to warn her.

    Dohwi POV

    He had just started walking and he tries his best to cling to her side all the time. It was not too difficult because she doesn't eat on time and very weak, even a newly born tiger can catch up to her.
    One time they went up the mountain and he thinks she might be trying to compete with him by walking fast. She ended up having a fever and wasn't able to get up for days.
    He was worried that she might get eaten before his teeth grows, but by the looks of it, she might actually just die because she's being stupid.

    The first time Soha saw him as a human, she said. " Were of different species so we don't go in heat with eachother. And since you're gentle and kind, how about we stay together. What do you think?"

    What he thinks
    "Ill make sure to eat you. Just wait until i get a little bit older and I'll make sure to swallow you whole."

    Its been 20 years since he made that decision. In the end, Dohwi was unable to eat her. Rather, it was him who's been swallowed whole. He has been turned to a gentle domesticated animal without sharp fangs and fearsome claws.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2023
  13. atlos

    atlos Active Member

    Sep 14, 2023
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    thank you! Do they end up getting the talisman and having a child?
  14. Y0jik0

    Y0jik0 Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    The talisman was with the monk. Dohwi stole it but instead of using it to produce babies, he ended up using it to save Sohwa because she almost died.

    But... They did end up having babies still. A twin both boys. The older one is a white tabby fox, then a majestic white tiger.

    Dohwi POV
    He had problems with their living arrangements. For one, the food. Although he can eat three meals a day in human form, he likes it better when he hunts his prey. The stalking and running after it, the sheer delight of them trembling as he bites down their necks. At one point, there's no more animals he can hunt in mount lee-hwang so at night, he would run at full speed all the way up to the mountain he used to rule over in his former self and comes back at dawn before Sohwa wakes up.

    His second and bigger problem is during the mating season. Sohwa who mostly in human form takes her fox self during these times. She struts around the house oblivious to her scent that drives him crazy. during these times male foxes, starts showing up around the mountain, sensing the female in heat. He would immediately hunt down every single one, trampling down on their mangled bodies without even eating them.

    The first time he himself felt the heat, it was in the middle of summer (it is unusual because its supposed to happen during winter) Despite of living for a thousand years, he was without a mate and so becoming in heat comes as a surprise to him.

    Sohwa was rolling around the living room flipping through the pages of a book while leisurely eating grapes. He looks at her mesmerized as his gaze transfixed to her bright red lips moist with sweet and sour juice from the grapes she was eating.
    He felt a strong burning in his lower abdomen. He went around the house quickly drenched himself with cold water but it didn't eliminate the fire he was feeling.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2023
  15. atlos

    atlos Active Member

    Sep 14, 2023
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    thank you for taking the time to write this!! Were there love rivals? Knowing Dohwi, they probably never had the chance to approach her lol
    PrncssButtercup likes this.
  16. Hadosh

    Hadosh Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2023
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    Camping for spoilers :blobwoah:
  17. Y0jik0

    Y0jik0 Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    No love rivals. In his POV he said he killed all the male foxes that ever comes close to mt. lee-hwang. As added measure, he made sure to mark the entire surrounding with his claw marks to warn possible suitors. He also have his scent all over Sohwa as a way to mark his "territory".
    He puts pouches of scented flowers around the house, he also gave some to Sohwa as perfume, but it was actually filled with buttercups, the flowers as it turns out, make the nose dull, it makes Sohwa unable to smell his predatory scent which is especially strong when in heat.

    If you're following the english translated webtoon, its chapter 9 when the monk asked Sohwa if she knows what being in heat means. Its because he can smell Dohwi's pheromone all over her but she cant tell because of the flower pouch she carries.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2023
    augacutan, syofiaa, elaii03 and 4 others like this.
  18. Nyomster

    Nyomster New Member

    Nov 7, 2023
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    So that is the chapter 14 of manhwa where Sohwa just met another vixen in the Mt.Lee Hwang.
    Is it still a long way to go until she realize what Dohwi is?
    Can you please spoil the incident after she met another vixen whom her husband was killed?
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  19. Y0jik0

    Y0jik0 Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    After meeting Miho
    After the being scratched in the arm viciously by Miho (vixen), Sohwa ran away at full speed, she skid and dodged to make sure shes not being followed.
    Sohwa was trembling when she finally reached the house.
    She looked around and noticed the reddish lump of soil under the cherry tree.
    As if possessed, she slowly walked towards the disturbed patch of land. This was not the same spot she dug the day before. The soil is somewhat wet and red brown in color. Looking back, she remembered Dohwi tossing something in there earlier. She quickly dug with her sweaty hands and immediately touched a too familiar fur. Its not even buried deep, its as if it was intended to be flaunted.
    Her legs gave in as soon as she get the sight of the dead fox's face. It was so terrified that it didn't even get to close its eyes when it died. There was a large gapping wound in the neck and wasn't even even eaten. It has a look that seems to be killed just for fun. Then a thought hit her.
    She cant smell anything, she brought her hands to her face, there was a very faint smell of rot but that was about it. She immediately put the dead fox back to the hole, while doing so, she realised that it was a male fox.
    She ran inside the house and looked around. Sure enough there are pouches tucked all over the house. She immediately tore open one and the contents spilled, the overwhelming smell hit her as if someone punched her in the nose. After that, all the smell in the world vanished. Stunned, tears swelled in her eyes.
    "Dohwi, Dohwi... How could you do such terrible thing to me"

    She felt nauseous due to the intense feeling of betrayal, she rushed to the kitchen and washed her hands, face and neck over and over untill her skin was red.

    After that, she went to the living room where they frequently sat and drink tea, because she knows now what to look for, it was easy for her to see the flower pouch tucked above the ceiling.

    "What on earth does this guy want from me"
    Her body is just half the size of the dead fox in the garden. If he wants, he can swallow her whole while she sleeps.

    "What do you want that made you do such terrible thing"

    Sohwa quickly changed her clothes and cleans the place.
    "Im going to die someday because of this damn curiosity"

    Although she knew in her head that she needs to run away immediately, she instead finds herself walking towards Dohwi's room.

    The meal is set in the main room where she stayed, and he comes immediately when she calls. Mostly he will already be at her door before she even calls him so its been years since she's in this part of the house.

    The room was neat and tidy just like its owner. And no matter how much she stretched her nose, she still cant smell anything,let alone the smell of a tiger.
    She lifted the blanket and saw a familiar piece of cotton cloth.
    She slowly reached out to take it out to be sure of what she's seeing.
    Sure enough, it was the same underwear she tucked deep in her closet when she accidentally peed herself. But what is it doing here. She thought it must have been washed but the insides still feels damp and the middle has something muddy and thick.

    "What is this?"
    The smell wafting in her nose is pungent and fishy. it reminds her of the discharge she would have in her legs during the mating season but the smell is somewhat different in an irritating way.
    She didn't know exactly what it was but she has a bad feeling about it. Could it be that he was also in heat but she never noticed it
    At that moment, a sudden loud voice interrupted her.

    "Are you in my room?"

    Sohwa stood completely frozen. It was Dohwi. She immediately put the cloth back under the covers and rushed to open the door and ran to the main room
    There she saw Dohwi holding some silf fabrics and flowers in one hand and a large bird cage in the other.

    "What were you doing in there?"
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2023
    augacutan, syofiaa, elaii03 and 5 others like this.
  20. Nyomster

    Nyomster New Member

    Nov 7, 2023
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    Thank you for the spoiler!
    So after that will be a chase on the first chapter right?
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