How do you feel about Vtubers?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by AliceShiki, Jan 12, 2022.



  1. Hai!

    16 vote(s)
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  1. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    In case you don't know, a Vtuber is a youtuber that uses an avatar instead of their real face while making videos on youtube. They're usually streamers, but not necessarily. The most popular one is Gawr Gura, who mostly does gaming streams:


    With this out of the way, how do you feel about them in general? Do you watch them? Do you feel any different by watching Vtubers when compared to other youtubers? Do you have a favorite one? Do you want to be one?

    Personally speaking, I like the concept quite a bit. Like... Well, you never needed to show your face on youtube, but people like seeing someone when they're watching stuff like gaming streams and whatnot, so... Having a face there helps... But not being your IRL face helps out a lot more. It's just a lot more comfortable to imagine streaming without worrying about people's opinion over my appearance.

    I do watch them to some extent. For a while I was watching a lot of clips and some streams, but nowadays I'm having a bit of a hard time organizing my schedule, so I'm shying away from youtube in general... Still, I do love them very much, they're definitely my favorite youtubers~

    I have a lot that I like, but I guess my favorites are Kiara, Baelz and Hachaama. Miko, Gura, Mumei, Ollie are also very enjoyable though~ (I never bothered with watching any non-hololive Vtuber, for the record)

    And uhn... I actually do think that it would be nice to become a Vtuber too~
    It's kinda hard to imagine succeeding at it, but it also seems like something super fun to do. And like, especially if one is able to pass Hololive's Auditions, one would probably be able to quit whatever job they had and focus just on streaming, which is like... Well, great? Earning lots of money from doing something one loves is, of course, fantastic~
    ... Even if the job does have its downs, of course, no job is perfect... Still, I'm sure I'd love it... If only there weren't like... Some dozens or hundreds of thousand people competing for the same spot with each audition! >.<

    Anyways, thoughts? I'm curious to what everyone thinks~
  2. Gandire Alea

    Gandire Alea [Wicked Awesome Translator]

    Jan 24, 2017
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  3. Airlol

    Airlol Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2019
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    Subscribe all Hololive member!!! Especially, Tokino Sora, Pekora, Rushia, Fubuki, Miko, and many... More like everyone!!!
    But unfortunately for me, I don't had much time so I just watch the video clippers only.;)

    P/s: I still sad at Coco sudden graduation
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  4. Anra7777

    Anra7777 All powerful magic grammar hamster queen pirate.

    Apr 13, 2018
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    I don’t watch them, so I don’t really have an opinion. I tried watching one once that someone linked here, and I just didn’t get the appeal. I really don’t have an interest in watching them. I have plenty of YouTube channels to watch anyway.
    One Perfect Veteran likes this.
  5. otaku31

    otaku31 Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2015
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    Honestly, they don't even compare favorably with tubers, and tubers I'm not particularly fond of. :sushi_potato:
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  6. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Ah, yeah, clips are nice to show us the funny highlights~
    Mmmmmmmmmmm... The appeal is about the same as any other youtuber, I suppose?

    Like, their personality and the way they behave in general.

    I just have an easier time taking a liking to them if they have an anime avatar instead of a face identifying them... But at the end of the day, what I like about them is the same as what I like about any other youtuber... I like their personality and the way that they behave while they play~
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  7. rhianirory

    rhianirory Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    I like Ironmouse. I'm a fan of the Trash Taste boys and she streams a lot with Cdawg. I don't watch her twitch streams but I do watch her weekly best of on YT.
    over all I think vtubers are a great way for sick people like Mouse to be able to make a living without losing their privacy.
  8. Siceraria

    Siceraria Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Well, vtubers spread by first finding a favorable receptor in an audience, then entering it using a particular niche that the audience recognizes. After a while, it develops and multiplies from the audience's resources until the audience ruptures and releases more vtubers into the environment where it could latch on to another unsuspecting audience. That is why we have social distancing.
    Note: I'm using niche = spike protein, audience= living host cells, and vtubers = virus/virions interchangeably.

    Anyways, I think they are going to be normal as other streamers whether they are on Youtube or not. The only differences is that they are virtual and have slightly more anonymity to who they are, which makes them more likely to express themselves and how their anime designs appeal to or unnerve some audiences.
    Since it is all developing and changing, some of them are even changing their classification into Vlivers instead of Vtubers because they aren't even on Youtube, like Twitch streamers or Showroom-live (largest Japanese streaming platform) streamers for example. Showroom-live for example made a section for all virtual streamers to separate it from the other various categories.
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  9. Eisvarith Devirea

    Eisvarith Devirea [Mza {Valkyrie Awakens} Mya]

    May 20, 2019
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    finally i can give my honest opinion to someone who actually asks about it! Yayy~~~!!

    yes, i feel disgusted, uncomfortable, and bit of scared too.
    No offense to anyone, after all this is my first time ever telling my mind to anyone about it, never i go to youtube just rant over how shitty the whole thing is.

    reading TS (Thread starter) personal thinking about it, it gives me a lot to think about and in the end i decided its just probably me who feels this way, and i agree on so many points (Good) about them but the way i feel about it, i dont think it will change.

    when watching only a clip, or partial video about them im still fine. in fact it was very much fun, but when i watch a full video of them .... (i tried) .... i couldnt... for the life of me i cant. i just cant. with how toxic their fanbase is, with how... how should i put this... many fanpic, fanart, doujin based on them, what i gain from all them, is just... is just twisting my mind and made me realize one crucial fact. MOE is not CUTE, ITS DISGUSTING. they act cute, sometimes making gestures all over, and the way they speak it made me realize this important fact.

    because of that, what i feel right now is like a trauma. im not hating on them nor do i feel particularly... anything about them.

    but just the mention of Vtubers on my recommended, i go straight into "dont recommend channel" if there is a blocking feature on youtube, ill block all of them!!! EVERYONE!!! not a single one of them will ever be on my recommended EVER!!!
    and just thinking about the world being filled by them gives me the shiver.

    oh how i wish youtube would implement 'that' kind of feature.
    my goodness.
    oh and i also lament the fact my countrymen is also doing the vtubers thingy. honestly their efforts in trying to be 'cute' is cringing (idk if that is an actual word or not, but lets go anyway)
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2022
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  10. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I mean, I do think that they're pretty much the same as other streamers already... But well, the big ones also happen to have big companies backing them (like Hololive and Nijisanji), so the new ones that join the company happen to also get a huge following from the getgo due to the company's brand.
    Ah, well... You could always just not look at the chat? I mean... I do look at the chat when seeing solo streams usually, but on collabs I mostly ignore the chat, and like... Well, collabs tend to be the most fun ones for me~

    Well, it's fine if you don't like them though. Your reason just seemed to be a bit weird for me, since I don't think it's hard to separate the Vtuber from their fandom.
    One Perfect Veteran likes this.
  11. asriu

    asriu fu~ fu~ fu~

    Jan 9, 2016
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    their topic is not interesting for this cat, thats all~ they talk about entertainment media most of time, covering songs or stuff like that which rarely align with topic this cat interest into~
    it will feel weird if somehow there Vtuber who covering let say pure science, social politic, history or such tho but if there one sooner or later this cat will used to it~
    like oversimplified history dude
    cat still better tho.....
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  12. Huahua2000

    Huahua2000 Average NPC on the internet

    Dec 21, 2019
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    Like one of the reply above, i don't really think there's any particular appeal about them. They just stream, play game, and chat with fans?? I don't have anything against them, i'm just not into that kinda entertainment or streaming in general.
  13. Dr_H_16

    Dr_H_16 Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2017
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    Nah, they're fine. I actually like them quite a bit since they're being honest about acting and lying.
    I actually feel those who show their real face and identity on internet as creepy and strange since, you know, this is internet.
    They're here to entertain and I am very much entertained, so!
    Yes, I love them. I don't follow all of them, of course. Each their own.

    Also, I like to have anime guys and gals talk in my ears while I work.
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  14. Ddraig

    Ddraig Frostfire Dragon|Retired lurker|FFF|Loved by RNG

    Apr 6, 2016
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    I dont watch vtubers, then again I dont watch any streamer either in general so eh.

    I think I do love the concept though - the concept of vtuber allows for maintaining anonymity while (hopefully) producing decent content. And the viewers get to see something more interesting that a plain ol' 3d human.

    I guess as far as I am concerned the only thing related to them that I tend to see around is fanart and clips.

    As for the fanart, a lot of it tends to be of decent quality - which is cool. That being said I think the best part about such fanart is the fact that it has managed to successfully cut down the daily crap that fate/garbage fanart was.

    For the clips, some of them tend to be quite hilarious. That being said from clips I have seen, the smaller vtubers have a weird tendency to try to appear lewd, I guess to appeal to the thirsty watchers, but that really only serves to make me close the clip video annoyed. A lot of them also try too hard and the ""quirks"" dont work. It tends to be much better amongst the larger vtubers though.
  15. Evil_Ginger

    Evil_Ginger 『Lawful Neutral』『Cheese Master』『安德鲁』

    Apr 19, 2016
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    Honestly, most vtubers cater to a...certain demographic of viewers. Perhaps the reason they used an avatar in the first place is justified, and everything after that is just an extension of that decision, but some did it to capitalize on people who are into seeing anime characters say things and do things.

    So far as I know, I only really like scarra's dragon but he doesn't use it all the time. The only other vtuber I could watch was snuffy's "not booba" mode. I get that she is a fellow degenerate, but I relate to her more when she looks like a tiny trash panda instead of adult cartoon character.

    It is all about personality to me. I saw some others here and there, but their personalities didn't stick and so I didn't feel comfortable watching their streams or even clips. Scarra is a big goofy glass wearing fellow and his vtuber matches that. Snuffy had that feeling like she was a friend or classmate of mine from highschool. Not anymore tho, but oh well.

    I have watched hololive clips, but you can substitute those for anything.

    I think the big thing that got me was snuffy's original vtuber was a pink haired catgirl amd she spoke in a high pitched voice. But she accidentally spoke in her regular voice and everybody liked it more, so she changed her image and she felt more real because of it.

    Now that she is such a caricature, it is hard to watch.

    I guess that is why I like those more real vtubers such as scarra or lilypichu's nonpink-haired tuber. I really don't care how you look like, as long as you are presenting yourself truly.
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  16. SpearOfLies

    SpearOfLies [Lucky Dad][Has a lovely daughter]

    Dec 5, 2015
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    I feel them they are the same as any other youtubers. It's very weird for me that most of people think their main appeal is they are anime girl which it's wrong. I can get if you don't like the anime girl part and choose not watch it because of that. But as I said that is not their main appeal.

    Some people think they may need to follow some kind of script personality. In part is true but it's as true as any other youtubers. You never actually see the true personality of youtubers. Some may be more expressive so they are some vtuber.

    There are some advantage and disadvange of being a vtuber of course. It help more for shy people of course. I think is interesting that male youtubers are more popular than female youtubers but female vtubers are more popular than male vtubers. I guess none is actually interested in real boobs as some people believe so.

    I can talk more about it but let's stop for now.

    I mostly watch Ninomaes Ina'nis. I like the very chill stream she does. As Ina said "Every takodachi(fan name) may declare war but at end of day, they will stay chilling in their kotatsu without doing anything."

    Let draw 2 lines before anything. There are mainsteam vtuber agencies, small indie vtuber agencies and indipendent vtubers.
    Indipendent vtubers are basically the same as the average youtubers or below so there isn't much to talk about them.
    Mainsteam vtuber agencies(hololive,nijisanji and vshoujo) require a bit of background before you can enter. Nothing too big but just to let people know they don't pick people at random. It's basically a curriculum for a real job which it is.
    While they may have some shady rumors about them (mostly ignorant people), small indie vtuber agencies are where people need to be careful about. It's a new market and they are people that may take advantage of that or try to get more than they can hold. That to pour everything in a dream without thinking is never a good choice. It's much easier to enter but it's a lot less safer. I just read yesterday that a small indie agency got disbanded because the CEO got financial difficulty but didn't tell any of his talents about it until the last day.
    One Perfect Veteran and Dr_H_16 like this.
  17. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I mean, they're usually just themselves for the most part? Like, sure, there is some stuff that they do because they know that the audience will like, but it's not like they actively try to put up a persona every single stream... That would be too taxing. It's easier to be themselves and only do some weird thingies every now and then.
    Aye aye, I'm aware~
    Those seem kinda pointless anyways... Might as well go solo instead of joining the small ones... >.>
    One Perfect Veteran likes this.
  18. SpearOfLies

    SpearOfLies [Lucky Dad][Has a lovely daughter]

    Dec 5, 2015
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    This is less about catering but more about internet in general. Internet is very savage for bashing someone they feel they are allowed to bash or they don't like. Toxic or creepy people are everywhere. That fact there are people that feel it's fine to send death threat tell us how bad humanity is.

    There are people that put a persona most of stream for entertainment. Both normal youtubers and vtubers. Some people believe only vtubers put on a persona while all normal youtubers are genuine which as we know is not true.
    There are some advatanges. Mostly monetization and permission. Some may say that indipendent is better because you can stream whatever you want, but there are some legal issue that may stop you from getting money out of that. Indipendent is good only if you want to stream for passion than an actual job or you know how to avoid any legal issue or what you do doesn't involve any legal issue.
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  19. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    *nod nod*

    Pretty much everyone who works in entertainment isn't 100% genuine... But I also doubt anyone is 100% persona. It's always a mix of both. Being yourself, while faking some things out that you know that the public would like~
    Ah, yeah, monetization can get messy... But at the same time, it's not like the monetization would be particularly meaningful for anyone that has only half a dozen viewers anyways~
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  20. kyuukestu

    kyuukestu 『Q』『Vampyre Imperatrix』

    Apr 11, 2016
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    To an extent. There are undeniably some Vtubers who play a character or at least have some character traits that are intentionally highlighted, such as Himemori Luna, and frankly, I respect the dedication she takes to get into character for every single stream. I personally see a kind of charm to it, because it feels like role-playing and I have no issues with playing along for the sake of a good time.

    I do have mixed feelings about the whole thing though, I love Vtubers in general and I definitely understand the appeal of seeing something real and genuine, which is why I find a lot of Calliope's songs so great; however, people on the internet can be cruel. I wouldn't wish the life of a content creator on my worst enemies. Often we only see the upsides to content creation, it can be fun and earn a safe, respectable salary; but the more I listen to Trash-Taste, listen to content creators in general just talk about their experience, the more I understand it isn't something I would ever want to do.

    The public is fickle and I don't think it's an exaggeration to say the current climate of the internet, or maybe even wider society, is one of hunting public figures for sport. Inspecting their lives under a microscope and then tearing at them. Making huge deals out of the tiniest 'mistake'.

    Since I've seen someone mention her, I'd bring up Kiryu Coco and the entire fiasco she was involved in. The fact that it was even a thing for people to go out of their way to harass her for months over a 'sensitive issue' is quite ridiculous, and other content creators, whether they use an avatar, their real face, or both, have shared similar stories.

    There's so much discussion that needs to be had over the mental health of content creators and I don't blame anyone who creates a 'persona' just so they don't have to put themselves out there for thousands to criticize. The more genuine you are the more personal each of those criticisms can become. When I think about it that way, I respect people who put their real selves out there day after day; but I also don't fault anyone who doesn't want to do that.
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