Recommendations Level up + class and skills fantasy pioneerism themed novel

Discussion in 'I'm Looking For...' started by Kamuizin, Dec 22, 2023.

  1. Kamuizin

    Kamuizin Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2019
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    Using the Chrysalis novel as an example (where MC is a giant ant), i’m looking for a novel with a system of level and class + skills where people doesn’t know well (or everything) about the system that allow them to raise level faster or slower or what acts or pre-requisites unlock specific classes or skills.

    A plus would be MC plot armor being something that allow him access to this knowledge, like a system assistance, an identify skill that allows him to know things previously, some hacking in the system to get access to this knowledge and etc…

    I prefer this to not be a playing game novel (not a problem being game system, but not being mc and other humans playing a game, like Overgeared), but i’m ok if it’s game becomimg real life (ex: Overlord).

    An extra plus if some/most materials and crafting is, like class and skills, something not know beforehand and MC skill has a workaround.
  2. Kamuizin

    Kamuizin Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2019
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  3. regartn

    regartn Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2020
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    Reading List:
    Apotheosis of a Demon – A Monster Evolution Story
    Death Marching to the Parallel World Rhapsody
    I Reincarnated For Nothing
    A VIP as Soon as You Log In
    Everyone Else is a Returnee
    Stop, Friendly Fire
    Dungeon Hunter
    Dungeon Maker
    Demon King
    Worlds' Apocalypse Online
    Master of the End Times (idk if this have a levelsystem because i read it a long time ago)
    The Tutorial Is Too Hard
    Super Floating City
    Abyss Domination
    Level 1 Skelett
    Master Hunter K
    Kill the Hero
    Cut & Paste
    Level Up
    Lord of the Skill

    If you need more, I know of a few more unfinished novels

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  4. Kamuizin

    Kamuizin Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2019
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    This is good, a ton of material to look after.

    I Reincarnated For Nothing, Stop! Friendly fire! And The Tutorial Is Too Hard i already read, first one is ok novel, the other 2 are awesome.

    Death March to the parallel world i have my qualms, i watched the anime and didn’t liked it much, despite the premise of the show being good.