Spoiler Level Up with Skills/ 스킬빨로 레벨업

Discussion in 'Novel Discussion' started by kishoregoku, Jun 4, 2023.

  1. kishoregoku

    kishoregoku Active Member

    Dec 16, 2016
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    In the year 2020, humanity faces a crisis as Earth is attacked by unidentified monsters. Players prepare for the attack by challenging the Labyrinth that appeared. They can choose four options:

    Easy Mode, where anyone can survive; Normal Mode, where you must work to survive; Hard Mode, where only 1% could survive; and Solo Mode, the harshest difficulty.

    Kang TaeSan, the strongest Easy Mode player cleared the Labyrinth using an unconventional approach and acquired skills others could not: [ Addition, Multiplication, Attack Nullification, Ultimate Judgement...].

    But because he chose Easy Mode, his power was lacking. Unable to prevent the extinction of humanity, he lay dying. A miraculous chance appears.

    "This time I'll definitely become stronger."

    Challenging the Labyrinth again, this is Skill-based Player Kang TaeSan's Solo Mode Attack Record!

    The story is kinda unique......
    the MC clears easy mode and has almost over 250 skills. He is waaaay stronger than hard mode players, but wont be able to use even half of his power as he has cleard the labyrinth on easy mode and all his basic stats are low.

    This story takes place in our normal modern day world. One day on the new year's eve, the sky crack and beings invade the world creating destruction and chaos. People see a notification in front of them stating that a Merciful being is giving them a chance to survive. They are then prompted to choose between [easy], [normal], [hard] and [solo] mode to enter the labyrinth.

    The world is destroyed as waves of monsters keep attacking. Many cities are lost including Seoul. People are eatimg potatos for food. It is your classic apocalyptic, end of the world setting. There is one solo mode labyrinth clearer named Lee Taeyeon. She informs MC that there will be another large wave of monster containing 2 S-class monsters and Apostle in this wave. MC to fight the 2-S class monsters and she will face the Apostle. MC eventually faces the two and kills them after a long time as his damage dealt is very low due to his stats from easy mode. This even shocks many gods watching. He is give a skill [Soul Skill: Interception Increase], which immediately gets sealed as it seems that you cant obtain skills outsidethe labyrinth. He trudges his way seeing everyone dead. Lee Taeyeon is also dead and the Apostle is in front of her. Its some kind of slimy, acidic black creature with red eyes(manhwa reference). MC is unable to defeat it and gives up, only to see something shining in front of Lee Taeyeon. Hes uses the last of his strength to use a [Time Stop] skill that stops time in 100m for 2 min. Turns out the shining thing is a purple treasure called Oroborous Bezor which has the power to turn back time. He uses it to go back to the news years eve when this chaos started. Also wonders why Lee Taeyeon did not use this treasure
    Peerly likes this.
  2. kishoregoku

    kishoregoku Active Member

    Dec 16, 2016
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    MC learns Levinonov's technique from Einzhar. It's a skill that integrates all basic skills. The additional effect of this skill is that damage of all items equipped is unified. He also receives an item calles as "Faded Ring" from Einzhar. They spar for 2 full days resulting in MC gaining the skill " Continues battle". At the end of the chapter, Einzhar has 2 conditions for MC. Not to teach the skill to weaklings or cowards. Pass on ifo regarding the goddess

    MC decises to tell the location of the goddess to Einzhar. Turns out that the goddess is in the 78th floor, The Library of all things, in the 24th secret room. He received a bronze ring from Einzhar for the info. Its also shown in this chapter that, if the MC is stronger than a creature he killed by a large margin, he can't absorb its power or stats? After this he starts to search for treasures, receives 'adventurer' title and first discovery bonus of +3 on int. Enters a room, uses a big rat as bait to check for traps. Arrow trap is activated. Mc starts to farm free arrows from the arrow trap.

    While farming for arrows, various type start to appear, like, Poison and Paralysis arrow. MC fills them in his inventory. During this time, he acquires 'sense enhancement skill' and 'pain reduction skill' . Finally, finishes farming and opens the treasure chest which hasa red cane in it. It is called as the 'staff of flame' and has 'fireball magic' in it. Due to being in 'crippled state for a long time, he obtains 'unbreakable will' skill. Enters the first floor boss room to find 'the giant rat's in it

    the usual rules, boss monsters cannot go outside the boss room. Kills the boss using special arrows and wand. Levels up. Receives a bunch of stats. Receives a skill called 'I got count'(from mtl) also an unknown item or a skill called 'uh??'.
    Chaosnumber8 likes this.
  3. kishoregoku

    kishoregoku Active Member

    Dec 16, 2016
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    MC is now lvl 4 with op stats. Turns out 'uh??' Was a gacha item that gave 2 specific stat boost potion. There's some noise in the solo forum. He returns to the dwarf's shop to get some items. Sells the giant rat king's meat but not the leather. The dwarf is the lost dwarf king from a lost world which was destroyed. He is also capped and can only sell items that are specific to the floor. Since MC is going to 2nd floor hecan only get items with corresponding power levels. MC buys 30 Paralysis arrows and Martial arts gloves. Turns out the dwarf king and Einzhar know each other as he is shocked to discover that MC had learnt his skill.

    The dwarf can appear on every floor and the MC does not need to come back to the 1st floor every time. Quest to clear 2 floor begins with the reward being a beginner mana increase potion. This potion is super valuable and not sold in any. Stores. Chatter in the forum. Many people followed MC's advice and reached the fountain of life. Guides a newbie on the forum. Fight against goblins begin on the 2nd floor.

    Mc fights various types of goblis based on their weapons. Goblins drop weapons and not meat or leather like the rats. Many Skill's proficiency increased. His soul skill absorbs stats.

    After every level up, you reach your peak condition. Wounds are healed? as th MC levels up mid fight against goblins. He is level 5 now, by almost has 1/3 of the stats when he reached floor 20. Reaches a place called 'Altar of Rakiratas' and 'Rakiratas' being the god of ' death and struggle'. First discovery bonus is given. There's a trial which even Lee-Taeyeon did not attempt. MC attempts it.....obviously. sub-quest starts and a servant of Raki called 'fake' is summoned. Its a Knight whit tight? armour. Fight ensues. MC fights by drawing in his inner kirito and starts to dual weild. (Gonna change my language here) Raki is passed as MC can fight smoothly and his god of struggle title is on the line now. So he ups the difficulty and the rewards. MC starts to take a beating at the end of the chapter

    MC still taking a beating, observes the knights swordsmanship and thirsts to learn it with greed in his eyes. Acquires skill 'Continues attacking during that battle. Defeats the Knight using many skills. MC levels up to lvl 6. Also absorbs some stats from the Knight. He receives 'Raki's ceremonial sword' item and 'proof of struggle skill'. Raki offers an Apostle contract to MC

    MC rejects Raki's offer as Lee-Taeyeon had informed him that gods were super selfish and thought of them as playthings. Rakis pays up the ceremonial blade, which is stained red from blood. Raki gives another quest. Mc rejects. Raki gives it again with 'benevolence' added in the description. The quest is to kill enemies on 2nd and 3rd floor and return. Mc goes to dwarf shop. Dwarf literally calls Raki a pervert as he likes to watch people fight. Gets some healing and mana potions. Turns out not many survive Raki's trial. When asked about the being an Apostle,the dwarf is shocked and refuses to answer with an apology as, according to the contract, he is only the shopkeeper and could not divulge info.forum chatter. Nobody got skill fro. Einzhar. He literally spat in them and left.Mc tells about the Giant rat boss on the 1st floor. He only gives them hints and not a walkthrough as it destroys the players ability to explore the labyrinth. He says that he'll guide not lead. Also will be using LTY(Lee Taeyeon) and KJH (Kang Jun hyeok) he's another dude who follows MC's advice in the forum

    kills goblis, buys new equipment from dwarf shop. An orange door is seen when exploring. Boss rooms are red. LTY also did not mention this. The door contained elite goblin. It was a named monsters called Genesis and Altac?. A notification telling that he found the tomb of the hero pops up.

    Mc fights the elite goblins. The elite goblins pull an uno reverse card and start using skills that player have. This is why named monsters are special. Turns out his cheat soul skill can even take the proficiency? of the skills from named monsters. First discovery bonus for the tomb of hero. A ghost appears and goes Hi and the bye and dissappear. Mc tries this twice and in the third time catches the ghost and demands the quest. The ghost is super lazy and praises the system for the automatic function. He asks the ghost for the quest again.

    ghost gives quest to kill 10th floor boss. He also slings to mc and starts to follow him. The ghost was also an explorer as even his world was ruined. He was a player who went into deeper floors, but came to rest in the 10th floor as no monsters there could penetrate his defense. The boss monster there obtained some weapon and killed him when he was sleeping. Some forum chatter. MC reveals how to get skills on forum. They call him a lunatic listening to the procedure. Mc removes all items with atk and keeps only a Sword with atk +1. Bets with the ghost and wins after obtaining the skill 'forced duel' and now ghost is forced to answer MC

    Mc kills wizard goblin in a secret room full of traps. Obtains 'Mental Reaistance' and 'magic resistance' skills. The wizard goblin is the boss of the 2nd floor? He clears it and obtains the rewar just like in the first floor.

    info dump about Apostles and gods from ghost as he is not bound by contract. After all, he is dead

    3rd floor boss fight chiefgoblin. Alwo ontains 'trap disarm' skill. Did not get any reward for secret discover, explores more an discovers a trp sliding wall and finds the ex goblin lord.

    4th floor, some god of victory called Baltz's trial. Also receives a stat called 'shield' from Raki for clearing quest. This stat increases with the increase in the physical power? Also rewards keep getting lesser the further down you go..
    Chaosnumber8, Peerly and AlmostMeds like this.
  4. kishoregoku

    kishoregoku Active Member

    Dec 16, 2016
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    Mc learns magic from some blue haired girl. Aging stops inside labyrinth. Creates a new spell by stacking fireball. Gained a lot many skills like 'absolute nullify of first and second attack', 'forced duel', etc

    This is till chap 44
    Chaosnumber8, Peerly and AlmostMeds like this.
  5. Cho_Youni

    Cho_Youni Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2019
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    Lee Taeyon is actually really timid. She's gone through the labyrint by evading a lot of things she was supposed to clear. Hence her speciality is in stealth and not combat focused.
    When she got out of the labyrint, like everyone else she thought things would be back to normal since they've closed up the rift in earth through special quest (the players got special quest to earth several times while in the labyrint to defend earth). But she realized that it's just an illusion. She could feel that the being beyond the crack was looming over them and the end is inevitable. But she had to be strong and not showing any weakness because she is the strongest on earth, and also because Taesan was on the Easy Mode he could not be the leader.

    When the day the apostle came down through the crack she knew that it would be her end. She was constantly in dilema to use the benzoar. She was dreading over going through the hellish labyrint once again while battling against the apostle she kept trying to look for winning possibilty (using her skill) against it but to no avail there's no chance of her winning. So she used her skill to look for the possibilty on giving the benzoar to Taesan instead because she thought she could not bear the burden to repeat her life all over again. And she did not even need to go through 1 iteration to find out that she could give the benzoar to Taesan if some conditions were met. So when she was about to die, she fled to the ruined city trying to warn everyone else to flee just to find out everyone has already been dead. In devastated state she heard battle going on far in the distance and realized that Taesan and her are the only people left on earth. She pull out the benzoar from her inventory when the apostle catched up with her and then killed her. She died with the benzoar in her hand because items could only be transfered to other player only when the owner was dead. And that's her state before Taesan found her.

    And actually this decision of hers is also related with one of the god inside the labyrint.
  6. AlmostMeds

    AlmostMeds Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2022
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    Any TL for this novel?
  7. Dark Wing

    Dark Wing Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2021
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    Where did you read it bro? Does it have a manhwa?

    I'm sure there isn't yet.
  8. AlmostMeds

    AlmostMeds Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2022
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    It does have a webtoon

    You can read it on Reaper Scans
  9. kishoregoku

    kishoregoku Active Member

    Dec 16, 2016
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    Yes there is a manhwa. I mtl'ed the raws
  10. Sara0jan

    Sara0jan Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2019
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    Seeing that it has a webtoon now, I decided to share what I remember from reading the novel

    • English isn’t my first language so there might be mistakes
    • I’m sharing what I remember from MTLing the novel a long time ago so some information might be wrong
    • I didn’t reread what I wrote so there might be mistakes

    First of all, I think it’s important to know that the main enemies in this novel are actually evil gods / ancient gods (I’ll just call them evil gods because I can remember what they were called.

    They aren’t the same as concept gods.

    They have less intelligence and unkillable, the most concept gods could do is seal them back to the world they came from.

    they don’t have a concept, their name refers to what their power actually is.

    They pollute and twist whatever comes close to them. Beings worshiping them end up turning into disgusting monsters or dying.

    They try to destroy the worlds even when they were sealed —> they are the ones who made the minsters attacking MC’s world.

    The evil gods I remember are:
    Gluttony (?) (it was an evil god with an infinite stomach with the goal of swallowing everything.)

    Usurper is one of the evil gods this guy can steal the concepts of other gods, by stealing these concepts, no gods of these concepts can be born as the concepts he stole are forgotten and erased.

    There was the goddess of circulation who lost to him and had her concept “circulation” stolen from her.

    When that happened, all the other concept gods forgot her, even her followers forgot her.

    MC managed to save her as he found a few hidden pieces related to her in the solo mode labyrinth which was thanks to the knowledge he heard from Taeyeon before regression.

    Even the gods who saw her couldn’t remember her.

    After defeating usurper, MC released all the concepts usurper has stolen and hidden in his treasury which helped all the other gods remember the gods who were killed and had their concept stolen.

    They were dumbfounded how they couldn’t even remember the goddess of circulation who was a very strong god even though she was right in front of them.

    Because the concepts he stole are forgotten, no one is sure what his power is and they think he wasn’t very active during the war (he was active, they just don’t remember).

    He is also the one who made the labyrinth traps.

    Easy mode,
    Normal mode,
    Hard mode,
    are actually all traps made by usurper by making degraded copies of the true labyrinth which is why individuals who enter these modes have a limit on their growth.

    also, he made exact copies of the true labyrinth which is the solo mode which was all in order to prevent solo mode players from meeting each other and reducing their survival possibilities.
    (Exact copies have the same individuals copied exactly. Only concept gods couldn’t be copied. But all the copies can be considered real)

    He was also the one who prevented MC from becoming a concept god before regression and gave him the skill he gained before regression the soul skill

    The wizard of the labyrinth (true labyrinth creator) commented that With MC’s achievements in easy mode, he should have become a concept god so it was weird why he stayed as a human to the end

    MC later finds out that ever since he was an easy mode player, usurper somehow managed to parasitize himself on MC and was still attached to MC even after regression.

    Usurper’s goal was to steal MC’s body along with all his achievements.

    MC found that everything he built so far since before regression was polluted and twisted by usurper. So, in order not to lose his body and existence to usurper, MC ends up throwing away everything he built so far without hesitation, because what was polluted and twisted by usurper can’t be saved or recovered so the only solution is to cut the rotten parts ruthlessly.

    luckily, another concept god gave MC a gift that helped him fill the hollow caused by losing everything he built so far. With that, a new concept and achievements built after regression were filled in him, without anything being polluted by usurper.

    with that, he lost the soul skill which didn’t belong to him from the start.
    But instead, he became able to use certain skills he couldn’t use before due to usurper
    And gained a skill that enabled him to get a part of the creatures he kills

    In a way, she was amazing and at the same time she wasn’t.

    Before regression, no god expected her to clear the labyrinth at all and was despised by gods.

    The only god who secretly showed interest in he was the god of choice as they saw possibilities in her.

    She cleared the labyrinth by looking for loopholes in the labyrinth. Instead of clearing each floor head on, she explored the floor stealthy and came up with a safe yet easy way to clear it that no god could think about which made gods who love those who work hard hate her and call her worm/parasite of the labyrinth.

    She was especially talented in finding hidden pieces that no one could ever find before her which helped MC a lot as he heard from her of many hidden pieces.

    At one of the lower floors, she had to enter Ouroboros and that’s when she found the regression stone.

    Even the wizard of the labyrinth had no choice but to admit how amazing she was by finding that stone that no god, including him, knew about.

    Even MC didn’t know how she managed to find it.

    (Someone else spoiled how she managed to pass the regression stone to MC so I will skip that).

    after regression, after regaining her memories of what happened before MC’s regression, she had more confidence in her possibilities and started fighting head on and clearing the labyrinth faster in order to help MC.

    eventually, she becomes the apostle of the god of choice.

    MC becomes the god of strength and boundary.

    he kills all the evil gods using the power of boundary (boundary is the result of mixing the powers of concept gods and the powers of evil gods, only MC has it, and it’s the only power that can kill the evil gods).

    he put a boundary between the world of the evil gods and their world so the newly born evil gods won’t be able to enter their world

    as a reward for clearing the labyrinth, he requested to revive all those who dead on earth, and used the power of circulation he gained from saving the goddess of circulation to revive all the animals and plants which went extinct on earth. Also, he requested to have the solo mode players have the right to return to earth or the labyrinth whenever they want with no restrictions. (I don’t remember if players of the other modes can have this privilege as their labyrinth wasn’t made by the wizard of the labyrinth)

    It’s hard to remember everything but I might be able to answer if you ask me questions.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2023
  11. Hiraaz0320

    Hiraaz0320 Active Member

    Dec 4, 2020
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    where do u read it? i have been looking for the novel and only found up to chapter 39 in wattpad
    The Manager likes this.
  12. The Manager

    The Manager Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    Done reading this... All I can say is, I want to read the extra chapters after the MC rest...

    You can find it on -redacted-... Though Korean, it is readable when you mtl it...
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2023
    AZ78ER333 likes this.
  13. Peerly

    Peerly Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2020
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    thank you so much for these amazing spoilers!
    Sara0jan likes this.
  14. Lupinr814

    Lupinr814 Active Member

    Aug 24, 2020
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  15. AZ78ER333

    AZ78ER333 New Member

    Jul 21, 2023
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    Who's Lakiratas and Ouroboros? Can you explain the concept, why and how the labyrinth was built? Also was there anything noteworthy/important that we have to take note of? Thanks
  16. RfreakingK

    RfreakingK New Member

    Jul 27, 2023
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    Yes the manhwa is on reaperscans