$15.00 per 4k Chinese words. Pm me with your past work. You must understand Chinese. If no experience. You'll be tested with chatgpt translation results. If you fail to spot chatgpt mistakes, you fail the test. Test is not paid.
Hey, I want to apply, and my current work — https://huitranslation.com/novel/rs-forced-to-ascend-the-throne-after-transmigrating/ https://jadescrolls.com/detail/view/666849860f18aa57551dd84c https://inoveltranslation.com/novels/76 And I am a author myself, was writing on mangatoon -pen name- Miss. Devil and now I am planning to upload my writings {from 4 July} on — https://luminarynovels.com/novel/rs-the-omegaverse-short-stories/ My discord - miss.devil0081 or R. S.
Come on, I am not blind.... It is just that I saw that despite being 'closed' written, it was was shown in recent activities so I just gave it a try...