Recommendations On your wedding day/right person wrong time kinda story

Discussion in 'I'm Looking For...' started by Fort de Knox, Sep 4, 2023.


Btw if you really got invited to your ex wedding, would you be able to go?

  1. Go

    1 vote(s)
  2. Not going

    3 vote(s)
  1. Fort de Knox

    Fort de Knox Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2018
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    So I just watched movie titled My Love (2021). The movie tells a story of a guy who got invided to his ex-girlfriend wedding. This Chinese movie is remake of Korean movie On Your Wedding Day.

    So basically I’m looking for story where the leads have beautiful memories, they are the right person for each other, but because of circumstances they will have painful moments, and might or might not be able to be together. Any kind of ending, sad or happy is welcomed.

    Btw I want to recommend to you all this song.
    Zhang Yuan - Jia Bin

    This song made me watch the movie. It beautifully tells how 15 years of love finally came to an end.
  2. Juju48

    Juju48 Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2019
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    I think this depends. A wedding is a celebration of their love, so if you are still hung up on one of them, don't go. You're not in the right mind to celebrate with them. Just because you dated someone doesn't mean you can't wish them well. If you can, go. they invited you because they wanted to spend their special day with you. Unless they invited you to crow over you and if that's the case why are you even friends. What do you think this is a Korean drama? Go out there and meet better people you deserve it.
    Sachi8003 likes this.