Chinese The National Policy Is That There Are Beauties In The West 倾国策之西方有佳人 by Han Wu Shan 寒武珊 (HE)

Discussion in 'Novel Pickup Request' started by Vico, Jul 2, 2023.

  1. Vico

    Vico Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2018
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    Name : The National Policy Is That There Are Beauties In The West 倾国策之西方有佳人
    Raw Link:
    Why It Should Get Picked Up:

    It looks like an intriguing story of adventure and work in the setting of Tang dynasty
    it’s gonna be adapted as a drama
    Description :
    During the Yonghui era of the Tang Dynasty, Tang Lin, the daughter of a merchant in Shazhou, organized a caravan to travel westward in order to pay off the store debts left by her family. Everybody was fascinated by the West's unique features and culture, but then came a huge crisis. On their first stop on their way through Guwa city, Tang Lin and others conflicted with wine merchant Mo Feng and then bounded with him. After a fated meeting, Tang Lin’s caravan helped Mo Feng’s wine shop to get through the storm, and used his wine to improve their desserts and pastries, taking this as their beginner's test in the Western Regions. On their second stop to the kingdom of Khotan, when trying to silks from Tang, Tang Lin solved the grudges between the Wusun caravan and the jade merchants. When the caravan arrived to Xizhou, Tang Lin thought of opening a warehouse here to deal with merchants, reduce their taxes and offer them advantages. With the approval and support of Xizhou's officials, Tang Lin's caravan helped in connecting the stops until the end of the road, set up a security team, established the Chang Xing division, and opened the road to the west.
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  2. alleniver

    alleniver Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2021
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