Spoiler Trash of the Count’s Family

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by immortaltear, Sep 29, 2018.

  1. angie_sash

    angie_sash Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2017
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    A mistake in the summary. It didn't exactly say that CH will become KRS. It just said that the target will be KRS. Sorry about that, everyone!
  2. Reverand Insanity

    Reverand Insanity Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2021
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    Its possible that the boredom test was actually time travel and that when Cale left the past and came back to the present his past self and CJG were at the film set and interacted a lot with LHS probably helped him out as well which probably led to increase in affection.
    Also other than that I think KRS quite a lot of time LHS even more than CJS at the beginning of the apocalpse ,I mean the Sealed god test takes place one yaer after the catclysm but KRS meet LHS three days after the catcalysm so one year through bitter struggle is enough for anyone to develop close bonds.

    I thinking its best Cale keep this part a secret if Alberu finds out his he will go nuts/crazy more than he usually does:blobjoy: I cant wait see Cale and 15 year Alberu interact how will he change this 15 year? Why do I have the feeling he will end up teaching Alberu how scam and use a gibe tongue:blobrofl::blobjoy:

    Akwain I think its actually time travel since no one knows Alberu s, past and he himself is not in the temple.Does that mean the one who thought Alberu the glib tongue was his Cider Scammer dongsaeng Cale all along ,Oh my god what a time loop:blobdizzy:

    I wonder when Cale recounts his experiences to Alberu ,he would be like Cale you are talking about my teacher and Cale will be like Oh my god I time traveled And Alberu will not be able to process that his dongseang is his teacher and collapse from his brain getting fried:aww::blobjoy::blobparty:
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2021
  3. Xiao_faye

    Xiao_faye Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2020
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    Just thinking about the trauma I got from reading ORV… honestly, knowing how much lighter and comedy reliefs TCF have, and foreshadowing of Cale’s rise (as smth higher than human after WS), I doubt TCF would follow/end the same as ORV, but I’m still scared for Cale. At the very least, I don’t really want to have another open ending like ORV, altho it is undoubtedly a beautiful ending… Cale-ssi needs to rest for hundred chapters after all this mess T___T

    Before KRS/Cale went to Seoul, LSY already knows KRS because he used to be the leader of their shelter there, and he ended up at Seoul saving other people’s lives continuously, and he was already like a big bro for KRS then, and he left KRS to PJT’s hands. He’s bound to pay attention to KRS after meeting him for a long time again.

    For CJS, that’s because unlike with KRS, it’s LSY and CJS’s first meeting. Cale also even said that they weren’t close now, but they’ll eventually be later on, since he already saw it happening in the future. On KRS’s prev life, he, LSY, and CJS met each other and became friends after CJS and KRS joined LSY’s group—that’s originally CJS and LSY’s first meeting but changed because of Cale.

    For CH, well, he’s just strong. And Cale also said the strong recognizes other strong people. LSY didn’t pay much attention on CJS there because he was still weak, unlike his much adult self.
  4. MiraJane

    MiraJane Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2020
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    As I was re-reading the novel again, I came across this paragraph in Chapter 62.

    "The monsters in the Forest of Darkness did not get scared, even in front of strong creatures like a dragon or members of the Whale tribe. In fact, it made them charge at them even harder. It was like they were fighting for their survival, thinking that they could not allow a strong person who could rule over them to appear within their
    Forest of Darkness

    I was reminded that a Dragon returns to nature when they naturally die but if they are killed their body remains. And there was a bone of an ancient dragon in the swamp where the monsters didn't approach. (Leaving behind the fact that there was poison cuz after many years some monster should have developed immunity or poison natured monster could have mutated but unlike the plants there, such thing didn't occur with the monsters)
    And then there was the 'Dominating Aura' AP there which was originally CJG's.....and CJG was a dragon slayer...hmmmm
    And this particular AP also doesn't communicate with Cale, unlike other AP he has

    It also had the white crown on it which belongs to Dragon slayer.

    So which dragon did the body there belonged to?

    The Super Rock villa was in the Forest of Darkness, the entrance to Eastern continent was there. And the Cales's glutonny Shield/Wood AP also mentioned Forest of Darkness once.

    And then in Chapter 64,
    " -'Use it well!'
    A bright light shot out of the crown and made the
    black mud disappear. At the same time, the
    crown flew toward Cale. He closed his eyes only
    to hear a different and refreshing voice.
    -'Sometimes, even bluffing can save your life.

    There were two voices?
    Idk if I am being stupid and over-observing it but I think there is more to Forest of Darkness, that dragon AP and also other remaining forbidden regions.

    And then and then,
    Org. CJS was a single-lifer. So does that mean his soul is alive somewhere like in divine race's world?
    I remember org. LSH telling Cale that he and CJS were happy.And he knew about org. Cale as well as Cale's life, which means he could gain info about both the dimensions. And LSH has CJG's slash power.
    So are the org. LSH and CJS connected to GoD rn. That maybe 'one' of the many reason GoD is going to such lengths to help Cale.

    Sealed God did mention something about GoD and his comrade. I wonder if he is connected to LSH???
    And when will CJG succeed GoD or Has he already succeeded him?

    And other things I'm curious about are:
    Korea or the KRS's earth wad a normal world without any supernatural powers. I suppose the appearance of monsters was the Sealed Gods doing in order to eventually open the temple and feed on their despair.
    But what about the abilities the people got?
    My first guess is, sealed god also was responsible for this so they could eventually kill the Lion Dragon and open the temple, like training them.
    Other guess is, like how CJG passed his power to LSH (probably). The upper realm races provided the power to them(especially the two ability holders.) ......I wonder

    If i remember correctly, WS could use magic too. But Cale mentioned that 'A mage cannot have a AP' to Toonka when they met at the whirlpool and Toonka (Bob) asked if Cale was a mage.
    Is it something like a mage cannot have an AP but an AP holder later can become a mage??? i.e AP should be received first to have both magic and Ancient Power.

    Will the current young Drew in the Diary turn into Adult Drew after Cale kills WS? Cale will be able to gain more info then. I don't think the reason why Drew separated half of her AP is just related to org. Cale's fate of boy exchange. There might be more to it.
    And will the reincarnated Drew regain her memories in the future? Or if org. Cale in org Korea world kill that electric eel thingy then will they be able to three-way communicate. I really want KRS's org world to make a comeback and org. Cale to be able to talk with our Cale (org. KRS)
    Org. Cale will be happy to communicate with Cale and with his mother through the diary.

    And if Cale seal/embrace the seal god, will the monsters stop appearing in different dimensions??? Since Sealed God feed on despair through the temple and I suppose the mosnters were connected to that...?
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2021
    Ardna, Raiyae, GoldenTiger0 and 4 others like this.
  5. Sansushira

    Sansushira Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2021
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    Thats make sense :blobjoy: if we just consider this test is a paralel world or a loop.. Maybe Alberu's glib tangue really is from his beloved dongsaeng :blobsweat_2:.. Well when Alberu knowing about that maybe he just choose to stop thinking about it and commented ".... Crazy bastard, you drive me crazy" and brushing his laughing face :blobjoy::blobjoy::blobjoy:
  6. Xiao_faye

    Xiao_faye Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2020
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    Idk about everything else, but the two voices when Cale got the domination AP—is CJG and the white crown. I think Cale already confirmed it before, and the White Crown does talk even after that.
    GoldenTiger0, reader_O8 and MiraJane like this.
  7. kiara8

    kiara8 Lurking

    Oct 3, 2016
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    I can’t believe Cale knows the face of a minor villain’s right-hand man’s right-hand man’s right-hand man
  8. K3I

    K3I Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2019
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    Choi Han!!!!
    Okay, so Choi Han knows what KRS was like when CJS and LSH were alive, but KRS was seriously breaking after they both died. It's not exactly wrong to say that KRS suffers through a lot of humiliation. Also, at that time, KRS was even more closed off and detached. Honestly, even if you want to help KRS, it's likely that he won't accept your help, as he's just that detached.

    Also, Alberu is somewhat similar to Cale... But Cale has the ability to break through all barriers other than his own, so Alberu is going to be totally shocked by Cale.

    This is just something to note, but for the final test, maybe everyone will pass at the same time and have to go against SG? I mean, SG did say that they were going to wait for their despair to grow or something like that, right? They'll probably face off against SG again when they pass the purple test, or when they reach the end.
  9. Ariary

    Ariary Sucker for isekai troupe

    Aug 2, 2020
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    Thank you as always, Angie!! You're our lifesaver:blob_teary::bloblove::blobalert:

    Buahahaha i believe he will make it so big and interesting :cookie::blobnosebleed:

    Uwoooo another story of KRS revealed!!! I can't wait for Friday!!!:blobpats::aww::aww:
  10. Chazza

    Chazza Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2021
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    Awww I can't wait to see how alberu as a teen reacts !!! ⋋✿ ⁰ o ⁰ ✿⋌
    reader_O8, Akawain and DarkeAOU like this.
  11. Reverand Insanity

    Reverand Insanity Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2021
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    Choi Han always tends to care a lot about Cale.
    Because he is such a wonderful and unbelievably good person and feels a lot of pain when Cale is hurt due to his actions hurting himslef while protecting or helping his family or people in general.

    He is probably going to see Cale s, life as had experineced while being affected by that godforsaken curse white star passed on to him.
    If Ran ,Choi Han and everyone feel significant pain from Cale getting hurt I wonder how they would feel when they find out the curse Cale Heintuse/KRS is and has been afflicted with his entire life ,filling his life with pain ,misery,loss and loneliness and finally ended up with a body filled with scars.

    Actually I wonder how they would react when Seeing Cale adult 36 year KRS body filled with horrifying scars ,I am preety sure Roan ,Hong and On would not be able to manage their emotions.Choi Han and Alberu would be able to somewhat handle it but I am preety sure their emotions would be highly messed up when seeing 36 year old KRS scarr filled body.

    They also find it even more angry,sad when they learn that Cale was inflicted by the curse for no fault or sin of his own
    Such a good person being inflicted with such a curse would tear them inside out :blobconfounded:.
    It also possible the curse is partly the cause why his abilites are so painful.

    But on the positive side I am hundred percent sure Cale s, life will be permenantly filled with love,Cookies ,Apple Pies and Yanderes:aww:
    Am_elf, DeyDey, Raiyae and 8 others like this.
  12. Akawain

    Akawain Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Well he does have his record ability it's possible he seen that person before and gain info on him.:blob_grin:

    I think he got info on Venion minion when Raon is going get his revenge:blobspearpeek: I don't think Cale would check all of Venion's people just incase and think it's Billos uncle you gave him the info:hmm:

    If Cale traveled back to time yeah for sure:blob_grin: but it's an illusion....... Although that won't stop Cale from influencing the 15yr old Alberu:blobjoy:
  13. Sansushira

    Sansushira Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2021
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    I just reaching Chapter 695 on EAP translation... gosh, I feel so sad :'<
    .... maybe I need to reread this again from Chapter 1....? :blobthinkingsmirk:...
    well, reading this 3 times is okay, right? I just cant say "see you next weeks again, Cale",, I want to see Cale everyday :blobpensive:
  14. MiraJane

    MiraJane Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2020
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    Right! Right! I'm also re-reading it for the 4th time!:blobfistbumpL::blobfistbumpR:
    Sansushira likes this.
  15. Ddragonesse

    Ddragonesse 『  』

    Mar 16, 2017
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    So will CH meet with another version of the current Cale or will he go to Cales original Korea and meet the original Cale?
    kurohamukami likes this.
  16. Hmmmaybe

    Hmmmaybe Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2020
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    Well the voice did say that Cale Henituse is not a suitable target and he will be seeing Kim RokSoo so probably it's in Korea.
    Not sure if it's before the apocalypse or after it tho.
    reader_O8 and GoldenTiger0 like this.