Discussion Weird things that happened because of misstranslations

Discussion in 'Gaming Discussion' started by AliceShiki, Nov 15, 2022.

  1. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    To be clear, I'm not referring to stuff like "All Your Base Are Belong To Us", which is just a bad translation. I'm talking about misstranslations actively causing confusion in gameplay or whatever.

    The thing that happened to me was a really wild misstranslation that happened with the EN>PT translations of D&D 3.5. Specifically, it is related to the very unassuming Mage Hand spell.

    So, in D&D, 5ft = 1 square. When translating it to Portuguese, that was changed to 1.5m = 1 Square, since we don't use feet for anything, so measurements in feet would just confuse us.

    But uhn... When someone was trying to translate 15ft to meter... For some mysterious reason, they typed 415m instead of 4.5... I really don't know how that could happen. How this absurd typo happened is way beyond me, like... The "." button isn't even thaaat close to the "1" button. And if you throw the feet to meter translation on a calculator, you'll get 15 feet = 4.572m, so it's not even a case of someone forgetting that 5 ft = 1.5m on D&D translation... I'm lost at how this happened. Perhaps it was a dumb mistake when using the numpad, I dunno.

    But well, somehow... This passed the revision process (together with some other mistakes, but nothing as glaring), and so the book was released with Mage Hands moving an object of 3kg or less by 415m in a single turn... And with the spell fading from the object as soon as it left a radius of 30m.

    Therefore, the initial acceleration of the spell provided during those 30m was enough to proper it all the way through 415m... Now try to imagine a 2kg rock or something like it, being thrown at you at like... I dunno, I'm not good enough at physics to calculate how fast it would be moving when taking into account loss of propulsion, air resistance or whatever. I assume it would be moving at 300km/h or something. Maybe faster. That's way faster than a car, though with less weight.

    So then, when I talked to my D&D group about this, everyone was totally baffled and we were like... "WTF! This spell is so bugged!" and it became known as the "Mage Hands bug" in my playgroup, and we had to softban the spell in combat, for the sake of not breaking the game.

    ... I'd like to say that this is where the story ends, but there is more.

    Many years later, my brother was talking to a friend of his in university, and he commented about the Mage Hands bug... And the friend was like, "No, it's not like that. It doesn't move 415m. It moves 41.5m."

    And my brother was like... "No, it's 415m. I have the book at home." (my brother was in a different city at the time, so the book wasn't easily available).

    But the friend was really sure of it, so... The friend brought his own book for my brother to see and... Lo and behold, it was listed as 41.5m on the friend's book.

    ... But the correct number is 4.5m. Not 41.5m. In fact, neither 41.5 nor 415 are multiples of 1.5 (5ft/1 square), so this number doesn't even make sense in D&D.

    Buuut it was there anyways. With this, it was enough for us to finally look up the spell in English, and then figure out that the spell wasn't bugged. It was just misstranslated dumbly... On two different print runs of the 3.5 D&D book, with the second one trying to fix it, yet getting it wrong again.

    It was honestly hilarious when we realized all that. And I'm not sure I ever saw something as ridiculous happen with misstranslations, but... I dunno, I'm curious. Anyone has any stories to share about misstranslations affecting gameplay? I wanna hear what other people experienced~
  2. sakyuya

    sakyuya 【Villain】【Very tired and wants to retire】

    Jan 31, 2017
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    Not really affecting gameplay, but having he translated as she or vice versa is plain annoying.
  3. UndyingSLIME10295

    UndyingSLIME10295 [•Figment of your Imagination•]

    Apr 10, 2021
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    Hmmm. Try chinese mtl novels...:meowyaranaika:
    Read this segment of a certain mtl chinese novel I am currently reading.
    Junior accreditation.

    It can be regarded as the initial stage of making friends with an npc.


    "Warrior, your excellent fighting skills and extraordinary courage are very admirable!"

    "It is my luck to know a human being like you."

    After the attitude changed.

    [Lizardman Tiger] stepped forward and said sincerely.

    "Me too."

    Su Yu smiled.

    In fact, lizard people have always been cruel and violent, and they are not a good race that can live from ancient times to the present. But Su Yu happened to be in his favor, which made Tiger's attitude very "docile".

    "Warriors, maybe we should take a break."

    Tago suggested again.


    "No... no need, help me up, I can still masturbate!"

    Su Yu regained his spirit immediately.

    What a joke, such a good opportunity to gain reputation and favor, how can you stop here
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2022
    gangbuntu and sakyuya like this.
  4. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Oh... That feels like MTL... MTL gets the genders wrong all the time...
    sakyuya likes this.