Recommendations Western Books (Fantasy and Adventure with Romantic Subplot)

Discussion in 'I'm Looking For...' started by FlufflyLittleRabbit, Jan 24, 2024.

  1. FlufflyLittleRabbit

    FlufflyLittleRabbit Fluff...Fluffy....FLUFFYYYYY!

    Mar 17, 2018
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    I'd been fond of reading Western novels these past two weeks, especially the sci-fi-romance. I want to add more English novels to my library while still at it. Can anyone recommend me a good English novel?

    • Female Protagonist :meowinlove:
    • Weak to Strong:blobpitch:
    • As I said before, I prefer a type of novel with a combination of Adventure/Sci-fi, and Fantasy with romance. :blobwitch::blobwizard:
    • No love triangle. I hate love triangles and misunderstandings. :blobcat_hyper:
    • Big NO to Amnesia and abusive male lead or abusive FMC. :blobcat_knife:
    • Complete or it has more than 100 chapters.:blob_plusone:
    Thank you very much! :aww:
    Cutter Masterson likes this.
  2. simak

    simak Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2015
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    Oof that removes some of my favorite tropes. I'm more into fantasy than SF, so here are a few YA novels from when I ready more Western Novels.

    The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley
    Jack the Giant Killer by Charles Delint - Avoid the sequeal like the plague or a Marvel phase 4 Marathon.
    Dark Angel by Meredith Anne Pierce - Great as a stand alone. Sequel's are diminishing return.
    The Black Unicorn by Tanith Lee - Another book I greatly enjoyed with a forgettable sequel.
    Howl1s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones - I liked the book about much better than the movie.

    I grew up in the 90s and read these books in the before time before the world wide web.
    FlufflyLittleRabbit likes this.
  3. hypersniper159

    hypersniper159 Creator of NuF’s 7th Enigma

    Jun 30, 2021
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    The Bone Houses by Emily Lloyd-Jones. The best way to describe the book is perfectly average. Nothing too special or extraordinary but not flawed in anyway. The perfect book to read in one sitting.
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  4. Cutter Masterson

    Cutter Masterson Well-Known Super-Soldier

    Oct 24, 2015
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    My suggestions.

    Theirs Not to Reason Why series by Jean Johnson
    Honor Harrington series by David Weber
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  5. FlufflyLittleRabbit

    FlufflyLittleRabbit Fluff...Fluffy....FLUFFYYYYY!

    Mar 17, 2018
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    Howl's Moving Castle is my favorite movie and book! :meowpuffymelt:

    The rest of the books you recommend I will add it to my reading list and check it out. Thank you very much!:blobdoggoheart:

    Yey! Another book! :shiblobmelt:
    Thank you!
    I will try to read it. *add it on my reading list*:aww::meowinlove::blobdoggoheart:

    Thank you! I'll check it out and add it on my reading list. :aww:::bloblove::
    simak likes this.
  6. Addictedtoreading

    Addictedtoreading Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2017
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    I'll name a few of my favourite series (where romance is more main plot)

    Nalini Singh - Guild Hunter series. Most of them can be read standalone. I like the ones with Elena and Raphael as MC and ML best. They are also the main characters of the series
    Nalini Singh - Psy Changeling series. I personally like the later ones starting from the 13th novel best.
    Thea Harrison - Elder Race series. Here my favourite couple would be Pia and Dragos.
    They are a unicorn and a dragon.
    D.B. Reynolds - Vampires in America
    Kresley Cole - Immortals after dark series
    . My favourite novel from the series is Lothaire (a vampire). This could be seen as a novel with a triangle and misunderstandings as MC's body is inhabited by a second soul and ML is confused about which of the two he really loves. ML is kinda crazy. Other books in the series have no triangles in this way as far as I remember and have different kinds of beings as main characters sometimes living in different worlds. (Can be werewolf, demon, valkyrie, phantom, etc)
    Sherrilyn Kenyon - You could try The League series, but this author lets terrible things happen to her main characters, mostly to the male lead. It gets a bit too much for me every sometimes. Is sci-fi with space travel.
    M.K. Eidem - Imperial Series and Tornian series. This is not so much weak to strong, but more sci fi romance. Imperial series is one of the few novels / series I read where earth gets destroyed.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2024
    simak and FlufflyLittleRabbit like this.
  7. FlufflyLittleRabbit

    FlufflyLittleRabbit Fluff...Fluffy....FLUFFYYYYY!

    Mar 17, 2018
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    :aww: I'll add it to my reading list now! Thank you very much.
    As for the vampire stories. It's been a long time since I last read this kind of type of story but I'll try to read it. it sounds interesting to me. Again, thank you!::bloblove::
  8. Anra7777

    Anra7777 All powerful magic grammar hamster queen pirate.

    Apr 13, 2018
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    DWJ wrote a ton of books. Almost of them are gems. Unfortunately, the vast majority are out of print. (There are some I bought when they came out and are out of print now, lol.) But I’d give your local library a look and see what they have.

    Also, anything by Diane Duane. I second the Robin McKinley rec and add everything else by her too. Mercedes Lackey’s oldest stuff was pretty interesting. Although the stuff she was putting out twenty years ago when I stopped reading was not as interesting. Octavia Butler is more on the sci fi end. Of course, everything by Ursula LeGuin. She did both sci-fi and fantasy, all based in the anthropologic understanding she picked up from her parents. I liked C.E. Murphy at one point, but she’s more comfort popcorn food. That’s all I can think of off the top of my head. I’m sure I could think of a million more things if I tried harder…
  9. FlufflyLittleRabbit

    FlufflyLittleRabbit Fluff...Fluffy....FLUFFYYYYY!

    Mar 17, 2018
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    True. It's even hard to find even secondhand books. The books I only managed to purchase were the three series of Howl's Moving Castle by DWJ and there were some books of hers I tried to buy but it got quickly sold out. I have to wait for like more than two weeks or one month for the bookstore to get a restock.

    Most of the books I wanted to buy were Anne the Green Gables and Daddy long-legged (most classic western books that were adapted into anime but unfortunately, I couldn't find them in the bookstore or online).

    Thank you! I'll try to check out the works of the authors you mentioned on GoodReads. Honestly, I rarely read western books. The last time I read except for the work of DWJ was more than seven years ago. Mostly historical romance, werewolf stories, creepypasta fiction, and witch and wizardry stories.
    Anra7777 and simak like this.
  10. simak

    simak Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2015
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    Are you referring to physical paper books?
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  11. Cutter Masterson

    Cutter Masterson Well-Known Super-Soldier

    Oct 24, 2015
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    I’ve never read it, but I have heard many positive reviews of Anne Green Gables.
    I also understand the problem of finding certain books and I weep for the amazing stories that are lost in the sea of terrible grammar and uninspired repeats out there.
    I wish you luck
    FlufflyLittleRabbit likes this.
  12. FlufflyLittleRabbit

    FlufflyLittleRabbit Fluff...Fluffy....FLUFFYYYYY!

    Mar 17, 2018
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    Yes :blobsmilehappyeyes:

    Yes:blobxd:, the story is amazing, and one of my favorite anime when I was young. I want to get my hands on the book if it's possible. :blobsad:
    simak likes this.
  13. Aiszz

    Aiszz New Member

    Jan 25, 2024
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    Western books brimming with fantasy, adventure, and a dash of romance offer an escape into thrilling landscapes and swoon-worthy escapades. Here are three gems to ignite your imagination:

    1. A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas: Feyre, a skilled huntress, bargains with a powerful faerie lord to save her family, venturing into a magical realm brimming with danger and unexpected alliances. As she navigates treacherous courts and battles monstrous creatures, a slow-burn romance unfolds, leaving you breathless.

    2. The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley: Immerse yourself in Arthurian legend through the eyes of Queen Igraine and her daughters, Morgan and Morgause. This intricate historical fantasy explores magic, politics, and Forbidden Love, offering a fresh perspective on familiar characters and blurring the lines between good and evil.

    3. The Princess Bride by William Goldman: Prepare for a whimsical adventure filled with pirates, outlaws, and a feisty princess named Buttercup. This comedic fantasy classic blends wit, sword fights, and a charming, unconventional romance, reminding you that true love can conquer all, even fire swamps and rodents of unusual size.
  14. Anra7777

    Anra7777 All powerful magic grammar hamster queen pirate.

    Apr 13, 2018
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    Really? I have the entire Anne series, her Emily series, and a few of her standalone books. I had no idea they were hard to find at this point. Have you tried the children’s section?

    I dunno if you have Amazon where you are, but I typed in “Anne of Green Gables,” and the first thing that popped up was the boxed set. Also, I really do recommend checking your local library… unless you don’t have one or yours doesn’t have western books…
    FlufflyLittleRabbit and simak like this.
  15. Cutter Masterson

    Cutter Masterson Well-Known Super-Soldier

    Oct 24, 2015
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    I second Princess Bride. I never read the book, but the movie was amazing. And following to form. If a movie/ anime is good. Than the book/ novel must be incredible
    FlufflyLittleRabbit and simak like this.
  16. Anra7777

    Anra7777 All powerful magic grammar hamster queen pirate.

    Apr 13, 2018
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    The Princess Bride is one of those very rare cases where I think the movie is better than the book, but the book is still very good.
    simak likes this.
  17. Heruelen

    Heruelen Active Member

    Oct 30, 2022
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    By the Sword by Mercedes Lackey
  18. simak

    simak Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2015
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    Second that the movie pacing was better as well. The frame story in the book did not do much for me.
    FlufflyLittleRabbit and Anra7777 like this.
  19. Anra7777

    Anra7777 All powerful magic grammar hamster queen pirate.

    Apr 13, 2018
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    I read it as a kid and I think I was maybe half way through the book before I realized that the framing was fictional. :blobjoy: I assumed that it was real and found it boring as heck. It got slightly more entertaining once I realized it was part of the book. Slightly.
    FlufflyLittleRabbit and simak like this.
  20. FlufflyLittleRabbit

    FlufflyLittleRabbit Fluff...Fluffy....FLUFFYYYYY!

    Mar 17, 2018
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    It's not available in the bookstore and as for the local library, I am not sure and it's no use because It is very far from my place. Also, I don't have a sense of direction I feared I'd probably wander around for more than two hours to get there haha. By the way, it was more than two years ago when I tried to look for that book and I gave up since it was not available in the bookstore or any online shop platform I knew before. Not sure now.

    As for Amazon, there is actually but I don't have an account or have the courage to order something from overseas.

    Seeing that there are a lot of positive reactions from our fellow nuffians on The Princess Bride. I'll check it out and the rest of the books you mentioned. Thank you very much!:blobdoggoheart::meowinlove:

    Thank you! I will also check this novel you recommend to me. ::bloblove:::shiblobmelt:
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2024