Discussion What do you think of bromance novels?

Discussion in 'Novel General' started by Nancy Drew, Apr 30, 2023.

  1. Nancy Drew

    Nancy Drew Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2021
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    Do you like bromance novels?

    What do you like in bromance novels?

    What do you dislike in bromance novels?

    What genres of bromance novels do you prefer: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Gender Bender, Historical, Horror, Martial Arts, Mystery, Psychological, School Life, Sci-fi, Slice of Life, Sports, Supernatural, Tragedy, Wuxia, Xianxia, Xuanhuan or something else?

    Which bromance writers do you prefer: Asian or non-Asian?

    What type of bromance novels do you prefer: fanfics or original sources?

    What male characters do you prefer in bromance novels: masculine men (brave, tough, etc.) or feminine men (sweet, caring, etc.)?

    Which female characters do you prefer in bromance novels: masculine women (brave, tough, etc.) or feminine women (sweet, caring, etc.)?

    What kind of relationship between characters do you prefer in bromance novels: family relationships (father and son, older brother and younger brother, master and pet, original and clone, etc.), friendly relationships (friend and friend, senpai and kōhai, leader and group, etc.) or business relationships (colleague and colleague, teacher and student, master and servant, boss and subordinate, buyer and seller, god and priest, etc.)?

    Do you like bromance novels that have a love storyline (straight, gay or bisexual) or bromance novels that don't have any love storyline?

    Do you like bromance novels that have toxic relationships between characters (blackmail, manipulation, betrayal, jealousy, abuse, etc.)?

    What bromance novel do you like the most?

    What bromance novel do you dislike the most?

    Would you like to be an author of a bromance novel?

    Would you like to be a character in a bromance novel?
  2. otaku31

    otaku31 Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2015
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    Icky. Why portray all male friendships in a way that subtly promotes fetishization? I'd rather see more of healthy male friendships, not dishonest representations inviting the female gaze.

    And since you brought up homeroticism, I feel the need to explain what I think is a fine line between homoeroticism and what constitutes bromance in webnovels we see here. The relationship between Ishmael and Queequeg in Moby Dick had clearly homoerotic undertones, but it was healthy and respectful, and balanced by relationships with other men on board. In Korean bromance novels, every male friend of the protagonist seems set up as a target for shipping, not to mention the often weird obsessions they (the so called friends) have with the MC...
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2023
    bethatcat and Sabruness like this.
  3. Icehall

    Icehall Active Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    As a male, bromance novels are somewhat disgusting to me. Bromance serves to only satisfy certain people's fetish, like women who enjoyed Yaoi novels AFAIK. In other words, bromance work for woman readers
    otaku31 likes this.
  4. Sabruness

    Sabruness Cultured Yuri Connoisseur

    Apr 5, 2016
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    depends on what you mean by bromance. proper, above-board bromances (ie really close friendships) with no undertones of fujo-bait or homo-eroticism can be very fun to read as part of (but not the focus of) a novel.
    "bromances" that are just homoerotic fujobait? lol, no.
  5. Novel Monster

    Novel Monster Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2021
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    1. Yes, I do like them.:blob_coffee:
    2. When they are getting into each other, that is Yaoi no matter how you look at it. That is no longer bromance, but boy romance. :blobconfused:
    3. Action, Comedy, Adventure, School Life, Slice of Life, Sport, Sci-fi, Xianxia/Wuxia (in that order) :blobcozy:
    4. Asian. The shameless humor is just gold.:aww:
    5. Most fanfics are Yaoi rather than bromances, so original sources
    6. That is irrelevant, what matters most is their pairing. :blobmelt:
      E.g. [​IMG], [​IMG] , [​IMG] , etc.
    7. I'd have to priorities caring, sweet, tough women. But it depends on the dynamic of the bromance duo what kind of woman could mix in well with them.
    8. Friend bromance, business bromance.
    9. The thing is that most good bromances could be found in romance novels. Even if they are just side-characters, if they are done well, their every interaction would be just as good or better than the main couple's. But they also give the main characters more depth, and lets us know that they are real people who don't only think about romance but also have other things to do.
    10. Bromance is there to heal my heart, thanks but no.
    11. Where they have a goal and not just there to waste the air around each other.
    12. Who knows. If I can come up with a good story and have a good pair in mind, maybe.
    13. No. Then I wouldn't be able to read the itsy bitsy scenes between the characters. The thing about novels is that you know what they are thinking at that moment. Reality is not that simple and people are sometimes not what you think they show themselves to be.
    Nancy Drew likes this.
  6. bethatcat

    bethatcat Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2022
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    Are you planning to write a novel? Is that why you are taking like, an audience survey?
    Why not just write what you like, then let an audience find you? Trying to pander to a mass audience will make you hate your work and yourself lol. And there's not even any guarantee that this method will get you popularity
  7. Nancy Drew

    Nancy Drew Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2021
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    In another thread, there is a discussion about whether the "Bromance" tag should be added to the list of tags on NovelUpdates. https://forum.novelupdates.com/threads/bromance-or-queerbait-tag.157033/ I'm wondering if bromance is important enough to readers for a new tag to be added to this website?
  8. akki

    akki [Ani's C☕ffee-mate #3] [Shady Merchant]

    Jan 9, 2016
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    If it’s strictly about brotherly love then it’s cool. Anything beyond that is a no from me~
  9. Dwarkin

    Dwarkin Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2016
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    I wonder if you ever had a best friend. Bromance (about straight men) is normal, it's just the eyes of some people have a distorted view so it seems gay to them. Novels aside, have you watched movies like Top Gun, Lethal Weapon, Tango and Cash, Harley Davidson and the Marlboro man?
  10. Icehall

    Icehall Active Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Just my personal opinion. Never watched those movies btw
    anotherAniket likes this.
  11. Alexcia

    Alexcia Belle of Banter

    Jul 26, 2021
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    i like them, it would be great if they could advance to be something more intimate emotionally and physically with no sisters involved