Discussion What is one of your funniest memories?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Arureading, Apr 16, 2023.

  1. Arureading

    Arureading still thinking

    May 23, 2022
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    One of my most recent was about a nickname change in a gc.

    It was during a class discussion, my teacher was in the middle of asking us a question. I couldn't focus so I turned my phone on and I nicknamed myself "Tasteless Isda" in a gc (it was a random act). My seatmate, who was also in the gc, saw it. She laughed while asking me what's up with my name. :blobsmilehappyeyes: Her laugh was audible enough for the whole class to hear it. BC LIKE, THE ATMOSPHERE WAS QUIET CAUSE THE TEACHER WAS WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO VOLUNTEER so imagine if someone started laughing loudly ah. The whole class turned to her as well as my teacher. Fortunately, my teacher only looked at us amusingly and didn't scold us. Though she did ask us why we were so happy XD

    P.S. it's known in my class that I always name myself "isda" or "fish" so i kinda get why she laughed but at the same time i don't know how my nickname made her laugh that much :confusedcatblob::confusedcatblob::blobrofl:
    Nia2760, seemanta, trashybin and 4 others like this.
  2. Bad Storm

    Bad Storm looking for love in a stranger's bed

    Jun 8, 2017
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    I spot a Filipino lol.

    So not exactly funny, but my class got cursed.
    There was this teacher, she had a special project for those people about to fail. And her project was a printer. Those who will fail would contribute a certain amount and that will make up for their grades so they could pass. But then one of my classmates who had to do that project told on her mom. Then mom went directly to the pricipal so the teacher got scolded!

    I was sick that day but I was told that the teacher went to our class and vented. Crying too. She said things like, "I'm cursing you all!"
    Arureading and Ash_Kira like this.
  3. Shaiole

    Shaiole Mad scientist

    Jul 14, 2016
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    One time during a physical exam with a doctor
    Doc: Do you have heart problems?
    Me: nope
    Doc: Do you have eye problems?
    Me: nope
    *And so on until*
    Doc: Do you have hearing problems?
    Me: what?
    Then we both look at each other for 1 second and she repeated again. To which i answered no.
    seemanta, trashybin and Arureading like this.
  4. Resplendor

    Resplendor High Lord of Souls

    Mar 26, 2018
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    So my bestie and I have known each other since we were 12 in middle school, but she was in the gifted program and we quickly got separated as she started going to an accelerated school. We:d basically only known each other for that one year. We met again in High school though and here's how. There's a big courtyard, the quad, in the middle of the school with a path to get from one side to the other. We saw each other from opposite side of the quad. Immediately recognized each other despite not seeing one another for 3 years. Then immedialy both of us start deliberately slow motion "running" towards each other in the most dramatic way possible calling each other's name. Met in the middle in a huge hug and slowly started spinning. Giggling uproarously.
    Which we then continued to do daily for awhile. Until after one rainy day we started the run and but bestie slipped in a puddle and landed square on her side. When she got up, not harmed, one half was black with mud right down the middle. Once I knew she was fine, we laughed and laughed and laughed while helping her to the infirmary so she could call her ma for some new clothes. We stopped doing the quad run after that though.
    Fast forward to college. She had graduated highschool two years early so once again we had been separated. But I ended up going to community college after a year off to grieve a loved one, but when I got there, low and behold, who was that across the cafeteria? My bestie who had puttered in CC for 3 years because her scholarships let her. So you know what we did? That's right, the quad run. XD
    We haven't had a break in communication since and we're in our mid 30's now.
    seemanta, Orris and sweed like this.
  5. Eat_Angst

    Eat_Angst |System T219| [Wandering the Three Realms]

    Jun 1, 2021
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    My most funny memoryyyyyy?

    I pretended to cry and be in pain. Everyone believed me. When I got back to class to be escorted home, I saw that everyone was on the floor doing homework. (Being punished) I had no idea about the HW checking and only pretended to be sick to leave school because all the classes were going on without being taught anything.
    Everyone except me was in on pretending to have no copies or books to skip school.

    I found it a waste so I did that but who knew hahahaha everyone but me was punished!
    seemanta and Arureading like this.
  6. Kelsealoufromkalamazoo

    Kelsealoufromkalamazoo [The Luckiest Sunfish]

    Apr 24, 2022
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    I almost got locked overnight in an antique store… cause I thought the lights just went out and not that they were closing
  7. Orris

    Orris 『 最 強 ⑨ ~ 』

    Jul 24, 2022
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    ...enn this sounds more scary than funny tbh :sweating_profusely::sweating_profusely:

    how long did you get locked inside?
    Arureading likes this.
  8. Kelsealoufromkalamazoo

    Kelsealoufromkalamazoo [The Luckiest Sunfish]

    Apr 24, 2022
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    Luckily I didn’t. My grandmother saw that they were about to lock up when she was outside and said that she thought I was in there. I heard a noise through my earbuds and went to take a look, and 4 people were staring at me from the other side of the door… I was so embarrassed
    seemanta and Arureading like this.
  9. Arureading

    Arureading still thinking

    May 23, 2022
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    :blob_patpat::blob_patpat:Your grandma is secretly ur guardian angelblobmelt_thumbs:meowpuffyblush:
  10. trashybin

    trashybin [currently a chickling] [404 Error]

    Apr 21, 2023
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    My friends and I were commuting on a public transportation when it abruptly stopped... the funny thing is that we all fly at the aisle lmao.

    There's also a pregnant woman beside my friend, luckily, we didn't hurt or touch her tummy :sweating_profusely:
    Arureading likes this.
  11. seemanta

    seemanta ţɦɛ ʏօʊռɢɛsţ ɮʀѧţ ɨռ ţɦɛ ɦօʊsɛ

    Jul 9, 2020
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    When I was 13/14, I enrolled in a martial arts class cuz why not? Only stayed for a year or two cause all the friends I made there quit for various reasons and it was not fun anymore.
    A boy who lived downstairs our complex also used to go there. He was a menace. A stupid pathetic menace. Nobody liked him cause he always tried to act like a bigshot.
    Anyways, we were doing streching one day and our teacher divided us into boys and girls. Suddenly we heard a very loud and funny farting sound from the boys place. Everybody stopped whatever they were doing. Our teacher went over too look into what happened. When she came back, we asked her what happened and she told us, very cutely and politely while trying not to laugh out loud, "[name] couldn't help but fart during streching". It got lost in translation but her wording was so polite that we all burst out laughing. It was a funny day.
    Arureading likes this.