What type of fujodanshi are you?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by eryafii, Feb 9, 2021.

  1. eryafii

    eryafii Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2017
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    I read this and felt that I am a 'Shipping Lord'. How about you guys?

    If you feel like the categories don'tsuit you, feel free to make your own category and give it a description.
  2. eryafii

    eryafii Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2017
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    The 10 Types of Fujoshis

    1. The closet freak
    This is the fujoshi that only reads yaoi in the closet. She utterly refuses to read yaoi unless she is scrunched up in the corner of her dusky wardrobe with an mm 36 alkaline mini flashlight to safely ensure that she takes her fujoshi status to the grave.

    She is the fujoshi that looks and acts perfectly innocent in public, but is actually a huge pervert behind closed doors, if not the biggest pervert. Her guardians usually refer to her as "angel-chan" for she typically harbors a golden halo on her head. Her type is often the most deadliest. They are the ones who are never suspected. She frequently takes advantage of her sweet charms and virtue by persuading her parents to buy her yaoi manga which she claims are "coloring books". Her unsuspecting parents, never losing faith in their precious muffin hardly hesistate even so slightly to fulfill her every wishes while so ardently boasting to the neighbors about their ever so pure offspring.​


    2. The shipping lord

    These fujoshis will stop at nothing and often more than not have a tendency to ship anything with a dick. Anime characters, manga characters, boy bands, movie stars, classmates, they know no limits. Often times, their ships will hardly make any sense at all, even so, they are ardently willing to engage in fists fights possibly to the death for the protection of their otp.


    3. The secretly-wish-i-was-a-guy-so-i-could-be-homosexual fujoshi

    These fujoshis secretly want it from the back and often times daydream about their own boy love adventures. Due to their anatomy not being in total sync with their preferences, they tend to vent off their frustrations by reading gay porn and fantasizing about men humping each other.

    *Raises hand* Ahaha w-what! N-No! *speedily pushes hand down* (how dare you betray your master!) ehehe I-I kid. I kid.

    Fujoshi 1: *sighs* "I wish I was a guy so I could be an uke"
    Fujoshi 2: "Ikr, guys get all the fun"

    **A fujoshi's imagination. Stop lying to yourself. You there, yes YOU. Hehe, pretending not to see me eh? You know you secretly want to swap places with that uke ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° you want what he's having, don't you~don't you? You dirty girl.

    4. The neko-obsessee

    M-must I even go in detail? These obsessees want neko everything.

    Neko uke, neko seme, neko Sebastian, neko Haru -- N-neko Haru??! I-I think I just caught a nosebleed! H-Haru chan, k-kawai desu!

    5. The open fujoshi

    This fujoshi is the one that proudly lets the world know what a rotten girl she is. She reads her yaoi in public like a boss with the least bit of shame and openly discloses her filthy collections. Atta girl~ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° make momma proud. She isn't the least bit concerned about being found out, hell! She has even taken the liberty of tattoing "I am a fujoshi" on her forehead.

    6. The my-husbando-has-a-husband fujoshi
    These fujoshis are hardly ever concerned about their love life for they have declared their type to be strictly 2D. They often have multiple imaginary husbands which know very little of their existence for the logistical fact that they are simply ink on paper. These fujoshis typically have one of their husbands as her home screen while her husband's lover is on her lock screen. She typically feels extreme pride in this arrangement.

    7. The i-lowkey-read-yaoi-in-public-tf-you-gonna-do-about-it fujoshi

    These types are typically rebellious by nature. This is the fujoshi that deliberately walks over to her professor's side as she nonchalantly swivels the page to the most graphic homosexual scene while making direct eye contact as in to say "what?"

    She is often given the nickname daredevil. Though often not, the reason is usually because she has a death wish.

    8. The shut in

    This fujoshi could also be classified as a tsundere or introvert. She adamantly chooses to disassociate herself from humanity and typically lives a lone wolf lifestyle in the forest. She never carelessly showcase her boy love themed collection publicly, but most likely has a wallpaper of Sekaichii Hatsukoi as her phone background or a keychain on the side of her bag. She enjoys her Dramatical murder games alone at home without interruption and rarely goes out with friends or family outside of the house. Often more than not, she is allergic to sunlight and has a vague suspicion of being a vampire.

    9. The yandere
    Best be aware of this type of fujoshi, she will not hesitate to cut a female dog who dares come between her ships. She has been granted the nick name the devil's apprentice and proudly wears it like a charm. She typically possesses a serious height complex, though, somehow is usually a professional in disposing bodies and exists merely to protect her ships. Those who have uttered negative whispers around her have claimed to meet their maker; Those who have challenged her haven't lived to tell the story.

    10. The underaged fujoshi
    These fujoshis are presumingly half of the populace on yaoi worshipers. They have regrettably lost their innocence in the horrors of bocu no pico and have since then been unable to participate in childhood related activities such as collecting worms to befriend or avidly making mud pies in the backyard. These fujoshis are precious smols that need protection from this abomination. They are usually the most unfortunate for they are simply victims to boku no sexual harassment...and as a matter of fact, the whole trilogy of bocu no pico. They are desperately to be pittied for. We must come together and shield their eyes from this madness.
  3. Illisaide

    Illisaide ╰(✧∇✧╰) Venti!~

    Feb 8, 2017
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    I’m a mix. 2/3 closet freak and 1/3 shut in
    eryafii likes this.
  4. oblueknighto

    oblueknighto Blue Person

    Oct 20, 2015
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    I only read yaoi if it's at least 9/10. Any stories that good is worth reading, no matter the genre.
  5. dailily

    dailily Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2020
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  6. Starmiya

    Starmiya [Modern Vampire][In Hiding]

    Aug 29, 2018
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    I'm the shut-in but I'm pretty open about being a fujoshi and sharing knowledge.:sushi_cool:
    eryafii likes this.
  7. MisterBubbles

    MisterBubbles [The Omnipotent No. 2 at Everything]

    Jan 9, 2021
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    The i-lowkey-read-yaoi-in-public-tf-you-gonna-do-about-it fujoshi :cookie:

    Ngl, while it wasn't a BL, there was a time I was in an organization meeting and reading a smutty webcomic on my laptop because I didn't give a shit and my little underclassman saw it.

    I was complimented on my "balls" as I was the student co-leading the meeting with the staff sponsor while I was doing this (lol).

    However, I usually read BL when I am bored in lecture and I don't care if the professor sees me reading about the papapa :blobowoevil_horns:
    IamSoBored123, orematcha and eryafii like this.
  8. orematcha

    orematcha Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2018
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    I'm a half-open fujoshi and the lowkey-read-yaoi-in-public-tf-you-gonna-do-about-it fujoshi. Most of my friends and family know that I'm a fujoshi... But I would mind myself about what to read when I use public transportation, cause you can't carelessly letting people saw that spicy action, right? :ROFLMAO:
    Also, I do love to ship 2D bois, but I don't do that with irl guys.
  9. Deleted member 41274

    Deleted member 41274 Guest

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  10. Kadmos1

    Kadmos1 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    I an neither a fujoshi, fudanshi, or the yuri shipper equivalent outside of the idea that if a couple is established as LGBT, keep them that way.
  11. NUF Love Bot

    NUF Love Bot ❤️ NUF's Loveliest Bot ❤️ NUF's Friendliest Bot ❤️

    Jun 5, 2019
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  12. MidstNost

    MidstNost 【 Reigen's Saltshaker 】【 Lingtian Raider 】

    Apr 2, 2019
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    I am a 7 lol. I'm curious about the 3rd type though, why not just imagine yourself as the girl in a BG novel? I'm so confused hahaha
  13. Shizukani

    Shizukani Chronically stressed

    Dec 8, 2016
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    To uphold my clean innocent image, I shall keep silent about my true classification. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
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  14. Yunano34a1

    Yunano34a1 Member

    Feb 27, 2021
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    Is it still a closet freak if you share it online?
  15. suudere

    suudere Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2020
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    Between Open Fujoshi and The Fujoshi who reads in public but sort of private and turns away so people don’t see my phone.

    I have no problems saying Yaoi is Life to my friends or partner, they all know I enjoy reading Yaoi it’s no big deal.

    However, if I read I would try not to show the phone because it’s kinda embarrassing to actually show them what type of stuff I actually read
  16. Mikhail-san

    Mikhail-san 『 Mika 』『 Mikshroom 』『 Your cute daughtah 』

    Feb 16, 2021
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    I'm pretty much a shut in :blobsmilehappyeyes::blobsmilehappyeyes:
  17. Yakinori

    Yakinori Human

    May 15, 2020
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    I lean on more of a shut in fujoshi if you don't count sharing some online.