Question What's happening with Infinite Bloodcore?

Discussion in 'Novel Discussion' started by sheeya, Feb 5, 2024.

  1. sheeya

    sheeya Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2021
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    The chapters have all disappeared from the BloodcoreTL website. And the translator hasn't translated anything for a really long time, so I'm wondering why there's nobody else picking it up?
  2. Excelezreal

    Excelezreal Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    They stopped translating because they heard the author was going to edit book 2 or one (can't remember), ffw like 1000 chapters by the author and it's obvious they don't want to try to catch up anymore, not sure if the author ever started his editing of the initial books but I am sure that the TL website just never attempted to update the TL for any of the later books (despite the fact that he was only going to edit the initial ones.)

    now ffw to today and even the author is saying they don't want to/might not be able to try anymore as they're broke and aging, they need to prioritise family etc.

    Overall, the TL is unlikely to ever get picked up, atleast not by the the guys who started it. The story has also not had the success the author wanted, they experimented alot, sometimes well, sometimes badly, and I believe this has also significantly impacted the demand for a translation. Couple that with the novels extremely slow start, and we can begin to understand why this novel will never get a TL.

    No one is gonna complain or throw their dolly out, afterall unpaid TL's are a thankless job, so it just is what it is, hopefully one day Ai improves to such a degree where we can easily translate wuxia/xianxia/fantasy novels with precision, but until then, we will make do.

    Not sure why they deleted the chapters, maybe they will be deleting the website soon due to lack of funds etc
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2024
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  3. FIEND

    FIEND i eat crayons

    May 17, 2020
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    wait are u telling me the author has stopped writing all together. wtf man. what happened to end of reverend insanity
  4. Excelezreal

    Excelezreal Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    Uncertain if infinite will end atm, but it seems so.

    Reverend insanity was forced to cancel/finish as the author lives in china and the government censored his work.

    I believe the censorship happened because of the initial scene at the start where the girl is eaten(& raped I think, i can't remember) by a bear